Balanced Composition, Camouflaged Collage Fragments

Value Technique Drawing
Using 3-5 collage fragments, create a drawing that incorporates the fragments and at least 3 of the value techniques we learned in class.
5=Exceptional; Perfect
4=Good to Great
3= Fair to Average
2= Poor; Unsatisfactory
0-1: Unacceptable
Balanced Composition, Camouflaged Collage Fragments
The composition is balanced and
unified: the visual weight is spread
harmoniously across the page, and
the collage fragments and drawn
elements work perfectly together.
The fragments and drawn
elements look good together, and
it is hard to distinguish between
the two. Some areas may seem a
little bare or too busy (visually
heavy or light).
The drawing is somewhat
balanced, but some parts are
distracting. Distractions could be
due to a noticeable collage
fragment border or an area that
sticks out in a bad way.
The drawing is not put together in
a harmonious way—collage
fragments and drawn elements do
not mesh well together, and it
appears to be separate parts of a
drawing instead of a whole one.
The composition is unbalanced
and distracting; several areas
seem separate or ignored, and the
collage fragments and drawn
elements do not match up.
Pen and Ink Techniques
Cross-hatching, Hatching, Contour Hatching, Stippling, Scumbling
Three or more pen and ink
techniques were used to create
value and visual texture.
Techniques are applied seamlessly
and melt into the techniques
present in the collage fragments.
Three or more pen and ink
techniques were used to create
value and visual texture.
Techniques are applied well, but
some areas look a bit
More than one pen and ink
technique is used to create value
and visual texture. Techniques are
applied in an arbitrary fashion and
appear to be filled in or overused.
At least one pen and ink technique
is used to show different values in
the drawing. The technique(s) are
applied too quickly and are
overused to fill in large spaces in
an unspecific way.
The drawing is completed without
using any pen and ink techniques.
Shapes are outlined and/or value
is colored in solid black.
Content Design
The subject matter of the drawing
shows the artist’s personal style
and original thoughts. All
elements drawn are added
intentionally and contribute to the
quality and unity of the drawing.
3-5 collage fragments are used.
The way the artist chose to fill the
negative space left by the collage
fragments works well to tie
everything together. The
elements drawn may be slightly
random or arbitrary. 3-5 collage
fragments are used.
The drawing is an original creation
and incorporates all of the
fragments, but creativity is lacking
in the subject matter. Elements
may be heavily reliant on the
collage fragments or completely
random or unoriginal.
The subject matter of the design is
not original but fills the space in a
way that connects to the collage
fragments in some way. Many
decisions were random and not
The subject matter of the drawing
is completely copied from the
collage fragments and does not tie
the fragments together at all. It
seems to be a collage of random
The drawing is flawless. No pencil
is visible, and all black ink marks
are careful and intentional. The
edges are crisp, and no flaws are
visible. The drawing is signed.
The drawing looks finished with
very minimal flaws (a scuff,
scratch, smudge, overlooked
pencil mark, crushed corner,
forgotten signature).
The drawing is somewhat neat,
but errors and messy spots are not
hard to find. More careful
attention should have been paid
to keeping the paper nice and
finishing the drawing.
The drawing looks messy and/or
unfinished. The quality of this
drawing suffers due to being
rushed or neglecting to fix any
The drawing is a total mess and/or
unfinished. It is nothing close to
what a final piece looks like, and is
sloppy and incomplete.