ENTRENOVA abstract template ()

ENTRENOVA 10-11, September2015
Kotor, Montenegro
Title of the Paper: Example Paper for
Entrenova Conference (Century Gothic Bold
Author Name1 Author Surname1 (Century Gothic italic 12)
Author Instittuion1, Author Country1
Author Name2 Author Surname2
Author Instittuion2, Author Country2
Author Name3 Author Surname3
Author Instittuion3, Author Country3
Abstract (Century Gothic Bold 16)
Abstract should describe the goal, methodology and conclusion of the paper in 100200 words. Language of the conference is English. Century Gothic, 11 pt
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5 (max 10 words),
Century Gothic, 11 pt
JEL classification: Century Gothic, 11 pt
JEL classification of the paper should be submitted according to the classification scheme available at the link
Acknowledgments (if any): Century Gothic, 11 pt