Extra Credit Research Paper Pick a subject from our ocean studies

Extra Credit Research Paper
Pick a subject from our ocean studies and write a two page essay. Pick one topic from:
oceanography (sonar, satellites, and submersibles)
endangered or threatened marine animals (why they are and how extinction is prevented)
Describe in detail a marine food web (define predators, pray, and primary producers)
Due by Monday (12/15/14)
Extra Credit Research Paper
Pick a subject from our ocean studies and write a two page essay. Pick one topic from:
oceanography (sonar, satellites, and submersibles)
endangered or threatened marine animals (why they are and how extinction is prevented)
Describe in detail a marine food web (define predators, pray, and primary producers)
Due by Monday (12/15/14)
Extra Credit Research Paper
Pick a subject from our ocean studies and write a two page essay. Pick one topic from:
oceanography (sonar, satellites, and submersibles)
endangered or threatened marine animals (why they are and how extinction is prevented)
Describe in detail a marine food web (define predators, pray, and primary producers)
Due by Monday (12/15/14)
Extra Credit Research Paper
Pick a subject from our ocean studies and write a two page essay. Pick one topic from:
oceanography (sonar, satellites, and submersibles)
endangered or threatened marine animals (why they are and how extinction is prevented)
Describe in detail a marine food web (define predators, pray, and primary producers)
Due by Monday (12/15/14)
Extra Credit Research Paper
Pick a subject from our ocean studies and write a two page essay. Pick one topic from:
oceanography (sonar, satellites, and submersibles)
endangered or threatened marine animals (why they are and how extinction is prevented)
Describe in detail a marine food web (define predators, pray, and primary producers)
Due by Monday (12/15/14)