Distr.: General
15 April 2015
Original: French
Joint Meeting of Experts on the Regulations annexed to the
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN)
(ADN Safety Committee)
Twenty-seventh session
Geneva, 24–28 August 2015
Item 4 (b) of the provisional agenda
Proposals for amendments to the Regulations annexed to ADN: Other proposals
Executive summary :
Action to be taken :
Related documents :
In accordance with and 9.3.X.40.2.7 of ADN, pressurized tanks, fittings and piping in the fire-extinguishing systems of vessels carrying dangerous goods must conform to the requirements of the competent authority. However, these systems are normally built in conformity with the rules of a recognized classification society.
Amend and 9.3.X.40.2.7 so that pressurized tanks, fittings and piping in fire-extinguishing systems can also be built by a recognized classification society.
1 Distributed in German by the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine under the symbol
GE.15-07867 (E) 120515 270515
1. In accordance with the regulations for vessels carrying dangerous goods, such vessels must be provided with a fire-extinguishing system in the engine room. Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping for extinguishing agents form part of this system. Pursuant to and 9.3.X.40.2.7 of ADN, these components must conform to the requirements of the competent authority.
2. However, these systems are normally built in conformity with the rules of a recognized classification society, rather than the requirements of the competent authority.
The German delegation considers that this is an important issue and should be provided for as such in the regulations so as to provide legal certainty to the current practice.
3. Amend (a) (new text is underlined):
“(a) Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall conform to the requirements of the competent authority or a recognized classification society.”
4. Amend (a) (new text is underlined):
“(a) Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall conform to the requirements of the competent authority or a recognized classification society.”
5. Amend (a) (new text is underlined):
“(a) Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall conform to the requirements of the competent authority or a recognized classification society.”
6. Amend (a) (new text is underlined):
“(a) Pressurized tanks, fittings and piping shall conform to the requirements of the competent authority or a recognized classification society.”
7. According to the information at the disposal of the German delegation, pressurized systems built specifically for use on inland water vessels are not subject to the requirements usually applicable to pressurized systems, such as Directive 97/23/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States concerning pressure equipment. Given that it cannot be ruled out that new requirements will be established in future, the alternative option of conforming to the requirements of the competent authority should be maintained.
8. See similar provisions, and of ADN.
9. Transport safety is maintained to the current standard. To date, there have been no known incidents or gaps linked to the rules of classification societies.
2 GE.15-07867
10. No action necessary. The new requirement has no cost implications.
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