SATURDAY TEACHER POSITION: K-5 Program University of Virginia Saturday Enrichment Program 2016 Application Due: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 In conjunction with the Curry School of Education Gifted Education Department, the Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP) is seeking instructors to fill Saturday teaching positions. This position involves teaching five consecutive Saturdays beginning January 23, 2016 and ending February 20, 2016 (save one additional Saturday—February 27—in case of a snow day). Each Saturday, instructors will teach two sessions of the same class: 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. In addition, teachers will have the responsibility of planning a curriculum. Salary is $900. Specific job requirements of Saturday teachers include the following: 1. Most importantly, have a passion for connecting with young learners and sharing your expertise with them through a variety of instructional approaches. 2. New SEP teachers must attend one curriculum development workshop in the fall semester— either Tuesday, October 13, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. or Friday, October 16, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 3. All SEP staff must attend orientation session on Wednesday, January 20 at 5:00 p.m. to cover logistics and safety issues. 4. Develop a curriculum which is appropriately designed to challenge various levels of gifted learners at the elementary level. Submit plans for five-day (10-hour) unit. 5. Develop a parent letter and student report related to your course. 6. Consult with the Director and/or Academic Coordinator regarding curricular questions on an as-needed basis. 7. Work effectively with your assigned teaching assistant. Include him or her in facilitating small groups, organizing resources, writing student reports, etc. 8. Teach classes for five weeks (January 23, January 30, February 6, 13, and 20, with February 27 as a snow date). Teachers are to report to their classrooms no later than 8:30 a.m. each day (no later than 8:00 a.m. on January 24). Classes are from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. –1:30 p.m. The same curriculum is taught at 9:00 a.m. and at 11:30 a.m. but to a different group of students. You must be available to work all Saturdays between January 23 and February 27 in order to be hired. 9. Be willing to grow your own teaching practice. On-going feedback based on your teaching goals will be provided. Dates to remember: Teacher applications are due by Wednesday, September 16. Teacher interviews will by ongoing beginning September 21. Course descriptions are due by Wednesday, September 30. Curriculum Development Workshops will be Tuesday, October 13, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. and Friday, October 16, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. New SEP teachers must attend one of these workshops. Parent letters due by Tuesday, December 1. This letter introduces you and describes your course. Supply boxes packed and list of any additional supplies needed submitted by Friday, December 4. Staff orientation will be on Wednesday, January 20, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m., to cover logistics and safety issues. This orientation is mandatory for all SEP staff. Begin teaching on Saturday, January 23, 2016, arriving by 8:00 a.m. on the first day. The University of Virginia does not discriminate by age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, or gender in education and employment. SATURDAY TEACHER POSITION: K-5 Program UNIVERSITY of VIRGINIA Saturday Enrichment Program 2016 Personal Information Name: Date of Birth: Last 4 digits of Social Security Number (for verification purposes only): Telephone number you wish to be contacted at: Preferred e-mail address: If you are a UVA student, do you have your advisor’s permission to work in the SEP Saturday Program? Please give a description of your educational background. For example, are you currently a UVA student? What are you studying? If you are a Curry student, will your student teaching be completed by the start of the Spring 2016 semester? If you have graduated, what did you study? What are you doing now? SATURDAY TEACHER POSITION: K-5 Program Course Proposal Helpful Hints for Course Proposals SEP seeks classes that are not found in the “regular” education coursework. If you wish to teach a more traditional topic (culture classes, astronomy, etc.), find a twist or a new lens for engaging learners with this topic! Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics classes are always in high demand. Could you integrate any of these areas into your course at some point? SEP values active and authentic learning. Our curriculum focuses less on “content coverage” and more on depth and complexity. We aim to engage these learners with key ideas and principles from various disciplines and fields. NOTE: This is only a proposal. We just want to find out about your initial ideas—full curriculum development will come later. Proposed course subject area: (i.e. Math, Chemistry, etc.) _______________________________________ Preferred grade level (Circle One): K/1 Are you willing to be flexible with grade level? 2/3 YES 4/5 or NO Course Learning Goal: What is the big idea of your class? Or, in 2-3 sentences, what would you want students to remember about your class (content-wise) in 5 years from now? SATURDAY TEACHER POSITION: K-5 Program Primary Learning Experiences: Please describe some of your ideas regarding the primary learning experiences you plan to engage kids in during the class (projects, labs, explorations, etc.)? How are these authentic to your field or discipline? Thoughts on Gifted Students: How does this course provide enrichment (i.e. extending beyond traditional curriculum) for gifted/high-ability students at the elementary school level? SATURDAY TEACHER POSITION: K-5 Program Course Description: Please write a short (150 words or less) description of this course that could be used for our brochure. See sample below. SAMPLE Include an eye-catching title Describe the big ideas and primary learning experiences students will engage in. Think of the description as an advertisement to children enrolling in your course (ask questions in your description, pique interest) Ecoville Welcome to Ecoville! Get ready to embark on a journey into the environment. For the duration of this course, you will work as environmental chemists in the pursuit of understanding key environmental problems, their root causes, controversy over their seriousness, and long-term sustainability. Specifically, we will focus on water resources, pollution, and the connection to human activity. Our learning experiences on this journey include a critical examination of current research, inquiry-based experiments, and work in the field. Active participation, both indoors and outdoors, drives our learning. The end of our journey leads us to – Ecoville - where you will use your knowledge and problem-solving skills in the hands-on construction of a sustainable community! Title (50 character limit): Description: About You: 1) What inspires you to teach this course? 2) What professional goals do you hope to fulfill through this teaching experience? Please send the completed application no later than Wednesday, September 9, 2015 to: Email: Mail: Saturday Enrichment Program PO Box 400264 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4264 Drop Off: Lambeth House, corner of Thompson Road and Emmet Streets Thank you for your interest in our program!