Documents_files/Vellamja lunch

Vellamja lunch
An appetizer of sliced
Ricotta meatballs in soup
First dish:
China Pasta
Fusilli al sugo di capra
Pork liver with the veil
Omelettes with
Greg, sprouts
nettle tops,
ricotta and sausage
Baked potatoes and mixed salad
Crosses of dried figs
Red wine in abundance
Fruit at will
To digest: the ruta paesanella
An appetizer of sliced
Ham, sausage, soppressata, cheese with honey, salami, capicollo, Bacon
Sheep's milk Ricotta, 100gr.
eggs, no. 2
Breadcrumbs, 50 gr.
Grated Pecorino cheese, one tablespoon
Water, oil, broth, bay leaf and salt
Mix the ricotta with the eggs, the bread crumbs soaked and well squeezed, pecorino cheese, a pinch of salt and the
chopped parsley. Do with the dough of round shaped dumplings (more precisely, small balls) that gradually arranged
in a tray. Once the broth is boiling plunge the meatballs with ricotta. After about 10 minutes, remove from heat and
serve in individual bowls, terracotta by calculating 2-3 meatballs per person.
800 gr. fusilli (handmade and pulled with "Underwire")
1 kg goat meat
2 kg fresh tomatoes sauce
2 red onions
white wine
Cut into cubes of goat meat, put it in a saucepan with all the smells and let it FRY, when well browned add the white
wine and let evaporate. Add the hot tomato sauce and allow to cook over a very low heat for at least 4 hours. Mix
well, halfway through the cooking, add a little hot water. Meanwhile Cook pasta, drain and toss in pan with prepared
sauce and some bit of cooked meat. Serve with a sprinkling of cheese and chili.
China Pasta
What do you need for the recipe
serves 8 people: 600 G durum wheat flour, Pork Chops 400 G, 300 G peas, Fresh Mushrooms, 250 G 200 G minced
Pork 200 G Mozzarella, Artichokes, 4 3 eggs, red wine (or broth), 1 Celery Rib, 1/4 onion, Bay Leaf, 1 grated
Pecorino cheese, 1 Cup Of sauce, roast, 5 Tablespoons olive oil, extra-virgin olive oil for frying, Flour, Salt, Pepper
How to prepare the recipe Sagne Chine
This is a great dish for the richness and variety of ingredients and flavors, whose name means ' lasagna filled
calabrese ', i.e. stuffed. In Calabria the lasagne are preparing even different, compared to Emilia and Abruzzo.
Prepare a dough with durum wheat flour, water and salt and knead dough for a long time and vigorously. Roll out the
dough and cut it into many rectangles approximately 10 x 20 cm. While you prepare the other ingredients necessary
for realization of the pot, let it sit lasagna in a cool and dry place. In a large pan, FRY in 3 tablespoons oil pork chops,
cooked and then hand them put them aside and FRY in the same Bowl the minced meat. When will ben Golden,
levatela from heat, place in a bowl and add three tablespoons of grated pecorino cheese, an egg, salt and pepper.
Mix well, kneading the mixture with a wooden spoon and cut into many meatballs the size of a walnut. Quickly put
them in flour and fry them in hot oil. In a pan heat two tablespoons of oil and let brown soft focus the onion and celery
finely chopped; Meanwhile, with a damp cloth or a brush clean the mushrooms (it is preferable to avoid washing them
with water), slice them and add them to the sauce. Let stand for a few moments, meanwhile clean the artichokes,
give them the toughest outer leaves and hay, cut into segments and add to mushrooms. Add finally shelled peas and
washed and the bay leaf. Add salt and pepper. Simmer fresh focus and pan covered for about twenty minutes. If the
Fund tends to dry out, add a few tablespoons of red wine or beef broth warm. Make firm three eggs, raffreddatele,
Peel and cut into slices. Boil lasagna, a few at a time, in boiling salted water with a tablespoon of oil; drain halfcooked and put them in cold water, then dry them on a damp cloth. Adagiatene a layer on a baking tray greased with
oil, so you cover the bottom; spread on some Patty lasagna, some vegetable sauce, the meat of the boneless chops,
cubes of mozzarella, sliced hard-boiled eggs, grated pecorino cheese and roast gravy. Overlay other lasagna and
cover as described; Repeat the layers until you run out of ingredients. Finally cover with a last layer of lasagna that
you will add the only with grated pecorino cheese and roast gravy. Passed in a hot oven at 180 degrees for half an
hour and serve piping hot.
Tripe, lung, heart, spleen, intestines, network
2 garlic cloves
spicy Chili
Peeled tomatoes (or tomato sauce), 600 gr.
Extra-virgin olive oil, 1 Lt.
Wash the intestines in warm water and then running water and slice into small pieces oblong tripe, lungs, heart and
spleen. Take a little at a time, always coil them with the intestines forming a kind of Hanks. In a crock fry with oil and
chillies, remove them, put the tomato sauce or tomatoes peeled and seeds deprived of water, add the mazzacorde,
chopped Basil and salt and cook over a low heat and pan covered. Almost finished cooking put a pinch of oregano.
Pork liver with the veil
Liver and pork;
Bay leaves;
olive oil;
reduce the liver into pieces not too small; place on each of them a Laurel leaf and always coil them into the network.
FRY in olive oil and contains very little lard and salt before serving.
Eggs, no. 6
Doggie fresh Ricotta Cheese, 100 gr.
Sausage with Chili, 100 gr.
Olio extravergine di oliva, .5 liter.
In a bowl beat the eggs, add the ricotta with a fork, the chopped sausage and a pinch of salt. Pour into a pan with hot
Nettle Frittata
Ingredients for 4 people: 400 g of nettles, 6 eggs, a bunch of parsley, 60 g Parmesan cheese, 1 spoon of extra-virgin
olive oil, salt and pepper.
Preparation: Boil the nettles, drain and squeeze well. Once you warm up, chop with parsley. Beat eggs, add grated
cheese, salt and pepper and add to the chopped nettles. Heat the oil in a pan and pour in the mixture. Cook on both
sides. Serve hot or cold.
Omelette with shoots of wild Clematis
Omelette made with eggs, cheese and Greg tops browned with garlic in lard
(For 6 persons)
Eggs: 8
Greg tops: 1 bunch
FAT: 25 g
Garlic: 1 clove
Grated Parmigiano reggiano:.
Peel and slice the garlic. Wash away the tops of Sahar. Heat the lard in a pan. Join the tops of Sahar and garlic. Blow
up the whole thing. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Join the tops of Sahar and cheese. Heat the pan used
previously. Pour the mixture prepared. Fry the omelette on both sides. Dry on kitchen paper.
Serve It
"GINETTI" (typical Easter cake)
Flour, 500 gr.
Eggs, no. 5
Anise, .5 glass
Lemon, no. 1
Suet, two tablespoons
Icing sugar, 180 gr.
Salt, a pinch.
On the work surface place the flour and put yourself in the Middle three eggs and two egg yolks (keeping aside the
egg whites), anise, Suet, a pinch of salt and a little lukewarm water. Mix and knead the dough until it has become.
Formed many Donuts that become engraved along the outer edge with the tip of a sharp knife and put it to cook in
the oven already warm. Apart prepared a glaze with two egg whites well mounted to snow, icing sugar and lemon
juice. When the "ginetti" will be cool, brush with the glaze. Rimetteteli in the oven just long enough that the frosting is
set. This is a typical Easter cake.
Dried figs, 2 Kg.
Kernels of walnuts, 200 gr.
Sugar, 100 gr.
Cinnamon, a pinch
Bay leaves.
Take the dried figs, cut in half and the cannoli with walnuts, if desired you can also add dried almonds. Close four fig
trees at a time so as to form a cross, sprinkle them with sugar and some cinnamon and put to dry in warm oven. You
can see very well and for long periods by placing them in baskets lined with wax paper and wrapped in leaves of