Open - The Scottish Government

National Committee on Infant Cremation
Minister for Public Health Michael Matheson
Chair - Gareth Brown
Scottish Government
David Baxter
Association of Private Crematoria and Cemeteries
Society of Independent and Allied Funeral Directors
Glasgow City Council
Jim Brodie
Alastair Brown
(stand in for Brian Devlin)
Cheryl Buchanan
Marie Cochrane
Dr Simon Cuthbert – Kerr
Paul Cuthell
Sarah Dillon
Leeanne Evans
Sara Fitzsimmons
Dr Dawn Kernaghan
Alison Kerr
Natalie McKail
Helena McLaren
Ann McMurray
Dr Mini Mishra
Dr Edile Murdoch
Jim Nicholl
Jim Nickerson
Rick Powell
Mary Ross-Davie
Bill Stanley
Brian Devlin
Susan Stewart
Parent Representative
Northern Ireland
Scottish Government
National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)
Scottish Government (Secretariat support)
Parent Representative
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Scottish Government
City of Edinburgh Council
Miscarriage Association
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS UK)
Scottish Government
Scottish Neonatal Consultants Group
Facultatieve Technologies
Association of Private Crematoria & Cemeteries (APCC)
Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities (FBCA)
NHS Education Scotland
Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE)
NHS Heads of Midwifery
1. Produce one page summary of all the current cremation forms and their uses –
Simon Cuthbert - Kerr
2. Issue a short questionnaire to parents regarding their views on a memorial and
to contact local authorities to establish what is happening at local level Scottish Government
3. Share the questionnaire used by Edinburgh City Council - Natalie McKail
4. All subgroups as a priority would be expected to check on progress of those
actions from the Infant Cremation Commission which were considered
immediate, or where progress could have been made quickly. This might require
trawls of Cremation Authorities, NHS Boards or others. The next meeting of the
National Committee would seek to record progress against these actions, or to
recognise were recommendations had been completed. – All Subgroup Chairs
Welcome and Introductions
Minister for Public Health Michael Matheson welcomed the Committee to the
first meeting and began roundtable introductions.
The Minister confirmed Gareth Brown as Chair of the Committee and noted that
the Committee was formed on the basis of recommendations made by Lord
Bonomy and the Infant Cremation Commission.
The Minister stated that the Committee would respond directly to him, as
Minister for Public Health and he in turn had a responsibility to the Scottish
Parliament on the progress made.
The Minister made clear his expectation that the Committee would function as
an active, working group and Committee members would be expected to join
subgroups to take forward actions.
The Minister highlighted that the legislative changes recommended by Lord
Bonomy would be addressed by the Burial and Cremations Bill. Dr Simon
Cuthbert – Kerr is leading on this work and a consultation is expected by the
end of the year.
The Minister noted his expectation he would receive a report following each
Committee meeting and would expect feedback from each of the Sub-groups. A
progress report is expected to be submitted by the Committee to Parliament
one year from the date of the first meeting.
The Minister noted that the first meeting of the National Committee on Infant
Cremation will be used to discuss how the work of the Committee will progress
and establish Chairs for each of the Subgroups.
As Chair Gareth Brown outlined the plan for the meeting, noting that the
majority of discussion would be around the work plan.
Terms Of Reference
The Terms of Reference were agreed by the Committee subsequent to the
addition of a line recognising the impact that historical practices have had on
bereaved parents and expressing explicitly that this should never happen
Draft Workplan
10. The Chair noted that the recommendations made by Lord Bonomy had been
divided into themes, although this was not an exact science and there was
some inevitable cross over between themes. He also noted his expectation
that the majority of the recommendations could be achieved within a year.
11. The Chair emphasised that subgroups would be responsible for taking forward
actions. It is anticipated that some actions arising from Lord Bonomy’s
recommendations will already have been taken forward, for example Cremation
Authorities publishing a policy statement on infant cremations. However,
subgroups will be responsible for checking that these actions have been
completed and providing reassurance to the National Committee at the next
12. It was confirmed that each subgroup should be chaired by a member of the
National Committee, and that while much of the business could be conducted
by correspondence groups should come together in person at leastonce.
13. The Chair noted that Scottish Government can assist in finding rooms for
subgroup meetings and that every meeting should be recorded to indicate what
had been agreed.
14. The Chair noted progress on the appointment of an Inspector of Crematoria
under current legislation. Adverts for applicants had already been published
and interviews were expected to take place in December or January. The role
was intended to provide quality assurance, to promote best practice, and to
ensure crematoria were operating in line with legislative requirements and
guidance. The Inspector would report to Ministers any particular concerns in
relation to crematoria practice. Changes to the current legislation were required
in order for the role to be broadened to possibly include the work of Funeral
15. The Chair confirmed that, once employed the Inspector would become a
member of the National Committee.
Working Groups
Policy and Code of Practice
16. The Chair noted that the intention was that a Code of Practice would be
developed setting out principles covering the entire pathway, from the point of
bereavement through to cremation. The Recommendations from Lord Bonomy
relate specifically to infant cremation, but it would be for the group to decide if
the proposed principles could be applicable more generally.. It was noted that
the development of a Code of Practice is the most significant task and that the
work of the other subgroups would aggregate up to this group.
17. The Committee was content with the Policy and Code of Practice Subgroup
drafting high level principles, but also recognised that there would be a need for
potentially more detailed or technical guidance for each sector to sit beneath it.
18. The Chair noted that the Code of Practice should be regularly reviewed and
updated, at least annually, to ensure it did not stagnate. It is expected that the
Inspector of Crematoria would have a role in future in updating and reviewing
the Code of Practice, but the National Committee would retain ownership of the
document. It was noted that it would be possible to make it a legal requirement
for Cremation Authorities to comply with the Code of Practice and for them to
be inspected against it.
19. It was proposed that Scottish Government co-chair this subgroup. In addition to
those who volunteered it was agreed a representative from the third sector
should be identified. It was proposed that a representative from a cremation
authority at operative level would provide helpful insight.
20. Secretariat support to this group would be provided by the Scottish Government
and the group would aim to hold its first meeting before the end of 2014.
Cremation Practice
21. The Chair noted that as per Lord Bonomy’s recommendation an interim working
group had been established to look at what steps could be taken by crematoria
in order to prevent the loss of ashes. The interim group has now met once,
chaired temporarily by the Scottish Government, and the membership includes
the Scottish Government, FBCA, ICCM and lay persons John Birrell and Willie
22. It was proposed this group was maintained, with a change in Chair, and its
membership widened to include cremation authorities. As the group has a
technical focus, representation from manufacturers would be welcome. Natalie
McKail agreed to work with colleagues in Glasgow in order to establish
membership for this group from the Cremation Authority field. Jim Nickerson
noted he was keen to join this group given the work carried out in this area at
Seafield and Warriston crematoriums.
23. The Chair noted that recommendations 4,2,7 and 43 could be checked quickly
and both the FBCA and ICCM updated on the changes they have made based
on the recommendations including updates to their members, the inclusion of
questions on infant cremations within the critical friend audit and the
introduction of an updated training scheme.
Shared Cremations
24. The Chair noted the inaccuracies within the existing CMO guidance on the
sensitive disposal of pregnancy loss less than 24 weeks gestation and noted
work is underway to revise these.
25. The committee agreed that this subgroup would be best chaired by a
representative from the NHS, specifically midwifery. In addition to those who
volunteered it was agreed a representative from cremation authorities should
be on the group. It was also agreed that parents should be represented and
work will be undertaken to identify a suitable representative.
Records and Forms
26. The Chair noted that the majority of these recommendations are legislative and
therefore Dr Simon Cuthbert Kerr would be the most appropriate Chair.
27. In addition to those who volunteered, Ann McMurray noted that third sector
organisations should be consulted on the proposed wording of forms.
Action - The Chair noted it would be useful to have a one page summary of all the
current cremation forms and their uses.
Training and Communication
28. Mary Ross – Davie was agreed as Chair / Co- chair of the group with volunteer
group members from across the cremation and funeral industry as well as third
sector .
29. It was agreed that as communication will be a big part of the group’s work, a
representative from Health Scotland would be useful as would input from the
NES bereavement hub. Parent Representation should also be sought.
30. It was agreed that clarity and consistency was critical to this work-stream as all
bereaved parents should have access to the same level of information from
well trained staff.
31. It was noted that the messages / solutions produced by this group were
dependent on the work of the Code of Practice group.
32. Natalie McKail noted the positive work being carried out by Edinburgh City
Council to engage with parents regarding a memorial, particularly a
questionnaire that had been issued to all parents.
33. The committee discussed the difficulties involved and what was currently being
offered at local level.
Action – The Scottish Government agreed to issue a short questionnaire to parents
regarding their views on a memorial and to contact local authorities to establish what
is happening at local level.
Action – Natalie McKail agreed to share the questionnaire used by Edinburgh.
34. The Chair noted he was keen for subgroup chairs to start moving forward as
soon as possible and make good progress before the next meeting. He
expected that every subgroup would be established quickly, and would meet at
least once before the end of the year to agree key actions.
35. All subgroups as a priority would be expected to check on progress of those
actions from the Infant Cremation Commission which were considered
immediate, or where progress could have been made quickly. It was
recognised that this might require trawls of Cremation Authorities, NHS Boards
or others. The next meeting of the National Committee would seek to record
progress against these actions, or to recognise were recommendations had
been completed.
Date of Next Meeting
36. The Committee agreed that the next meeting should take place in January, in
37. The Chair reiterated that the Committee would operate as transparently as
possible. A short update would be published on the SG website following each
meeting and minutes would be published once agreed by the Committee at
subsequent meetings. Committee members were encouraged to disseminate
the information widely amongst their colleagues.
38. The Committee agreed that they were content to be contacted on an individual
basis by members of the Committee.
Subgroup Membership
Policy and Code of Practice
Chair – Gareth Brown, Scottish Government
Secretariat - Scottish Government
Cheryl Buchanan
Parent Representative
Leeann Evans
Parent Representative
Jim Brodie
Society of Independent and Allied
Funeral Directors (SAIF)
Natalie McKail
City of Edinburgh Council
Dr Dawn Kernaghan
Royal College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists (RCOG)
Jim Nickerson
Association of Private Crematoria &
Cemeteries (APCC)
To be identified
Third Sector Representative
To be identified
Crematorium Operative
Cremation Practice
Chair – To be Confirmed (Cremation Authority Representative?)
Secretariat - Scottish Government
Rick Powell
Federation of Burial and Cremation
Authorities (FBCA)
Tim Morris
Institute of Crematoria and Cemetery
Management (ICCM)
John Birrell
Lay Person / Bereavement hub
Willie Reid
Jim Nickerson
Jim Nicholl (tbc)
Facultatieve ltd
To be identified
Cremation authority
Shared Cremations
Chair - Susan Stewart, NHS Heads of Midwifery
Secretariat - Dawn Kernaghan to identify
Helena McLaren
Miscarriage Association
Dr Edile Murdoch,
Scottish Neonatal Consultants Group
Dr Dawn Kernaghan
Paul Cuthell
To be identified
Cremation authority
To be identified
Parent Representative
Records and Forms
Chair – Dr Simon Cuthbert – Kerr
Secretariat – Scottish Government
Rick Powell
Jim Brodie
David Baxter
Marie Cochrane
Natalie McKail
Third Sector
Northern Ireland
City of Edinburgh Council
Consultation on wording of forms
Training and Communications
Chair / Co Chair - Mary Ross – Davie
Secretariat - NES
Rick Powell
Bill Stanley
Paul Cuthell (or NAFD Representative)
Jim Brodie
Sara Fitzsimmons
Ann McMurray
Jim Nickerson
To be identified
To be identified
Health Scotland
Parent Representation