EMCC Coaching Guidance v0.3

Cohort 2
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
Introduction to the programme overview
The EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring is the East Midlands Leadership Academy’s programme to
qualify new Coaches.
EMLA has a maturing group of executive coaches that works across healthcare organisations in the East Midlands. It also
acts as a central hub for coaching in the region actively promoting coaching as a leadership style and developing strategy
to embed a coaching culture in its member organisations. Good quality coaching requires coaches who are engaged,
supervised and developed. As with all coaching pools, it is important to refresh the number of coaches to counter
attrition rates.
This Programme will:
 Develop a cohort of coaches with the academic knowledge necessary to underpin their practice and the ability to
continue their learning independently after the completion of the programme.
 The NHS is a complex organisation. It has undergone significant re-structure and reform and will continue to do so
to address future challenges. Both individual leaders and increasingly, leadership teams, are being challenged to
perform in a complex and changing environment.
 Therefore, the role of coaching and individual coaches is increasingly featuring more prominently within NHS
organisations as an approach to enable organisations and its people to become more resilient, connected to the
wider system and ‘change ready’.
 Enhance the confidence and experience of participants to enable them to be effective coaches
The NHS is a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment. It combines this 'unknowability' with a
social, political and cultural drive to 'be right', avoiding error, setting and delivering on targets. The result is an
environment in which the process of change is often treated as structural and linear, rather than embracing continuous
evolution and experimentation. And leadership styles are predominantly action oriented, focussed on driving others to
'do' the change rather than engaging others in a clear and authentic sense of purpose and enabling the flexible and
resilient organisation needed to deliver in this environment. The outcome is frequently high levels of stress and a sense of
being trapped in a world that simply 'doesn't work the way it should'.
How can coaching and mentoring help?
Coaching has a key role to play in enabling the NHS to meet its challenges. At the simplest level, coaching and mentoring
provide support to individual leaders, adding to their personal flexibility and resilience. It clarifies self-awareness, helps
them to find sense of personal purpose and balance and manage their impact in the complex political system more
effectively. It can help them to be a greater support to others, developing a coaching style with peers, their team and
their bosses. Adding to the coaching resources of NHS organisations allows more access to this benefit - whether
as part of a leadership role or as a specialist internal coach or mentor. Increased understanding and focus on coaching
styles and approaches can also impact on the culture of the organisation, freeing it to respond more effectively to the
VUCA environment. However such a shift is problematic where there is insufficient integration and 'maturity' of coaching
and mentoring - and so the supervision and support of coaching leaders and internal coaches and
mentors is vital if longer term sustainable shift is to be realised.
Partnering with The OCM a global leader in Coaching and Mentoring consulting, the programme will be predominantly
distance learning with a large amount of self-directed learning and self-management of coaching relationships that form
part of the programme.
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
The programme includes:
1 practical skills development workshop
4 x 1.5 hour skills development webinars
5 hours of one-to-one coaching plus 4 hours of feedback from a coach-mentor-supervisor
2 x 1.5 hour group telephone coaching session
Practice coaching sessions each month with 3 volunteer coachees
Take part in a range of activities to raise awareness and build knowledge including reading
books (7), action learning sets (2), streamed online content (up to 160 hrs) and selfassessments(
2). (All of this work take place during the taught 7 months of the programme,
other than logging on to the Learning Portal, there are no requirements for pre-work)
The indicative content for this programme will enable candidates to:
Develop advanced questioning, listening and feedback skills;
Develop a simple set of process tools to manage the coach-mentoring relationship;
Attend webinars on developing resilience/work-life balance, supporting change effectively,
psychological insights and coaching models/supervision
Develop questioning sequencing techniques like GROW and Appreciative Inquiry;
Develop other tools like the Wheel of Work, the ABC Model, Iceberg Model, the Change
House, Psychodynamic Model and Gestalt principles;
Develop enhanced objective reflection techniques;
Develop an understanding of relevant ethical issues.
Through this approach, which includes approximately 150 to 200 hours of learning over 7 months, candidates will build an
online portfolio of evidence which is then assessed against the EMCC standards for Practitioner level.
Who is EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring for?
EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring is for everyone who wants to become a qualified Coach with Strong
line manager support, have the ability to build rapport with a range of people at different levels in organisations.
Opportunities to coach within role to support the coaching pool, able and willing to contribute to regular supervision
sessions and willingness to be coached – go through their own ‘coaching journey’.
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
Below is a flowchart showing the application process and key dates:
Application Window opens Tuesday
1st December – Friday 15th January
Successful and Unsuccessful
candidates informed
22nd January 2016
Interviews Monday 15th February
and Wednesday 17th February 2016
Successful and Unsuccessful
candidates informed 18th February
EMCC Practitioner Level Cohort 2
Launch Day - 10th March 2016
How do I apply?
There are 16 places on the programme.
See Application Guidance below for further information and access to the application form.
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
Programme events and
1-day briefing workshop
10th March 2016
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Initial contact with CoachMentor Supervisor (CMS)
March /
CMS facilitated telephone
tutorial in trios
Modules and
telephone tutorials
Learning Portal
(online learning
resources for
ongoing use
throughout the
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 1
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 2
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 3
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 4
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 5
sessions with 3
x Coachees
Knowledge Module 6
Online learning and
“Learning Styles”
EMCC Foundation
Level coaching and
Action Learning Set
Skills Webinar 1
10th or 16th May
Individual telephone session
with CMS
Skills Webinar 2
9th or 20th June
CMS facilitated telephone
tutorial in trios
Skills Webinar 3
5th or 13th July
values and
EMCC Practitioner
Level coaching and
Coaching ethics
Action Learning Set
180 feedback benchmarking
Skills Webinar 4
5th or 28th September
Individual telephone session
180 feedback benchmarking
Individual telephone session
Knowledge Module 7
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
Review EMCC
Practitioner Level
coaching and
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.
Application Form Guidance
Application Forms must be submitted by 17:00 Friday 15th January 2016
Please download an application found on the EMLA website to be taken to the Individual Application Form.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you are accepted onto the EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring you will be
expected to attend all programme workshop dates. Failure to do so will result in cancellation charges to your
organisation and you may not graduate from the programme.
Completing the form
It is important that all sections of the form are completed fully and that the answers you provide are considered and
developed. Although there is no word limit for the form, we would recommend that each answer contains between 150 –
300 words. When considering your answers please try to give as much information as possible and use continuous prose
rather than bullet points. If you are unsure how to answer any of the questions then please feel free to contact the
The application form is designed to ensure participants are fully committed to attending the EMCC Practitioner Level
Diploma in Coach Mentoring, understand the aims of the programme, and maximise the opportunities available to them.
Commitment to completing approximately 150 to 200 hours of learning over 7 months, candidates will build an online
portfolio of evidence which is then assessed against the EMCC standards for Practitioner level. Through applying for the
programme you are also committing to providing at least 20 hours of coaching per year for the next two years in the East
Midlands. You need to ensure your individual line manager completes their part on your application form to support your
learning and ensuring that you are both fully committed to attending all aspects of this leadership programme.
All of the forms will be anonymised for the purposes of scoring and the information you provide on the forms will be
treated confidentially with the following exception. Where you give your permission for answers to be used as evidence
for publications related to the EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring.
Scoring the Forms
The forms will be anonymised and scored by the EMCC Practitioner Level Diploma in Coach Mentoring delivery team and
these scores will then form part of the baseline for the programme.
Key Contacts
Programme Lead
Programme Coordinator
Becky Williamson
Pam Smith-Falls
0115 748 4277
Please email your completed forms by Friday 15th January 2016 to: eastmidlands.leadershipacademy@nottshc.nhs.uk
East Midlands Leadership Academy, Floor C, Institute of Mental Health,
University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU.