Numeracy Counting, partitioning and calculating We will read, write

Poetry – Poems to perform
We will read and discuss a range of performance poems, identifying
distinctive features and then construct poems based on these.
Narrative – Myths and Legends
We will read a range of myths, legends, fables and traditional tales and
identify and discuss common themes, for example good over evil, wise over
foolish, etc. Then we will sequence the key events using lists, maps and
storyboards and describe the key characters with reference to the text.
Using a familiar story theme, children plan and write own stories in the
style of myth/legend/fable, etc
Narrative Adventure and Mystery
The children will study features of adventure stories by looking at the
characters, setting and events and will have the opportunity to write their
own Egyptian adventure story.
Information Texts
The children will research aspects of Ancient Egypt using reference
materials and present the information using different media.
Counting, partitioning and calculating
We will read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them on a
number line and partition three-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in
different ways. We will derive and recall all addition and subtraction facts for each
number to 20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs that total
100 and add or subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digit numbers
Securing number facts and understanding shape
The children will derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10
times-tables and the corresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or 10
up to 1000 and use knowledge of doubling and halving.They will also relate 2-D
shapes and 3-D solids to drawings of them
Handling data and measures
We will study the relationships between kilometres and metres, metres and
centimetres; choose and use appropriate units to estimate, measure and record
measurements and read scales.
The children will also collect data, represent results using tables and graphs and use
Venn diagrams.
We will learn about Judaism and
about the story of Joseph and his
coat of many colours.
We will link our music work into our
Creative Curriculum topic about
Ancient Egypt.
The theme is “Moi” which is all
about me. The children will learn
how to say their name. how they are
and their age. The y will also learn
to count to 20
We will learn about Communities
Children’s rights and human rights and
the importance of “New Beginnings.”
Ancient Egypt
Year 3 Autumn Term 2013
We will use the internet to
research facts about Ancient
Egypt. The children will also learn
to combine text and graphics in a
word processing program learning
and alter font type, size and colour
In DT the children will make a Sphinx, build pyramids and design and make crowns
and a sarcophagus. They will use art techniques to decorate their sarcophagus and
walls of the tomb with hieroglyphics.
During our topic on Rocks and Soils the children will learn
that there are different sorts of rock with different
characteristics and that they can be used for different
for emphasis and effect
This term we will be going swimming as part of our PE lessons. We will
also develop skills when playing striking and fielding games and we will
plan and perform a dance linked to Ancient Egypt.
WOW FACTOR – Teacher to be Acient Egyptian
COMMUNITY LINKS –Visit to Egyptology Museum
ECO LINKS – Water usage and irrigation
This term we will study the topic “Ancient Egypt”. We will locate
Egypt on a map and study the characteristics and geographical
features of the country such as the importance of the River Nile.
We will find out how the Ancient Egyptians lived and about their
culture and beliefs. The children will have the opportunity to
investigate how and why the pyramids were built and to research
important people connected to finds of archaeological importance.
They will also be able to analyse hieroglyphics to ascertain more
about Ancient Egyptian life.