60 by 25 Network Leadership Community Goal Worksheet

60 by 25 Network Community Plan Worksheet
By virtue of your application to be a 60 by 25 Network Leadership Community, we
recognize this as your commitment to the common 60 by 25 goal and the Network’s
three key objectives: supporting the implementation of the new Illinois Learning Standards; developing
Illinois Pathways as a key strategy to increase the number of degrees and credentials their students earn;
using the principles of collective impact to support collaboration between public and private partners with
measurable targets related to this goal (as defined both locally and by the network).
1. Region Definition: How do you define your “region”? (For example, community college
district, municipal boundary, county or counties, metropolitan area, etc.)
2. Partnership Engagement: Do you have all the necessary stakeholders at the table? Have all
of the following sectors and entities been engaged in your partnership?
Sector: Workforce and Employers
The Local Workforce Investment Board
An area local development agency (if different from the LWIB)
An area chamber of commerce, CEO roundtable, or similar private association of businesses
At least two major employers in each of the prioritized industry sectors
Sector: Education
The Community College (or colleges) whose district includes the region
A majority of school districts serving grades 9-12 within the region, including the most populous
district. Support should be demonstrated from:
The school board;
The superintendent;
The teacher’s union; and
PTA or parent group
The Education for Employment (EFE) System Director
At least one four-year university
Sector: Civic, Community, Philanthropy
The mayors of a majority of the municipalities within the region, including the most populous
Community-based and/or faith-based organizations
Philanthropic organization(s)
3. Priority Industry Clusters: Initially rank order the community’s top five priority STEM industry
clusters for career pathway development or enhancement, with “1” being the highest priority.
Identify labor market and other information needed to better inform your prioritization.
__ Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
__ Energy
__ Finance
__ Health Science
__ Information Technology
__ Manufacturing
__ Research and Development
__ Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
4. Intermediary Organization Identification: What public or nonprofit intermediary organization
(or organizations) will serve as the intermediary to house, staff, and support the region’s major
strategies for career pathway system development and increasing postsecondary degree and
credential attainment?
5. Initial Goals and Key Activities: What are your goals and key activities for each area of 60 by
25 Community build-out during the next 18 - 24 months? Please review the examples and list.
Goal: Establish Intermediary
Key Activities:
1. Decide on backbone entity
2. Define organizational structure (i.e. executive board, operating board,
working groups)
3. Secure funding for first two years of operations
Establishing operating
procedures for day-today operations and
implementation of work,
including stakeholder
communications, data
collection and analysis.
Goal: Operationalize the Illinois Pathways Initiative
Key Activities:
1. Determine best ways to regularly communicate with stakeholders
2. Facilitate process by which local stakeholders agree on metrics and
shared measurement
High Schools &
Community Colleges (914)
Key Activities:
Data Collection; Metrics
Career Information &
Middle School
Employer Engagement
Key Activities:
Goal: All high-school students receive career information and advising
Key Activities:
Key Activities:
Key Activities:
Key Activities:
1. Identify community based organizations with shared missions or goals.
2. Develop parent and community communications strategy
3. Hold 3 community conversations on the pathway initiative