
Name: _________________________________
Radiation Test Review Sheet
1. Why does the air temperature rise in the
Because the northern hemisphere is tilted
towards the sun, so it gets more intense
radiation and the sun is above the horizon for
11. How do clouds affect the nighttime temperature
of an area? Why?
They raise it because they block the infrared
from leaving the earth
12. What causes the Earth to have seasons?
The tilt
2. Which type of radiation gets through Earth’s
atmosphere and warms the Earth?
High energy infrared radiation
3. If it is spring the southern hemisphere, what
season is it in the northern hemisphere?
4. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the
ozone layer?
5. What are the 2 major greenhouse gasses on
Water vapor and carbon dioxide
6. How would heavy clouds in an area affect the
diurnal range?
They would lower it
13. Why type of radiation do clouds block?
All types
14. What controls the amount of radiation the Earth
gives off?
The temperature
15. What is the seasonality like of an inland location
in the northern hemisphere?
It is high
16. What makes an object emit more radiation?
Making it hotter
17. How would the diurnal range change if we
traveled from a desert location to a location near
the ocean?
It would go down
7. Where is it warmest on the Earth? Why?
The equator because of the surplus in radiation
8. Where on the Earth receives the most energy
from the sun? Why?
The equator because the earth is round
9. What kind of radiation does the ozone layer
10. Where on Earth is there more energy leaving
than coming in? Why?
The poles because the ice reflects most of the
18. Why does the Earth have wind?
To restore the imbalance of energy around the
19. What causes different diurnal ranges?
Proximity to water and cloud cover
20. What type of radiation is trapped on the Earth’s
surface by greenhouse gasses?
21. What is a solstice?
The days we are at are max tilt relative to the
22. What happens to air temperature as you move
to higher elevations?
It drops
23. How does the seasonality of the Jersey Shore
compare to that of Lansdale?
It is lower
24. Draw a diagram of the earth and the sun where
it is summer in the northern hemisphere.
Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
33. Why was Doppler radar considered to be such a
breakthrough in meteorology?
Because we were able to see what was going
on inside the storm
34. What has the most control over an area’s
Proximity to water
35. What type of radiation does the earth emit the
most of?
25. What would happen to the Earth’s temperature
without the greenhouse effect?
It would drop
26. If it is winter in the northern hemisphere, what
season is it in the southern hemisphere?
36. What are the 5 things that control the
temperature of an area annually?
Latitude; altitude; proximity to water; tilt of the
earth; ocean currents
27. How do you determine the diurnal range of an
Subtract the highest minus the lowest
temperatures for the year
37. Label the diagram with the major wind cells.
28. What type of radiation do visible satellites use?
29. What kind of radar detects the movement of
30. What type of radiation is RADAR?
31. How would the wavelengths of RADAR change
when they bounce off a storm that is moving
towards you?
They would be shorter
32. What is the problem with RADAR?
It detects everything, even things are not related
to weather
38. What information can you acquire from viewing
a visible satellite image? What information can
you acquire from viewing an IR satellite image?
Visible: cloud thickness and location
Infrared: could height and temperature
39. Is Ozone a greenhouse gas? Why or why not?
No because it does not absorb infrared
radiation, in only absorbs ultraviolet.
40. Describe what our seasons would be like if the
Earth were on its side.
Please just ponder this one….
41. Explain why large bodies of water regulate the
temperature of coastal areas.
Because water takes more energy to heat and
cool, so it controls the temperature of the air.