APPLICATION TO THE OPEN ACCESS FUND I. Applicant’s Personal Details Name Faculty/Department REF UoA Email Telephone II. Details of Proposed Publication Applicant’s Role Title of Publication Journal Hybrid model? YES NO III. Details of Research Funding External research funding YES NO Publisher Article Processing Charge Funder(s) Grant title(s) Grant reference no(s) Value of grant(s) Proportion funded IV. Details of Collaborators Name Faculty/Department Institution Name Faculty/Department Institution V. Rationale VI. Other information Applicant’s signature: Date: VII. Faculty Support Director of Research’s signature: Date: VIII. Office Use Only Colleague REF eligible? YES NO Application approved? YES NO Explanation if not Submission details Publication details ARRO upload APPLICATION TO THE OPEN ACCESS FUND: NOTES FOR GUIDANCE I. Applicant’s Details Enter your name, Faculty/Department (or Research Institute, as applicable), and email/telephone contact details, so you can be reached if there are any queries. REF UoA should either be the unit of assessment to which you were submitted in REF 2014, if applicable; or the UoA to which your work is a best fit, if you were not. Please note that applicants to this scheme should be eligible for submission to the REF. II. Details of proposed publication Provide the (working) title of the output you seek publication support for, and details of the journal and publisher to which you wish to submit. If the journal uses a ‘hybrid’ model, i.e. offering authors the choice of paying for immediate open access or publishing the output on a pay-to-view basis, please tick here. Indicate your role in the output (e.g. first author, second author, corresponding author) and the Article Processing Charge (APC) levied by the publisher. Please note that normally we would expect the publisher to allow the deposit of a copy of the published output in ARRO, subject to copyright. III. Details of research funding Indicate if the research reported was supported by external research funding; the funder(s), title(s), reference number(s) and value(s) of the grant(s) connected. You should also indicate the proportion of the research reported funded by the external funder(s)/grant(s), in your estimation. IV. Details of collaborators Provide details of your collaborators/co-authors. If there are more than two co-authors, please add extra lines. If there are a very large number of co-authors, you may enter the main collaborators and a brief explanation under section VI. Please note that collaborating institutions are usually expected to contribute to the cost of publication, the presumption being that if we have paid for the first publication arising from a collaboration, the collaborating partners would be expected to pay for subsequent publications until it was once again our turn to do so. V. Rationale Explain briefly why this output should be made available via ‘Gold’ route Open Access. You may wish to take your Faculty/Departmental strategic plan for research and the next REF into account. Your rationale must include, where applicable, specific explanation that other sources of funding (e.g. from research funders and collaborating institutions) have been explored, and confirmation that no other sources of funding are available. If your chosen publisher/journal operates a ‘hybrid’ model allowing both ‘green’ (free, but with an embargo) and ‘gold’ (paid) open access routes, it is particularly important to explain why you have chosen gold, clearly identifying the benefits that will be realised by paying for immediate open access publication. The presumption is that ‘green’ should be chosen unless there is a strong case for ‘gold’. VI. Other details If there is any further information of which you are aware that may be of use, enter it here. This may include additional detail in support of sections I-V, or other instruction, e.g. if publishers have a membership scheme which offer discounts to member institutions, etc. NOW PLEASE SIGN AND DATE THIS FORM AND PASS IT AND THE OUTPUT TO YOUR FACULTY DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH, COPYING IN THE OPEN ACCESS ADMINISTRATOR AT Circulation by email is preferable; documentation sent from your official Anglia Ruskin email address will be treated as ‘signed’ if you are unable to provide an electronic signature. If you have any questions, please contact the Open Access Administrator. VII. Faculty Support The Director of Research (or equivalent) should provide or withhold the Faculty’s support for publication of the output via Gold Route open access. In making their decision the Director of Research (or equivalent) is asked to review all of the information provided by the applicant, including the rationale for publication, and the output itself. Consideration should be given to the Faculty’s strategic plan for research and submission to the next REF, the colleague’s eligibility for submission to the next REF, and the expectation of the likely REF quality rating for the output. Please explain the reason for the decision clearly. NOW PLEASE SIGN AND DATE THIS FORM AND PASS IT AND THE OUTPUT TO THE OPEN ACCESS FUND ADMINISTRATOR at If you have any questions, please contact the Open Access Administrator by email or on extension 4305. Please note that authors should not submit their proposed output to their prospective publisher until after Open Access Fund support has been approved. Authors will be contacted by the Open Access Administrator as soon as possible after a decision has been taken. Typically during the submission process the submitting author is asked to commit to payment if their output is accepted. The publisher will then send an invoice for payment or instructions for online payment on acceptance of the paper. Payment correspondence should be sent to or: Open Access Administrator Research, Development & Commercial Services Anglia Ruskin University Bishop Hall Lane Chelmsford CM1 1SQ If it is possible to ask the Open Access Administrator to pay directly with a corporate card, please do so. Authors should not normally settle any payments themselves. Please see the Policy on Support for Open Access Publishing and the Open Access web pages at, including FAQs, for further information. ARU Open Access Fund Application Form v.1.3 [October 2015]