LESSON PLAN BOOK SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013 AP Psychology BY DR. ROGER S. BILLINGS August 20, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Introductions and class overview/format AGENDA: Pass out and collect information cards; pass out class syllabus VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: N/A FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: 3 X 5 card for each student, textbook, syllabus, projector, and PPT slides TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will complete info card and share information about background and goals. Students will understand nature of class, format, expectations, and grading system. HOMEWORK: None ESOL STRATEGIES: 19 & 25 TEXTBOOK: N/A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: N/A REMARKS: N/A August 21, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Classroom and school rules; classroom procedures, create distribution list, finish 3 by 5 cards and go over syllabus visit school website AGENDA: Inform students of rules and procedures for the school year. Go over syllabus highlighting tests and projects –collect any documentation VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: N/A FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: Faculty handbook, student handouts, projector, and relevant PPT slides TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will understand rules and procedures. Students will provide essential information for good communication and take home or return required documentation HOMEWORK: Complete documentation ESOL STRATEGIES: TEXT PAGES: N/A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: N/A REMARKS: N/A August 22, 2011 OBJECTIVE: Introduction to AP Psychology AGENDA: Define and address the field of Psychology and go through syllabus. VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: Psychology FREE RESPONSE: How does the field of psychology relate to and help the individual, the family, groups, businesses and the animal kingdom? RESOURCES: Instructor notes & syllabus TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion and multi-media DESIRED OUTCOME: Class leaders will be identified. HOMEWORK: None. ESOL STRATEGIES: 19 & 25 TEXT PAGES: N/A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: 1 REMARKS: You should have your notebook and folder August 23, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Psychology Pre-Test & CNN news AGENDA: To measure the knowledge students possess with regard to basic terms, people and concepts in the field of Psychology; look at psychology in current events. VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: N/A FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: 80 question pre-test for the first semester TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/direction DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will reveal current knowledge level in the field of Psychology . HOME WORK: Think about project option ESOL STRATEGIES: 19, 22 & 25 TEXT PAGES: N/A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: N/A REMARKS: N/A August 24, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Psychology Pre-Test – continued & CNN news if time permits AGENDA: To measure the knowledge students possess with regard to basic terms, people and concepts in the field of Psychology; look at psychology in current events. VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: N/A FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: 80 question pre-test for the first semester TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/direction DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will reveal current knowledge level in the field of Psychology . HOME WORK: Think about project option – which perspective interest you the most ESOL STRATEGIES: 19, 22 & 25 TEXT PAGES: N/A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: N/A REMARKS: N/A August 27, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Define Psychology and identify early milestones in the field AGENDA: Introduction to Psychology VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: Empiricism, Wilhelm Wundt, Structuralism, William James, Functionalism, Mary Calkins & Margaret Washburn FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: Textbook, Prologue Quiz, Wordle website, & Intro video: Past, Present & Promise (from Discovering Psychology Video series) TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion, survey and multi-media DESIRED OUTCOME: Drawing from prior knowledge and discussion, students will recall and reinforce their knowledge areas and concepts of psychology as well as survey their disposition with regard to various aspects of the field ESOL STRATEGIES: HOMEWORK: Review today’s vocabulary words TEXTBOOK: Prologue-The Story of Psychology (pages 1-17) REMARKS: If you do not have your 70-100 page, college ruled notebook and folder (2 pockets/3 prongs) you are wrong. As of today a tardy counts so don’t be late WEBSITES: www.wordle.net August 28, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Define Psychology and identify early milestones in the field AGENDA: Read Prologue-The Story of Psychology (pages 1-17) and complete reading guide on YOUR PAPER not the reading guide VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: Sigmund Freud, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, nature, nurture, natural selection, basic research, applied research, professional services, clinical psychologist, & psychiatrists FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: Textbook and 10 questions T/F quiz (closed book – last 5 minutes of class) TEACHING STRATEGIES: Silent reading with music/testing and measurement DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will read and understand what Psychology is and how it began and developed into solid discipline of study ESOL STRATEGIES: HOMEWORK: Review today’s vocabulary and answer the objective (using the appear in the center of your folder) TEXTBOOK: Prologue-The Story of Psychology REMARKS: If you do not have your 70-100 page, college ruled notebook and folder (2 pockets/3 prongs) you are wrong and officially on my _____list WEBSITES: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/historyofpsych.html August 29, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrasts the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Power point presentation: Introduction and the perspectives and assign group project VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: Hindsight bias, critical thinking, theory, hypothesis, operational definition, & replication FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: Textbook & handout on perspectives (page 11 in textbook), & Power Point TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion and multi media DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will gain a basic understanding of the 7 psychological perspectives HOMEWORK: Review today’s vocabulary and work on your perspective TEXTBOOK: Prologue-The Story of Psychology REMARKS: Notebook? Folder? WEBSITES: http://www.learner.org/discoveringpsychology/history/history_nonflash.html August 30, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrasts the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Group work to start project VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: case study, survey, false consensus effect, population, random sample & naturalistic observation FREE RESPONSE: Tomorrow is your first extended free response question RESOURCES: Textbook, laptops & project guidance (reproduce guidance) TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion and cooperative groups DESIRED OUTCOME: Groups will gather facts and figures for their perspective HOMEWORK: Review today’s vocabulary and work on your perspective TEXTBOOK: Prologue-The Story of Psychology REMARKS: Free response tomorrow – HINT: Early milestones, pioneers and the growth of the field WEBSITES: August 31, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrasts the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Extended free response and group work VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: correlation coefficient, scatter plot, illusory correlation RESOURCES: Textbook, laptops & project guidance TEACHING STRATEGIES: RTW and cooperative groups DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will express their knowledge of the “The Story of Psychology” and gain both an appreciation for and understanding of the 7 Perspectives or Approaches in the field of Psychology HOMEWORK: Review today’s vocabulary and answer the objective (using the appear in the center of your folder) TEXTBOOK: Prologue-The Story of Psychology REMARKS: Group presentation and individual paper on perspective due 9/6/2011;Hey – HEY – Hey is your name on the notebook -DUH? WEBSITES: http://www.all-about-psychology.com/what-is-psychology.html FREE RESPONSE (25 minutes): Identify and discuss early milestones in the field of psychology to include the roots of psychology, pre-scientific psychology, the birth of psychological science and the development of psychology as a science. In your discussion include and relate the following terms, concepts and names: Greek philosophers, Wundt, James, structuralism, functionalism, modern day psychologists, nature-nurture debate, and psychology’s subfields. September 3, 2012: Labor Day Holiday September 4, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Identify subfields of psychology AGENDA: Read chapter 1pages 19-30 and complete reading guide VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: experiment, double-blind procedure, placebo effect FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: AP Psych book TEACHING STRATEGIES: Silent reading with music DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will gain a basic understanding of research methods HOMEWORK: Read pages 31 to 53 and finish reading guide – (due Friday 9/7/2012) TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking Critically with Psychological Science REMARKS: WEBSITES: September 5, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Power Point and group work: develop 15 minute presentation of your group’s perspective using guidelines VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: experimental condition, control condition, random assignment FREE RESPONSE: N/A RESOURCES: Textbook, overhead projector, perspectives guidelines and internet TEACHING STRATEGIES: Cooperative groups DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will complete outline of group presentation and discuss individual paper requirement HOMEWORK: Work on paper, study vocabulary and complete any missing work TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking Critically with Psychological Science REMARKS: Perspective paper is due September 19, 2011 AND MUST SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION ONE DAY NEXT WEEK ( Informal leaders let me know ASAP) WEBSITES: September 6, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Video – Intro to Psychology VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: independent variable, dependent variable, mode mean, median, range FREE RESPONSE: N/A TEACHING STRATEGIES: Cooperative groups DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will complete outline of group presentation and discuss individual paper requirement HOMEWORK: Work on paper, study vocabulary and complete any missing work TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking Critically with Psychological Science REMARKS: Perspective paper is due September 19, 2011 WEBSITES September 7, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Review intro to Psychology AGENDA: Quiz VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: standard deviation, statistical significance, culture RESOURCES: Textbook and power point TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will revisit the history of the field and gain a basic understanding of the many subfields of psychology HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary and rewrite free response TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking Critically with Psychological Science REMARKS: Sign up for group presentations which start Tuesday WEBSITES: http://www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html FREE RESPONSE: Psychology has a variety of complementary yet incomplete perspectives that help us understand behavior. How might each of the following perspectives explain aggression? - Biological Cognitive Evolutionary Social-culture September 10, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Identify subfields of Psychology AGENDA: Power point of the on research VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: developmental psychology, zygote, embryo, fetus RESOURCES: Textbook and power point for research TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will take vital notes, ask relevant questions and learn the 3 main types of research HOMEWORK: Study power point notes TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 REMARKS: Presentations start tomorrow WEBSITES: N/A FREE RESPONSE: N/A September 11, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Group presentations and make-up work VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: teratogens, fetal alcohol syndrome, rooting reflex, habituation maturation, schema, assimilation, accommodation RESOURCES: Textbook, projector, student visual aides TEACHING STRATEGIES: Student presentations, lecture & discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will display their knowledge of the different perspectives in psychology HOMEWORK: Study notes for Chapter 1 test on Monday TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 REMARKS: FREE RESPONSE: N/A September 12, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Group presentations and make-up work VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: cognition, sensorimotor stage RESOURCES: Textbook, projector, student visual aides TEACHING STRATEGIES: Student presentations, lecture & discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will display their knowledge of the different perspectives in psychology HOMEWORK: Study notes for Chapter 1 test TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 REMARKS: Do you present tomorrow? WEBSITES: FREE RESPONSE: N/A September 13, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Group presentations and make-up work VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: conservation, egocentrism, theory of mind, autism RESOURCES: TEACHING STRATEGIES: DESIRED OUTCOME: HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 REMARKS: WEBSITES: http://www.pbs.org/opb/raisingcain/message.html September 17, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Compare and contrast the psychological perspectives AGENDA: Group presentations and make-up work VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: conservation, egocentrism, theory of mind, autism RESOURCES: TEACHING STRATEGIES: DESIRED OUTCOME: HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 REMARKS: WEBSITES: http://www.pbs.org/opb/raisingcain/message.html September 18, 2011 OBJECTIVE: Intro to Nature vs Nurture Debate AGENDA: Finish power point on psychological research –Read Chapter3 and complete reading guide VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: concrete operational stage, formal operational stage RESOURCES: Textbook and Reading guides TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture discussion and silent reading with music DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will acquire a basic understanding of research and experimentation in the field Psychology and be introduced to the nature/nurture debate HOMEWORK: Finish reading Chapter 3 and guided reading TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking critically with Psychological Science/ Chapter 3 Nature vs. Nurture Chapter 4- Developmental Psychology REMARKS: Test for Chapter 1 on Thursday !!!!PAPER DUE TOMORROW!!!!! WEBSITES: September 19, 2011 OBJECTIVE: Review for test on research AGENDA: Practice with variables and discuss the 4 goals of psychology and the 3 types of research approaches; review for test VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: stranger anxiety and attachment RESOURCES: Textbook and Power Point for Research; Textbook and podcast site: http://www.thepsychfiles.com/2008/02/episode-45-basic-research-design-part-1/ (15 minutes long) ruler, and website: http://getyourwebsitehere.com/jswb/rttest01.html , cups, mountain dew, ice, water (dew & water for ruler experiment) TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will learn and understand basic research terms HOMEWORK: Study for Test on Chapter 1 TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1- Thinking critically with Psychological Science REMARKS: PERSPECTIVE PAPER DUE TODAY!!!!! WEBSITES: FREE RESPONSE: N/A September 20, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Measure knowledge of basic research methods AGENDA: CNN and review for test on Research Methods VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: critical period, imprinting, & basic trust RESOURCES: Textbook – Chapter 1 & 4 TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture/discussion DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will know and understand basic research terms and be prepared for test on Chapter 1 HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 3 and reading guide (Due 9/24/12) TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 & 3 REMARKS: Study and complete all work over long weekend WEBSITES: FREE RESPONSE: Design an experiment to determine whether a new drug that is supposed to reduce hyperactivity in children actually does. Your essay should include and identification and description of all the components of your experimental design, including sampling, independent and dependent variables, controls, and the method that you would employ to evaluate the outcome (TAKE HOME.- 1 Page to 1 ½ Pages – DUE MONDAY 9/24) October 1, 2012 OBJECTIVE: Basic Research Methods AGENDA: Test on Research methods VOCABULARY WORD(S) OF THE DAY: None = take out piece of paper and number 1 to 50 (all on front) RESOURCES: Textbook and Test TEACHING STRATEGIES: Testing and measurement DESIRED OUTCOME: Students will take and pass test on research methods HOMEWORK: Study new vocabulary for Chapter 4 TEXTBOOK: Chapter 1 & 4 REMARKS: WEBSITES: FREE RESPONSE: N/A