Go/No Go Regulation Graduate School TU Delft

Go/No Go Regulation Graduate School TU Delft
(further faculty rules may apply; please visit the website of your Faculty Graduate
School for more information)
1. The aim of the Go/No Go review meeting is to explicitly express the expectations for
successfully completing the PhD programme within four years and decide on
continuation or premature termination of the PhD programme.
2. The Go/No Go review meeting will take place around 12 months after the starting
3. In addition to the promotor and daily supervisor (if applicable) at least one
independent (assistant, associate, full) professor from outside the section will take
part in the Go/No Go review meeting.
4. Faculties are free to further define the Go/No Go process and, if desired, to expand
the committee (either structurally or incidentally when in doubt of the results or
potential of the PhD candidate).
The first year of the PhD programme is an important year for both the PhD candidate and
the promotor and daily supervisor(s). During this year, you will not only continue to clarify
the research assignment together, but both the PhD candidate and the supervisors will
continue to get a better idea of whether the PhD candidate will be able to complete the PhD
programme successfully within four years. These expectations must be explicitly stated to
each other within a year during the Go/No Go review meeting.
First progress review
The outcome of the Go/No Go review meeting should not come as a surprise to the PhD
candidate. That is why there is the (optional) progress review meeting, which takes place six
months after the formal start of the PhD programme. During this meeting, the promotor will
express his or her expectations regarding the outcome of the Go/No Go review. If, during
this meeting, any reservations are expressed about the possible continuation of the PhD
programme, these should be clearly recorded. In this case, the promotor will ensure that the
HR Advisor is involved in this process in good time. The PhD candidate should then be given
the opportunity to improve over the following months in preparation of the Go/No Go review
Review process
In order to properly assess whether the PhD programme can be successfully completed
within four years, it is essential that this process is carried out carefully. Both the promotor
and PhD candidate should be well prepared.
Composition of the committee
The promotor composes the scientific advisory committee for the Go/No Go review. The
committee consists of at least three people:
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the promotor
the copromotor or daily supervisor
an independent assistant/associate/full professor employed by TU Delft, but not from
the same section as the promotor (does have successfully supervised minimal two
PhD candidates in completing the doctorate and preferable relevant expertise in the
research subject concerned).
Please note:
- in case of no copromotor or daily supervisor another assistant/associate/full professor
is added to the committee; this person may be from the same group as the
- due to the confidential relationship with the PhD candidate the mentor will not pass
judgement on the Go/No Go review, but may contribute to the process as an
informant and/or participate in the meeting if so required;
- the Faculty Graduate School has the right to expand the committee with another
All PhD candidates that enter the Graduate School are informed about the process of the
Go/No Go review by their promotor and daily supervisor at the start of their research.
Already during the first progress meeting, agreements are made on the criteria for the
Go/No Go review meeting and the way in which assessment will take place.
In consultation with the members of the advisory committee, the promotor and daily
supervisor decide as soon as possible on a date for the Go/No Go review meeting and
communicate this date to the PhD candidate and the Faculty Graduate School.
In preparation of the Go/No Go review meeting the PhD candidate submits a portfolio at
least two weeks in advance to the promotor or daily supervisor. Faculties are free to set
guidelines as to the contents of such a portfolio, which might contain:
1. An overview of results achieved in the first year, including proof of competence (draft
paper, technical report).
2. Perspective on the next three years (white paper, project plan), including a time
schedule and the expected scientific findings (e.g. papers and thesis chapters).
3. An update of the PhD agreement and Doctoral Education Plan.
4. Self-examination: written reflection by the PhD candidate on his or her professional,
personal and process-oriented performance. The PhD candidate briefly identifies his
or her performance based on competences and indicates where improvements can be
The documents should provide a clear picture of the work done over the past twelve months
and will also provide a realistic overview of the scientific challenges, the objectives and
activities to be achieved in the coming three years. The PhD candidate indicates his or her
expectations for completing the PhD programme within four years.
Go/No Go review meeting
During the Go/No Go review meeting, the following subjects should be discussed:
• Reflection on the preceding period with respect to research, Doctoral Education
Programme and personal development;
• Evaluation of supervision (frequency, content, etc.);
• Perspective for the coming three years (including time schedule);
• Reasons for either ‘Go’ or ‘No Go’ decision and feedback;
• Any conditions that might apply in order to achieve a Go within 15 months of the starting
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The Go/No Go review meeting may consist of a short presentation (similar to a Master
defence) that may be held publicly and which is followed by a closed dialogue between the
PhD candidate and the committee. During this dialogue the committee members may ask the
PhD candidate questions about his or her portfolio. Then the committee deliberates in
private to formulate their main feedback. Finally, based upon the committee’s advice the
promotor will decide on a Go or No Go. In both cases, the Go/No Go form will be signed by
all committee members and the decision is communicated to the PhD candidate.
The daily supervisor sends the completed original Go/No Go form and the attached Form A
to the Faculty Graduate School. Next, the Faculty Graduate School will process the forms in
the DMA system. The Go/No Go form will then be handed over to the HR secretary of the
faculty for filing; Form A will be sent to the Beadle.
The committee gives an advice on the basis of which the promotor reaches a decision.
If a Go/No Go decision is not unanimous, the Faculty Graduate School Director will be
informed and a cc sent to the Chairman of the Department. In specific circumstances and on
the basis of the committee’s advice the promotor can decide to postpone the decision by a
maximum of three months. Additional agreements for improvement should then be made so
that the Go/No Go decision can still be taken after the 3 months.
In case of a postponement, the decision will be taken no later than 15 months after the
starting date, so that possible termination of the PhD programme can take place no later
than 18 months after the starting date.
Subsequent steps following a ‘Go’ decision
Once the committee has determined that the first year gives a sufficient level of confidence
for successfully completing the PhD programme within the remaining three years, the PhD
candidate can continue with the programme. The PhD candidate enters the feedback
provided and all agreements made during the Go/No Go review meeting concerning the
follow up process, competences that will be developed and other relevant observations, on
the PhD agreement (in DMA). The PhD candidate sends the revised agreement to the
promotor and daily supervisor for approval. This concludes the Go/No Go review by the
Faculty Graduate School.
Subsequent steps following from a ‘No Go’ decision
If the decision is negative, a ‘No Go’, the PhD candidate's programme will be prematurely
terminated. The PhD candidate will receive an invitation for an exit interview.
If the PhD candidate does not agree with the ‘No Go’ decision, he or she can report this to
the Director of the Faculty Graduate School within two weeks.
For formal dismissals (contract termination) due to a ‘No Go’ decision, the objection and
appeal act applies.
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