IEP Compliance Review Form - revised Nov. 2009

Central Office Use Only:
IEP revisions are complete
School Section:
Complete the gray sections below and email form as an attachment to your special education consultant.
Student Name:
Case Manager:
Peer Review:
ISC Review:
Consultant 1st Review:
Consultant 2nd Review:
School Section: Indicate Yes or No or N/A next to each question.
Yes or “y” - means this part has been checked and is correct.
No or “n” - means this part is not correct and see comment at end of checklist.
N/A or na- means this item is not applicable to this student
Begin/ End Dates Correct? End date: 364 days from the meeting date?
Meeting purpose defined?
Grade This is the grade they are in when the IEP is written.
School Year This is the school year that the IEP is written. May include both school years that the IEP covers.
Address and Phone number verified? Changes must be given to the Infinite Campus clerk at your school.
Are Primary/Secondary Eligibility Dates correct?
Date Changed?
Due within next year?
Present Level: Updated Testing? Is CRCT Data broken down by Domains?
Present Level: Strengths: Is only relevant information indicated and it does not contradict needs or weaknesses?
Present Level: Needs: Do needs match goals? Was a weakness addressed for the areas of the CRCT that the student DNM?
Present Level: Parent concerns: were parent input/concerns indicated and addressed?
Present Level: Impact: Is the disability indicated (not just LD but what the processing deficits are, etc) and in general how it impacts
involvement and progress in the curriculum
Transition Plan addressed, if required?
Behavior Intervention Plan appropriate? if EBD, is BIP included? If behavior is area of need for any student is BIP
included? Is BIP based on FBA? If BIP is needed is form completed and correct?
Assistive Technology? AT consideration form completed?
DOR Form: is eligibility due? Is DOR form included and correct? Was Reevaluation Determination Conference Form completed?
Annual Goals: do the goals match the needs? Are goals measurable? Are current levels based on data and match data in needs? Are
objectives included for students taking the GAA?
Special Education Services: are services indicated that are necessary to assist students in advancing toward attaining
annual goals, to be involved and make progress in the general curriculum, to participate in extracurricular and other
nonacademic activities, and to be educated and participate with other nondisabled students in academic, non-academic, and
extracurricular activities?
Related Services: are related services indicated that are necessary to assist the student to benefit from and access his/her
educational services? Special Transportation, if necessary, should be indicated here.
Special Transportation: If listed, is special transportation decision making form attached?
Coweta County Special Education Department
Form updated: November 2009
Instructional Accommodations: are instructional accommodations indicated that are necessary to enable the student to
progress towards his/her goals and to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum?
Classroom Testing Accommodations: are classroom testing accommodations indicated that are necessary to enable the
student to progress towards his/her goals and to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum?
Supplementary Aids and Services: are aids and services indicated that are necessary to enable the student to progress
towards his/her goals and to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum, to participate in
extracurricular and other nonacademic activities, and to participate with nondisabled students?
Supports for School Personnel: are necessary trainings or supports for system staff regarding the student’s specific need
Options Considered and Accepted: were all options along the continuum considered? Were specific subject areas
indicated next to any collab, co-teach, consult, supported, or separate class services?
Statewide Testing Accommodations: are accommodations specific and also listed in classroom testing
Placement Considerations and Minutes (Option 1 or 2): Option 1 or 2 selected correct? If required, is Option 2
rationale appropriate
Parent Contacts: appropriate contacts indicated? Written Notice of IEP sent? Excusal form included if necessary
IEP Participants: were the required minimum participants indicated?
School Section: Additional questions or comments related to the IEP:
Consultant Section:
Place an “x” in the box below that applies to this review.
1st review: The student’s IEP was reviewed for compliance. Noted below are items that must be corrected.
2nd review: A second review of the student’s IEP was completed and noted below are items that continue to
be out of compliance. These items MUST be corrected immediately. (Please note that a copy of this request
has been sent to the building administrator.)
I. Front Page Information:
II. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
Testing information:
Part A. Transition Plan:
Part B. Strengths:
Part C. Needs:
Coweta County Special Education Department
Form updated: November 2009
Part D. Parent concerns:
Part E. Impact:
III. Special Factors:
Behavior Plan form:
Extended School Year (ESY) form:
Determination of Reevaluation (DOR) form:
IV. Annual Goals:
V. Special Education Services:
Related Services:
Instructional Accommodations:
Classroom Testing Accommodations:
Supplementary Aids and Services:
Supports for School Personnel:
Options Considered and Accepted:
Statewide Testing Accommodations:
Coweta County Special Education Department
Form updated: November 2009
VI. Placement Considerations and Minutes (Option 1 or 2):
VII. Parent Contacts:
VIII. IEP Participants:
Coweta County Special Education Department
Form updated: November 2009