Macbeth Project - Southeastern Brain Conference

Shakespeare Project: Analyzing Macbeth
Your task is to complete a multi-faceted project that illustrates both your outstanding knowledge of
Shakespeare and your deep analysis on a particular theme, symbol, character, or motif in Macbeth.
Your project:
Each student must include a number of different pieces of work. Each of these pieces is worth different
point values. You must choose pieces that add up to at least 100 points.
Collage of images: 5 points
o mandatory for each person, will be created over the course of the two weeks.
o This task will culminate in a collage of images that you feel best represents your
understanding of the play.
o Collage may either be on an 8 ½ x11 sheet of paper, (paper must be completely
covered) or it may be an electronic collage.
o Collage will be discussed in a meeting with the teacher.
- Soundtrack: 20 points
o This task will culminate in a play-list of songs that make-up your suggested soundtrack
for the play.
o Your soundtrack must include a minimum of 6 songs, each representing a different
moment in the play.
o Selected moments must include at least one from the first act and one from the fifth
o Soundtrack must be accompanied by a written statement explaining why you selected
the important moments that you did and how you feel each song on your list reflects
the important themes, emotions or actions of the scene.
- Costume creation – Shakespeare’s time and modern times: 30 points
o Research costumes from Shakespeare’s time, and design Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s
costumes as they would have been presented in 1606.
o Consider how Macbeth could be modernized to be set in 2012. Design a modern
costume for both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
o Designs must be accompanied by a written statement explaining your design decisions.
Consider how your color selection, style and line of the costumes reflect key
characteristics and themes.
Dramatic structure quote chart: 40 points
o Select a Macbeth quotation from each act of the play to best illustrate the plot
development through the play.
o One quote should be selected for the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and
Quote selection chart must be accompanied by a written statement explaining your
decisions for each part of the play. Be sure to include your insights on how your
character changes over the course of the play.
Letter from character 5 years after end of play: 20 points
o Draft a letter from a character to another important character in the play 5 years after
the play concludes. Be sure to reflect on all that your character learned, and how s/he
o Letter must be accompanied by a written statement explaining your decisions on what
to include in the letter.
Acrostic poems: 15 points
o Write an acrostic poem for Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquo.
o Poem should include clear evidence of your insights on your character.
o Poem must be accompanied by a written statement explaining your decisions on what
to include in the poem
Illustrating key moment for character: 30 points
o Select one moment in the play that is particularly important for a particular character.
o Using any medium other than collage and/or computer programs, illustrate this
o Illustration must be accompanied by a written statement explaining your selection of
this moment, and why you included what you did in your artwork.
Creating a Publicity Poster for the movie Macbeth 20 points
o Imagine that Macbeth is going to be turned into a major motion picture
o Create a miniature (8 ½ x 11) film poster that would hang in movie theatres to advertise
the coming film. Remember that film posters include an eye-catching image and
memorable tag line.
o Poster must be accompanied by a written statement explaining why you selected both
the image and tag line that you did.
Developing an aspect of your choosing
Have an idea that doesn’t fit into any of these categories, yet it still allows you to explore some
aspect of the text? Discuss it with your teacher, and if the idea is approved, you and your
teacher will clarify the point value.
One analytical paragraph: 10 points
o Mandatory for all students.
o Each person must select an important quotation, and addressing the diction, detail,
imagery, syntax, or tone, discuss how the quotation provides insights into one of the
themes of the play.