CASE STUDY SCENARIO Key Players: - Roger Bolton: Inés Romero: Wayne Hoy: Founding principal of an AF Ocean Hill MS Experienced dean who came with Roger from AF Crown Heights MS where he was a PIR Newly promoted dean with 4 years of teaching experience from AF Endeavor MS Currently: Week 4 It’s nearing the end of Week 4, and Roger is frustrated heading into his weekly school leader culture meeting. As the school leader, Roger knows he is responsible for helping his LT to come up with a plan for driving on task student behavior. But he hasn’t led this type of work before, and he’s wondering how he can channel his team’s energy into diagnosing the right root causes and identifying the right action steps. Coming out of the Week 2 meeting, he’d known many of his teachers were struggling, but he’d felt confident that the plan his team had come up with would get them back on track. And yet, here it is, almost the end of Week 4, and 7 of his 15 teachers still aren’t hitting the Week 4 benchmark (proficient in strong voice, precise direction, positive narration). More than that – they haven’t hit the % of scholars on task goal of 90% that they’d set as the big goal they had to win on. He knew building these foundational culture skills would be hard with so many relatively inexperienced teachers, but as a founding MS principal he only has one grade level to work with and figured that would give him some sort of advantage – he can’t imagine what this will feel like as a fully grown school. As Roger reviews the Week 4 data, he acknowledges they made some progress, but he knows it wasn’t enough, and now he’s wondering if the strategy they’d adopted was the right one. Previously: Week 2 Coming out of the Week 2 Culture Analysis and Action Planning Meeting, Roger’s LT had observed and committed to the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) During Roger’s weekly walkthroughs he noted too many kids were off task in too many classrooms. Time on task was their most important goal for the first 8 weeks, and Roger had gone into the year fired up about ensuring kids were on task at all times during lessons. When the team looked at the Week 2 data, they’d debated the root cause, but ultimately agreed the issue was likely related to a lack of strong behavioral narration. Roger had gone into the meeting with a few theories on what could be causing kids to be off-task, but Inés had convinced him that the issue with the behavioral narration was that teachers were waiting too long to begin narrating. Since Inés had more experience with all of this, Roger quickly agreed with her, and they spent the rest of the action planning meeting discussing the details of a school-wide PD session they wanted to conduct the following week to address the narration issue. The session Inés ended up leading was strong and targeted towards ensuring every teacher was narrating within two seconds of giving a direction. The team had also focused on targeting interventions to the 7 teachers who were really struggling – the team decided to divide and conquer on culture club and intensive RTC for the group. a. Inés worked with Kathryn, Elizabeth, Richard, and Frank b. Wayne worked with Jason, Cristina, and Michelle Both Inés and Wayne did very intensive RTC with each teacher and held small group culture clubs. DATA-TO-DATE Avg. % Scholars On-Task Network Goal 95 77 75 72 66 50 W1 W2 W3 W4 School-Wide Weeks 3-4 Culture Mastery Tool Scores 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% % Prof+ Average 87% 3.1 67% 2.8 73% 2.8 67% 2.9 53% 2.6 27% 2.1 100% St Vo Pre Dir Beh Nar 100% Pos Fr Corr 1: Not Approaching 2: Approaching 3: Proficient 4: Exemplar Individual Data for Teachers Who Are Not Hitting the Week 4 Benchmark (prof at str. voice, pre. dir., and beh. nar.) Week 2 Culture Mastery Tool Scores Taxonomy Skill Cristina Elizabeth Frank Jason Kathryn Michelle Richard Strong Voice Precise Direction 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 Behavioral Narration Total 2 1.7 2 2.0 1 1.3 1 1.3 1 1.7 1 1.3 2 2.0 Week 4 Culture Mastery Tool Scores Taxonomy Skill Cristina Elizabeth Frank Jason Kathryn Michelle Richard Strong Voice Precise Direction Behavioral Narration Total 3 2 2 2.3 3 3 2 2.7 3 3 2 2.7 2 2 1 1.7 3 2 3 2.7 1 1 1 1.0 3 2 3 2.7 NOTES FROM WEEK 4 SLT BRAINSTORM Recognizing his mistake from the Week 2 meeting, Roger decided to start the Week 4 meeting with a root cause brainstorm. Below are some of the hypotheses his team came up with: Priority Question/Focus Refined Question/Focus Why are so many students off-task during class? Why are so many students off-task during independent work time? Students don’t respond when teachers try to redirect behavior Teachers are letting too many scholars get off-task before adding in narration Students don’t know what to do during these independent work times Why? Students don’t actually believe teaches mean what they say Teachers feel that because it’s week 4, they should be reducing the amount of narration Teachers aren’t giving frequent and precise directions consistently enough Teachers have observed the exemplar teachers tapering off their narration over the past 2 weeks Teachers feel pressured to maintain timing / pacing of their instructional lessons Why? Teachers are telling students exactly what to do, but they don’t appear urgent in their delivery Why? Teachers don’t know how to convey that confidence and authority with urgency. Teachers are emulating exemplar teachers and don’t realize that scholar habits need more work Teachers don’t know how to teach content while holding students accountable to strong behavior WHOLE SCHOOL CULTURE DATA REVIEW & ACTION PLANNING PROGRESS VS. GOALS Last time, we committed to winning on these goals by the time we reconvened. How did we do? GOAL FROM LAST MEETING % Scholars ON TASK % Teachers Proficient+ with TOP 6 Taxonomy FOLLOW-UP Last time, we committed to the following action items. Did we complete them, why or why not? ACTION PLANNING WEEK 8 GOAL WEEK 4 GOAL ACTUAL 95 90 77 100 80 63 THE MOST IMPORTANT REASONS WE HIT / MISSED THE GOAL THAT ARE WITHIN OUR CONTROL ACTION STEP FROM LAST MEETING & ACTION STEP OWNER COMPLETE? ANY LESSONS LEARNED OR REASONS WE WEREN’T SUCCESSFUL? Inés to lead Friday PD on Positive Narration in 2 seconds Complete Roger, Inés, and Wayne all noted over the past two weeks that positive narration was starting nearly immediately after directions Inés to meet with the Grade Level team to debrief the SLT analysis and action planning meeting Roger’s assistant, Arielle, to video lessons from 3 exemplar teachers for a session on Do It Again that he is planning Inés to do intensive RTC and practice groups with Kathryn, Elizabeth, Richard, and Frank Complete Wayne to do intensive RTC and practice groups with Jason, Cristina, and Michelle Complete OWNER Complete Complete ACTION STEP (SPECIFY TIMING / FREQ) Inés noted that Richard and Frank both missed 2 practice groups over the two weeks. MIDPOINT GOAL (1 WEEK) What are we going to do over the next two weeks to build on our bright spots and address our areas of concern? Recommended Interventions: - Intensive RTC - 1:1 Culture Club (planning activity, video viewing /reflection, targeted practice) - Exemplar Teacher Supports - Small Group Culture Club - Grade Level PD - School Wide PD - Observation of Exemplars NEW GOALS What are we going to win on in the next two weeks? GOAL FROM LAST MEETING % Scholars ON TASK % Teachers Proficient+ with TOP 6 Taxonomy WEEK 8 GOAL WEEK 4 ACTUAL 95 77 100 63 WEEK 6 GOAL WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO THAT WE BELIVE WILL MOVE THIS NUMBER?