ENGLISH III HONORS UNITS OF STUDY FOR READING LITERATURE AND INFORMATIONAL TEXT SPRING 2013 COLONIAL PERIOD: (1-19 introductory material) RL RI 27-29, Bradstreet, “Upon the Burning…” 30: #6, 7 20-25, Native American Oral traditions 26: WRITING 31-33, de la Cruz, “World, in hounding me…” 34: WRITING 50-59, Equiano,“from The Interesting…” 63: #8, 10 REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD: 65-71, Franklin, “from The Autobio…” 75: #7 73-74, Franklin, “from Poor Richard…” 75: #1, 2 78-83, Henry, “Speech to the Virginia…” 83: #8, 9 95-103, Jefferson, “Declaration…” 104: #6 ROMANTICISM: (133-149 introductory material) 165-168, Bryant, “Thanatopsis” 179-186, Emerson, “from Nature…” and 169: #5, 6, 7 “from Self-Reliance” 170-174, Longfellow, “The Tide Rises…” and “The Cross of Snow” 177: #5, 7; 178: WRITING 188: WRITING 189-204, Thoreau, “from Walden” 206: #5, 7 225-236, Hawthorne, “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” 237: #5, 7 219-222, Gandhi/King readings 223: #2, sans Thoreau 273-278, Poe, “The Raven” 279: #6 WHITMAN/DICKINSON: (299-305 introductory material) 307-311, Whitman, “I Hear America…” 312: #4, sans Quickwrite notes 335-337, Dickinson, “The soul selects…” 344, Dickinson, “Apparently with no surprise” 350, Dickinson, “Much madness…” 341: #7 346: #7 353: #3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ REALISM: (377-395 introductory material) 422-430, Bierce, “An Occurrence…” 431: WRITING 479-492, London, “To Build a Fire” 495: #6, 7 397-403, Douglass, “from Narrative…” 404: #6, 8 468-475, Twain, “The Lowest Animal” Gould, “A Time of Gifts” 476: WRITING MODERNISM: (557-573 introductory material) 591-593, Williams, “The Red Wheelbarrow” 597-599, Moore and MacLeish, “Poetry” and “Ars Poetica” 600: LISTENING AND SPEAKING 608-617, Hemingway, “Soldier’s Home” 619: #8, 9 684-693, Welty, “A Worn Path” 694: #9, 10 HARLEM RENAISSANCE: (741-743 introductory material; also 753, 756-7) 744, 747, Cullen, “Incident” 748: #3, sans Quickwrite notes 749, 759, Hughes, “The Negro Speaks…” CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE: (791-809 introductory material; 810-863 special section on WWII—opt.) 864-874, O’Brien, “Speaking of Courage” 875: WRITING (choose one) 876-882, Barthelme, “Game” 885: #10, 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________ INDEPENDENT READING AND STUDY: (Choose one—short stories) (Choose two--nonfiction) Alvarez, “Daughter of Invention” 897-909 Wright, “from Black Boy” 967-980 Marquez, “The Handsomest Drowned…” 911-917 Kingston, “The Girl…” 984-993 Tan, “Rules of the Game” 919-929 Momaday, “from The Way…” 996-1003 Lahiri, “When Mr. Pirzada…” 932-946 Walker, “from In Search …” 1006-1012 Baldwin,“Autobiographical...”1014-1021 (Choose one--poetry) Bishop, “The Fish” 1042-1045 Plath, “Mirror” 1049-1050 Cisneros, “Straw Into…” 1023-1029