Lower Wharfe Canoe Club - Risk Assessment: Assessment By: Phil Mitchell/ Sue Couling Date of Assessment: April 2011, reviewed February 2012 What are the hazards? To Who? Slalom Training sessions (Blue Bridge and Howsham) Review Date: February 2014 How is the risk controlled? What further action is necessary? Kayaking & Canoeing All group leaders to carry mobile phone with relevant contact numbers. Beware of limited Network availability at Howsham Emergency contact numbers collected at start of session Medical River Levels and/or water quality Coaches Participants Drowning Participants Boat Based Coaches Medical information collected prior to session, or parents are expected to remain constantly on site for duration of activity Group leaders to check for medical conditions before session and to be aware of any medical treatment carried by paddler. Groups to carry basic first aid kit Where possible each group has a first aid trained person Coaches/Approved Person is to assess river levels before session starts: Coach/approved person has the authority to cancel session if they are concerned about the safety cover for session – a higher level of supervision is needed in these conditions. If river is contaminated (eg by fuel or sewage) session should be cancelled and the Environment Agency contacted. List of approved Trip leaders and first aiders produced each season. All participants undertake a safety test, in which they must be able to exit an upturned kayak with a spray-deck on Clothing must be appropriate to activity All persons on the water must wear a buoyancy aid Coach/Approved Person should ensure all Buoyancy aids are correctly fitted All buoyancy aids will pass a 50N test at the start of each season Personal buoyancy aids are allowed at the discretion of the Coach/Approved Person Equipment Officer to check kit annually. Annual safety training for group leaders on boat rescues and incident management? Comments /dates What are the hazards? To Who? How is the risk controlled? Entrapment Participants Boat Based Coaches Equipment is suitable for Individual paddlers Equipment is checked on a regular basis and maintained correctly Minimum of one Coach/Approved Person on the water at any time Launching Coaches Participants Coach/Approved Person to monitor launching Lone paddlers/loss of group control All paddlers Paddle in groups of at least three with Trip Leader person supervising For example use experienced paddlers as buddies Other river users What further action is necessary? Bevigilent for other water users eg fishermen. When paddling at night on Ouse be particularly vigilant for other boats and rowing boats. Group Leader to exercise good group control Hazards on bank side – eg trees, stakes, concrete steps Submerged Obstacles Participants Boat Based Coaches Participants informed of potential hazards at start of session Participants should stay clear of river banks and avoid large trees Coaches/Approved Persons to exercise good group control Coaches a/ Approved Persons to be vigilant for hazards. Hit with paddle or boats Gates hitting participants Hypothermia Hyperthermia & Dehydration Participants Coaches Coaches/Approved Persons should exercise appropriate group control Participants encouraged to behave responsibly Helmets to be worn and fastened correctly. All paddlers Potential paddling injuries (eg blisters, joint injury, tenosynovitis, surfers Participants Coaches Activities and clothing appropriate to trip particularly winter trip – advice on what to wear given to participants before trip. Trip Leader should monitor and take appropriate action and has the right to end the trip early or to refuse to take participant on the water if not properly dressed. Trip Leader to carry rescue kit to deal with hypothermia Trip Leader to be First aid trained (or have first aider in group) Participants informed of safe paddling practice Trip information for new paddlers to be available as hard copy and on web Comments /dates ear) What are the hazards? To Who? How is the risk controlled? Water borne illness & Wiels disease Participant coaches Participants should be made aware of risk and the need to wash or shower before consuming food or drink Changing Participants All club members should remain vigilant to inappropriate behaviour, any suspected cases should be reported to the Child Welfare Officers at the earliest opportunity. Members to be aware they are changing in a public space with young people about. What further action is necessary? Storage of equipment Hanging lines Care to be taken when hanging slalom gates to prevent falls by people hanging gates or entanglement of paddlers on water Seating capacity of vehicles is not to be exceeded on shuttles Driver to check boats are securely loaded Drivers to be aware of good safeguarding practise when offering lifts to young people Care lifting boats on and off vehicles – assistance to be offered if necessary. Travel arrangements Securing/loading Drivers Passengers By standers Back Damage Participants Coaches Participants taught correct manual handling technique Coach/Approved Person to offer assistance if required Slips, Trips and Falls Coaches Participants Roads and traffic Coaches Participants Walking to and from water can be uneven, slippery and steep Correct footwear to be worn Participants informed of hazards Authorised Leader to control movement of boats over hazards. Participants informed of hazard No boats should be left in the road Chair of slalom section Signature: Advice on safeguarding available from Welfare Officer Comments /dates