Running Injuries and How ART Can Resolve Pain

Running Injuries and How ART Can Resolve Pain
Running injuries are commonly attributed to faulty
biomechanics, muscle imbalances, improper
recovery, overtraining and errors in training
Overtraining can include the “too much too soon”
dilemma: somewhere the breakdown occurs due to
a joint or muscle that is overworking and this
results in tissue overload. This results in pain,
inflammation, injury and the inability to run
Some other causes can be attributed to running on
worn-out shoes, the wrong shoes, weakness in
certain muscles, tightness in others.
Although these important aspects of a running
program should be addressed, runners may also
want to consider the cumulative effect that
thousand of repetitive motions have on their bodies
with the pounding of running.
Tammara Moore completing Ironman Canada
Dr.Tammara Moore, DPT working at the
Ironman World Championship in Kona,
Hawaii with Pro Triathlete Jan
You have all heard the advice, “By not listening to
our bodies and continuing to run through pain is
never a good idea”. Yet, how did the silent problem
sneak its ugly head without warning? The clues lie
in the cumulative injury cycle and what we now
know about repetitive microtrauma. The body will
do anything it can to compensate and then there
can be other areas that then become dysfunctional.
Now you have some real problems and your body
feels like it is falling apart and not healing. This is
very common and now you need some professional
Even with good biomechanics and excellent
training, runners are always exposed to a great
deal of cumulative trauma. As a fellow runner and
triathletes for many decades, I understand the
cycle well. Like many runners I have pushed myself
over my limits without warning that resulted in
injury and inflammation of soft tissues. Even with
my knowledge, I have endured injuries that didn’t
go away with rest and returned with running,
despite my trying, and listening to all the experts
until I found ART-Active Release Techniques®, a
patented method that releases restrictions and
adhesions in the soft tissues of the body.
There is a solution. Active Release Techniques®
What is Active Release Techniques? ART is a soft
tissue system that treats problems with muscles,
tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves related to trauma
or repetitive use. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel
syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar
fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few
of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and
permanently with ART. These conditions often result from
injury to over-used muscles.
Through accurate palpation and mobility testing we can
diagnose and treat over 500 muscles and nerve
entrapments that occur in the body successfully with
Tight, overworked muscles (and other soft tissues)
can become injured in 3 important ways:
Acute injuries (pulls, tears, falls, etc.)
Cumulative small tears and overuse (micro-trauma)
Not getting enough or lack of oxygen (hypoxia)
Each of these factors cause your body to produce dense,
tough scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue
binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely.
As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and
weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and
nerves can become trapped.
Take a look at the cumulative injury cycle
explained in detail click here.
My personal experience: I had full resolution of
a torn calf muscle that hampered me for years. It
was diagnosed through motion and palpation that
adhesions were binding my nerves and this
prevented me from increasing my mileage or
intensity. Two treatments and it was resolved
completely. I was blown away! I lived with this
problem after tearing the posterior tibilalis, a deep
calf muscle, in a track workout while running
Division 1 in cross country while attending CSU,
Fresno. It never really went away. For over a
decade, I lived with an impairment due to scar
tissue and adhesions which impeded my power
force production and resulted in frustrationdropping out of marathon and other races due to
pain and repeated injury.
This is now my life’s work. I have been instructing
ART for over 15 years. I am super grateful I met
Dr. Mike Leahy, the creator of ART and have trained
thousand of other DCs and PT across the globe and
blessed to work with wonderful colleagues
dedicated and getting consistent results for their
patients across the US, Canada and Europe.
How I implement ART, and other methods with the
right exercises, implemented at the right time is
based on twenty years of experience working with
athletes. I practice an evidence based model and
am critical of what works and what does not,
targeted, specific and accurate for your specific
These injuries can be debilitating and result in
reduced ability to conduct any physical activities.
Traditional treatment techniques often require
months to fully resolve injuries to soft tissue and
may never get to the source of the problem.
Give us a call, we can help with solutions that
work to get you back running with full strides
and fix the Problem Forever!
Tammara Moore, DPT, OCS, ART Instructor
Click here for your Free Manual on the
Prevention of Running Injuries by Tammara
Moore, DPT