DRAFT TEMPLATE AGENDA FOR FINAL EXAM BOARDS FROM: [Name], Exam Board Chair Apologies for absence may be emailed to the Secretary, [firstname.lastname@lshtm.ac.uk] BOARD OF EXAMINERS: MSc [Course name] AGENDA Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: [Day, date/month/year] at [time] [Room number], [Building] 1. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence 2. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING To note the Minutes of the previous meeting (approved by the Chair and circulated), and any matters arising which remain pertinent. PAPER A 3. REPORT ON CHAIR’S ACTION SINCE THE LAST MEETING To note any grades or awards confirmed by Chair’s Action since the last meeting. PAPER B 4. REVIEW AND CONFIRMATION OF GRADES To review and confirm all grades relevant to making final awards to candidates, based on a provisional grades list (‘Exam Board spreadsheet’) tabled by the Secretary. TABLED PAPER The Board should note: a) Module grades previously confirmed through moderation b) Previous review (moderation) of sample exams, projects and other assessed work by the External Examiner(s) c) Any relevant data on grade distributions 5. CONFIRMATION OF DEGREE AWARDS (under the credit scheme) To confirm final degree awards to candidates, based on a progress and provisional outcomes list (the same ‘Exam Board spreadsheet’ as above) tabled by the Secretary. TABLED PAPER The Board should note, discuss and agree, as applicable: a) Degree passes b) Distinction classifications c) Borderline distinctions d) Prize winners Decisions must be made in line with the prescribed Award Scheme, as set out in the Exam Board handbook. The Secretary will bring copies for the Chair, Deputy Chair and External Examiner(s); other members of the Board should bring their own copy. 6. STUDENT PROGRESSION To discuss the progression status of any candidates who have not yet qualified for the award they are registered for, based on a progress and provisional outcomes list (the same ‘Exam Board spreadsheet’ as above) tabled by the Secretary. TABLED PAPER The Board should note, discuss and agree, as applicable: a) Re-sit requirements b) De-registration of candidates no longer eligible for the degree c) Status of other continuing students, e.g. part-timers Decisions should be made in line with the prescribed Award Scheme. The Board may make provisional recommendations for candidates who are due to have last remaining grades confirmed ahead of the next Board meeting (e.g. if a project extension has been granted), for grades and degree awards to be confirmed later by Chair’s action. 7. EXTERNAL EXAMINER REPORTS AND STAFF RESPONSES To review External Examiners report(s) from the previous year. PAPER C To review the Chair of Board's report and action plan from the previous year. PAPER D Where relevant to the business of the Board, the Course Director's report and action plan from the previous year may also be reviewed. 8. CONSIDERATION OF THE AWARD SCHEME FOR NEXT YEAR To discuss and recommend any changes to the Award Scheme for future years, e.g. compulsory modules to be counted in the GPA. 9. BOARD MEMBERSHIP FOR NEXT YEAR To discuss and recommend the following year’s Board membership, including the role of Chair. 10. MEETING DATES FOR NEXT YEAR To set a date for the next year’s final Board meeting (members should bring their diaries). 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business of which the Chair has been given notice at the beginning of the meeting [Initials of Secretary/Chair] [Date of preparation of agenda]