LOWER DAUPHIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Language Arts Curriculum Maps – Grade 1 Topic: Foundational Skills Key Learning: Words have meaningful parts that follow specific sound combinations and spelling patterns. Application of these foundational skills will provide opportunities to gain the capacity to read and comprehend texts across a range of types. Unit Essential Question: How does a working knowledge of print, phonics and phonological awareness help me read on-level text with accuracy, an appropriate rate and expression? Concept: 1 Foundational Skills Concept: 2 Foundational Skills Print Concepts Phonological Awareness CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.C Lesson Essential Questions: How do I recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence? Lesson Essential Questions: How do I distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words? How do I count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken and written words? How do I orally produce single-syllable words, including consonant blends and digraphs? How do I isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words? Vocabulary: 2/10/2016 How do I add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in one-syllable words to make new words? Vocabulary: Digraphs: Blends: ch- in chin and ouch bl- in blue and black sh- in ship and push cl- in clap and close th- in thing fl- in fly and flip th- in this gl- in glue and glove wh- in when pl- in play and please ng- in ring br- in brown and break nk- in rink cr- in cry and crust dr- in dry and drag Phonemes fr- in fry and freeze gr- in great and grand pr- in prize and prank tr- in tree and try sk- in skate and sky sl- in slip and slap sp- in spot and speed st- in street and stop sw- in sweet and sweater spr- in spray and spring str- in stripe and strap Page 1 LOWER DAUPHIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Language Arts Curriculum Maps – Grade 1 Resources Sentences - throughout Reading Street Resources Short vowels - Throughout Reading Street Long vowels - Units 2-5 Segment words into sounds - Throughout Reading Street Orally produce single-syllable words - Throughout Reading Street Blends/Digraphs - From unit 1.4 and beyond Add/substitute phones - Unit 1 Weeks 1-6, Unit 2 Weeks 4-6 and beyond Websites: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/consonantblends/ - provides sample lists for each blend/digraph Websites: Apps for Print Concepts: Concept: Apps for Phonological Awareness: 3 Foundational Skills Concept: 4 Foundational Skills Phonics and Word Recognition Fluency CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.1.1.E Lesson Essential Questions: How do I identify common consonant digraphs, final e and common vowel teams? Lesson Essential Questions: How do I read on-level text with purpose and understanding? How do I decode one and two-syllable words with common patterns? How do I read grade-level words with inflectional endings? How do I read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings? How do I use context to confirm pronunciation and meaning, rereading as necessary? How do I read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words? Vocabulary: Common initial consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, wh, ph Vocabulary: Accuracy, rate, expression Common final consonant digraphs: ch, ng, sh, th, gh(cough) Final e: aCe; eCe; iCe; oCe; uCe (page 213, Word Journeys, Ganske) Common vowel teams: ai, ay, ei, ee, ea, ie, igh, y, oa, oe, oo, iCC (mind), oCC (cold), ow (know), ew (few), ue, ui (Appendix 1, Word Journey, pages 215-217) Irregularly spelled words (from sight word list): been, they, some, have, said, live, come, people, etc. Resources digraphs - Unit 1 Weeks 4-6 and beyond Final e - Unit 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Vowel patterns - throughout Reading Street Inflectional endings/base words - throughout Reading Street Websites 2/10/2016 Resources Websites Page 2 LOWER DAUPHIN SCHOOL DISTRICT Language Arts Curriculum Maps – Grade 1 Crickweb Literacy -Word Wheel 1 & 2; blending phonemes -CVC -Clusters Fun City Skills: spelling http://www.readinga-z.com/ - can be used to provide on-level texts, students can record their reading, and they can listen to fluent reading of stories. -phonics endings – rhyming APPS for Phonics and Word Recognition Word Bingo Little Speller Magnetic ABC 2/10/2016 APPS for Fluency One Minute Reader Timed Reader Page 3