The Pennsylvania State University

Physical Therapist
Assistant Program
Penn State DuBois
Student Handbook
Fall 2015
Accreditation Statement
Effective April 30, 2014 The physical therapist assistant program at The Pennsylvania
State University, DuBois Campus has been granted Candidate for Accreditation status by
the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (1111 North Fairfax
Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314; phone: 703-706-3245; email:
Candidate for Accreditation is a pre-accreditation status of affiliation with the
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education that indicates that the
program may matriculate students in technical/professional courses and that the program
is progressing towards accreditation. Candidate for Accreditation is not an accreditation
status nor does it assure eventual accreditation.
Statement on Disabilities
Penn State DuBois welcomes students with disabilities into the University’s educational
programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications and/or reasonable
accommodations in this course, please contact Diana Kreydt at The Office for Disability
Services, 142 Smeal Building, at 372-3037.
For further information regarding the Office of Disability Services, visit their web site at Instructors should be notified as early in the semester as
possible regarding the need for modification and/or reasonable accommodations.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
The University is committed to equal access to programs, facilities, admission and
employment for all persons. It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment
free of harassment and free of discrimination against any person because of age, race,
color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as
defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family
status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender,
perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information or political ideas. Discriminatory
conduct and harassment, as well as sexual misconduct and relationship violence, violates
the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational
mission, and will not be tolerated. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination
policy to: Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke
Building, University Park, PA, 16802-2801. Telephone: (814) 863-0471.
Student Handbook Acknowledgement ……………………………………7
Policies ……………………………………………………………………8
Informed Consent ………………………………………………………..45
Essential Functions ….…………………………………………………...51
Program Mission, Philosophy and Goals...........................………………53
2PTA Curriculum ………………………………………………………..57
Clinical Education Information ………………………………..………...61
Skills Check-off List..................................................................................64
DuBois Campus home page
Student Services
Office of Financial Aid
Career Services
Health and Counseling Services
Disability Services
Penn State Libraries
Penn State Webmail
ANGEL course management system
Faculty Senate Policies for Students
Academic Advising
Student Guide to General University Policies and Rules
Campus Offices
Chancellor – Symmco House
Dr. Melanie Hatch
(814) 375-4705
Advising Center – DEF 206
Terry Hinton, DUS Coordinator
(814) 375-4763
Bookstore – Hiller 04A
Brenda Saricks, Manager
(814) 375-4751
Business Services – Business Services Building
John Luchini, Director and Financial Officer
(814) 375-4710
Center for Undergraduate Excellence – Swift 253
Diana Kreydt, Student Advocacy Specialist
(814) 375-4795
Disability Services – Swift 244
Diana Kreydt, Coordinator
(814) 372-3037
Enrollment Services – Enrollment Services Building (814) 375-4720
Melissa Duttry, Director
SAFARI - Swift 256
Finance Office/Bursar –
Kathryn Matts, Finance Assistant
(814) 375-4712
Financial Aid
Stephanie Penvose, Coordinator
(814) 375-4761
Garrett Roen, Registrar
(814) 375-4762
Health Services – Hiller 015
Jill Betton, Nurse
(814) 375-4765
Information Technology – Swift 251
Brian Hart, Director
(814) 375-4825
International Student Services – Enrollment Services Building
Tharren Thompson, Coordinator
(814) 375-3043
Library Services – Library
Carrie Bishop, Reference Librarian
(814) 375-4728
Police Services
John Licatovich, Officer
(814) 375-4734
Student Life – Hiller 106
Rebecca Pennington, Director
(814) 375-4766
The Pennsylvania State University
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Acknowledgment of Academic and Clinical Requirements
This page is to be signed by the student and retained after reading pages 1-63 of this PTA
Student Handbook. An identical signed copy is in the students file.
Policies and procedures regarding clinical education courses are published in the Clinical
Education Manual.
The Pennsylvania State University Student Guide to University Policies is published
by the Office of Student Affairs and should be referred to for other pertinent university
policies concerning students. The handbook is available on-line at
I realize it is my responsibility to read the Student Guide to University Policies, the
PTA Student Handbook and the PTA Program Policy and Procedure Manual and
clarify any questions or concerns with the PTA Program Coordinator within one week
from this date.
My signature indicates that I have read and agree to adhere to the requirements as stated
in the policies and procedures published in the Student Guide to University Policies, the
PTA Student Handbook, and the PTA Program Policy and Procedure Manual.
Acknowledgment of Clinical Requirements: I understand that I may be required to
undergo drug testing, child abuse clearance, FBI finger-printing, and criminal
background checks to satisfy the requirements for some clinical education sites.
Furthermore, if I am suspected of substance abuse while in the clinical setting, I will be
held to the program and University substance abuse policies as stated in the program
policy manual. Finally, I must provide proof of Hepatitis Immunization or sign a waiver
form to decline the immunization.
Acknowledgement of Licensure Exam Requirements: I understand that the State
Boards of Physical Therapy has strict guidelines regarding a history of drug/alcohol
abuse and prior criminal convictions. Students who have a history of drug/alcohol abuse
or a criminal record must disclose this information when applying for
licensure/registration/certification and may be deemed ineligible by the State Board of PT
for licensure/registration/certification.
Name of Student (print)
Signature of Student
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Application Process/Entrance into PTA
Admin. Policy
Number: 25
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
The PTA Program will have a well-defined application process to assure that all
applicants are treated equally and fairly in accordance with the University’s NonDiscrimination policy.
1. When an inquiry is received, information regarding the PTA Program and the
University in general is sent to the interested individual by the Office of Admissions.
2. Applicants must submit a general application to the Pennsylvania State University and
application fee.
3. Applicants are screened by the Admission’s Committee. Applicants who do not meet
criteria are denied admission and, therefore, are not eligible for
admission to the Program.
Entering freshmen meeting the admissions criteria,
currently a 2.8 or above on the evaluation index (the index is a combination of high
school GPA, standardized test scores and
performance in math and science courses)
will be offered 2PTA per University policy. It is a campus decision whether to refer
applicants with less than the pre-set evaluation index to
provisional status or to an
alternate associate degree program (i.e. 2LACC) with the goal of entrance to 2PTA in
the Spring semester and pending successful completion of BIOL129
(with a
minimum grade of a “C”). All applicants who are admitted to the university are eligible
for consideration for admission into the PTA Program.
4. Students requesting 2PTA through re-enrollment, change of major, or advanced
admission will be approved if they have met the current requirement of a
3.0 minimum
cumulative grade point average. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis
students must have solid academic performance in science courses to be
considered. Change of Major students or Provisional to Degree students must be
approved by the
Enrollment Manager and the Program Coordinator. Approval for
changes in the GPA requirement will be sought from the Director of Academic
Services at University Park before implementation.
5. The Campus Registrar (for re-enrollments and changes of major) and Campus
Manager (for provisional/non-degree to degree and advanced standing)
will notify the Program Coordinator of all students approved to enter 2PTA per approved
6. The Physical Therapy Assistant Program is a Fall-start ONLY program. Penn State
highly recommends applications are on file by November 30th for the
following Fall semester.
7. Anatomy/Physiology course credit may be transferrable from another institution if a
grade of "C" was achieved, and if the course was taken within the past 3 calendar years.
If greater than 3
years has lapsed since the student has taken anatomy/physiology at
any university, the
student will be required to retake the courses as part of the PTA
program requirements.
Evaluative Criteria: 1.4.1
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Written Exams
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 2
Written examinations are one of the evaluative tools used to determine the student’s
readiness to perform treatments on patients. In accordance with the American Physical
Therapy Association’s Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education,
each student is required to complete and pass written examinations prior to applying
treatments to patients in the clinic.
Written examinations are given on a regular basis throughout the curriculum to assess the
student’s comprehension of physical therapy theory and application.
The student must pass written exams with a 78% average in all PT courses. The student
may pass all other course work, but if they do not receive a 78% average on written
exams they will receive a grade lower than a "C", which is considered a failing grade for
that course.
All core PTA courses will have a cumulative final exam.
It is the commitment of the PTA Program to provide the academic support needed to
successfully complete all written examinations.
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Lab Requirements
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 4
Clinical laboratory activities are an essential part of the educational curriculum of the PTA
Program. Therefore, the PTA lab environment must be conducive to learning and at the
same time, simulate a true clinical environment as much as possible.
Because it is sometimes necessary to expose surface areas for treatment, students are
required to wear t-shirts shorts, socks and tennis shoes. Female students should wear sports
bras. Patient gowns are available for further draping as needed. Any student who cannot
wear this lab uniform for any reason is required to notify the lab instructor. See Academic
Policy #22 – Student Dress Code.
As with the PTA lecture classes, attendance is mandatory for lab sessions. If a student
should have to miss a laboratory session, he/she will be responsible for contacting the
instructor and requesting an excused absence prior to the absence and making up all work
and experiences performed by the class during that laboratory session.
Faculty are responsible to assure safety during all laboratory sessions. Students will not be
left alone while learning a new skill. The recommended ratio of faculty to students in the
laboratory is 1:16.
Students are responsible for ensuring that the laboratory is neat and clean at the end of each
laboratory session. Additional lab time may be available during the common hour or in
the evenings. Students must request permission and equipment may not be utilized unless
an instructor is present. See Academic policy # 30 – Safety.
Penn State University - DuBois
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PTA Program
Subject: Attendance
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 6
Due to the nature of the clinical and educational requirements of the Physical Therapist
Assistant Program, absenteeism will not be tolerated. When a student accepts his/her seat
in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, he/she is accepting the responsibility to
attend all class, laboratory, and clinical sessions.
In the event that a student must miss a lecture, lab, or day in the clinic, the following
procedure must be followed.
The student must call, text or email the instructor of the class prior to the
class, lab, or clinical day to report an intended absence. The student must
provide a bona fide reason for missing class, lab, or clinic. (i.e.
emergencies, severe illness, death in the family). Appointments, vacation,
outside employment and minor illnesses are not considered to be excused
2. The student is responsible for making up the missed work. If the student
class, he/she is required to obtain the lecture notes from
another student. If the student misses lab, he/she must contact the
instructor to make arrangements to
make-up for the lost time.
3. For the PTA courses, the attendance policy is as follows:
Attendance will be taken during each lecture and lab session.
All absences must be justified in writing and given to the instructor
within 24 hours of missing class.
More than two unexcused absences from lecture will result in
FAILING the course.
When possible, the instructor is to be given written advance
notification of all preplanned absences.
Absences due to illness or emergency situations must be confirmed
by the proper authority.
After the first unexcused absence, the student will receive a letter
of warning from the PTA faculty.
For each unexcused absence, the student will receive a 5-point
deduction in the final grade for the class.
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All missed labs will have to be made up and it will be the
responsibility of the student to arrange for make up at the
convenience of the instructor. Any missed labs which are not
excused and satisfactorily made up will result in FAILING the
No make- up exams will be allowed for unexcused missed exams.
Whether an absence is excused or unexcused is at the discretion of
the PTA faculty.
4. Tardiness will not be tolerated. The Physical Therapist Assistant student
will be
punctual to class and clinical assignments. This
tardy policy will aid the
student in the development of good
attendance habits, reliability, and
team work. With this
system, the student will acquire tardy points for
each episode
of tardiness according to the schedule below. Once 3 tardy
points are documented the student will be given an unexcused absence. A
tardy tracking sheet will be utilized and will be maintained in the
Amount of time tardy
Tardy points earned
Up to 15 minutes late
15-30 minutes late
30-60 minutes late
>60 minutes late
5. Students who are having difficulty with absenteeism will receive counseling
faculty and assistance in devising a plan of action to reduce absenteeism.
may not make up classroom work or examinations for those classes
that they miss that are unexcused. They will, therefore, fail any examination,
quiz or classroom
grade provided that day.
6. See the Clinical Experience Attendance Policy (Clinical Education policy
#6) for specific policies and procedures related to attendance during the clinical
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
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Subject: Academic Integrity
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 7
It is the policy of the PTA Program at Penn State University to encourage and enhance the
academic and personal integrity of all its students. The act of cheating in the classroom,
laboratory, or home assignments is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the PTA
The PTA Program follows the guidelines as outlined in the University Faculty Senate
Policy 49-20, G-9 in regards to academic integrity. Cheating is defined as any method
used to submit someone else’s work as if it were your own. This includes, but is not limited
to, glancing at test answers, previewing exams or other written materials, utilizing
another’s paper, "ghosting" (taking an on-line exam for someone else), soliciting/providing
exam or quiz information to/from others, etc. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is
defined as copying another’s work without using quotations and presenting it as if it were
your own.
Students are expected to follow University policy for academic integrity at all times, as
found in the University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20, G-9. Breaches in academic integrity
will be investigated by the Program Coordinator. If confirmed, the Program Coordinator
may issue disciplinary action as defined in the University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20 and
according to G-9 procedures. The coordinator will utilize the accepted Academic Integrity
Form to convey the sanctions per G-9 procedures.
Students who have been charged with academic integrity sanctions will have 5 days to
respond to the sanctions (either accept or contest) as outlined on the Academic Integrity
Form utilized in the process.
The minimum punishment will be failure of that exam or project. In severe cases, a student
may be dismissed from the PTA Program and or the University.
As indicated in the University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20, students may appeal any
administrative decision. Please refer to the University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20 for
specific instructions.
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Grading
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 8
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The grading policies of the PTA Program are consistent with that of Penn State University.
Grading for each course is thoroughly described in the course syllabus. Minimal academic
requirements are described in Academic policy #25 – Minimal Grade Achievement Policy.
Students are notified of their progress in all PTA courses by timely return of exams,
practical exams, homework, and projects. Students may inquire regarding their clinical or
academic progress at any time by scheduling an appointment with one of the PTA
For those courses posted on Angel, grades may be available at any time.
Rounding up of grades will not be offered.
Student progress will be discussed at the advising session that occurs each semester.
Students who are in jeopardy of receiving a D or F grade in a course will receive a
notification letter from the Advising Center. Any student receiving a D/F notification in
any course will be encouraged to meet with the course instructor to establish a plan of
improvement. Students may inquire about their grades at any point.
See also Academic Policy #26 – Grading System.
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Academic Progression / Retention
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
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Academic Policy Number:
The PTA curriculum is strategically designed to build from foundational basic science
courses to clinical application of the knowledge and technical skills developed
throughout the entire curriculum. Students are admitted to the program with the
understanding that they will complete the PTA core curriculum in five semesters, unless
prior arrangements have been made. General education courses may be taken at the
student’s discretion prior to beginning the core curriculum.
1. A student must demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the course objectives to
progress in the
PTA program.
2. Satisfactory achievement of course objectives is defined as achieving a grade of “C”
or better.
See Minimal Grade Achievement Policy (Academic #25).
3. If the student fails to achieve the minimum grade, he/she must repeat and successfully
pass the
course in order to graduate.
4. The student may take the course the next time it is offered (which may be 1 year
5. The student will not advance to the subsequent semester and courses until he/she
successfully passes the failed course.
6. It is strongly recommended that students who must retake a course participate in
courses they
have previously completed by attending lecture and lab sessions as well as taking
and exams to facilitate retention of course material. The student who must retake
a course
will be required to be re-checked on all previously completed skill competencies
prior to
beginning clinical education experiences.
7. Students must have met the prerequisite to PT 100 (BIOL 129) at time of enrollment
in the
course. No exceptions will be made to PT 100 prerequisite requirements.
8. It is imperative that students be fully informed of the College’s adherence to PT 100
prerequisites. Academic advisors must also inform students of these requirements
through well-documented advising sessions. After the posting of fall grades, the
Program Coordinator will review the academic records of those students who
have scheduled PT 100 to ensure that all prerequisites have been met. Those students
who do
meet prerequisites will be notified and dropped from the course.
The timely notification of
students who will be removed from PT 100 is imperative to
enable these students to make
schedule adjustments and to protect financial aid
awards if full-time status may be
9. For semesters in which clinical education courses are scheduled at the same time as
other didactic courses (semesters 4 and 5), the student must pass all of the didactic
courses in
order to be eligible to participate in the clinical education course. If the
student should fail a didactic course in one of those semesters, the student will not be
permitted to participate in
the clinical education course(s) (PT 395E for semester 4
and PT 395F, and PT 395G for
semester 5) until the required didactic courses have
been passed successfully.
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The student will be advised by the faculty advisors of the best course of academic
progression for each student.
In the event that the student is unable to complete the curriculum in five semesters, the
Program Coordinator may change his/her status to part-time in the PTA curriculum. This
does not necessitate going part-time at the University, but rather part-time in the PTA
curriculum. This status allows the student to take the entire PTA curriculum
requirements at a more leisurely pace in order to increase his/her chance of success.
Students who are experiencing life problems and are having difficulty progressing
through the PTA program in a timely manner will be referred for counseling. The student
may be required to complete remediation and testing if more than 1 semester has lapsed
between enrollment periods and must complete the program in 3 years.
The following suggested course sequence guidelines apply to students who are
completing the program in three years:
1. The student may not take PT 100 until he/ she has successfully completed
Biol 129.
2. The 1st Clinical Education course (PT 395E) will be taken after completing or
concurrent with all PT core courses except PT 250. The PT 395F and PT
395G courses will only be taken after all of the PTA core courses have been
Students are required to take all courses in an appropriate sequence. The student who has
a change of status to part-time in the PTA curriculum is advised by the Program
Coordinator in order to be sure that the courses are taken in the appropriate sequence.
Ultimately it is the responsibility of the student to assure that the appropriate course
sequence is completed. See Academic Policy #35 - Curriculum for a complete listing of
the PTA Program courses that must be accomplished in the prescribed sequential order.
Evaluative Criteria: 1.4.3
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
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Subject: Orientation
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 10
PTA orientation is held the first month of the first semester of the program. The PTA
orientation session is a required event for all PTA students. Any student who is not able
to attend the initial session will be required to complete an individual orientation.
The contents of the student handbook are reviewed with the students as a group allowing
for question and answer period. This is done so that the students clearly understand what
is expected of them and what they can expect from the PTA Program.
After careful review of the contents of the PTA Student Handbook and The Program
Policy and Procedure manual, the student is asked to sign several release forms. These
may include, but are not limited to:
1. Audio/Visual Consent Form – This form is to obtain students’ permission to
take pictures of them while in the laboratory or other PTA related events.
Some of these pictures may be used for recruitment or media relations.
2. Informed Consent Form – This form grants permission for the student to
participate in laboratory activities and as a demonstration model in laboratory
or lecture. This form educates the student as to the important role of touching
in the PT profession.
3. Acknowledgement of Academic and Clinical Requirements – These
signature forms introduce the student to criminal background checks, the
possibility of drug testing, the Pennsylvania state licensure application
requirements, and the Essential Functions.
4. Academic Integrity Agreement – This form introduces the student to the
consequences of academic misconduct and the attendant consequences that
ensue, including a zero score on an exam to expulsion from the University.
This policy is contained in University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20, Academic
5. Professional Agreement – This form is signed by the student as a
commitment to following “Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Practice Act,
APTA’s “Standards of Ethical Conduct for the PTA,” and “Guide for Conduct
of the Affiliate Member.”
6. Authorization to Release Name and Telephone Number – This form allows
the PTA Program to assemble a telephone chain of student telephone numbers
when cancellation of learning activities or other unexpected event occurs that
necessitates the need to contact class members.
7. Emergency Information Form – This form allows the PTA Program faculty
and staff to have access to emergency information for the student in the event
of an emergency.
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8. Confidentiality Form-This form is signed by the student as a commitment to
the protection of patients and their rights.
9. Hepatitis Waiver Form-This form is to be signed if the student chooses to
decline Hepatitis immunization.
Students have the right to sign or not sign any of the above forms. Students who choose
to not sign any of the above forms will be counseled regarding the importance of each
form, and may be dismissed from the program.
Lastly, the students are required to sign and return the form stating that they have read the
PTA Program Policy and Procedure Manual and agree to all of the policies and
procedures contained within.
Students are encouraged to ask questions about any of these forms or about any issues
raised during orientation. They will be scheduled for advising as needed before signing
any forms or continuing in the program. The completed forms are stored in the student’s
administrative file and kept locked in the Program Coordinator’s office.
Evaluative Criteria: and
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Essential Functions
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 11
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It is the policy of the PTA Program that in order to meet the physical, cognitive and
behavioral demands of the physical therapy profession, the students must meet essential
functions in the following areas per the Essential Functions Form in the PTA Student
Motor Skills
Observational and Sensory Skills
Communication Skills
Intellectual and Conceptual Skills
Behavioral and Social Attitudes
Students will be given the Essential Functions for PTA Students form in their PTA
Student Handbooks and will sign the associated acknowledgement form. Students who
have concerns about the ability to perform any of the essential functions should contact
the PTA Program Coordinator and Campus Coordinator of Disabilities Services. In
accordance with the American’s with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations will
be made to bring students with documented disabilities to the required level of function.
Students who can not meet the essential functions even with reasonable accommodations
will receive career counseling regarding alternate career choices.
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Professional Behaviors
Academic Policy Number:
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
The purpose of the Professional Behaviors is to help students recognize their own areas
of strength and weakness in the development of professionalism. Assessment of
professional behaviors will occur via the Professional Behaviors self-assessment form
during the didactic portion of the curriculum and by the Clinical Performance Instrument
(CPI) during the clinical education portion of the curriculum.
Beginning in the spring semester of the first year of the program, all students will assess
their professional behaviors. The professional behaviors will be reviewed and reassessed each semester to determine progress. Failure to show progress in achieving all
ten of the professional behaviors may result in consultation with faculty to develop
remediation strategies. If students fail to progress to an appropriate level after
remediation, they may be dismissed from the PTA Program.
The Professional Behaviors are:
1. Commitment to Learning
2. Interpersonal Skills
3. Communication Skills
4. Effective Use of Time and Resources
5. Use of Constructive Feedback
6. Problem-Solving
7. Professionalism
8. Responsibility
9. Critical Thinking
10. Stress Management
Adapted from: May, WW, Morgan BJ, Lemki JC, et al: Models for ability-based
assessment in physical therapy education. J Phys Ther Educ 1995; 9(1):3-6
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Ethical Failure
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 13
The purpose of this policy is to assure appropriate ethical behavior by all students in the
Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Penn State University.
Any student who fails to perform ethically as described in the American Physical
Therapy Association’s Guide to Professional Conduct, or who violate Penn State
University policies and procedures, will be subject to disciplinary action which may
include failure of the course/clinical in which the ethical infraction occurred and/or
removal from the PTA Program.
It is the responsibility of the Program Coordinator to investigate any complaints related to
the violation of ethics. Please see Academic Policy #28 – Complaints.
Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct by the Office of Student Conduct for student
conduct expectations.
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
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Subject: Body Piercing and Body Art
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 18
The purpose of this policy is to assist the physical therapist assistant student in the
development of appropriate and acceptable professional appearance in the medical
While the faculty of the PTA program recognize the student’s right to express his/her
individuality, they also recognize that body piercing and body art are not accepted
professional presentation in the medical environment. To prepare students for entry into
the medical community, the following rules must be observed:
In the PTA classroom and lab, educational outings, and clinic, visible body piercing is
limited to two earrings per ear. All other body piercing must not be visible, including
tongue piercing.
Additionally, all body art is not to be visible in educational outings or clinical
experiences. It is recommended that students make every effort to minimize the visibility
of body art in the PTA lab.
Students who do not comply with this policy may be prohibited by clinical affiliation
sites to participate in clinical education experiences, and therefore would not meet
program requirements for graduation.
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Emergency Information
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 19
The PTA Program will maintain accurate records regarding emergency information for
the safety of the students.
All students must complete an Emergency Information Form at orientation which will be
housed in the PTA office. Students will be asked to voluntarily supply information to be
included on the Emergency Information Form. The students are responsible for providing
changes in emergency information at the beginning of each semester. The form will be
updated as needed.
No medical records will be kept for the student in the PTA Program office. All medical
records must be submitted to the university nurse.
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Professional Demeanor
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 20
The students in the PTA Program not only represent themselves, but also the Program,
University, and the profession. As such, the students will demonstrate professional
attitudes and behaviors at all times while in the classroom, laboratory and clinic.
The student will:
be attentive in class
be punctual
wear appropriate attire
demonstrate initiative, enthusiasm, and professional curiosity
accept criticism and respond in a manner which reflects an understanding of
constructive criticism
demonstrate active listening that shows that the student is receptive to learning
accept responsibility for learning
participate in class
show respect for others
express a positive attitude which reflects cooperation
willingly accommodate to changing situations
demonstrate an awareness of own strengths and weaknesses and actively seek
to improve self
observe health and safety regulations
adhere to the policies and procedures described in the PTA Student Handbook
and the Program Policy and Procedure Manual.
Students that are demonstrating unprofessional behavior will be subject to the sanctions
as set forth in Academic Policies #12 – Professional Behaviors and #13 – Ethical Failure.
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Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Substance Abuse
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 21
To protect the safety of the students, faculty, staff and patients, students in the Physical
Therapist Assistant Program at the Penn State DuBois campus are prohibited from:
distributing, manufacturing, selling, or using illegal drugs; being under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs; or having detectible levels of drugs in their system during any
events or activities associated with the program. These include, but are not limited to
classes, labs and off-site clinical education activities.
Students may be required to undergo drug screenings prior to or during clinical
affiliations and must test negative on screens to remain in compliance with PTA program
policy. Students who are suspected of drug and/or alcohol abuse and/or test positive on a
drug screen will be referred to a campus counselor for prompt intervention.
Students who are found to have a drug and/or alcohol problem may be referred to
appropriate area medical facilities for further counseling and intervention. Students may
be required to take a medical leave of absence until they have received sufficient
counseling and are capable of returning to the rigors of the PTA Program. The PTA
program may require verification that the student completed a certified substance abuse
program and proof of a negative drug test prior to permitting the student to return to the
If a student is attending an off-site clinical education experience and tests positive on a
drug screening, the student will receive a failing grade of “F” for the course associated
with that experience.
Students who participate in a urine drug screen that results in an undetermined or diluted
result may be required, at the PTA Program’s discretion, to participate in additional
screening procedures, including but not limited to blood, hair, or saliva sampling. The
student will be responsible for all retesting costs.
Penn State University has strict policies regarding drug/alcohol use and possession on
University grounds. Specific policies regarding alcohol and substance abuse are
University Policies AD-18 ( and AD-33(
Further information can be obtained through the Code of Conduct at
Students in violation of the policies will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for
appropriate actions and/or sanctions.
- 26 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Student Dress Code
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 22
It is the policy of the PTA Program of DuBois to assure that PTA students are dressed
appropriately in the lecture room, laboratory and the clinic. Professional dress is an
important goal for each student and appropriate professional attire is required.
The student will adhere to the appropriate dress code in the following settings:
Lecture Room
Students may dress in a semi-casual manner for lectures that are being given on campus.
Students are not permitted to wear torn or tattered clothing, T-shirts with vulgarities or
advertising of controlled substances, etc., short shorts, or midriff shirts in the lecture
room. Students must maintain proper hygiene.
Students will dress as instructed by the laboratory instructor for lab session. Due to the
nature of the material being taught, it is not uncommon to require shorts, sports bras, or
halter-tops for laboratory sessions. Normal laboratory attire is shorts, T-shirt, socks, and
athletic shoes. Students will be required to dress professionally for laboratory exams.
Refer to Clinical Education Policy #5 – Clinical Dress Code for specific clinical
education requirements.
Off-Campus Activities
The PTA faculty will advise students of appropriate dress according to the activity being
If a question regarding appropriate dress arises, the Program Coordinator will have final
say in determining whether or not dress is appropriate for the situation. Specific clothing
required for religious or medical reasons will be accommodated at the discretion of the
Program Coordinator.
Students who fail to comply with the dress code may be asked to leave the lecture, lab, or
clinic to change their clothes. Failure to return will constitute an unexcused absence.
Repeated failure to follow the clinic or program dress code will result in a verbal
warning, written warning and finally dismissal from the program.
- 27 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Minimum Grade Achievement
Academic Policy
Number: 25
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
The PTA students will meet the minimum criteria of their coursework in order to:
progress in the program, successfully pass the Licensing Examination, and become
competent practitioners.
Meeting the minimum criteria of the coursework includes satisfactory achievement of
course objectives by achieving the minimum required grade to pass the class.
A student must pass the core courses with a minimum grade of a “C” or better. A student
failing to achieve a “C” in the following core courses will be required to repeat the
 PT 100S
 KINES 13
 PT 150
 PT 160
 PT 384
 PT 270W
 PT 250
 PT 260
 PT 281
 PT 282
 PT 201
 PT 205
 PT 395 E, F, G
 BIOLOGY 141/142
1. The Normative Model, The Minimum Required Skills of PTA Graduates and the
Evaluative Criteria are used for reference for curricular coursework design to
determine minimum competency.
2. Students are informed of this policy at orientation via the handbook, on the web (PTA
program Recommended Academic Plan page), and the University Bluebook.
3. Each faculty member of the above listed courses is responsible for determining the
examination methods for determining competency/ achievement of course objectives.
4. If the student fails to achieve the minimum grade, he/she must repeat and successfully
pass the course in order to graduate.
5. Withdrawing due to a failing grade constitutes a failure and counts towards the two
failure limit.
- 28 -
Evaluative Criteria:
- 29 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Grading System
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 26
To ensure consistency in grading, it is the policy of the PTA program to follow
University guidelines as described in the University Faculty Senate Policies 47-20, 47-40,
and 47-60 found at
The program faculty will utilize the following Grading System:
Grade Percentage
Grade Point Average
Grading on the curve will not be offered.
All required general education courses for the PTA program must be taken for
credit. Pass/fail grades will not be accepted for credit toward PTA degree
Rounding up will not be offered.
- 30 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Practical/Competency Grading
Academic Policy Number:
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
To ensure consistency in Practical grading, it is the policy of the PSU PTA Program to
utilize the system described below.
Practical/competency exams will be graded based on the criteria found on the specific
grading rubric for each course. Note - a 78% or better grade on each
practical/competency is required to pass the course.
Any student action deemed unsafe by faculty during a practical exam will result
in automatic failure of the practical exam.
Specific safety standards are identified by asterisks on each grading rubric.
Cuing by the instructor is not permitted for safety elements. If cuing is required, a
failing grade will be issued.
Students who receive a grade of <78% will be responsible for scheduling a makeup practical/competency and the highest grade given will be 78% using the same
grade guidelines.
Should the student be unsuccessful on the make-up practical/competency, the
grade of <78% will remain and he/she will receive a failing grade for that course.
- 31 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Complaints
Academic Policy
Number: 28
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
To ensure the quality of the PTA program, the program will have a plan for addressing
complaints submitted by students, clinicians, employers, faculty, clinical education sites,
the general public or others regarding the program, its students, or its graduates.
The person from the PTA program receiving the complaint will attempt to resolve
the problem verbally and immediately. Failing resolution of the problem, the
party registering the complaint will be required to put the complaint in writing.
If the complainant refuses to put the complaint in writing or give his/her name,
the person receiving the complaint will document the conversation.
The PTA Program Coordinator will be apprised of the complaint by the person
receiving the complaint within 3 days of receiving the complaint.
The PTA Program Coordinator will contact the complainant within 3 days of
being apprised of the complaint and attempt to resolve the problem.
Students who have complaints about an instructor should speak with the instructor
first. If there is no resolution, the student should then speak with the Program
If the Program Coordinator is unable to bring resolution to the problem, then the
campus Chancellor will be contacted and she will attempt to resolve the problem.
If no resolution is able to be reached, appropriate parties within the university will
be engaged in resolving the conflict.
Complaints about the Program Coordinator from any source should be taken
directly to the Chancellor.
Complaints from clinical instructors concerning students should be taken to the
Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education. Complaints from clinical
instructors about the ACCE should be taken to the Program Coordinator.
Complaints from the general public should be taken to the Program Coordinator.
The written complaint or documentation of the conversation with the complainant
will be placed in a complaint folder that is housed in the PTA Program
Coordinator’s office. The documentation of the complaint will be kept for 5 years after
which time it will be destroyed.
Evaluative criteria:
- 32 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Acknowledgment of Policies
Academic Policy Number:
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
To ensure that all students read the PTA Student Handbook and are aware of the policies
pertaining to the PTA program, students will be informed in writing of policies and
procedures of the PTA program upon entering the program.
The Program Coordinator will review the PTA Student Handbook with all PTA
students during the first month of classes in the program.
The students will be expected to read the policies in the handbook and sign the
acknowledgment page of the handbook, acknowledging their responsibility to
abide by all policies and procedures stated in the handbook.
The remaining program policies (not found in the PTA Student Handbook) will be
available for the students to read in a 3-ring binder in the laboratory (on the
mailboxes), in the library on reserve and on the PTA program webpage. The
students will be required to review the entire policy and procedure manual and
sign-off acknowledging that they are responsible to abide by these policies.
Evaluative Criteria: 1.1.6 and 1.4.2
- 33 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Clinical Site Requirements
Number: 25
Effective Date: August 15, 2015
Clin. Ed. Policy
The faculty of the PTA Programs at Penn State University will inform students that clinical sites
require certain background and health clearances prior to the start of a clinical affiliation.
Penn State University has clinical affiliation agreements with facilities at which students
complete their clinical rotations. Each of these facilities requires background checks, health
information and clearances, as well as insurance prior to a student beginning a rotation. These are
site requirements and are between the student and the site. The following criteria outline the roles
and responsibilities related to the requirements:
1. The University is responsible for informing each student that they will be asked to complete
various requirements prior to clinical placements. This notice is posted on the program
website and is included in the "Acknowledgement of Clinical Requirements" form that is
signed by each student in PT 100S. This form can be found in the Student Handbook.
2. The student initiates communication with the site and notes the requirements for each
3. The student is responsible for completing the requirements of the clinical site at least six
weeks prior to the start date of the clinical rotation.
4. The students must submit the results in writing directly to the clinical site at least four weeks
prior to the start date.
5. The student will hold all results and share them with the site as requested.
6. If the student fails to complete the requirements for any site the following could happen:
a. The clinical affiliation start date could be delayed until the requirements are
completed. If postponement of the start date delays the end date past the end of a
semester, the student could be prohibited from starting the next semester of classes or
graduating from the PTA program. This could mean delay of one full academic year
due to the sequence of PTA classes.
b. The clinical affiliation site could refuse to take the student. The ACCE would make
a reasonable attempt, defined as one attempt, to locate another site of equal
competency (i.e. inpatient for inpatient, outpatient for outpatient). Because of the
time necessary to locate another site, even if such a site is located, it may lead to the
situation set forth above in 6(a).
7. If the student fails a background check, is listed on the U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services List of Excluded Individuals, or is otherwise excluded from participation at a
particular site by the site, the ACCE will:
a. Make a reasonable attempt, defined as one attempt, to locate another site of equal
competency (i.e. inpatient for inpatient, outpatient for outpatient). This may require
time to locate another site which could lead to a delay in the start date which could
lead to further delay as set forth in 6(a).
b. If the student is placed at another site, the student would be required to meet that
clinical site’s requirements and immediately submit the proper paperwork to the site.
- 34 -
c. If the second site refuses to accept the student due to the unfavorable results of the
required background or health related screenings, the student would be dismissed
from the PTA program due to the inability to complete an element of the curriculum
required for graduation.
- 35 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Safety
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Academic Policy Number: 30
To ensure that all students are aware of institutional and PTA program policies and
procedures related to safety during on and off-campus educational experiences.
1. The PTA program adheres to the following University policies as related
to safety found at . The program also follows
campus emergency procedures found on pages 42, 43 of the Faculty Handbook.
2. Students will be notified of the following lab safety policy at orientation and also via
student handbook and throughout the program via all course syllabi.
a. The lab will remain open between scheduled PTA classes for use by students,
unless otherwise posted.
b. A schedule of all PTA classes will be posted outside the room so that students
know when the room will be available.
c. Students are not permitted to use electrical and thermal laboratory equipment
in the absence of a laboratory instructor. A student may review the equipment
without plugging the unit in if an instructor is in the building.
d. After finishing the lab practice, all equipment must be replaced to its proper
place and the area is to be cleaned up.
e. If students notice articles from the lab that are unkempt or missing, they
should notify the instructor.
f. The lab is available in the evening for practice sessions, but no equipment
may be used unless an instructor is present. Students will notify the instructor
of the time that they would like to use the lab, and arrangements will be made
with security to unlock the door.
3. Students entering the program will receive a comprehensive safety education program
The evacuation plan for the classroom
Fire extinguisher and AED locations
Safety policy for the PTA lab
Introduction to PA’s "Right to Know" act concerning the use of chemicals in
e. Review of the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemicals used in the PTA
laboratory. The SDS forms will be available to the students at all
times and will
be kept in a Safety Manual in the laboratory.
4. All equipment in the PTA laboratory will be kept in good working order.
- 36 -
a. Equipment will be checked before and after each laboratory session by a
member of the PTA Faculty.
b. Equipment will be checked on an annual basis by a biomedical technician.
Documentation of these inspections will be maintained in the PTA Program
c. Any questions regarding the function or safety of a piece of equipment will
require further investigation. Each faculty member is required to visibly mark
any equipment that is deemed unsafe, remove it from the laboratory, and notify
the Program Coordinator. Equipment may not be used again until it has been
deemed safe by the biomedical technician.
d. Rental and/or loaner equipment will have up-to-date biomedical inspections.
Rental and loaner equipment will be used only when the purchase of such
equipment is not available to the PTA program or when the use of the
equipment will further enhance the educational program. The PTA program
will obtain contractual agreements with all equipment providers to assure that
the equipment is in good repair and available to the PTA Program for the time
period described in the syllabus.
e. Students will receive safety instruction in lecture and laboratory regarding use
of the equipment. Students will practice in the presence of an instructor until
they have been determined to be safe utilizing the equipment.
5. Informed Consent
a. Faculty will review informed consent documents and discuss safety issues and
contraindications of procedures and activities to be performed in appropriate
b. Students will sign informed consent documents for all appropriate courses and
inform instructor of inability to participate in any of the activities in that
6. Competency of students is assessed in each course requiring lab skills and is
documented on the Master Skills check off list when completed. Skills
competency evaluation forms include specific safety skills that the student must
complete in order to successfully pass the competency.
Evaluative Criteria: and
- 37 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Disenrollment
Academic Policy
Number: 31
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
To establish dismissal guidelines to inform students of their responsibilities, rights and
requirements concerning academic performance, clinical education performance and
professional behaviors.
A PTA student may be dis-enrolled from the PTA major for failure to meet academic
retention standards or, if in the opinion of the faculty, the student is not adaptive to the
work of the PTA program. (Consistent with University Faculty Senate Policy 54-56,
located at
1. Disenrollment for failure to meet academic retention standards (See Academic Policy
# - 9 Academic Progression / Retention)
a. A student who earns a D or F in the same required PTA or science course for a
time will be dis-enrolled from the PTA major and counseled to
pursue other
b. A student who earns a D or F in any two required core PTA or science courses
will be
dis-enrolled from the PTA major and counseled to pursue other
c. An attempt of Biol 129, Biol 141 and 142 or any core PT course with a nonmedical withdrawal is considered a failure.
The student with academic failure will be notified of disenrollment by their advisor using
the eLion Academic Review application.
A student who has been dis-enrolled from a major may transfer directly to another major
subject to University Faculty Senate Policies and Rules for Undergraduate Students,
Section 37-00, or may be admitted to the Division of Undergraduate Studies subject to
Section 39-00, expecting transfer to another major later.
2. Disenrollment when a student is not adaptive to the work of the PTA program
The faculty of the PTA program will review and evaluate the performance of the PTA
degree candidates to determine if their performance meets established standards.
The following criteria will be applied in the review and evaluation process: student
adherence to the American Physical Therapy Association Code of Ethics, The Physical
Therapy Practice Act of the State of Pennsylvania, the American Physical Therapy
Association Standards of Practice, Pennsylvania State University Faculty Senate Policies
- 38 -
and Rules for Undergraduate Students, Penn State DuBois PTA program Policies and
Procedures, and Professional Behaviors.
Students not adapted to the work of the college as determined by the above criteria will
be provided written notice during the semester in which their work is so judged. A copy
of the letter will be retained in the PTA program office and a copy will be forwarded to
the Penn State DuBois Chancellor. The student will have one semester following receipt
of the written notice to remediate the circumstances which caused the deficit. A written
plan of remediation will be developed. The student and the PTA program coordinator
will retain copies of the remediation plan. If the plan is successful, the student may
continue in the program. If the student does not successfully complete the remediation
plan, the faculty will recommend to the Chancellor that the student be dis-enrolled from
the PTA major. Counseling relative to other majors/options will be provided by the
- 39 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Skill Competency
Academic Policy
Number: 32
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
To ensure that PTA program graduates are competent in all skills prior to completion of
the didactic portion of the program.
At orientation, students are provided a Master Skill Check-Off List of all of the physical
therapy intervention and data collection skills for which they must demonstrate
competency. Each student must demonstrate the skill safely and competently to an
evaluator, and receive a “satisfactory” rating. If upon the first attempt, the student does
not demonstrate satisfactory performance he/she will be given one additional opportunity
to pass the skill check after remediation has been completed. Students must pass all skill
checks in all courses to be eligible to participate in PT 395F and PT 395G.
The Master Skill Check-Off List identifies which skill will be assessed in which course.
All skills listed in the Master Skill List will be evaluated during the course in which the
intervention is taught and/or applied. The student will be given the appropriate
practical/competency rubric prior to evaluation. Specific criteria that must be
demonstrated, including safety elements, are listed on the rubrics. These rubrics are to be
used by the student when preparing for the formal instructor evaluation which will take
place during the scheduled lab sessions.
The course instructor will sign the Master Skills Check-Off List following successful
student fulfillment of the skill tested. Completion of the Master Skills List will signify
proficiency in administration of the listed skill.
Clinical sites are given a list of skills for which students have demonstrated competency.
Clinicians are advised not to require the students to complete skills for which they have
not been tested.
Evaluative Criteria:
- 40 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Academic Intervention
Academic Policy Number:
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Faculty will advise students when performance is unsatisfactory in an attempt to solve
student problems that interfere with academic and clinical success.
Faculty will notify students, either by verbal or written means, when any of the following
situations is observed:
Grades below a “C” level at midterm
Repeated unsatisfactory achievement on exams and assignments
Grades that have suddenly dropped
Excessive absences (see Academic policy #6 - Attendance)
Missing tests or assignments
Unprofessional behavior
Unsafe lab practices
Students with multiple infractions will receive documentation of the unsatisfactory
performance in their file including the recommendations of the faculty member and any
referral for counseling and/or tutoring.
- 41 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Cell Phone Use
Academic Policy
Number: 37
Effective Date: July 7, 2015
In order to maintain an environment conducive to learning and to uphold confidentiality
principles, cell phone use in the classroom and clinical sites will be prohibited unless
specifically requested by the instructor/clinical instructor during educational activities.
1. Up to 5 points may be deducted from the student’s final grade if caught using a cell
phone during class.
2. All cell phones must be put away during exams. Taking pictures of quizzes or exams
strictly prohibited and will be considered an academic integrity violation.
3. Cell phone videos and pictures are strictly prohibited during the clinical education
4. If cell phone use is required for a stopwatch application, the student must request
from the clinical instructor and the patient prior to use.
- 42 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Social Media
Number: 23
Effective Date: July 23, 2015
Clin. Ed. Policy
Communication through social media and online networking are recognized forms of
communication in the public forum. The Penn State DuBois PTA Program has
expectations for responsible and ethical behavior during use of these forms of
These guidelines are intended to protect the privacy, confidentiality and reputation of
patients, fellow students, faculty and staff, clinical educators, clinical sites, the PTA
Program and the University. Student postings are expected to be respectful and reflect
professional behaviors.
Clinical facility HIPAA policies must be followed. Absolutely no reference to patients,
clinical sites, or clinical instructors is permitted, even if names are not given or are
believed to be blinded from any identifying information. Violation of these policies may
result in legal action against the student. In addition, the student will fail the clinical
rotation for violation of this policy.
The student is advised to not interact with patients or clinical instructors on social media.
The students should refrain from posting any information about their clinical experiences
including location, facility type, associated persons, etc.
Plagiarism rules apply to online communications therefore references must be cited.
Students must also adhere to copyright protection laws.
The definition of social networking includes but is not limited to: Facebook, MySpace,
Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat, Flickr, Twitter, Weblogs, online discussion
forums/boards, or any other online applications allowing an individual to post or publish
content on the internet.
These guidelines will apply to any new and/or emerging social media outlets.
The Penn State DuBois PTA Program will have zero tolerance for any violation of the
social media policy. Violation of this policy, upon the first offense, will result in
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the PTA Program.
Evaluative Criteria: 4.1.6
- 43 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Prerequisites for Clinical Education
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Clin. Ed. Policy Number: 1
The faculty of the PTA Program at Penn State DuBois will assure that the student is
prepared academically and professionally and is safe to participate in the assigned clinical
experience. PTA students will submit all required documents prior to the onset of the
clinical experience.
The faculty will assure that the student has:
1. Passed all courses in the PTA curriculum as outlined in the Grading Policy
(see Academic Policy #8)
2. Observed all safety regulations as set forth in Academic Policy #3.
Students will be responsible to meet the requirements as set forth by the clinical site. The
student will upload information to the Certified Background website prior to the start of
or during any clinical experience. This may include any combination of the following
1. Documentation of vaccination against Hepatitis B, or evidence of adequate antibody
titer, or
have a signed statement of refusal to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine
2. Proof of professional liability insurance
3. Completed Student Introduction Form
4. 2 Step PPD test
5. Physical examination form to include current immunization records
6. Evidence of CPR
7. Criminal background check
8. Child abuse clearance
9. Drug screen
10. FBI fingerprinting
11. Residency history
12. Unlimited County Criminal Searches outside of Pennsylvania
13. Nationwide Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
14. Evidence of health insurance coverage during all clinical experiences.
15. Any other clinical requirement required by the assigned clinical site.
Students are responsible for the cost of completing all clinical requirements/clearances. It
is the responsibility of the ACCE to inform each student on the process of accessing
Certified Background to complete clinical requirements. Students who fail to meet the
pre-clinical requirements by the assigned dates may not be able to start their clinical
- 44 -
The ACCE will review Certified Background for completeness of clinical requirements.
The ACCE will document reviewing these items and students will have the responsibility
to deliver all clinical requirements/clearances to the clinic within one month of their start
date. Students are responsible for contacting the clinical site to verify that all clinical
requirements are received and satisfactory.
A standard Physical Exam form will be made available for the students if they choose to
use their family physician rather than the campus physician. Students must report a
pregnancy immediately upon medical confirmation. A medical authorization to continue
one’s education during pregnancy must be completed by the student’s physician and
submitted to the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education.
Confidentiality of student records will be ensured with the use of the Certified Background
website. Program faculty will only have access to confirmation of completion, not to actual
student records.
Evaluative Criteria:
- 45 -
Penn State University - DuBois
PTA Program
Subject: Clinical Site Placement
Effective Date: August 22, 2014
Clin. Ed. Policy Number: 3
The ACCE selects the best possible placement in clinical sites to maximize the student’s
learning experience. Through a working knowledge of frequently utilized clinical sites,
the ACCE assigns each student to a clinical site with the goal of providing an optimal
learning experience based on the student’s needs. Each site has a contractual agreement
with Penn State University.
The ACCE will take the following factors into consideration when matching a student to
a clinical site:
1. Academic Performance and needs. This is the priority for clinical placement.
2. The site has clinical instructors on staff that are qualified according to
program standards:
a. At least one year of clinical experience as a licensed PT/PTA
b. At least 3 months experience in the current setting
c. Instructors with APTA credentialing are preferred
3. Student preference – students receive a list of clinical sites that have indicated
a willingness to accept students and have met Program requirements. A
reference file of available facilities is maintained in the ACCE’s Office. More
specific information may be obtained from the ACCE. Students must
complete and return a Site Request Form to the ACCE by the assigned date.
4. Student strengths, weaknesses, and goals as listed on the Student Introduction
5. Personal interests and needs.
6. Previous clinical experiences (the student must complete one out-patient and
at least one acute care/SNF placement).
7. Potential conflicts of interest.
8. Clinic setting – students must complete one inpatient (acute care, rehab or
skilled nursing) and one outpatient affiliation.
If a student has a special request to affiliate at a site not currently holding a written
agreement with the University, the student must meet with the ACCE to discuss the
request. If the site meets the Program’s requirements, all efforts will be made to place the
student at that site, and the process to acquire a written agreement with the University
will been initiated. No student will be placed at a site without a written agreement signed
by both parties.
Students may be required to travel a distance (up to 1 ½ hours one way) or relocate
outside of the immediate area for their clinical assignment. All expenses, including
transportation and housing, are the student’s responsibility.
- 46 -
Students with a dispute regarding site of placement must submit their concerns in writing
to the ACCE. Disputes will be discussed and resolved with the Program Coordinator and
the ACCE. There will be no changes to the clinical assignment after 8 weeks prior to the
start date without extenuating circumstances and permission of the faculty.
Students are notified of site placement no later than 8 weeks prior to clinical start date by
the ACCE. No later than 1 month prior to the clinical start date, the student will receive a
clinical packet including the name of the clinical contact person.
- 47 -
Informed consent and release executed by ________________________________________________,
residing at__________________________________________________________________________,
to The Pennsylvania State University.
I wish to be a participant in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program of The Pennsylvania State University.
I understand that the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program will include academic, laboratory and
clinical work performed in the classroom, laboratory, hospital and other clinical facilities and will include
direct care or exposure to clients with a variety of illnesses and diseases and will include the handling of
and/or contact with human bodily fluids and tissues. I, therefore, understand that I may or will be exposed
to disease carrying bacteria and microorganisms. I assume the responsibility and understand that I am
obligated to inform the Instructor of laboratory sections of any known or perceived contraindications or
precautions for a treatment procedure or skill that I may have. I further understand that if I fail to inform
this information, and harmful consequences occur, I hereby release and hold harmless the Pennsylvania
State University and its directors, officers, and employees because of my neglect to inform truthfully.
I also understand that as a student in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program I will be required to
participate in human subject demonstrations and practice in the classroom, laboratory and clinical facilities
as part of the educational process, and I consent to this process.
Participation in said activities in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program necessitates the wearing of
appropriate clothing. Laboratory clothing for males includes, but is not limited to, shorts, T-shirts and
sneakers. Laboratory clothing for females includes, but is not limited to, shorts, halter or bathing suit tops
and sneakers. Clinical clothing includes, but is not limited to, laboratory jackets, shirts, identification tags,
professional slacks and shoes.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Pennsylvania State University Physical Therapist
Assistant Program, I, the undersigned, in full recognition and appreciation of the dangers and hazards
inherent in the health care field, and in particular in the medical facilities where I may be present during my
participation in the program, do hereby agree to assume all the risks and responsibilities surrounding my
participation in the program or any independent activities undertaken as an adjunct thereto; and further, I do
for myself, my heirs, and personal representative, hereby agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify,
release, and forever discharge The Pennsylvania State University and any and all of its directors, officers,
agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, on
account of damage to personal property, or personal injury, disease, or death which may result to me from
my participation in this program and my exposure to the risks inherent in the program.
I hereby certify that I have read this document, that I am fully familiar with the contents of this document,
and that I fully understand its terms and provisions. Any questions that I have about the Physical Therapist
Assistant Program and the contents of this document have been fully explained to my satisfaction.
PARENT OR (If under 18)
DATE _____________
DATE _____________
*Students have the right to refuse to consent to this document. However, refusal to consent
may result in dismissal from the program.
- 48 -
Statement of Student Responsibility for Specific Contraindications
, assume the responsibility and understand that I
am obligated to inform the instructor of this laboratory section of any known or perceived contraindications
or precautions for a treatment procedure or skill administered to me.
I further understand that if I fail to inform this information, and harmful consequences occur, I do for
myself, my heirs, and personal representatives, hereby release and hold harmless The Pennsylvania State
University, and it’s directors, officers, and employees because of my neglect to inform truthfully.
PT 100S
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 384
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 150
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 160
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 281
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 282
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 260
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 250
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 395E
Guardian (If under 18)
- 49 -
PT 395F
Guardian (If under 18)
PT 395G
Guardian (If under 18)
Guardian (If under 18)
Guardian (If under 18)
Guardian (If under 18)
- 50 -
- 51 -
Commitment to Confidentiality
I understand that confidential information specifically includes, but is not limited to,
patient and proprietary business information, whether written or verbal, or computerized
(including passwords).
I understand that I will encounter confidential information during classroom and clinical
affiliation experiences while a student at The Pennsylvania State University.
I also acknowledge and agree that any disclosure of, unauthorized use of, or access to
confidential information will cause irreparable damage or loss to The Pennsylvania State
University. As a result, I agree to treat all confidential information in strict confidence
and to undertake the following obligations with respect to confidential information:
1. To access or use confidential information strictly in connection with
and for the sole purpose of, performing my assigned duties for Penn State
University and the clinical facility, on a need to know basis.
2. Not to access, disclose, or communicate any confidential information to
any person whatsoever, except in connection with the performance
of my assigned duties;
3. To report and disclose immediately to The Pennsylvania State
University and/or the clinical facility any unauthorized use, duplication,
disclosure, or dissemination of confidential information by any person.
I also understand and agree that my obligation to this Confidentiality Agreement or my
violation of any terms of this agreement may result in failure and/or dismissal from the
PTA Program.
I have read and fully understand this Commitment to Confidentiality and agree to comply
with all of its terms.
Name (print)
Witness Signature
- 52 -
- 53 -
The following is a list of essential functions that a student must be capable of performing
while enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program.
Motor Skills
A student must be able to:
Sit in class for up to 7 hours per day.
Safely bend, lift, twist, push, pull, and transfer up to 200 pounds to assist in
moving a patient from one surface to another.
Palpate anatomical structures and handle injured body parts without causing
injury to the patient.
Give manual resistance to a patient’s arm, leg, or trunk during exercise.
Move with adequate agility and speed to ensure patient safety.
Walk and balance well enough to help patients walk and transfer with or without
equipment, while preventing injury to patient and self.
Safely grasp and manipulate small objects and set dials on electrical equipment.
Use equipment that emits electrical, ultrasonic, and thermal energy.
Observational and Sensory Skills
A student must be able to:
Use visual, auditory, and tactile senses to observe patients and collect and
interpret data.
Read and interpret equipment dials, patient charts, professional literature, and
notes from patients, physicians, and other health professionals.
Respond to warning sounds, machine alarms, and calls for help.
Communication Skills
A student must be able to:
Communicate effectively in English in verbal and written formats with faculty,
peers, patients, families, and other health professionals.
Report clearly and legibly through progress notes in patient charts.
- 54 -
Intellectual and Conceptual Skills
A student must be able to:
Meet class standards for successful course completion.
Collect, interpret, and integrate data about patients.
Behavioral and Social Attitudes
A student must be able to:
Recognize and respond appropriately to individuals of all ages, genders, and
races, and from all socio-economic, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
Cope with stress of heavy work loads, demanding patients, and life-threatening
clinical situations.
Recognize and respond appropriately to potentially hazardous situations.
Demonstrate the physical and emotional capacity to work a 40-hour week while
on clinical affiliation.
Behave in an ethically sound, competent, compassionate, and professional manner
in the classroom and in the clinic.
Students who have concerns about the ability to perform any of these functions should
contact the PTA program director and campus coordinator of disabilities services.
Students with documented disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations under
the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students who cannot meet the reasonable
accommodations will receive career counseling, as acceptance into the PTA program
wound be inappropriate for employment for safety reasons.
I have read the above document and I understand the essential functions as necessary for
a student in the physical therapist assistant program and for employment as a physical
therapist assistant. I will contact the PTA program director and the campus coordinator of
disabilities services if I am concerned about my ability to perform any of the essential
Sign _______________________________________ Date _______________________
- 55 -
The mission of the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program at Penn State DuBois is
to graduate well-educated, competent, caring, quality oriented physical therapist
assistants who will provide physical therapy services to patients/clients across the life
span who are experiencing pain or have a disability, under the direct supervision of a
licensed physical therapist. This program mission is consistent with the university-wide,
the University College and the campus mission. In order to meet this mission, the PTA
program faculty will:
1. Provide a high-quality physical therapist assistant education program that
produces a culturally sensitive, competent and safe clinician.
2. Engage in professional development activities that will advance their knowledge
related to physical therapy, rehabilitation and teaching.
3. Provide a positive example to their students by service and leadership to the
physical therapy profession and community.
The PTA curriculum is designed to train individuals to become Physical Therapist
Assistants while providing them with a broad based general education. This dual
approach provides skilled technical health care workers that provide a vital function in
today's society and prepares the PTA graduate for the life-long learning experiences
necessary to keep them abreast of the changing field of physical therapy.
The PTA curriculum demands both the manual skills necessary to perform the duties of
the PTA as well as the intellectual and thinking skills necessary for many of life's
decisions. Training in clinically relevant knowledge, communication skills, cultural
diversity, and the ability to function as a team member to complete a project are general
goals of this program.
- 56 -
PTA Program Goals, Objectives and Outcomes
The PTA Program will strive to:
Goal 1. Develop clinicians who possess and can apply their knowledge of basic sciences,
PT theory and procedures to practice as a physical therapist assistant in a
variety of practice settings to enhance patient care.
Upon successful completion of the program the students will be able to:
Objective A. Competently carry out the plan of care established by the PT.
Objective B. Collect relevant data in order to determine if modification of
treatment is needed.
Objective C. Effectively perform quality patient-centered treatment
interventions while minimizing risk to patient, self and others.
Outcome: 85% of graduates will pass the licensure/certification exam.
Goal 2. Develop clinicians who possess the necessary professional behaviors to practice
as a physical therapist assistant.
Upon successful completion of the program the students will be able to:
Objective A. Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication
including documentation
Objective B. Demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills
Objective C. Apply effective interpersonal skills with a wide variety of persons in
the classroom and professional settings
Outcome: Students and graduates will effectively communicate with
patients and other health professionals.
Goal 3. Develop clinicians who are culturally sensitive and have a sense of commitment
to the physical therapy profession’s core values and ethics as outlined in APTA’s
“Standards of Ethical Conduct for the PTA”.
Upon successful completion of the program the students will be able to:
Objective A. Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals by responding to
the individual cultural needs of each patient.
- 57 -
Objective B. Comply with the laws and regulations governing physical
Objective C. Protect the public and the profession from unethical,
incompetent, and illegal acts.
Objective D. Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of the accreditation
Outcome: Students and graduates will work in a manner consistent with
the state practice act, APTA's Code of Ethics and the Guide for
Conduct of the PTA.
Goal 4. Develop clinicians who are prepared to be lifelong learners and who will keep
current with best practices.
Upon successful completion of the program the students will be able to:
Objective A. Identify their own learning needs
Objective B. Adopt and value professional development practices demonstrated
by faculty
Outcome: Students and graduates will be able to assess their own
strengths and weaknesses to determine the need for
professional and personal growth.
- 58 -
- 59 -
The Pennsylvania State University
DuBois Campus
Physical Therapist Assistant
Freshman Year
Engl 15
Biol 129
Art elective
Psych 100
Quantitative elec.
Kines 13
Biol 141
Biol 142
PT 100S
Humanities elec.
PT 384
PT 205
PT 160
PT 270W
Sophomore Year
PT 150
PT 260
PT 281
PT 282
PT 395E
Psych 212
PT 290
PT 250
PT 395F
PT 395G
PT 297
PT 201
- 60 -
Course Descriptions for 2PTA
ENGL 015
Rhetoric and Composition (3)- Instruction and practice in writing
expository prose that shows sensitivity to audience and purpose.
Prerequisite: ENGL 004 or satisfactory performance on the
English proficiency examination.
Psychology (3)- Introduction to general psychology; principles of
human behavior and their applications.
Intro to Developmental Psychology (3) Developmental
principles; physical growth; linguistic, intellectual, emotional, and
social development from infancy to maturity. Prerequisites:
PSYCH 100.
BIOL 129
Mammalian Anatomy (4)- Anatomy of the mammal, with special
reference to that of man.
BIOL 141
Physiology (3)- Normal functions of the animal body, with special
reference to those of man.
BIOL 142
Physiology Lab (1)- Experiments demonstrating basic
physiological principles, with special reference to man.
Prerequisite or concurrent: BIOL 141.
PT 100 S
Physical Therapist Assistant - Introduction (3)- Orientation to
the field of physical therapy, historical background of the
profession, professional ethics, medical terminology, and patient
transportation techniques with first year seminar requirements.
PT 150
Physical Therapist Assistant - Procedures I (2)- General
considerations for basic physical therapy modalities including their
indications, contraindications, skill development and practical
PT 160
Therapeutic Exercise I (3)- Introduction to the principles of
exercise in the treatment of disease and injury. Prerequisites:
BIOL 129, PT 100.
PT 250
Physical Therapist Assistant - Procedures II (4)- General
considerations for physical therapy modalities, including their
indications, contraindications, skill development and practical
application. Prerequisites: BIOL 141, BIOL 142, PT 150,
PT 270, PT 384.
- 61 -
2PTA Course Descriptions p. 2
PT 260
Therapeutic Exercise II (3)- Advanced principles of exercise in
the treatment of disease and injury. Prerequisites: BIOL 141,
BIOL 142, PT 384, PT 160, PT 270.
PT 270W
Pathophysiology (4)- Introduction to medical and post-operative
conditions and/or disease and injury with writing across the
curriculum requirements.
PT 281
Rehabilitation 1 (2)- Introduction to the diagnoses, impairments,
and treatment interventions utilized by the PTA in the
rehabilitation setting. Prerequisites: BIOL 141, BIOL 142, PT 384
PT 282
Rehabilitation 2 (3)- Examination of techniques and laboratory
experiences in rehabilitation techniques for the physically
PT 290
Professional Issues in Clinical Practice (1)– Introduction of
professional issues related to the physical therapist assistant's role
in practice, including documentation, billing, communication, and
PT 201
Licensure Preparation for the PTA – Preparation for the national
PTA licensure examination.
PT 205
Human Musculature – Review of anatomy
PT 297
Special Topics
Standard First Aid, Personal Safety, and CPR (1)- Theoretical
and technical aspects of standard first aid, personal safety, and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
PT 384
Applied Kinesiology (4)- Study of anatomical structure and body
movement. Characteristic muscle action and motion will be
analyzed in relation to physical therapy content. Prerequisite:
BIOL 129, PT 100.
PT 395E
Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum I (3)- The practice of
physical therapist assistant skills in a clinical setting under the
direct supervision of a physical therapist. Prerequisites: PT 100,
PT 384, PT 150, PT 270, PT 280.
- 62 -
PT 395F
Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum II (4) - The practice of
physical therapist assistant skills in a clinical setting under the
direct supervision of a physical therapist. Prerequisites: PT 150,
PT 160, PT 250, PT 260, PT 280
PT 395G
Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum III (4) - The practice
of physical therapist assistant skills in a clinical setting under the
direct supervision of a physical therapist. Prerequisites: PT 150,
PT 160, PT 250, PT 260, PT 280.
The PT courses are open only to students who have been admitted to the 2PTA program.
All PT courses, KINES 013, BIOL 129, BIOL 141, and BIOL 142 must be passed with
an earned grade of “C” or better. In the event that a student does not pass a course after
two attempts, the student will be strongly counseled to change majors and will
subsequently be dropped from the 2PTA program. For semesters in which clinical
education courses are scheduled at the same time as other didactic courses (semesters 4
and 5), the student must pass all of the didactic courses in order to be eligible to
participate in the clinical education course. If the student should fail a didactic course in
one of those semesters, the student will not be permitted to participate in the clinical
education course(s) (PT 395E for semester 4 and PT 395F, and PT 395G for semester 5)
until the required didactic courses have been passed successfully.
There are three recommendations to fulfill the three credit Quantitative elective: MATH
021, MATH 017 or MATH 018. There are no specifically required courses to fulfill the
Humanities and Arts elective. You may choose from the appropriate lists in consultation
with your academic advisor. Arts electives are noted by the “GA” next to the class
listing in the schedule book. Humanities courses are listed as “GH” in the schedule book.
All students must pass an Intercultural/International course designated “US” or “IL”, and
a writing intensive course designated “W” in order to graduate. PT 270W fulfills the
“W” requirement.
- 63 -
Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from
all clinical affiliations during the entire period of the PTA education.
There is a one-time charge for professional liability insurance which must
be paid prior to beginning clinical experiences.
Students are responsible for the cost of uniforms, name tag,
transportation, meals and any other expenses incurred.
Failure to comply with the policies stated below on three different
occasions will automatically result in a failing grade and necessitate repeating the
course. Failure to fulfill one or two of the stated policies will result in a reduction
of five points for each deficiency from the final grade.
1. Students must have a physical examination and return the completed
form to the ACCE by a specified date, prior to beginning clinicals.
2. Students are required to submit a "Student Introduction" form for each
affiliation by a specified date, to be forwarded to the clinics by the
3. Students must be aware of and responsible for all clinical requirements
and sign a "Clinical Acknowledgment" form.
4. Students must telephone ahead to each clinic prior to the start of each
5. Students must complete a "First Week Summary" form and return it to
the ACCE by the first Friday of each affiliation.
6. If a student is going to be absent from a clinical affiliation for any
reason, he/she must notify the clinical instructor and the ACCE.
Notification must be made as early as possible the morning of the
scheduled clinic assignment. If unable to contact the ACCE, word
may be left at the college office. Notice may be given the day
before if the student is aware.
***The student is to arrange the make-up time with the clinical instructor and
notify the ACCE of the scheduled make-up date. Vacation time or
Saturdays may have to be used for this purpose. (See attendance policy)
- 64 -
7. Students must submit written assignments by the specified date.
8. Students must submit a "Facility Evaluation" form by a date specified
by the ACCE.
As a person seeking professional status, you must behave as a
professional. That means a number of strict rules of conduct:
1. Refrain from profanity in the clinical setting, regardless of patients'
2. Refrain from chewing gum in the clinical setting; an occasional breath
mint is acceptable.
3. Always preserve the confidentiality of the patient and his/her medical
records. Never discuss either outside the clinic or outside an
ethical context (e.g. with your supervisor or with the ACCE).
4. Expect to remain in the clinic during its operational hours, or until your
supervisor gives you permission to leave. Don't seek to leave
early for a part-time job; this is unacceptable. If an emergency
arises, see your supervisor; do not just leave.
5. Do not use erasable pens in the clinic.
6. Above all, remember that you are both a worker and a guest. Use
reason in that light to guide your behavior. Do not date or oversocialize with coworkers or patients during your affiliation. Let
nothing compromise this most critical phase of your education;
it is a test not only of your recently learned skills, but also of your
You must dress professionally at all times.
1. Wear your name tag at all times unless the clinic requires otherwise.
2. The use of a lab jacket is left to the clinic's discretion. Never wear
jeans or shorts. Plan on slacks and blouse / turtleneck for women;
slacks and dress shirt / turtleneck (tie will vary) for men.
3. Never wear high heels, sandals or clogs. You may wear "sneakers" if
they are clean, in good repair, and do not reveal colorful designs or
logos, if allowed by the clinic; ask first.
- 65 -
4. Keep fingernails clean and short; no colored polish or artificial nails.
Wear a minimum of rings and / or other jewelry.
5. Securely tie back or pin up shoulder-length (or longer) hair and keep it
very clean. Use perfume, make-up and other lotions (body, aftershave) in moderation.
6. If unsure of a garment's appropriateness, do not wear it. You may ask
your supervisor discreetly; but remember, more than one or two of
these questions may not reflect well on you.
Attendance at clinical affiliations is mandatory. There are no excused
absences; all absences must be made up.
During PT 395F and 395G, students are required to write one case study
with reflection. These assignments are due the first Monday after
the clinical rotation ends.
The case studies will be graded by the ACCE on content, accuracy,
organization, clarity, and grammar / spelling.
The clinical supervisor and the ACCE will jointly evaluate your
performance as follows:
1. The ACCE will visit and / or communicate with the clinical instructors
by telephone during each affiliation.
2. The clinical supervisor at each clinical affiliation will evaluate you on a
standard form, discuss it with you, and submit the evaluation to the
***If you perceive a problem with your clinical supervisor which you
cannot work out yourself, notify the ACCE at once; do not wait until the
end of the affiliation.
- 66 -
Skills Check-Off List
The following is a comprehensive skills list for which each graduating
student must demonstrate proficiency to complete the associate degree in
Physical Therapist Assistant at Penn State DuBois.
The skills check-off list was created using the “Minimum Required Skills of
Physical Therapist Assistant Graduates at Entry-level” document created at
the August 2007 consensus conference and adopted by the APTA Board of
Directors in November of 2008.
The students are responsible to assure that each skill is checked off by one of
the PTA faculty. The PTA program faculty will complete the master checkoff list as the students accomplish the skills in the prospective courses.
Comprehensive skills check-off sessions will be held during regularly
scheduled lab practicals or similar sessions throughout the program.
The master check off-lists for current students will be kept in a binder in the
PTA program coordinator’s office for easy faculty access.
The student must have 100 percent of the skills met before they will be
permitted to begin their final clinical affiliations (395F and 395G). These
clinical affiliations will be delayed until all skills check-offs are met.
Completed skills check-off lists are filed in the student’s personal file in the
PTA program coordinator’s office.
- 67 -
DuBois Campus – PTA Program
Master Check Off List For Skill Evaluations
Body Mechanics
Basic Transfers
Gait Training (Basic Gait Patterns and Stair training)
Wheelchair parts and mobility training
Assistive Device Measurement and instruction
Vital Signs (except BP)
PT 160
Range of Motion
Active and Resisted Exercise Techniques
Observational Gait Assessment
- 68 -
PT 384
Manual Muscle Testing
Posture Assessment
PT 150
Massage and Soft Tissue Mobilization
Vital Signs – Blood Pressure
Cryotherapy - Ice Massage and cold packs
Thermotherapy - Hot Packs
Compression Therapy
PT 281
Gait and Locomotion Training
Balance Training
Coordination Training
Patient Instruction
Relaxation Techniques
- 69 -
PT 290
Documentation and reading the Plan of Care
PT 260
Joint Specific Exercise Techniques
Chest P.T. and Breathing Strategies
Strength Training
Balance Assessment
Postural Training
PT 282
Functional Transfers
Residual Limb Wrapping
Assessment of Sensory Response
- 70 -
PT 250
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
Motor Point Location
Pain Assessment
Anthropometric Assessment
Integumentary Integrity Assessment
Integumentary Protection - Positioning for Burns
I realize it is my responsibility to read and review the skill evaluation criteria and clarify
any questions or concerns with the PTA faculty prior to beginning clinical affiliations.
My signature indicates my agreement to perform the proper techniques in regard to safety
and effectiveness in accordance with criteria identified on each skill evaluation listed
above. I agree to seek faculty assistance for any skill marked unsatisfactory.
Name of Student (Print)
Signature of Student
- 71 -