SUMMARY TABLE ON CHANGES AS ANNOUNCED AT BUDGET 2012 STATEMENT s/n. 1 Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] Provision of oneoff SME cash grant A one-off SME cash grant will be given to Section 92C help companies offset the high costs which [Clause 47] may persist with the business slowdown. The non-taxable cash grant will be given for the year of assessment (“YA”) 2012, based on 5% of the company’s revenue from its principal activities for YA 2012, subject to a cap of $5,000. To be eligible for the cash grant, the company must have made CPF contributions for at least one employee (who must not be a shareholder of the company) in the relevant period. 2 Enhancement to the Productivity and Innovation Credit (“PIC”) Scheme In response to industry feedback, and to Sections provide more support for businesses to invest 14D, 14DA, in innovation and productivity, the PIC 14R, 19B, 19C scheme will be enhanced. and 37I [Clauses 14, (a) Cash Payout 15, 19, 22, 23 The changes are as follows: and 32] (i) The cash payout rate will be increased from 30% to 60% for up to $100,000 of qualifying expenditure, from YA Miscellaneous 2013. amendments (ii) The cash payout option will be Sections 14E, extended from YA 2013 to YA 2015. 19, 19A, 20 The cap on the quantum of qualifying and 37L expenditure that can be converted into [Clause 51] cash cannot be combined across the 3 YAs. (iii) Businesses may opt for the cash payout any time after the end of each financial quarter, but no later than the due date 1 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] for the filing of its income tax return for the relevant YA. (b) Training (i) External certification of qualifying inhouse training courses will not be required for PIC claims of up to $10,000 per YA. (ii) PIC claims will be allowed on training expenditures incurred for Qualifying Persons. A list of qualifying persons will be prescribed in the subsidiary legislation. Qualifying persons are insurance agents, financial advisers, remisiers, real estate agents and taxi hirers. The list will be updated where necessary. (c) R&D Expenditure Expenditure incurred on R&D cost-sharing agreements may qualify as R&D expenditure. The qualifying expenditure will be at 60% of the shared costs, similar to outsourced R&D. (d)Investments in Automation Equipment& Intellectual Property Rights (“IPRs”) The cash payout will be extended to cover qualifying automation equipment and IPRs acquired on hire purchase or by instalments with repayment schedule straddling two or more financial years. Changes (b), (c) and (d) will take effect from YA 2012. 3 Provision of certainty of nontaxation of companies’ gains Gains derived from the disposal of ordinary Section 13Z shares by a qualifying divesting company will [Clause 11] not be taxed, if the qualifying divesting company had held at least 20% of the ordinary 2 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change on disposal of equity investments shares in the investee company for a continuous period of at least 24 months prior to the disposal of the shares. This certainty of non-taxation measure is applicable to disposals of ordinary shares made during the period from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2017 (both dates inclusive). Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] For share disposals in other scenarios, the tax treatment of the gains/ losses arising from share disposals will continue to be determined based on the facts and circumstances of the case. 4 Enhancement to the Earned Income Relief (“EIR”) To encourage elderly workers to stay Section 39 employed and to provide more support to [Clause 35] handicapped workers, the amount of EIR and Handicapped EIR will be increased. The table below shows the revised amount of EIR and Handicapped EIR. Age Group EIR Below 55 55 to 59 60 and Above $1,000 $6,000 $8,000 Handicapped EIR $4,000 $10,000 $12,000 This change will take effect from YA 2013. 5 Enhancement to Renovation and Refurbishment Deduction To help businesses that need to renew and refresh their premises regularly to remain competitive, the section 14Q deduction scheme for qualifying renovation and refurbishment costs will be made a permanent feature of the tax regime. The existing expenditure cap (which applies for every three-year period) will be doubled to $300,000. Any unabsorbed section 14Q Sections 14Q and 37C [Clauses 18 and 31] 3 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] deduction will be allowed for transfer under the Group Relief system. These changes will take effect from YA 2013. 6 Enhancement to the Mergers and Acquisition (“M&A”) Scheme To further support companies carrying out Section 37L M&A, the scheme will be enhanced as [Clause 33] follows: (a) Transaction costs incurred on qualifying M&A A 200% tax allowance will be granted on the transaction costs incurred on qualifying M&A, subject to an expenditure cap of $100,000 per YA. The tax allowance on the transaction cost is to be written down in one year. (b) Qualifying M&A (i) Acquisition through subsidiaries The acquiring company may acquire shares of the target company through multiple tiers, instead of just one tier, of wholly-owned subsidiaries. (ii) Target company The relevant conditions that the target company has to satisfy may be satisfied by any of the multiple tiers of wholly-owned subsidiaries of the target company, instead of just one-tier of wholly-owned subsidiaries. (c) Extension of scheme The scheme is extended to complement existing Headquarter (HQ) incentive schemes so as to facilitate growth of HQ functions in Singapore. The condition that the acquiring company must be held by an ultimate holding company incorporated in, and a tax resident of, Singapore may be waived by the tax incentive administering agency (such as 4 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] Economic Development Board), subject to conditions. These changes will take effect for qualifying M&A completed during the period of 17 February 2012 to 31 March 2015. 7 Enhancement to the Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation Scheme To encourage our SMEs to venture abroad, and to reduce administrative burden on businesses, businesses will be able to claim tax deduction of up to 200% on qualifying expenditure, without the need for approval from International Enterprise Singapore or Singapore Tourism Board. The amount of expenditure claimable is up to $100,000 per YA, incurred on the following four activities: (i) Overseas business development trips/missions; (ii) Overseas investment study trips/missions; (iii)Participation in overseas trade fairs; and (iv) Participation in approved local trade fairs. Sections 14B and 14K [Clauses 13 and 17] International Enterprise Singapore or Singapore Tourism Board will continue to approve claims, on a case-by-case basis, made by businesses that require larger funding support in excess of $100,000, or on qualifying expenditure incurred on other qualifying activities. These changes will take effect for qualifying expenditure incurred on or after 1 April 2012. 8 Simplification of capital allowance claims To further ease the claiming of capital Section 19A allowances, the full cost of each asset that [Clauses 21] may be written down in one year will be increased to no more than $5,000, with effect from YA2013. 9 Exemption of To bring Singapore’s tax regime on par with Sections 5 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] vessel disposal gains derived by qualifying ship operators and ship lessors from tax other maritime nations and provide certainty to the maritime sector, qualifying ship operators and ship lessors under the Maritime Sector Incentive (“MSI”) awards will be granted tax exemption automatically, without the need to opt for the exemption, on gains from the disposal of vessels. 13A, 13F and 13S [Clauses 4, 5 and 9 ] The gains from the disposal of vessels under construction and new building contracts will also be exempt from tax. For ship lessors under the MSI-Maritime Leasing (Ship) award, the tax exemption also applies to gains from the disposal of foreign vessels. The tax exemption does not apply to gains derived (a) from the carrying on of a business of trading in ships or constructing ships for sale; or (b) under a finance lease which is treated as a sale for income tax purpose. These changes will take effect from the commencement of MSI on 1 June 2011. 10 Exemption and waiver of the obligation to withhold tax on charter fees payments To enhance Singapore’s competitiveness as an International Maritime Centre and reduce business costs for ship charterers, bareboat, voyage and time charter payments made to non-residents (excluding permanent establishments in Singapore) for the use of ships will be exempted from tax. Payers making charter payments to the permanent establishment in Singapore of a non-resident are also not required to withhold tax. Sections 13 and 45A [Clauses 3 and 42] This change will take effect for all payments 6 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] liable to be made on or after 17 February 2012. 11 Enhancement to the Maritime Sector Incentive – Maritime Leasing (Container) Award To promote the growth of container leasing in Section 43ZA Singapore, the following enhancements will [Clauses 40] be made to the MSI-Maritime Leasing (Container) award: (i) Income derived from the leasing of intermodal equipment (e.g. trailers) which is incidental to the leasing of qualifying containers will also enjoy the concessionary tax rate of 5% or 10% from YA 2013; and (ii) The qualifying containers will refer to containers that adhere to the standards defined by the ISO, IICL or any other equivalent organisation from YA 2013. 12 Extension and Enhancement of the Aircraft Leasing Scheme (“ALS”) To continue the promotion of aircraft leasing Sections activities in Singapore, the ALS will be 19, 43Y, 43Z extended to 31 March 2017. [Clauses 20, 38 and 39] Previously, an ALS recipient had to apply to IRAS within one month from the date of acquisition or transfer of its aircraft, if it wished to extend the number of years of working life of the aircraft for the purpose of capital allowance claim. To ease compliance, the application process is removed and ALS recipients may make an irrevocable election for the extension of number of years of working life, at the time of their tax filing for the YA relating to the basis period in which the aircraft was acquired/ transferred. The change is effective from 1 March 2012. 13 Enhancement to To enhance the withholding tax regime, Section 45I the withholding tax banks, finance companies and approved [Clause 44] exemption regime entities will not need to withhold tax on 7 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change for banks interest and other Section 12(6) payments (“qualifying payments”) made to PEs in Singapore. The PEs in Singapore will be assessed on the payments in their annual income tax returns, unless the payments are specifically exempt from tax. Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] This change will take effect for: (i) qualifying payments liable to be made from 17 February 2012 to 31 March 2021 (for contracts already in force before 17 February 2012); and (ii) 14 Enhancement to Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) qualifying payments arising from contracts entered into during the period from 17 February 2012 to 31 March 2021. To enhance our tax regime for REITs, a REIT Section 43 that makes distributions to unit holders in the [Clause 37] form of units can continue to enjoy tax transparency. This is subject to the following conditions: (i) Before the distribution, the trustee of the REIT grants the unit holders the option to receive the distributions either in cash or units in that REIT; and (ii) On the date of distribution, the trustee of the REIT must have sufficient cash to make the entire distribution fully in cash had no option been given to those unit holders to receive the distribution in units in that REIT. Unit holders that elect to receive distributions in units will be taxed in the same manner as if they had received the distribution in cash. This change will take effect for distributions made on or after 1 April 2012. 8 s/n. Legislative Change Brief Description of Legislative Change Amendment to Income Tax Act [Clause in Income Tax (Amendment) Bill] 15 Enhancement to the definition of research and development (“R&D”) Recognising the commercial reality that some Section 2 of the computer software development work [Clauses 2] will not be put up for sale for commercial and proprietary reasons, the multiple-sales requirement for software development to qualify as R&D will be removed. 16 Extension of the filing and payment deadline for withholding tax To give payers more time to comply with the withholding tax obligations, payers will be allowed one additional month to file and pay the tax. Sections 45 and 45D [Clauses 41 and 43] This change will take effect for payments liable to be made to non-residents on or after 1 July 2012. 9