MODERN ASIA – Spring 2015 ANALYSIS =WEEKLY ONE-PAGE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT with one class presenter CONTEXT = topic for discussion with one or two presenters (these students are excused from the Questions Assignment for that week only). BASED ON OUTSIDE READING/RESEARCH 1/13 (Week 1): Introduction to Studies of Modern Asia 1/20 (Week 2): DAILY LIFE IN CHINA plus CONFUCIUS COMES HOME Analysis 1. Describe everyday life in Hangzhou (Hangchow) (chapters 3-4). 2. Describe special occasions and ceremonies (chapters 4-5). 3. To what extent can the society of the Song (Sung) dynasty in China considered modern? Context - Overview: SONG DYNASTY CHINA - Capital Cities throughout Chinese History from earliest period onward - Difference between Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties - Brief Overview of Post-Song history (Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties) leading to the modern age Presenter Respondent Rachel Anchieta 1. Marcela Lopez Bravo Jennifer Beaty 2. Trang Pham Hoang Elizabeth Bonnell 3. Randall Tallent 1/27 (Week 3): THE HONORABLE VISITORS plus VERMILLION BIRDS plus ZEN SPACES AND NEON PLACES Analysis 1. Based on the book’s Intro and other sources and reflections, what would you expect from early Meiji travelers in relation to Asian Modernization? 2. Sum up the significance of the travels of Bird, Grant, and Loti. 3. Same for Kipling, Huxley, and Faulkner. Context - Overview: TRAVELERS TO AND FROM ASIA - First Westerners in China and Japan (16th century) - Periods of Isolation in Edo Period Japan and what it meant for Travels and Travelers - Early Meiji travelers to and from Japan (e.g., Lafcadio Hearn, Natsume Soseki, Mori Ogai) Presenter Respondent Dana Cedillo 1. Elisa Dominquez David Dayton 2. Rebecca Richko Ana Gomez 3. Jean Vergara 2/03 (Week 4): IDEALS OF THE EAST, FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT plus MARITIME ASIA Plus RESEARCH TOPICS DUE Questions 1. How does this work characterize Asia more generally? 2. How does it portray Japan more specifically? 3. A century or so after publication, what are its strengths and weaknesses? Context - Overview: Emergence of Orientalism and reverse Orientalism - The life of Author Kakuzo Okakura - Other works of the era, especially Nitobe’s Bushido Code - Additional important intellectual figures of the period, East and West Presenter Respondent Elisa Dominquez 1. Rebecca Richko Tania Gonzalez 3. Rayna Rusenko 1 2/10 (Week 5): THE FOUR LITTLE DRAGONS Questions 1. Explain the causes of the Postwar Economic Miracle in Taiwan and South Korea. 2. Same for Singapore and Hong Kong. 3. Examine and evaluate Vogel’s theory for what has taken place in East Asia. Context - Overview: ASIAN ECONOMIC MIRACLE - The Model of Japan in Meiji and Post-War Periods - Economic along with Political Developments in China since the 1990s - Southeast Asian and Other Regional as well as Global Economic Implications of the East Asian Boom Presenter Respondent Marcela Lopez Bravo 1. David Dayton Drayenko Marin 2. Tania Gonzalez Maxsim Ousmanov 3. Alexander McCarty 2/17 (Week 6): HO CHI MINH Questions 1. How did the French colonial legacy affect Vietnam? (Reference outside research for France and Vietnam) 2. Discuss the build-up toward Communism in Vietnam. 3. Explain Ho’s role as a Leader – to what extent admired or reviled? Context - Overview: COMMUNISM IN ASIA - Early Developments of the Communist Party in China and Vietnam - Asian Communism in Relation to the Soviet Union Bloc - Asian Communist Nations’ Relations to America and the West Presenter Respondent Alexander McCarty 1. Drayenko Marin Trang Pham Hoang 2. Maxsim Ousmanov Rebecca Richko 3. Stephen Rodoquino 2/24 (Week 7) SAMSKARA Plus RESOURCE LIST DUE Questions 1. What are the main values of the traditional caste life style as shown in the novel? What do the brahmins eat and wear, how do they deal with personal relationships and general society? 2. In Parts 1 & 2, the main issue involves the burial of the controversial Naranappa. Explain the complexity of this issue as a reflection of Indian society today. 3. The brahmin Acharya (a.k.a. Praneshacharya) goes on a journey in Part 3. Based on the comments in the “Afterward” (pp. 142–143) about the nature of self-discovery, what does he gain? Context - Overview: CASTE SYSTEM AND TRADITIONAL SOCIETY IN MODERN WORLD - Origins and History of Caste System in India, including the Untouchables or Out-Castes - Other Examples in Asia of so-called Downtrodden, Dispossessed, or Marginalized Peoples - Asian Human Rights in Relation to Social Discrepancies in Class, Gender, Education Presenter Respondent Kevin Quinn 1. Rachel Anchieta Stephen Rodoquino 2. Marcela Lopez Bravo Rayna Rusenko 3. Lyanne Maldonado 3/03 (Week 8): SAMSKARA Continued Guest Speakers: Greg Bryant, Kaz Tanahashi, Ian Verhine 3/10 (Week 9): NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK 3/17 (Week 10): HIROSHIMA Questions 1. Pick two of the six characters in the book and explain their significance. 2 2. Discuss the meaning of the terms “hibakusha” and “shikata ga nai.” 3. Sum up the author’s reflections in the “Aftermath” chapter written 40 years later. Context - Overview: HIROSHIMA and its History and Impact - Look into the background of the American decision to develop and drop the Bomb on Japan. - What are the arguments on both sides regarding the question; should the Bomb have been used? - In the Post-Cold War period, what is the current state of atomic weaponry in Asia? Presenter Respondent Lyanne Maldonado 1. Jennifer Beaty Randall Tallent 2. Dana Cedillo Jean Vergara 3. Kevin Quinn 3/24 (Week 11): Additional Readings: Chushingura plus Bailin Temple and Aruku, Aruku, Aruku Video 3/31 (Week 12): EXAM 4/07, 4/14, 4/21 (Weeks 13-15): FINAL PRESENTATIONS 3