Child’s Name DOB Center Motivation Education & Training, Inc. SPECIAL SERVICES CONSENT FORM Parent or guardian must initial each section indicating their understanding of the stated policy. IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHORIZATION MET Head Start/Early Head Start believes that your child should be scheduled for further evaluation in the following area(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______ I wish to grant consent and allow my child to be referred to a professional who will help determine if he/she could benefit from special services. I understand that my child cannot be referred to another professional without my written consent. PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS (PARENT’S RIGHT) ______ I have received a copy of “The Procedural Safeguards” for children receiving Special Education services in the State of Texas, and it has been explained to me in native language. I understand that I must have a copy of “The Procedural Safeguards” in order to complete the referral process. SERVICE DELIVERY ______ I agree that MET Head Start/Early Head Start shall provide all basic services available to any child and family enrolled in the program. Since children with disabilities may have needs that go beyond basic MET-Head Start/Early Head Start services, the ISD/ECI shall be responsible for the provision of additional educational and related services included in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and not available through MET. These services, when delivered at a MET-Head Start/Early Head Start site, will be integrated into regular classroom routine and activities. MET-Head Start/Early Head Start will provide a supportive classroom environment as it relates to the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework. CERTIFICATION I give my permission for MET-Head Start/Early Head Start to refer my child, listed above, to ______________________. I have been informed in my native language that my consent is voluntary and that I may refuse to sign this form. I also know that if I do sign, I may withdraw my consent at any time. I am aware that I will be invited and encouraged to attend all meetings for the specified purpose(s). I have been informed of my parental rights under the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” (IDEA). Additionally, I grant consent for my child to have unsupervised access during onsite professional therapy sessions. Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature Date Authorized Employee’s Signature Date Child Mental Health Revised: 7/26/2012 - AM