Understanding ICAO ETOD requirements ICAO Study best GIS practice by Gilbert Lasnier ICAO supports the implementation of ETOD (awareness, training, state implementation). Many agencies or third-parties vendors created tools, software and other added value provide ETOD. Table of Contents Overview of ETOD ......................................................................................................................... 4 1. Area 1 - Terrain and Obstacle - Coverage Areas: ............................................................... 5 Entire territory of the state ................................................................................................ 5 2. Area 2 - Terminal Control Area: ......................................................................................... 6 TCA , TMA ...................................................................................................................... 6 ICAO 2008 terrain data and obstacle: .............................................................................. 7 3. Area 3 - Aerodrome Area: .................................................................................................. 8 4. Area 4 - CAT II and CAT III Operation Area: ................................................................... 9 5. 3D VIEW - SAN FRANCISCO BAY: ............................................................................. 11 6. ETOD work flow - Coverage Areas: ................................................................................ 11 Terminology ................................................................................................................... 12 Terrain and obstacle data has been collected .................................................................. 12 7. Regional Seminars ............................................................................................................ 17 8. State Working Group ........................................................................................................ 17 9. TIN-based terrain model: .................................................................................................. 20 DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.specification) ........ 20 DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryMedium (unitsOfDelivery) ..................................... 20 DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.formatName) ........ 20 DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.version) ................. 20 DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.specification) ........ 20 Metadata ......................................................................................................................... 20 10. Techniques Available.................................................................................................... 21 Conventional Terrestrial Survey ..................................................................................... 21 Aerial Photogrammetry .................................................................................................. 21 Airborne Laser Scanning ................................................................................................ 22 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar ...................................................................... 22 Sensor Fusion.................................................................................................................. 23 Data Processing .............................................................................................................. 23 Conventional Terrestrial Survey ..................................................................................... 23 11. Terrain and Obstacle, Coverage Areas - AREA 3-4: .................................................... 24 Areas 1, 2 and 3. ............................................................................................................. 27 12. Working with Lidar Data in ArcGIS 10.1 .................................................................... 28 13. Terrain and Obstacle, Coverage Areas - Area 1: .......................................................... 28 14. Terrain and Obstacle, Coverage Areas - Area 2: .......................................................... 29 1 15. eTOD Sources ............................................................................................................... 31 AREA 1 - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ............................................................... 31 AREA 2 (3 and 4) - LIDAR ........................................................................................... 31 AREA 3 and 4 - Differential GPS .................................................................................. 31 AREA 2 - Airborne IFSAR ............................................................................................ 32 i. (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) ............................................................... 32 ii. eTOD Software ....................................................................................................... 32 iii. Key Features: .......................................................................................................... 32 iv. The unique features of GDMS are: ......................................................................... 32 16. Aerial Photogrammetry................................................................................................. 35 17. Airborne Laser Scanning .............................................................................................. 36 18. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar .................................................................... 37 19. Data Collection Techniques for Terrain ....................................................................... 38 20. Terrestrial Survey.......................................................................................................... 38 21. Airborne Laser Scanning .............................................................................................. 38 22. Aerial Photogrammetry................................................................................................. 38 23. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar .................................................................... 39 24. Comparison and Recommendation ............................................................................... 39 Data Collection Techniques for Obstacles .................................................................................... 41 25. Terrestrial Survey.......................................................................................................... 41 26. ALS ............................................................................................................................... 41 27. Aerial Photogrammetry................................................................................................. 42 28. IfSAR ............................................................................................................................ 42 29. Comparison and Recommendations ............................................................................. 43 30. Size of Data ................................................................................................................... 45 31. New Metadata about a Feature (or Feature TimeSlice) ................................................ 46 32. DOGAMI Lidar Viewer ................................................................................................ 47 "LiDar" SURVEYS ...................................................................................................................... 49 33. Light Detection And Ranging ....................................................................................... 49 34. How does it work? ........................................................................................................ 49 35. Click here to see a video of this service ........................................................................ 50 36. Deliverables .................................................................................................................. 50 Point Cloud ..................................................................................................................... 50 Imagery ........................................................................................................................... 53 2 Contours .......................................................................................................................... 54 DTM ............................................................................................................................... 55 37. Uses for LiDAR Scanning ............................................................................................ 56 38. Technical Background of LiDAR ................................................................................. 56 Technical Introduction .................................................................................................... 56 Mission Planning and Preparation .................................................................................. 56 Data Processing Workflow ............................................................................................. 57 Personnel & Equipment .................................................................................................. 57 Helicopter ....................................................................................................................... 58 Accuracy ......................................................................................................................... 58 Horizontal absolute accuracies ....................................................................................... 58 Vertical absolute accuracies ........................................................................................... 58 Our Equipment................................................................................................................ 59 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) .................................................................................. 59 GPS Base Stations .......................................................................................................... 60 Quality ............................................................................................................................ 61 LiDAR Penetration ......................................................................................................... 61 Aircraft safety ................................................................................................................. 61 Eye safety........................................................................................................................ 61 Safety Plan ...................................................................................................................... 62 3 OVERVIEW OF ETOD According to the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) new requirement (Amendment 33) in Annex 15, all ICAO participating states are to ensure the availability of terrain and obstacle data in electronic format between November 20, 2008 and November 12, 2015. This data shall be defined by four coverage areas around any airport, collected according to specific numerical requirements for each area, and stored in a geodatabase (dataset ICAO terminologies) with ICAO-defined attributes for the obstacle and terrain feature classes. Obstacle features can be represented as points, lines, or polygons, and terrain data can be added as a raster dataset in different format (All feature classes must be modeled according to the feature catalog in ICAO Doc 9881). Reliable and precise obstacle and terrain data for in-flight and ground-based applications can provide significant safety benefits for international civil aviation. Ideally the data should be presented in a geographical information format to readily permit evaluation and presentation to users like (pixel elevation tool tip). (Source of this modified paragraph is found on: http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/esri-aeronautical-implementing-etod.pdf ) Note: To facilitate compliance, Esri has added Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Database (eTOD) capabilities to Esri® Aeronautical Solution. 4 1. AREA 1 - TERRAIN AND OBSTACLE - COVERAGE AREAS: The coverage areas for collecting and recording sets of electronic terrain and obstacle data in the database are defined as follow Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling Entire territory of the state State must create and maintaining his dataset electronically compliant with ICAO publication standards ICAO-compliant database for obstacles, airspace data input (Notam) and terrain DTM publication (GIS platform) Some GIS technologies are designed like WEB GIS SERVER for assuring access 24/7 from anywhere in the world Platform Technology Precision: Vertical Horizontal Obstacle Vertical DTM 1m 1m IFSAR 1m 1m 1m Terrestrial Survey 1.0 cm 5 2. AREA 2 - TERMINAL CONTROL AREA: TCA , TMA Terrain data collection: 1. “Within the area covered by a 10-km radius from the ARP, terrain data shall comply with the Area 2 numerical requirements. 2. In the area between 10 km and the TMA boundary or 45-km radius (whichever is smaller), data on terrain that penetrates the horizontal plane 120 m above the lowest runway elevation shall comply with the Area 2 numerical requirements. 3. In the area between 10 km and the TMA boundary or 45-km radius (whichever is smaller), data on terrain that does not penetrate the horizontal plane 120 m above the lowest runway elevation shall comply with the Area 1 numerical requirements. 4. In those portions of Area 2 where flight operations are prohibited due to very high terrain or other local restrictions and/or regulations, terrain data shall comply with the Area 1 numerical requirements. Note.— Terrain data numerical requirements for Areas 1 and 2 are specified in Table A8-1. 6 ICAO 2008 terrain data and obstacle: Terminal control area per Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) or not exceeding a 45 km radius from the airport (ARP) (whichever is smaller) (For aerodromes without a legally defined terminal control area, a 45 km radius applies.) Precision: DTM Vertical Horizontal Obstacle Vertical Horizontal 0.1 m 0.1 m 0.1m 0.1 m Technology LIDAR 0.1m 0.5m Terrestrial Survey 1.0 cm Technology LIDAR 0.1m 0.5m 7 3. AREA 3 - AERODROME AREA: At instrument flight rules (IFR) aerodromes/heliports, from runway edge to movement areas Terrestrial Survey 1.0cm Precision: DTM Vertical Horizontal 0.01 m 0.01 m Obstacle Vertical Horizontal 0.01m 0.01m 8 4. AREA 4 - CAT II AND CAT III OPERATION AREA: 120 m wide and 900 m long area at precision approach category II and III runways Precision: DTM Vertical Horizontal Terrestrial Survey 1.0cm 0.01 m 0.01 m Obstacle Vertical Horizontal Horizontal 0.01m 0.01 m 0.01 m 9 http://gis.icao.int/FLEXVIEWER terminal control areas (TCA) Traffic Management Advisor (TMA) control zones (CTR) military control areas (MIL CTA) ESRI 3D REPRESENTATION AIR SPACE TO INCLUDED. 10 5. 3D VIEW - SAN FRANCISCO BAY: ICAO has also released Doc 9881—Guidelines for Electronic Terrain Workflow to create the coverage areas the terrain and obstacle data has been collected for each coverage area 6. ETOD WORK FLOW - COVERAGE AREAS: The coverage areas for collecting and recording sets of electronic terrain and obstacle data in the database are defined as follow Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling Also following the Annex 14 Controlling Surfaces, OEI (Obstruction Identification Surfaces (OIS)), NAVAID or other data sets we need to have multiple layers to visualize the relationship of the proposed or existing obstacle with aerodrome. The data set must be compatible with the latest Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) XML structured format created for Aviation data exchange compatible with all the serious GIS software around the world. 1) Terrain and obstacle data has been collected for each coverage area 2) eTOD Obstacle Area Creation—Construct each coverage area (included as subtasks) according to the specifications in ICAO Doc 9881 and store each area in the ObstacleArea feature class. 3) Populating Relationship Classes—Create the relationship between each obstacle feature and its related coverage areas to populate PointObstacleArea, LineObstacleArea, and PolygonalObstacleArea. 4) Link of this services: Online Flex application publishes the new OIS tools as Web services and resultant layers for obstacle analysis. 11 Terminology ICAO use terminology in ICAO SARPs use one of three verbs to indicate the status of the text: Requirement using the operative verb ``shall`` are mandatory. Requirement using the operative verb ``should`` are recommended. Requirement using the operative verb ``may`` are optional. Terrain and obstacle data has been collected Area 1-2 Area 3-4 The coverage areas for collecting and recording sets of electronic terrain and obstacle data in the database are defined as follow Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling ICAO Annex 15 Text Electronic terrain data for each area shall conform to the applicable numerical requirements in Appendix 8, Table A8-1 Table A8-1 “Terrain data numerical requirements” : Post spacing Vertical accuracy Vertical resolution Horizontal accuracy Confidence level Data classification Integrity level Maintenance period Horizontal resolution Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 3 arc seconds (approx. 90 m) 30 m 1 arc second (approx. 30 m) 3m 0.6 arc seconds (approx. 20 m) 0.5 m 0.3 arc seconds (approx. 9 m) 1m 1m 0.1 m 0.01 m 0.1 m 50 m 5m 0.5 m 2.5 m 90% 90% 90% 90% Routine 1 × 10– Essential 1 × Essential 1 × Essential 1 × 3 10–5 10–5 10–5 as required Area 1 1m as required Area 2 0.1 m as required Area 3 0.01 m as required Area 4 0.01 m 12 Table A8-2 “Obstacle data numerical requirements” Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Vertical accuracy Vertical resolution Horizontal accuracy Confidence level Data classification Integrity level Maintenance period Area 4 30 m 3m 0.5 m 1m 1m 0.1 m 0.01 m 0.1 m 50 m 5m 0.5 m 2.5 m 90% 90% Routine 1 × 10– Essential 3 10–5 as required as required 1 90% × Essential 10–5 as required 1 90% × Essential 10–5 1 × as required Obstacle data elements are features that shall be represented in the data sets by points, lines, polygons. Area 4 terrain data Appendix 8, table A8-2 Guidance on appropriate obstacles, Aeronautical Chart Manuel DOC 8697. Other Information below provided from this EuroControl document: http://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/documents/informationmanagement/20120305-etodguidance_-v2.pdf High resolution data acquisition result in up to 10,000 points per 10,000 square meters (1 Hectare) The provision of terrain and obstacle data in accordance with ISO 19100 series of standards allow the data sets delivered to be utilised by GIS. Standards for terrain and obstacle: - Catalogue Service (CS) - Web Feature Service (WFS) - Web Map Service (WFS) o ICAO San Francisco Bay services o ICAO GeoEye services - Web Coverage Service (WFS) 13 1. “Within the area covered by a 10-km radius from the ARP, terrain data shall comply with the Area 2 numerical requirements. 2. In the area between 10 km and the TMA boundary or 45-km radius (whichever is smaller), data on terrain that penetrates the horizontal plane 120 m above the lowest runway elevation shall comply with the Area 2 numerical requirements. 3. In the area between 10 km and the TMA boundary or 45-km radius (whichever is smaller), data on terrain that does not penetrate the horizontal plane 120 m above the lowest runway elevation shall comply with the Area 1 numerical requirements. 4. In those portions of Area 2 where flight operations are prohibited due to very high terrain or other local restrictions and/or regulations, terrain data shall comply with the Area 1 numerical requirements. Note.— Terrain data numerical requirements for Areas 1 and 2 are specified in Table A8-1. http://www.icao.int/WACAF/Documents/Meetings/2011/afi_etod/docs/dp03.pdf 14 1. “Obstacle data shall be collected and recorded in accordance with the Area 2 numerical requirements specified in Table A8-2: a) Area 2a: a rectangular area around a runway that comprises the runway strip plus any clearway that exists. The Area 2a obstacle collection surface shall have height of 3 m above the nearest runway elevation measured along the runway centre line, and for those portions related to a clearway, if one exists, at the elevation of the nearest runway end; b) Area 2b: an area extending from the ends of Area 2a in the direction of departure, with a length of 10 km and a splay of 15% to each side. The Area 2b collection surface has a 1.2% 15 slope extending from the ends of Area 2a at the elevation of the runway end in the direction of departure, with a length of 10 km and a splay of 15% to each side; c) Area 2c: an area extending outside Area 2a and Area 2b at a distance of not more than 10 km from the boundary of Area 2a. The Area 2c collection surface has a 1.2% slope extending outside Area 2a and Area 2b at a distance of not more than 10 km from the boundary of Area 2a. The initial elevation of Area 2c shall be the elevation of the point of Area 2a at which it commences; and d) Area 2d: an area outside the Areas 2a, 2b and 2c up to a distance of 45 km from the aerodrome reference point, or to an existing TMA boundary, whichever is nearest. The Area 2d obstacle collection surface has a height of 100 m above ground. 2. In those portions of Area 2 where flight operations are prohibited due to very high terrain or other local restrictions and/or regulations, obstacle data shall be collected and recorded in accordance with the Area 1 requirements. 3. Data on every obstacle within Area 1 whose height above the ground is 100 m or higher shall be collected and recorded in the database in accordance with the Area 1 numerical requirements specified in Table A8-2.” http://www.icao.int/WACAF/Documents/Meetings/2011/afi_etod/docs/dp03.pdf Table A8-3 “Terrain attributes” Terrain attribute Area of coverage Data originator identifier Acquisition method Post spacing Horizontal reference system Horizontal resolution Horizontal accuracy Horizontal confidence level Horizontal position Elevation Elevation reference Vertical reference system Vertical resolution Vertical accuracy Vertical confidence level Surface type Recorded surface Penetration level Known variations Integrity Date and time stamp Unit of measurement used Mandatory/Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory 16 7. REGIONAL SEMINARS The awareness sessions may cover the following topics: a) The history of terrain and obstacle data; b) The terrain and obstacle data requirements; c) Overview of System-wide Information Management/AIM and how terrain and obstacle data support this; d) The uses of terrain and obstacle data; e) GIS and survey techniques; f) Feature capture rules; g) Institutional issues; h) Data sources; i) Responsibilities; j) The way forward. 8. STATE WORKING GROUP 1. The State AISP; 2. The Military AISP; 3. Civil procedure design authority; 4. Military procedure design authority; 5. The regulator; 6. The Ministry of Transport; 7. The State survey organisation; 8. The Military survey organisation; 9. The national geodetic agency; 10. Aerodrome operators; 11. Representation (probably at a national level) of local authorities or those with the responsibility for safeguarding and/or approving construction in the vicinity of an aerodrome; 12. Authorities or organisations responsible for the authorisation or maintenance of obstacles, such as: a. Broadcast transmission antennas b. Cell phone masts; c. Electricity transmission pylons; d. Wind turbine farms. e. In States, where aerodromes may be adjacent to ports, representatives of the Port Authority. One of the first tasks of the group could be to establish the focal points (see 4.1.5 below) in the State. Other tasks could include an assessment of whether the national regulation needs to change to allow terrain and obstacle data implementation to proceed, identification of costs and formulation of an implementation plan. This will ensure the necessary regulatory framework to place obligations on the relevant parties. 17 “10.1.5 From 12 November 2015, at aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation electronic terrain and obstacle data shall be provided for: a) Area 2a , for those obstacles that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface specified in Appendix 8; b) penetrations of the take-off flight path area obstacle identification surfaces; and c) penetrations of the aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces. Note.— Take-off flight path area obstacle identification surfaces are specified in Annex 4, Aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces are specified in Annex 14, Volume 1, Chapter 4. 10.1.6 Recommendation.— At aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation, electronic terrain and obstacle data should be provided for Areas 2b, 2c and 2d for obstacles and terrain that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface specified in Appendix 8.” “2.3.2. Commercially available Geographic Information System (GIS), mapping and illustration software products are obtainable internationally at a reasonable cost. Free "reader software" which allows for viewing of charts without the need to acquire the originating software is also widely available. In addition, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19100 series of international standards for geographic information, together with related standardization in the GIS/mapping industry, have established conditions for the interchange, portrayal, and use of electronic chart files”. 18 19 9. TIN-BASED TERRAIN MODEL: TIN-based terrain model should be considered since it is more suitable than a gridded data set. DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.specification) Name of a subset, profile or product specification of the format. TIFF: http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/tiff/index.html. TIXM: Terrain Data Model Primer, source www.eurocontrol.int / OneSky Teams. DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryMedium (unitsOfDelivery) Description of the units of delivery, such as tiles, layers, geographic areas. File extensions: following naming convention is mandatory. Obstacle data: .xml, metadata: .mtd. Integrity information: crc additional file extensions must be described in a README.txt file. Area 1: For obstacle data in Area 1, all data must be packaged in one exchange file which must be packaged together with the metadata and the crc information in one folder. All other areas: For obstacle data in Areas 2, 3 and 4, all data should be packaged per aerodrome except where the outlines of different Area 2 polygons overlap. In such situations, the delivery of Area 2 data should be organised per combined aerodrome region. DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.formatName) Name of the data format. AIXM for downstream data provision, simplified XML (or similar) for upstream deliveries from data origination / surveyor. DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.version) Version of the format. AIXM: Version 5.1 / 2010. (or as agreed, if deviates from AIXM). DPS_DeliveryInformation.deliveryFormat (DPS_DeliveryFormat.specification) Name of a subset, profile or product specification of the format. AIXM: Aeronautical Information Exchange Model – Key Concepts – Standards, source http://www.aixm.aero Metadata A profile of ISO 19115 [Reference 16] is used for terrain and obstacle data which contains all relevant information to ensure compliance with the Commission Regulation (EU) 73/2010 [Reference 29]. The proposed metadata schema for terrain and obstacle data is based on the ISO 19115 standard [Reference 16] and AIXM 5.1. Some extensions are necessary to comply with the requirements of ICAO Annex 15 [Reference 4]. 20 Additional extensions are proposed to accommodate the metadata necessary for AIXM conformity. As the AIXM metadata schema is also based on ISO 19115, this allows the concepts from the AIXM metadata schema to be easily adopted. Detailed information on metadata can be found in section 7.7 of this Manual. 10. TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE Conventional Terrestrial Survey Terrestrial Survey is still the most wide-spread technique for data acquisition. Compared to other surveying technologies, the investment in sensors and processing software for conventional terrestrial surveying is quite low. On the other hand, the human resources needed to perform the survey in the field are higher, when compared with any other technique. Consequently, this method of survey, although not limited to, is usually used for localised tasks. For the data capture of extended areas, it is often more economical to use an airborne mapping technique. Nevertheless, airborne survey techniques are not completely independent from terrestrial survey, e.g. benchmark surveying - the survey of highly accurate ground control points. Conventional terrestrial survey uses the following instruments: - GPS receiver; - Theodolites or Total Stations (Theodolite combined with [reflectorless] distance measuring); - Terrestrial positioning system (Total Station combined with a GPS receiver). With regards to terrain and obstacle data, conventional terrestrial survey methods would be suitable for the following tasks: - Obstacle acquisition and maintenance; - Terrain acquisition; - Surveying of benchmarks for airborne mapping techniques; - Validation of data acquired by an airborne sensor system. Aerial Photogrammetry Aerial Photogrammetry is a survey technique which has been used for a number of years. The latest development in this field is mainly in regard to digital cameras and scanners. The pixel size (either of the digital camera or the scanner) is the dominating factor in selecting the flight parameters, to ensure that the technical requirements are fulfilled. The most restrictive requirement for obstacle acquisition by photogrammetry is the minimum size of the obstacles which have to be captured. To capture very thin objects (e.g. antennae, street lamps, etc.), the image scale1 has to be bigger than with traditional survey flights. This requires a lower flight height. With a lower flight level, the resulting spatial accuracy (x, y, z) will be much higher than requested. Obviously, the costs for data acquisition for terrain and obstacle data are higher than for traditional applications. 1 Image scale = flight height / focal length, e.g. camera lens with 15cm focal length and a flight height of 1,200m above ground level will lead to an image scale of 1:8,000. With these parameters, a spatial accuracy of 15cm vertically and 5cm horizontally can be achieved. 21 Today, analogue and digital cameras are used for photogrammetry. The only difference between the processes, for analogue and digital cameras, is that the film of the analogue camera has to be scanned. As soon as the images are digitally available, the process is the same for both cameras. With regards to terrain and obstacle data, photogrammetry can be used for the following tasks: - Terrain mapping; - Obstacle mapping; - Validation of ALS data. Airborne Laser Scanning Within the last few years, Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), also known as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), has progressed significantly and is now a more established technique. One of the biggest advantages of ALS, compared to conventional surveying methods, is the high-level of automation offered through a completely digital data chain. Although ALS is a mature technique with respect to the quality of data collection, improvements would be beneficial with respect to data post-processing (i.e. feature detection and extraction). The more automated the processes become, the more economical the data extraction will become. One other significant advantage compared to conventional surveying methods is the homogenous data acquisition over the whole area. The main drawbacks of the technique are the high investment costs and the low number of operators that have sensors capable of obstacle mapping. As for photogrammetry, the minimum size of the obstacle which needs to be captured is the predominant factor for the planning of the ALS flight. If all small antennae on top of buildings have to be captured, the flight and laser parameters have to be adjusted accordingly, to fulfil the technical requirements. ALS includes the following: - Laser scanner (measures the scan angle and time of flight for each laserpulse); - Positioning and orientation system consisting of: - GPS receiver on the aeroplane and reference station on the ground (differential GPS (DGPS)); - Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to measure roll, pitch and heading of the scanner system. - With regards to terrain and obstacle data, ALS methods can be used for the following tasks: o Terrain mapping; o Obstacle mapping. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Among the different radar measuring devices, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) is the most common one. IfSAR is an active sensor system using microwave (wavelength between 2 and 100 cm) and recording the signals reflected from the terrain. Each emitted pulse illuminates a relatively large area and the reflected signal is continuously digitised. The sampling allows a finer resolution of the illuminated area. By repeatedly emitting pulses, each object is illuminated several times. By combining the subsequent signals, the Doppler frequency can be resolved which is then used to determine the location of a point with respect to its location along the flight path and its range. By combining two spatially separated viewing positions (for which their separation must be very accurately known), the resulting interferometric image allows the precise measurement of the parallax of a common point in both images. This stereoscopic 22 measurement (as in photogrammetry) allows the determination of the third co-ordinate. The workflow is very similar to aerial photogrammetry. IfSAR systems consist of: - Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems; - Positioning and orientation system consisting of: - GPS receiver on the aeroplane and reference station on the ground (DGPS); - IMU to measure roll, pitch and heading of the scanner system. With regard to terrain and obstacle data, IfSAR methods can be used for the following tasks: - Terrain mapping2. Sensor Fusion Since every sensor system has its strengths and weaknesses, the combination of two sensors for data acquisition can be considered. For terrain and obstacle data, it is expected that a combination of a tilted ALS sensor and a digital photogrammetric camera offers many benefits in terms of quality (completeness of data acquisition, visual validation) and efficiency (degree of automation), for large area surveys. Data Processing Depending on the data collection technique, different processing steps must be applied. The workflow for each technique is discussed in general, with particular focus on how Commission Regulation (EU) 73/2010 [Reference 29] impacts traditional data processing (for example, collecting metadata, data validation and documentation). This section also outlines the transformation of data between different reference systems. Conventional Terrestrial Survey the typical workflow for conventional terrestrial survey. This method and the workflow shown below have been included in this Manual as they are most suitable for obstacle acquisition in large areas. For terrain data acquisition, the process can be simplified because GPS equipment alone, run in Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) mode, described later in this section, is suitable for mass data collection51. 2 There are ongoing academic research projects where IfSAR systems are used to also detect obstacles. So far, no evidence has been provided that this data meets the quality requirements. 23 11. TERRAIN AND OBSTACLE, COVERAGE AREAS - AREA 3-4: ICAO GIS Aeronautical Officer Technology proposed: 1) Obstacle and other layers use Station total for 5 days 2 people survey of all control points and obstacle, creation of data in GIS system, obstacle database and other layers (control points, runway, navaids, vor/dme etc) add the recent raster data ( Photogrammetry or other kind of imagery) of the aerodrome in background for Quality control, note the precision will be 1.5cm in Horizontal and vertical more precise then the Annex 15 recommendation. Follow the Workflow of Conventional Terrestrial Survey below. 2) Terrain use GPS Mobile type RTK with a 4 wheels, collect Raw field data, input data in GIS to create the DTM triangulation (tin function) to obtain the terrain dataset with all the ICAO rule and recommendation. The following links are good examples to Data collection with GPS Mobile type RTK http://www.rtklib.com/prog/manual_2.2.2.pdf and http://trl.trimble.com/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-270097/022543366_GNSS_Systems_BRO_0208_lr.pdf 3) In French: ftp://ftp.trimble.com/pub/tmsupport/Survey%20controller/CD/Trimble%20Survey%20Co ntroller/Documentation/Francais/Help/Fra_SCRTK_Survey.htm and http://www.leicageosystems.com/downloads123/zz/gps/general/brochures/GPS1200_brochure_fr.pdf 4) Read in this article in the next page from EuroControl “ Comparison and Recommendation” and “ Terrestrial Survey” 5) FAA Help for surveyor https://airports-gis.faa.gov/public/surveyorsIntro.html 6) ESRI Aerodrome package http://resources.arcgis.com/fr/gallery/video//esri-aeronauticalsolution/details?entryID=143C8F19-1422-2418-8861-7E40E749FB1A - Photogrammetry: cost $200/km2 rural, $900/ km2 urbain o Is the most efficient technique for data acquisition; o The degree of automation is smaller, when compared to ALS, but the algorithms are still evolving; o The imagery can be used as a base for many other applications. 24 ALS: LIDAR: $350 per square kilometer data from 2012 Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) Other Lidar cost search result: • 50-100 sq mi2: $943/mi2 $420/km2 • PHB Montreal $300/kml2 chart type A 2 km par 10 km fois 6 for 6 runways $35000 more $3000 for traitements • • • • • 100-150 mi2: $704/mi2 2 150-200 mi : $592/mi2 200-250 mi2: $521/mi2 2 > 250 mi : $472/mi2 $210/km2 10 km egal 400 km2 so the price is $84,000 for 400 km2 equal to zone area 2 (i the same time 3 and 4) • So for 84,000 for post traitement with OIS and Obstruction and other data integration for a total of $168,000 $386-$772 per square kilometer for 1 to 2-meter postings ALS: - Has very high capital costs and is, therefore, less widely available; - A DTM can be extracted almost entirely automatically. Algorithms have been commercially available for many years (allowing separation between data acquisition and feature extraction); - Terrain data acquisition is performed almost at no extra cost when combined with obstacle mapping lidar link: http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=lidar%20cost%20per%20km&source=web&cd=4&sqi =2&ved=0CD4QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fopentopo.sdsc.edu%2Fshortcourses%2FGSA_20 09_Course_515%2FHaugerud%2FHaugerud3.ppt&ei=Oc5QUODjGuTu0gGv5ID4Cg&usg=AF QjCNHjW_TPRSWfGU0zVUSuLIdyubhW8g IfSAR: $70 per square kilometer buy by INTERMAP 2012 (NEXTMap database) https://www1.vtrenz.net/imarkownerfiles/ownerassets/868/brochure_IFSAR.pdf IfSAR provides the highest data acquisition rates from all currently available survey techniques. The offered products also fulfil the quality requirements for 25 Parameter Collection Process Maximum Collection Rates Wavelengths Maximum Operating Speed Ground Swath DTM Ground Sample Distance DTM Vertical Accuracy DTM Horizontal Accuracy Imagery Type Imagery Ground Sample Distance Imagery Horizontal Accuracy Representative Pricing for Fully Edited DTMs IFSAR / InSAR – Type II Collected from fixedwing aircraft at 6km to 9km in single-pass mode. IFSAR / InSAR – Type I+ Collected from fixedwing aircraft at 6km to 9km in single-pass mode. ~ 4,000km2/hr ~ 4,000km2/hr LiDAR - Typical Industry Values Collected from fixedwing aircraft and helicopter platforms at 50m to 3.5km; may require multiple passes. ~ 200km2/hr X-band (~3cm). Penetrates clouds, haze, fog, dust, light rain, and snow. ~ 750km/hr X-band (~3cm). Penetrates clouds, haze, fog, dust, light rain, and snow. ~ 750km/hr IR (~ 1nm). Cannot penetrate clouds; heavily absorbed by water. ~ 200km/hr 5 – 9km 5.0m posting 5 – 9km 5.0m posting 0.7 to 1km 0.75 – 3.0m posting 1.0m RMSE 0.5m RMSE 0.1 – 0.5m RMSE 2.0m 1.0m 0.5 – 1.0m orthorectified radar imagery ~ 1.25m pixel size orthorectified radar imagery ~ 0.625m pixel size intensity gray scale image ~ 0.75 – 3.0m pixel size 2.0m RMSE 1.0m RMSE 0.5 – 1.0m RMSE ~ <$40/km2 USD typical ~ <$40/km2 USD typical ~ $150 – $350/km2 USD typical 26 Areas 1, 2 and 3. 2008.pdf or old - There are only a few providers available due to the highest capital costs and proprietary processing software of all the techniques; - The efficiency of data acquisition is high, but is influenced by the need for marked and surveyed corner points; - For raw measurements, the penetration level is unclear which impacts the quality in forested areas. http://www.geosar.com/downloads/WhitePaper_GeospatialFramework_10-2009.pdf IDS EXCHANGE EXPORT TO ARCINC AND EXPORT TO AIXM IMPORT ALSO AIXM TO EXCHANGE DATA WITH JEPPESEN AND EAD IN EUROPE OR WITH NAVCANADA for obstacle ok BUT THE DATA OF THE ETOD orthophoto or other TIN DTM SRTM DTM Elevation data model https://www1.vtrenz.net/imarkownerfiles/ownerassets/868/brochure_IFSAR.pdf LIDAR SOFTWARE PROGRAM http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=lidar%20software%20review&source=web&cd=3&ved =0CEMQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fsl.orst.edu%2Fsdmg%2Ffiles%2FLiDAR_USGS_ GIS_Workshop_2008_Report.doc&ei=qpQUOjpFarj0QGa2oCwAw&usg=AFQjCNFX6srK81oRAVGD8V7giaSlCVf_8Q http://www.lidarnews.com/PDF/LiDAR_Magazine_Vol1No2_Oneil-Dunne.pdf http://spatialis.com/products/topo/pdf/SIS_PSM_NOV2011.pdf http://www.terrasolid.com/home.php http://gis.mapsofworld.com/lidar/lidar-software.html 27 12. WORKING WITH LIDAR DATA IN ARCGIS 10.1 Because of its often-massive size, lidar data can be a challenge to work with. The seminar introduces ArcGIS 10.1 tools to quickly create a LAS dataset from a collection of LAS files, view the data as points and TINs (triangulated irregular networks), take measurements, and edit classification codes. You will learn how you can efficiently manage collections of LAS files using mosaic datasets and share them to desktop and web applications. 13. TERRAIN AND OBSTACLE, COVERAGE AREAS - AREA 1: ICAO GIS Aeronautical Officer Technology proposed: The coverage areas for collecting and recording sets of electronic terrain and obstacle data in the database are defined as follow Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is an international research effort that obtained digital elevation models on a near-global scale from 56 °S to 60 °N, to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth to date. http://www.airportsuppliers.com/supplier/SLC_Geomatic_Solutions/ http://www.earthondrive.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59_66 Terrain Data Greater than 45 km from the ARP and Greater than 10 km from the ARP, Survey for the DTM: I will go with IFSAR Technology for the rural zone and Urban. Obstacle Data I prefer to use Terrestrial Survey for Obstacle and other layers use Station total for 50 days 2 people survey or GPS Survey for all control points and obstacle, creation of data in GIS system with excellent quality data control. Between 10K and 45 km part of Area 2 in the Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling If the terrain is almost horizontal; Survey for the DTM: I will go with IFSAR Technology for the rural and Urban zone. If the terrain is very accidently (many verticical change) ; I will go with LIDAR Technology for the rural zone and Urban zone. In the same flight plan I collect also with LIDAR Technology the Obstacle in the Urban zone and rural zone. 28 14. TERRAIN AND OBSTACLE, COVERAGE AREAS - AREA 2: The coverage areas for collecting and recording sets of electronic terrain and obstacle data in the database are defined as follow Annex 15 chap:10 Elevation Terrain Modeling - Terrain Data o Survey circle of 10KM: I will go with LIDAR Technology for the rural zone and Urban zone. - Obstacle Data o In the same flight plan I collect also with LIDAR Technology the Obstacle in the Urban zone and rural zone Maybe in the same flight plan, I make also the data collection for the Area 3 (same price). Commercially Available Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems System Wavelength Radarsat C-band Satellite or Supplier airborne Name Satellite MDA ERS C-band Satellite ESA ENVISAT C-band Satellite ESA PALSAR L-band Satellite JAICA X-band Satellite Infoterra TerraSARX GeoSAR Fugro OrbiSAR X- and P-band Airborne (simultaneous ) X- and P-band Airborne Star3i X-band Intermap Airborne Orbisat For Further Information http://www.asccsa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/radarsat/overv iew.asp http://www.esa.int/esaEO/SEMGWH 2VQUD_ind ex_0_m.html http://www.esa.int/esaEO/SEMWYN 2VQUD_ind ex_0_m.html http://www.palsar.ersdac.or.jp/e/inde x.shtml http://www.infoterra.de/terrasarx.html www.geosar.com www.orbisat.be www.intermap.com 29 Categorization Candidate Data Alignment Layer National Geodetic Control National Grid coordinate system /geodetic info. National Orthoimagery, Orthoimagery updated at regular intervals Historical Orthoimagery Land Features/Form Layer National Contours (Digital Elevation Elevation Models) Dataset Bathymetric data National Hydrography Coastline (all shorelines); Hydrology (streams/rivers/lakes ) National Transportation Roads Road centerline National Landforms/Geol ogy Geomorphology/soil s Geological base maps Recommended Data Sources Cloudy Tropics Recommended Data Sources Non-Cloudy Ground survey Ground survey SAR/IFSAR Aerial photography, SAR/IFSAR Imagery that is available (if any) Aerial photography Foliage-penetrating (P-band) IFSAR, especially where vegetated Lidar, echo sounding Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Multi-frequency SAR/ IFSAR Lidar, IFSAR Multi-frequency IFSAR ; geophysical surveys Lidar, echo sounding Aerial photography, satellite/airborne SAR, (depending on scale required) Aerial photography, Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Aerial photography, Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Aerial photography, Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on scale required) Aerial photography, Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on detail) Aerial photography, Airborne or Satellite SAR (depending on detail); geophysical surveys 30 Other provides for ETOD SOLUTION: ESRI: http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/esri-aeronautical-implementing-etod.pdf AVITECH: http://eaip.avitech-ag.net/index.php?id=109 IDS: http://www.idscompany.it/page.php?f=78&id_div=5 INTERMAP https://www1.vtrenz.net/imarkownerfiles/ownerassets/868/ADS_Prod_Overview_A4.pdf GEOEYE: http://geoeye.com/CorpSite/assets/docs/brochures/GeoEye_AMDB_v5.pdf AIRSERVICEUK: http://www.airservicesuk.com/eTOD_Imp.html SLC Associates: http://www.slcassociates.co.uk/software-systems/etod-software/ JEPPESEN: http://ww1.jeppesen.com/documents/aviation/commercial/TERR_OBSTACLES.pdf http://ww1.jeppesen.com/industry-solutions/aviation/commercial/terrain-obstacle-database.jsp 15. ETOD SOURCES AREA 1 - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is an international research effort that obtained digital elevation models on a near-global scale from 56 °S to 60 °N, to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth to date. AREA 2 (3 and 4) - LIDAR Airborne lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) measures the height of the ground surface and other features in large areas of landscape with a resolution and accuracy hitherto unavailable, except through labour-intensive field survey or photogrammetry. It provides highly detailed and accurate models of the land surface at metre and sub-metre resolution. Lidar operates by using a pulsed laser beam which is scanned from side to side as the aircraft flies over the survey area, measuring between 20,000 to 150,000 points per second to build an accurate, high resolution model of the ground and the features upon it. Using LIDAR for DEM and contour generation is faster than using conventional photogrammetic techniques and less susceptible to data collection problems as data can be acquired during the day or night. However, this system is weather dependent and cannot see through clouds. AREA 3 and 4 - Differential GPS Areas 3 and 4 also lend themselves to a ground survey mission. By mouinting a geodetic grade DGPS Receiver on a suitable vehicle, these areas can be surveyed very quickly and at low cost. Typically in 3 to 5 days per airport. 31 AREA 2 - Airborne IFSAR i. (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) Airborne IFSAR is a fast, accurate, cost-effective source of elevation and image data. The orthorectified imagery can provide ground-control points that can be used to link satellite or airborne imagery to an IFSAR DEM for rectification. ii. eTOD Software Much more than just a data store, GDMS is a bespoke Geospatial Information System with a suite of tools for handling electronic terrain and obstacle data (eTOD) and carrying out obstruction analysis against Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (Safeguarding). GDMS enables you to maximise the benefits from your investment. With GDMS you can use eTOD for 3D presentations, aerodrome safeguarding and management of airport development. In common with all Geographical Information Systems, GDMS can interact with a powerful database and create a views of the environment by creating multiple layers of information such as raster and vector mapping, aerial and satellite images, 3d terrain data (eTOD), airports obstacle limitation surfaces (Annex 14, Navigation Aids, etc) and User created zones. However, unlike most GIS, GDMS can also view the data in 3 dimensions with the images draped onto the terrain data and can carry out real-time fly through simulation. One major difference between GDMS and other commercial GIS is that integrated into the system is the Aerodrome Safeguarding Toolkit (AST-Pro), which carries out the automated modeling of obstacle limitation surfaces and the analysis of obstructions. This module can automatically create the complete Annex 14 (or CAP168) 3d model by simply inputting the aerodrome data. The resulting 3 dimensional model is available for use in any Workspace by simple selecting it from the Database Manager, furthermore, the models remains completely interactive and can be changed at any time by editing the runway criteria. iii. Key Features: In addition to being a fully functional Geospatial Information System, i.e, able to import, and display layers of information from multiple sources (geo-tiff images, dxf, shape, vector mapping). iv. The unique features of GDMS are: - - System can work in local grid system or WGS-84 latitude and longitude. On screen creation of custom zones (Public Safety Zones, Restricted Airspace, etc.). Import and storage of eTOD data along with ICAO required attributes. QA analysis of legacy terrain data by comparison to ground truth points. Results will predict the accuracy or the legacy data at both 1 sigma and 2 sigma confidence levels. User can accept this result and add to the QA attributes for that particular terrain file. Full 3d visualisation with vertical exaggeration. Full Image draping onto terrain data. Automated Aerodrome Surfaces modeling. (User specified parameters, e.g. Annex 14 or other National variations such as the UK’s CAP168). 32 - Object analysis to all visible surfaces. (typically proposed planning applications or existing obstacles). AIXM ready database. Graphic screen can be split to a second screen (requires graphics card). Output to Google Earth (obstacles and surfaces) Technical support provided by SLC Associates, highly experienced aviation consultants and Geospatial data experts. Figure: Workflow of Conventional Terrestrial Survey3 3 Processes in italics indicate data in local co-ordinate system. Simplified process for terrain survey by means of GPS-RTK in bold. 33 The following preconditions have to be fulfilled for Total Stations type survey: - Reference station operated on points with known co-ordinates or derived by free stationing; - Monument control stations in a local network build the base for the terrestrial survey; - Local co-ordinate system: o Measurements with a theodolite are performed in a local planar coordinate system (e.g. UTM). The heights are measured above the (quasi-)geoid, based on the published heights of the reference points. Typically, such height values are labelled as MSL. - Transformation parameters from local to WGS-84 co-ordinate system53: o For the transformation of the surveyed points between the local coordinate system and WGS-84, transformation parameters are needed. In order to obtain heights in a different system (such as ellipsoidal heights or heights above EGM-96), the local geoid must be known to a high accuracy. For a limited area, the transformation parameters can be derived with a set of reference points, with known 3D co-ordinates in both reference systems. Preconditions for a GPS type survey: - Reference station(s) for DGPS: o The definition of measured GPS points is based on well-defined reference stations. For the resolution of the ambiguities, at least one additional GPS station will be used in DGPS. To improve the precision of the resulting coordinates, measurements with short baselines are preferred. National and international permanent GPS networks 4 , which are often operated by the national survey agency, allow the surveyors to use more than one single, additional station to define the reference stations with higher precision and reliability. Where permanent or reference GPS stations transmit the correction signal by radio waves, the receiver is capable of operating in RTK mode (Real Time Kinematic). http://www.geod.nrcan.gc.ca/edu/rtk_f.php Précisions planimétriques pour des vecteurs de longueurs diverses 1 km 10 km ~ 1 cm ~ 2 cm Bifréquence ~ 2 cm ~ 4 cm Monofréquence 30 km ~ 4 cm Trop long Thus, the co-ordinates of the measurement points are available without post-processing. With GPS, the survey is performed in a world-wide geodetic system. Transformations between WGS84 and a local geodetic datum or co-ordinate system are therefore obsolete when the co-ordinates of the reference stations are known in WGS-84. 4 An example: Online GPS Processing Service by the Australian Government http://www.ga.gov.au/bin/gps.pl. 34 16. AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY Figure: Workflow of Aerial Photogrammetry The following preconditions have to be fulfilled: - Benchmarks have to be marked (signalisation) and their co-ordinates determined using terrestrial survey; - Flight plan based on: o Focal length; o Spatial accuracy requirements; o Flight restrictions; o Resolution requirements. . 35 17. AIRBORNE LASER SCANNING Figure: Workflow of ALS The following preconditions have to be fulfilled: - Flight plan with: o Flight lines; o Scan angle; o Scan rate; o Pulse repetition frequency. These parameters influence the flight height but, additionally, the flight restrictions and topography may also impact the flight planning. The most appropriate system settings are selected based on the topography and the technical specifications: - Calibration flight: o A calibration flight is performed after the mounting of the system. Periodical recalibration is recommended to compensate for drifts and changes in climate; - Well-defined monument reference station for master GPS or provision of permanent GPS reference network with post-processing capabilities. The above mentioned preconditions have to be fulfilled before the ALS surveying flight is performed. As with any airborne survey technique, it is recommended that terrestrial survey is performed to measure specific points which are used as control points for data validation55. These measurements can be performed before, during or after the flight is carried out. To improve the quality, it is recommended that the field survey is performed after the post- 36 processing. In this way, open issues, which are detected during the post-processing, can be checked in the field. This will ultimately result in higher data quality.5 Existing benchmark points can also be used for the validation, on condition that they are located on a solid surface and can be transformed easily to WGS-84/EGM-96. 18. INTERFEROMETRIC SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR Figure: Workflow of IfSAR The following preconditions have to be fulfilled: - Benchmarks have to be marked (corner points) and their co-ordinates determined using terrestrial survey; - Flight plan based on: o System characteristics (pulse rate, range, etc); o Spatial accuracy requirements; o Flight restrictions; o Resolution requirements. 5 Existing benchmark points can also be used for the validation, on condition that they are located on a solid surface and can be transformed easily to WGS-84/EGM-96. 37 19. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES FOR TERRAIN The utilisation of specific techniques for the collection and processing of terrain data will be outlined in this section. 20. TERRESTRIAL SURVEY Compared to obstacle mapping, conventional terrestrial surveying is much more efficient for terrain data acquisition. Although the number of acquired points per work day is still much lower than any aerial mapping technique, terrestrial survey has the advantage that the uneven distribution of points, with the focus on Released Issue Page 140 Edition: 2.0 Terrain and Obstacle Data Manual breaklines and spot elevations, significantly reduces the amount of data collected. The terrain model can then be derived from the surveyed points and breaklines, by building up a TIN. In various studies, the possibility of mounting a GPS antenna on a car (operated in RTK mode) to increase the survey efficiency has been examined. Even though the results are promising, with respect to the achieved accuracy, this method does not meet the needs of aviation data because the highest points are only randomly accessible by car. In forested and urban areas with tall buildings, terrain data cannot be collected very efficiently with GPS due to limited satellite visibility and signal strength. 21. AIRBORNE LASER SCANNING During data acquisition with ALS, ground and non-ground objects are not distinguished between. Filtering, i.e. the removal of terrain points, is an important processing step in obstacle data extraction. Therefore, the terrain data for Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be derived from ALS-based data acquisition, for very little additional cost. In the point cloud remaining after the filtering of terrain points, trees / vegetation can be detected by using the multi-return capability of ALS. The remaining points describe man-made objects which can, therefore, for a large part, be automatically extracted (see also section 2.1). 22. AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY As described for ALS, the imagery collected with aerial photogrammetry for obstacle mapping allows the extraction of a DTM. If a DSM is generated using image correlation techniques, the terrain extraction process is the same as for ALS. However, the reduced penetration in vegetated areas results in fewer points on the ground which makes it difficult to achieve a “clean” DTM. If vegetation and forests need to be extracted, less information is available for automated detection in a DSM based on aerial photogrammetry than in a DSM based on ALS6. Auxiliary information for vegetation detection can be provided with today’s digital cameras, where infrared information is included in the imagery as a separate channel. 6 38 23. INTERFEROMETRIC SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR IfSAR provides the highest data acquisition rates from all currently available survey techniques. The offered products also fulfil the quality requirements for Areas 1, 2 and 3. The main drawbacks of the technique are the complex methods used in the signal processing which reduces the number of companies able to provide IfSAR mapping services. On the technical side, the inability to achieve good interferometric phase measurements for all locations is still a major problem. The deviation of the field of view from nadir (sideward looking sensor) causes portions of the terrain to not be captured because they are obscured by other parts of the terrain or other objects. This shadow effect is typically exhibited in mountainous areas, whereas in regions with flat terrain it only occurs in urban areas. Depending on the wavelength, the signal is reflected from the topmost target (shorter wavelength, X- or C-band) or tends to penetrate the vegetation canopy or ground (long wavelength, L- or P-band). With soft ground, such as sand deserts, glaciers or snow, radar signals are absorbed rather than reflected, also leading to data voids. 24. COMPARISON AND RECOMMENDATION In Figure 24, all four surveying techniques presented are compared using different criteria. This comparison will provide recommendations as to which methods are most suitable, under which circumstances, for an organisation. The most important factors to consider are: ALS: - Has very high capital costs and is, therefore, less widely available; o A DTM can be extracted almost entirely automatically. Algorithms have been commercially available for many years (allowing separation between data acquisition and feature extraction); o Terrain data acquisition is performed almost at no extra cost when combined with obstacle mapping. - IfSAR: o There are only a few providers available due to the highest capital costs and proprietary processing software of all the techniques; o The efficiency of data acquisition is high, but is influenced by the need for marked and surveyed corner points; o For raw measurements, the penetration level is unclear which impacts the quality in forested areas. - Photogrammetry: o Is the most efficient technique for data acquisition; o The degree of automation is smaller, when compared to ALS, but the algorithms are still evolving; o The imagery can be used as a base for many other applications. - Terrestrial survey: o Has the lowest capital costs but is very labour intensive; o Results in a well-structured terrain model (points, breaklines), with a minimum of objects; o Is ideal for data validation. 39 Figure 24: Comparison of Different Sensor Techniques for Terrain Mapping In the following table, recommendations on the survey methods for terrain are provided. The symbols should be interpreted as follows: ‘++’ very suitable technically and very cost efficient; ‘+’ very suitable technically but not the most cost efficient; ‘o‘ suitable technically but very poor cost/benefit ratio; ‘- ‘ not meeting technical requirements and very poor cost/benefit ratio. Table 2: Recommendation on Survey Methods for Terrain ALS and aerial photogrammetry are only very cost efficient when Areas 3 and 4 are surveyed in one survey campaign. 40 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES FOR OBSTACLES 25. TERRESTRIAL SURVEY Using conventional terrestrial survey for data acquisition is often inefficient because of the limited visibility from one stand point (either due to obstructions in urban areas or due to limited measurement range in the open field). For example, there is a risk of not obtaining reflection from the targeted (thin) obstacle, but from the one behind it. It is difficult to detect such erroneous measurements during data acquisition as no additional data is used for real-time validation. GPS/RTK measurements are not suitable for obstacle data acquisition due to the need to access each obstacle to be surveyed. 26. ALS Several points should be considered when using ALS for obstacle mapping: - To increase the probability that a thin object, like an antenna is captured, it is recommended that the sensor is tilted and the radiometric resolution of the sensor is calibrated. - Environmental conditions: The humidity can have a strong impact on the strength of the returned signal (local loss of signal). Strong winds or turbulence increase the possibility that the gathered points are distributed unevenly. Therefore, meteorological restrictions must be carefully observed during data collection. - Obstacle detection: After pre-processing the different data streams (GPS, IMU, laser scanner) and combining them, a digital point cloud is available for further process steps. To detect obstacles, the points are separated into ground and non-ground points. The nonground points can then be compared with an ODCS and the points describing obstacles can be easily detected. With a tilted sensor, it is expected that, for each object, there are multiple pulses with almost identical x/y but different z co-ordinates registered. Algorithms can help to determine the reliability of these identified objects. Where only a single echo is registered, certain plausibility tests can help to determine if such an object may or may not be an obstacle (for example, the reflection from a bird). In certain cases, control survey with conventional terrestrial survey, is recommended. - Feature extraction: Once points describing an obstacle are selected, they must be combined and converted to some form of GIS object, i.e. point, line and polygon. The degree of automation of such a process strongly depends on the quality requirements (i.e. target applications) of the geometry. For further information, see Airborne Laser Scanning for Airport Terrain and Obstacle Mapping (A Limited Feasibility Study) [Reference 24]. - All processing steps can theoretically be performed by an organisation, independent of the data acquisition provider. For practical reasons, it is recommended that data acquisition and pre-processing are combined into one work package so that the first deliverable is the geo-referenced point cloud. Feature extraction does not require ALS capabilities and so, again, it can be performed by a different organisation. 41 27. AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY Several points should be considered when using aerial photogrammetry for obstacle mapping: - A DSM can be generated using an image correlation process. This allows similar postprocessing steps to those described for ALS in section But the image correlation is, in some circumstances (low texture), not reliable and the DSM is 2.5D, not true 3D, as with ALS. The manual interpretation of what has to be considered as an obstacle is labour intensive for photogrammetric data, but, at present, much more reliable than image correlation. As the operator has to define which objects are to be considered obstacles, human interpretation may impact the data homogeneity and data quality. Systems are available which support the operator by automatically generating the ODCS, based on the ODCS specifications and the actual runway data. The ODCS is shown in the system so that the differentiation of objects penetrating the ODCS, from other objects, is facilitated. In contrast to the feature extraction in ALS, the human interaction in photogrammetric data processing allows the combination of both the obstacle detection and feature extraction steps, resulting in high-quality, true 3D vectors. 28. IFSAR Obstacle detection from IfSAR data suffers from low reliability since the reconnaissance largely depends on the incident angle. Power lines, for example, are clearly visible in SAR imagery, if running parallel to the flight direction, but are not detectable if running across the flight direction. The reason for this problem is the “layover” effect, whereby points appear to be reversed in the imagery, e.g. where point A is in front of point B, the imagery reverses them so that point B appears to be in front. Layover causes a loss of useful signal and, therefore, precludes the determination of elevation in layover regions. 42 29. COMPARISON AND RECOMMENDATIONS In Figure 25, the surveying techniques appropriate for obstacle mapping are compared using different criteria. This comparison will provide recommendations as to which methods are most suitable, under which circumstances, for an organisation. The most important factors to consider are: - ALS: o Has the highest capital costs and, therefore, is less widely available; o It already offers the highest degree of automation but further development is expected; o Has the lowest risk of missing an obstacle during data acquisition. - Photogrammetry: o Is the most efficient technique for data acquisition; o The degree of automation is smaller, when compared to ALS, but the algorithms are still evolving; o The risk of missing an obstacle is higher, when compared to ALS, but due to manual interaction, the quality of the resulting obstacle is expected to be higher than all other techniques. - Terrestrial survey: o Has the lowest capital costs but is very labour intensive; o Is a mature technique but not much further improvement is expected; o The risk that an obstacle is missed is higher than with the other techniques and, therefore, the level of effort needed for validation is high; o Is ideal for data validation. - IfSAR: o Obstacle detection suffers from low reliability. At the time of writing this Manual, the technique not suitable for obstacle data collection. Figure 25: Comparison of Different Surveying Techniques for Obstacle Mapping 43 In the following table, recommendations on the survey methods for obstacles are provided. The symbols should be interpreted as follows: ‘++’ very suitable technically and very cost efficient; ‘+’ very suitable technically well suited but not the most cost efficient; ‘o‘ suitable technically but very poor cost/benefit ratio; ‘- ‘ not meeting technical requirements and very poor cost/benefit ratio. Table 3: Recommendation on Survey Methods for Obstacles 44 30. SIZE OF DATA It is clear that what was considered to be a large data set a decade ago is significantly different to that which is considered to be a large data set today. In fact, today, systems capable of handling terabytes of data are not uncommon. An example of the sizes of terrain and obstacle data was provided on EUROCONTROL’s Terrain and Obstacle Data Forum. For an area of 49,000 km2, the size of a file with the elevation grid is 62.8 Megabytes (MB). The size of the same data, stored as a binary database, in which every point has its geographical co-ordinates and elevation, is 657 MB. Whilst the potential size of the data to be processed in relation to terrain and obstacle data is significantly larger than the traditional AIP data handled by AIS, managing data of this size is neither new nor unique to AIS. For example, in the aviation sector, many AIS or airport authorities use GIS for handling spatial data. Often high-resolution imagery (orthophoto), with ground sampling distance of 25–50cm, is stored within the GIS database and used in a variety of GIS applications. The size of data in such data sets is relatively high when compared with the size of the AIP in digital form. In the banking sector, data related to each and every transaction is stored and thousands of transactions are processed every hour of the day. Closely linked to aviation is meteorology, where large volumes of data are processed to produce displays indicating temperature, wind speed, pressure and humidity, as well as time and three spatial dimensions. In total, this equates to terabytes of data. Hydrographic offices provide another example, as they process large volumes of maritime data. In some cases, they cover large areas of the world, rather than just the territory of a single State. 45 With regards to the formats to be used for terrain and obstacle data, databases, American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), binary Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), GEOTIFF and comma-separated values (CSV) have all been considered and it is recommended that consideration is given to the data that is available and how this may be used within the applications that are likely to be used by the end-users. The development of new standards for the ISO 19100 series is also ongoing and it is further recommended that the work of the OGC, which acts as the technical committee for these standards, is monitored. 31. NEW METADATA ABOUT A FEATURE (OR FEATURE TIMESLICE) An important aspect of aeronautical information is its temporal validity. Almost every piece of aeronautical information has an effectivity date attached to it. While ISO 19115 [Reference 16] provides some means of modelling temporal extents, aeronautical information can benefit from an extended model, with strong emphasis on temporal validity. AIXM presents a model that allows for explicit modelling of temporal validity. The AIXM temporality model defines the entity “AIXMTimeSlice” which allows all changes during a feature’s lifetime to be associated with the corresponding feature. The grouping of a feature’s changes allows for a complete history of the evolution of a single feature. When applying the concept of “time slices” to an AIS/AIM system, it is possible to submit queries to the AIS/AIM system, such as “show me the information about this feature as of 2008/01/02”. 46 32. DOGAMI LIDAR VIEWER http://www.oregongeology.org/dogamilidarviewer/ This interactive map allows you to view 9 ft resolution lidar data for portions of the state of Oregon. Lidar (light detection and ranging) is a tool that provides very precise, accurate, and high-resolution images of the surface of the earth, man-made infrastructure, and vegetation. The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has been involved in efforts to collect high-resolution lidar in Oregon since 2003. In 2007, DOGAMI formed the Oregon Lidar Consortium (OLC) to develop cooperative agreements for the collection of highquality lidar that benefits the public at large, the business community, and agencies at all levels of government. Since then DOGAMI has collected over 13 million acres of lidar throughout Oregon and the Northwest. Built on ArcGIS Server 10 and the ArcGIS API for Flex version 2.3.1, the Lidar Data Viewer enables DOGAMI to serve up terabytes of lidar data using Esri's optimized cached map services. DEM grids and hillshades were derived by county and are stored in file geodatabases. A web service is published and cached for each county where lidar exists. 3ft resolution lidar is available for purchase by lidar data quad. Use the search tool in the flexviewer to search for and purchase lidar quads. Flexviewer Application Development: Paul Ferro Lidar Processing: John English, Paul Ferro DOGAMI's Web Services Directory is not available for public use at this time 47 LIDAR TOLL from ESRI LAS DATA SET TOOLS http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d8782286e3c9442bb5c244bf39da5966 http://www.oregongeology.org/slido/index.html 48 "LIDAR" SURVEYS 33. LIGHT DETECTION AND RANGING We utilise the latest technology in the form of Lidar surveying methods were we offer the following unique capabilities that will assist our clients to maximize the benefits offered by LiDar scanning. Our clients can have the confidence that we will provide innovative technology with high accuracy and fast data capture, a proven survey process that ensures accuracy, completeness and consistency. In addition we provide unmatched experience for fast, safe and complete results, utilising the latest software to achieve maximum return on investment pertaining to our professional service. 34. HOW DOES IT WORK? Lidar Simultaneously: - Measure trajectory of aircraft in three dimensions - Measure orientation of laser scanner about three rotations axes - Transmit and receive laser pulses, measure the time-of-flight (i.e. range to reflecting surface) Consequently LIDAR - Know the coordinates of thousands of points surveyed per second - Map the surface of the Earth in high density 49 35. CLICK HERE TO SEE A VIDEO OF THIS SERVICE 36. DELIVERABLES Point Cloud Comprised of millions of points collected from the Laser onboard the aircraft, the Point Cloud is combined with IMU and GPS data to ensure that every point in the cloud is within sub 10cm accuracy 50 51 52 Imagery Hi resolution ortho-rectified photos are overlaid on the data to create extremely high detailed maps. Using a 39 Mega Pixel Medium format camera to ensure the highest resolution and quality. 53 Contours A contour line joins points of equal elevation above a given level, such as mean sea level. A contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines, for example a topographic map, which thus shows valleys and hills, and the steepness of slopes. The contour interval of a contour map is the difference in elevation between successive contour lines. 54 DTM Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is created by digitally removing all of the cultural features inherent to a DTM by exposing the underlying terrain. The quality of a DTM is a measure of how accurate elevation is at each pixel (absolute accuracy) and how accurately is the morphology presented (relative accuracy). Several factors play an important role for quality of DTM-derived products: - Terrain roughness - Sampling density (elevation data collection method) - Grid resolution or pixel size - Interpolation algorithm - Vertical resolution - Terrain analysis algorithm 55 37. USES FOR LIDAR SCANNING 3D City Models DTM of Large areas Calculation of accurate Volumes over large areas, being much more cost effective than conventional surveys - Updating of Statutory Mining plans - Roads / Rail and Power line routes for Planning and Design - Measuring of Carbon Credit - Bulk property valuations Please contact us should you want any more detail of the above http://www.africansurveyors.com/lidar.html - 38. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND OF LIDAR Technical Introduction Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a surveying technique which enables highly accurate, rapid and high-density three-dimensional mapping of large areas. The Street and Air Mapper LiDAR system as used by ACS is superior to any other LiDAR system on the African continent, due to its very high scan rate and the low flying altitude, which yield point densities of up to five times that of older generation LiDAR systems. Our Riegl VQ450 scanner has and effective 360 Degree measurement rate of up to 550,000 points per second. A point cloud density of up to +-100 point per Square meter can be expected by flying at very low altitudes (+-30m AGL). In addition, high resolution camera flown in conjunction with the LiDAR system yields fullcolour, geo-referenced orthophotos at the highest possible resolution of up to +-1cm per pixel by flying at very low altitudes (+-30m AGL). Surveying an area of interest using LiDAR and high-resolution photography would save the client time, money and in some cases the logistic requirement of providing surveyors with access to the area. Mission Planning and Preparation Appropriate mission planning will ensure the highest possible accuracies of surveyed data. The following factors are taken into account when deciding on the best time to conduct the survey: - The GPS satellite constellation, which has a 23 hours and 56 minutes repeat cycle, needs to be taken into account to maximise the number of satellites available when conducting the survey. The Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) is a quantification of how accurately one would be able to measure positions at a given time. ACS will conduct the survey during a time window, determined for the area of interest, during which PDOP is sufficiently low (typically below 3.5). For safety purposes and to ensure data quality, the weather conditions are taken into account. LiDAR surveys are not recommended in high winds (over 30 knots) or when visibility is poor. Because of the lower flying altitude employed ACS (typically below 500 m), surveys can even be conducted during cloudy periods; however, very dense lowlevel fog will force surveying to be postponed until the weather improves. 56 A GPS base station has to be set up during the aerial survey within 25 km of the survey area. ACS uses 2 state-of-the-art Trimble R8 GPS receivers as base stations, which are operated on the ground during the aerial survey. Collected data can then be used during post-processing to find accurate differential positions of the helicopter along its trajectory. - The sun angle is taken into account when selecting an appropriate survey time window. In order to obtain good orthophotos, surveys are typically conducted between 09:00 and 15:00 local time. The accuracy obtained for measurements of the LiDAR system’s position along the aircraft trajectory should be within 2.5 cm horizontally and 3.5 cm vertically. The obtained accuracies will be reported with the results. - Data Processing Workflow The process of deriving mapping products from LiDAR survey data can be summarised as follows: - Trajectories are determined for the LiDAR system along the helicopter’s flight path. Firstly, differential GPS data (relative to the GPS base stations) are processed using the NovAtel Waypoint software. Thereafter, the GPS-derived trajectory is refined by incorporating inertial measurement unit (IMU) data in Leica’s IPAS Pro software. - The Streetmapper software is used to combine the measured laser ranges with the positions (from differential GPS) and attitude (from IMU measurements) to produce a so-called laser point-cloud. This point-cloud contains all the spatial information from the survey. - All surveyed data will be in UTM or WGS84, and projected the projection specified beforehand by the client. - TerraScan is used to classify all the point-cloud data, based on observed intensities and threedimensional coordinates, to different classes, including ground, vegetation, buildings. etc. - Contouring and DTM/DEM generation is achieved through the use of established processing techniques in the TerraModeler software. - Orthophotos are merged and rectified using the TerraPhoto software. - Quality checks are conducted by comparing the aerial survey data with ground control. Orthometric heights will, unless otherwise specified in this document, be determined by applying the EGM96 geoid model to the survey data and fitting it to local trigonometric beacons, if available and required. The above-mentioned process will ensure the timely delivery of the client’s requested products to the highest possible degree of accuracy. Personnel & Equipment The following staffs are typically made available on most of our projects: - 1 Project Manager - 2 Pilots - 1 System Operator - 6 Data Processors - 1 Base Station Operators - 1 Surveyor for Ground Control 57 Helicopter Most of our International LiDAR projects are flown with a cost effective Robinson R44. The R44 is a single-engined helicopter with a semi-rigid two-bladed main rotor and a two-bladed tail rotor and a skid landing gear. It has an enclosed cabin with two rows of side-by-side seating for a pilot and three passengers. Tail rotor direction of rotation on the R44 is reversed. On the R44 the advancing blade is on the bottom. Designed during the 1980s by Frank Robinson and his staff of engineers, the R44 first flew on March 31, 1990. The R44 Astro was awarded an FAA Type Certificate in December 1992, with the first deliveries taking place in January 1993. In January 2000, Robinson introduced the Raven with hydraulically-assisted controls and adjustable pedals. In July 2002, Robinson introduced the Raven II featuring a more powerful, fuel-injected engine and wider blades, allowing a higher gross weight and improved altitude performance Accuracy LiDAR accuracies are reported at a 68% confidence level ("one sigma") with ellipsoidal heights. We use the root-mean-square error (RMSE) to estimate positional accuracy. RMSE is the square root of the average of the set of squared differences between dataset coordinate values and coordinate values from an independent source of higher accuracy for identical points. Accuracy is reported in ground distances at the 68% confidence level. Accuracy reported at the 68% confidence level means that 68% of the positions in the dataset will have an error with respect to true ground position that is equal to or smaller than the above reported accuracy value, thus when 100 points are tested, the 68% confidence level allows 32 points to fail the thresholds of the above stated accuracies Horizontal absolute accuracies To guarantee horizontal absolute accuracies it is required to place and survey ground control beacons throughout the site. As a rule of thumb, we need a minimum of 5 ground control points and 1 additional ground control point for every 2,000Ha above 10,000Ha evenly spread-out throughout the site. When using ground control the horizontal absolute accuracy will remain the same as the relative horizontal accuracy mentioned in the financial proposal. Vertical absolute accuracies All LiDAR system uses ellipsoidal GPS measurements, thus only ellipsoidal heights will be delivered however for South African projects we will be applying the latest available South African Geoidal Model, which is accurate up to 10cm. Thus, using GPS Technology together with our LiDAR system an absolute Orthometric vertical accuracy of +-10cm can be expected. For countries that do not have its own Geoidal model an absolute vertical accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Orthometric accuracy are subject the accuracy of the latest World Geodetic Model (Currently EGM 2008).Previous experience with EGM 2008 proved to be accurate within +20cm, but may differ from country to country and if the project does not exceed a 30km radius. The absolute Vertical accuracy can be increased to match the relative vertical accuracies as per our financial proposal by levelling the ground control beacons. This service is usually not included in our financial proposals unless it is included in our financial proposal. This will be a very costly and timeous exercise. However, it is a service that can be performed at a later stage if required. 58 Please note: If the client prefer not to have the beacons levelled then it is important that during construction the contractors will need to be made aware of this, and ensure that, they work with the ellipsoidal heights and not Orthometric heights. This is however only a concern for project exceeding a 30km radius. Our Equipment ACS uses two of the latest LiDar systems to be produced by the German Riegl and IGI manufacturers, which is also the newest LiDar equipment in South Africa. LMS-Q560 The RIEGL LMS-Q560 is a revolutionary 2D laser scanner applying the latest state-of-the-art digital signal processing technique which meets the most challenging requirements in airborne laser scanning. The RIEGL LMS-Q560 gives access to detailed target parameters by digitizing the echo signal online during data acquisition, and subsequent off-line waveform analysis. This method is especially valuable when dealing with difficult tasks, such as canopy height investigation or target classification. The operational parameters of the RIEGL LMS-Q560 can be configured to cover a wide field of applications. Comprehensive interface features support smooth integration of the instrument into complete airborne scanning systems. The instrument makes use of the time-of-flight distance measurement principle of nanosecond infrared pulses. Fast opto-mechanical beam scanning provides absolutely linear, unidirectional and parallel scan lines. The instrument is extremely rugged, therefore ideally suited for the installation on aircraft. Also, it is compact and lightweight enough to be installed in small twin- or single-engine planes, helicopters or UAVs. The instrument needs only one power supply and GPS timing signals to provide online monitoring data while logging the precisely time-stamped and digitized echo signal data to the rugged accompanying digital data recorders RIEGL DR560 or DR560-RD. These high performance data storage devices are capable of handling the continuous high speed data stream. The Data Recorder DR560-RD, using two removable disks for smooth operation, supports RAID 1 to achieve higher data integrity and RAID 0 for increased data throughput. Additionally an online data integrity check is performed prior to transferring the full waveform data to the hard disks. RIEGL VQ-450 The RIEGL VQ-450 is a very high speed, non-contact profile measuring system using a narrow infrared laser beam and a fast line scanning mechanism, enabling full 360 degree beam deflection without any gaps. It is characterised by a Laser Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) of up to 550 kHz and a scanning rate of up to 200 lines per second. Multitarget capability based on echo digitization and online waveform analysis offers superior measurement capabilities even under adverse atmospheric conditions Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) The CCNS4 (Computer Controlled Navigation System, 4th generation) is a guidance, positioning and management system for aerial survey flight missions. The basic system consists of the Central Computer Unit (CCU), the 5'' TFT Command and Display Unit (CDU), a state-of-the-art GPS receiver with antenna, necessary cabling and a shock-absorbing mounting plate. The system is universally usable and can operate and integrate all common digital and analog aerial camera systems. Together with IGIplan, it provides a complete and comprehensive solution for mission planning, aircraft guidance and sensor 59 management. The CCNS4 controls the camera and other sensors, including crab/drift setting(s), forward overlap, V/H computation and provides data for data annotation on film; the coordinates may be WGS 84 or the country's X/Y - coordinates. The CCNS4 has the benefit of a fully automated flight control system for aerial surveying and reconnaissance. A pilot's Control & Display Unit (primary) and an operator's Control & Display Unit (secondary) - both 5 inch TFT are available. All operations are activated easily via one control dial and five buttons. The EFIS type display, which is operated like an aircraft instrument, is divided into guidance and system/sensor management information (right side of the TFT). The pilot merely has to "follow the line". CCNS4 features outputs with selectable sensitivity for HSI and CDI instruments. The CCNS4 requires position and velocity information from a GPS receiver and optional directional information from the aircraft's directional gyro (DG). The CCNS4 can be operated by a variety of external GPS receivers that already may be installed in the aircraft by using the receiver specific data format or the NMEA 0183 data format. The integrated GPS receiver (DGPS) operates according to the RTCM-104 format and can receive real-time differential corrections from WAAS and EGNOS satellites. Directional gyro information is used by a Kalman filter process for stable position information and drift/crab calculation. Corrections for local variations and aircraft deviations can be used. AEROcontrol is IGI's GPS/IMU system for the precise determination of position and attitude of an airborne sensor. All operations and the management of the AEROcontrol system is controlled by the CCNS4. All raw data of the IMU are stored on the AEROcontrol system. The software uses a forward/backward Kalman filter algorithm to achieve optimal results. The CCNS4 is able to control up to two sensor systems. The actual flight data - including the aircraft's position in WGS 84 coordinate or local grid system - are computed and can be provided for data annotation on film. Waypoint/photo data, flight information and GPS positions are stored and transferred to the CCNS4 Mission Card for post processing, analysis and plotting of the flight index or the complete mission. The system has the advantage of no mechanical (moving) parts, no hard or floppy disk to crash or wear out from dust, humidity, acceleration or vibration. More than 300 installations - worldwide - show that the CCNS4 is a very reliable system. Using the CCNS4, no specialized photo pilot or photo navigator is required. GPS Base Stations The Trimble R8 GPS System is a multi-channel, multi-frequency GPS receiver, antenna, and data-link radio combined in one compact unit, with the following features - Advanced Trimble Maxwell™ Custom Survey GNSS Chip; - High precision multiple correlator for GNSS pseudorange measurements; - Unfiltered, unsmoothed pseudorange measurements data for low noise, low multipath error, low time domain correlation and high dynamic response; - Very low noise GNSS carrier phase measurements with <1 mm precision in a 1 Hz bandwidth; - Signal-to-Noise ratios reported in dB-Hz; - Proven Trimble low-elevation tracking technology; and - 72 Channels: GPS L1 C/A Code, L1/L2 Full Cycle Carrier. 60 Quality The following steps are taken to ensure that the client’s products meet the set requirements: - All internal offsets within the LiDAR system are to be calibrated twice a year, as per the Street/Air Mapper system specifications. ACS’s last system calibration was done in October 2011 during which vertical accuracies, compared to surveyed ground control points, of < 2.5 cm were obtained. Furthermore, the system’s lever-arm measurement (offset between the GPS antenna and the system’s internal reference point) was surveyed to sub-centimetre level and certified by an independent registered professional surveyor in October 2011. - To ensure the highest possible relative accuracies, a flight line perpendicular to the lines covering the area of interest, is to be flown at the end of the survey. Overlapping data should correspond to each other at levels within the product specification. - A further quality check is incorporated in the data processing algorithm, by manually inspecting data in the TerraScan software, to check for any un-calibrated offsets between data from different flight lines. - The obtained point cloud could be compared to a sufficient number of ground control points (GCPs) which are surveyed onsite before or after the actual LiDAR survey, thereby ensuring the accuracy and quality of the data. Although all steps possible will be taken to ensure data accuracies, ACS will not be liable for any inaccuracies due to inaccuracies in the trigonometric network used. LiDAR Penetration We cannot guarantee evenly spread LiDAR penetration to the ground in tropical rainforests. However, based on previous experience in Liberia we managed to generate accurate 0.5m contours with +-5 points per square meter with tree canopies reaching heights of up to 70m. Lasers do not reflect from water, thus no LiDAR points can be expected over water surfaces. Vegetation penetration percentages can be expected to be as follow: Light Bush – 50% Grasslands – 40% Fynbos – 20% Dense Bush – 15% Rain Forest – 5% Water – 0% Aircraft safety All legislation regarding aviation will be strictly adhered to during the survey, to ensure the safety of the survey team, as well as lives and property around the survey site. Eye safety Our Street and Air Mapper system is eye safe as an FDA certified Class 1 laser 61 Safety Plan A comprehensive safety file can be made available once the proposal has been accepted and all the project details have been transferred to us. 62 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY IN CONSTRUCTION: ICAO ANNEXE 15 ESRI WHITE PAPER EUROCONTROLE MANY OTHERS (ALL LINK IN THE DOCUMENTS) 64