
St. Mary Catholic School Advisory Board Minutes
June 12, 2012
Call to Order at 7:02pm by Kellie Boyden:
 Attendees: Father Eilerman, Carlton Rider, Cindy Albert, Ben Boyden, Kellie Boyden, Kim Kirchgessner
(St. Mark Parish Rep), Thomas Crook, Elaine Hartman (Fisher Catholic Rep and Pope John XXIII Rep),
Eric McCrady (St. Bernadette Rep), John McGraw (St. Mary Parish Rep), Joan Miller, , Kathy Wotruba
 Faculty Attendees: Kathleen Van Evra
 Excused: Jean Robertson, Angie Seimer, Mary McLoughlin
 Absent: none
 Guests: Mindi Harp (incoming board member), Brad Lewis (incoming board member), Diane Stuckey
Opening Prayer: Father Eilerman
Approval of May Minutes: The board approved after a motion and second.
 Budget Report:
o There are no outstanding tuition balances!
Pastor's Report:
o Father Eilerman thanked the board for their efforts and work for Mr. Rider’s retirement reception.
Administrator's Report:
o Gary Sheldon, conductor of the Lancaster Festival Orchestra and artistic director of the Lancaster
Festival, visited our school on May 9th. He brought with him members of the Festival Orchestra in
addition to students from various high schools in the surrounding area, among them Brandon Shull, a
former student at St. Mary’s and currently a student at Fisher Catholic. The program promoted this
year’s Lancaster Festival, scheduled for the last week and a half in July.
o On May 10th a special Mass was held to honor the grandparents of our students. Grandparents enjoyed lunch after the Mass and spent time visiting with their grandchildren in the classrooms and at
the park.
o The Home & School Association hosted a special luncheon in the Spirit Center on May 11th as part
of Teacher Appreciation Week.
o An awards dessert was held on May 16th to recognize those members of our boys and girls junior
high track teams. Thanks go to Coach Goss for working with our track team this year.
o A pizza party was held on May 17th to recognize those students who earned a certain number of
points as participants in our Accelerated Reading and Newberry programs. Certificates were given to
the students during the party. The party was hosted by Ms. Wren and assisted by volunteers from the
o Our 7th grade students hosted our annual graduation dance on Saturday, May 19th in the Spirit Center.
Many thanks to our 7th grade teachers, Mrs. Lipp and Mrs. Yaple and our parent volunteers for making the evening special for our 8th graders.
o The Fisher Catholic band performed for our students, faculty, and staff a wide selection of musical
pieces on May 22nd. That evening, our own St. Mary band and chorus performed their spring concert for our students and their families and friends. A big thank you to Mrs. Wettersten and the members of our band and chorus for all the hard work and dedication they put into this spring concert.
o On May 24th the 5th grade students from St. Bernadette’s visited our school. They attended the 9:00
Mass with the rest of our students and enjoyed the visit by COSI after Mass and during the afternoon
in our gym area.
o Kindergarten promotion was held on May 30th in our gym. A variety of prayers and songs were
shared by the students before certificates were given to each student.
o Our end-of-the-year school Mass was celebrated on May 31st with students, faculty, and staff honoring our 8th graders after Mass with a “tunnel” being formed for the 8th graders to walk through as
they exited the church.
o Our Houses in the middle school competed against each other in the afternoon on May 31st at Firehouse Park. The competition was fierce but civil, with no injuries reported. Thanks go out to our
teachers and parent volunteers who helped with the various games.
o Our Awards Assembly was held on Friday, June 1st during which time students who were on the
Honor Roll during the year were recognized with medals. School was dismissed after the assembly
with our teachers, staff, and parents forming a tunnel as the students exited the building. The 8th
grade graduation Mass was held in the evening with diplomas and special awards being presented after the Mass.
o We have an outstanding balance of $0.00 as regards tuition for the 2011/2012 school year.
o Mr. Rider also thanked the board for all of the retirement festivities.
Faculty Report:
o The faculty enjoyed an end-of-the-year faculty lunch and presented Mr. Rider with the Shane
Rousch award.
St. Bernadette Report: (Eric)
o St. Bernadette Parish Confirmation was held on Wednesday, May 30th.
o Enrollment Numbers for the 2012-13 school year are K-5: 128 (5th grade: 24), Pre-K: 19
St. Mark Report: (Kim)
o “Catholicism” Study Series (videos hosed by Fr. Robert Barron): starting June 13, 7:00-9:00pm
every Wednesday until the end of August
o K of C Council 15447 Charter Ceremony: Sunday, June 24, 10:30am, followed by catered brunch
o VBS: June 25-29 from 6-8:30pm each evening
o Gospel Road 2012: July 15-19 for high school teens from the Diocese of Columbus to provide
various service projects during the week. Cleaning, building, painting, and landscaping assistance
will be coordinated with local agencies for people in need. St. Mark will be partnering with the
YMCA and the Columbus Diocese.
o Adult Bible and Catechism Sharing each Sunday 9:15-10:15am
o Christmas Cantata: Sunday, December 16 at 7:00pm
o The new food pantry is open and doing well- open house was 5/31.
Pope John XXIII Report: (Elaine)
o Confirmation and First Communion were held earlier this month.
o Parish subsidy seems to be consistent for the grade schools, but there appear to be fewer students in
Catholic high schools. There are none at St. Charles. The percentage going to Fisher and Hartley
seems to be consistent. Thirty children are being subsidized.
o Vacation bible school is at David’s UCC first week of August 6:00-8:30.
Fisher Catholic Report: (Elaine)
o Graduation went well.
o There are two new teachers next year: Jenni Sage will teach history and serve as the volleyball
coach. This is a new position. David Bennett will teach theology and will replace Ms. Gallant, who
is leaving to go back to school.
o The receptionist, Debbie, is retiring and being replaced by Teresa Jenkins.
o Summer gym is underway.
o All sports are having summer sports camps.
Parish Council Report: (John)
o No updates from Parish Council as they are now on break until August. John will no longer be our
parish council representative as his term on parish council is up.
Home and School Report: (Angie Seimer)
o No report
Marketing: (Kathy)
o Billboard for the Lancaster-Logan Catholic schools is up on Memorial Drive near Colonial Estates.
We will also be on the digital billboard.
Technology/Communications: (Kathy/Tom)
o An email blast will go out with a link to the school calendar for 2012-2013, information regarding
the new Kids C.A.R.E. program, and a note to parents that the website will be updated throughout
the summer.
Athletics: (Ben/Carlton)
o A new athletic director will be named soon. Kellie asked about the potential new soccer club. Mr.
Rider indicated that this club would be independent of SMS (like the biddy sports and other club
junior high sports).
Nomination Committee: (Kellie)
o There were not enough applicants for the open board seats to hold an election this year. Kellie was
the only applicant. Father appointed Mindi Harp and Brad Lewis, who were candidates in the 2011
election, to fill the two remaining seats. Kellie, Mindi and Brad will each serve a three-year term,
which begins at the end of tonight’s board meeting.
Old Business:
Wrap-Around Program Update (Fr. Eilerman): Susan Tooill has been hired as the new wrap-around care
coordinator. Susan and Erin Schornack have been working on details for the program. Further information can
be found on the school website and will be updated as more details become available.
Registration Update for 2012-2013 School Year (Carlton):
 254 total students currently registered (last year’s enrollment was 279)
 K – 11 students registered
 1st grade – 27 students registered
 2nd grade - 16 students registered
 3rd grade - 23 students registered
 4th grade - 27 students registered
 5th grade - 26 students registered
 6th grade - 45 students registered,
 7th grade - 34 students registered
 8th grade - 45 students registered
New Business:
Accelerating 8th Grade Math Students (Carlton): Using the compacted math program. Discussion ensued regarding how students qualify to take algebra as 8th graders and the changes in the math curriculum coming with
the new common core standards. As a new 7th/8th grade math teacher is being hired, Mrs. Schornack will be
informed of the board’s discussion for consideration in the new hire.
Election of Advisory Board President: All voting members who have served a minimum of one year are eligible
to serve as president for the 2012-2013 school year. Elaine Hartman nominated Kellie Boyden, which was seconded. Kellie accepted the nomination and the board voted to re-elect Kellie to serve as president. The offices
of vice president and secretary will be filled at the August meeting.
Closing Remarks (Carlton): Mr. Rider shared some closing remarks with the board as he prepares for his
retirement. He highlighted the importance of Catholic education and teaching our students the values they need
to be successful in our ever-changing world. He looks forward to continuing to be an advocate for Catholic
education, including enjoying his grandchildren as students of our Catholic schools.
The board thanked Mr. Rider for his service, including mention of the newly established alumni award in his
name, The Carlton Rider Distinguished Alumni Award. Mr. Rider was named as the first recipient of that award
at his reception on Sunday. A commemorative plaque is now on display in the school, and the board will
choose an alumnus of St. Mary School each year to receive the award.
Outgoing board members Ben Boyden, Jean Robertson, and John McGraw were recognized and thanked for
their service. Ben particularly worked toward efforts with all parties in the area of athletics, and Jean did a
wonderful job as our board secretary for the last three years. John has served on the board for nine years,
including several years as board president.
Mindi and Brad were welcomed as they begin their terms on the board.
Close of Meeting at 8:02pm: After a motion and second, Kellie adjourned the meeting.
Next meeting: August 2012
Submitted by Cindy Albert and Kellie Boyden