Mrs. Ramer’s Lesson Plans May 12th – May 16th, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Morning Celebration Morning Celebration Morning Celebration 8:00-8:10 8:10-9:35 Mrs. Ramer’s HomeroomScience, Technology, and Writing ESS.8.4.5 Evaluate the impact of Arkansas’ natural resources on the economy, including but not limited to farming timber tourism hunting fishing I will read the book Arkansas by Ellen Macaulay to the students. Students will use a graphic organizer to record natural recourses that they hear during the reading. Students will then investigate the resources to determine where they are located in the state and why they are important to our survival. 9:35-10:25 Ms. McCauley’s Homeroom Science, Technology, and Writing ESS.8.4.5 Evaluate the impact of Arkansas’ natural resources on the economy, including but not limited to farming timber ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to mining clear cutting dredging ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to Students will work in small groups to research mining, clear cutting, and dredging in Arkansas. Each group will choose a topic randomly. The students will then write a 5paragraph essay about their topic and share it with the class. Students will have access to both the internet and books about their topic. This will be a two day project. ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to mining clear cutting Morning Celebration Field Day 8:15-10:15am mining clear cutting dredging Students will work in small groups to research mining, clear cutting, and dredging in Arkansas. Each group will choose a topic randomly. The students will then write a 5paragraph essay about their topic and share it with the class. Students will have access to both the internet and books about their topic. This will be a two day project. Thursday mining clear cutting Field Day 8:15-10:15am Friday Morning Celebration Students will create a trifold travel brochure over the state of Arkansas. Students will showcase Arkansas’ natural resources in an effort to bring more people into the state. Students will create a trifold travel brochure over the state of Arkansas. Students will showcase Students will participate in Arkansas’ natural Micro EasyTech resources in an effort to Keyboarding. They will bring more people into the begin with Finger tourism hunting fishing I will read the book Arkansas by Ellen Macaulay to the students. Students will use a graphic organizer to record natural recourses that they hear during the reading. Students will then investigate the resources to determine where they are located in the state and why they are important to our survival. 10:25-11:05 Ms. McCauley’s’ Homeroom-Special Class PE Same as above 11:05-11:35 Ms. McCauley’s HomeroomScience 11:35-12:20 Recess/Lunch 12:20-12:30 Ms. McCauley’s HomeroomScience 12:30-2:00 Same as above ESS.8.4.5 Evaluate the impact of dredging dredging Students will work in Students will work in small groups to small groups to research research mining, clear mining, clear cutting, cutting, and dredging and dredging in in Arkansas. Each Arkansas. Each group group will choose a will choose a topic topic randomly. The randomly. The students students will then will then write a 5write a 5-paragraph paragraph essay about essay about their topic their topic and share it and share it with the with the class. Students class. Students will will have access to both have access to both the the internet and books internet and books about their topic. This about their topic. will be a two day project. Placement, and work up to Prescriptive Keyboarding state. Music Library PE Art Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Students will participate in Micro EasyTech Students will create a trifold travel brochure over ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of ESS.8.4.6 Evaluate human use of Ms. Phillips’ HomeroomScience, Technology, and Writing Arkansas’ natural resources on the economy, including but not limited to farming timber tourism hunting fishing I will read the book Arkansas by Ellen Macaulay to the students. Students will use a graphic organizer to record natural recourses that they hear during the reading. Students will then investigate the resources to determine where they are located in the state and why they are important to our survival. 2:00-2:45 2:45-3:10 Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to mining clear cutting dredging Arkansas’ natural resources on the environment, including but not limited to mining clear cutting dredging Keyboarding. They will begin with Finger Placement, and work up to Prescriptive Keyboarding the state of Arkansas. Students will showcase Arkansas’ natural resources in an effort to bring more people into the state. Micro! Students will work in Students will work in small groups to small groups to research research mining, clear mining, clear cutting, cutting, and dredging and dredging in in Arkansas. Each Arkansas. Each group group will choose a will choose a topic topic randomly. The randomly. The students students will then will then write a 5write a 5-paragraph paragraph essay about essay about their topic their topic and share it and share it with the with the class. Students class. Students will will have access to both have access to both the the internet and books internet and books about their topic. This about their topic. will be a two day project. Micro! Enrichment All lesson plans are subject to change. Intervention Benchmark review Intervention Benchmark review Intervention Benchmark review Content and style in writing Content and style in writing Content and style in writing Enrichment Enrichment Enrichment Enrichment