Faculty Portfolio Preparation

Faculty Portfolio Preparation
University College, Zayed University
September 2011
This document sets out guidelines for faculty to prepare their portfolio for contract
renewal process in electronic form which shall be retained in the College Office as per
HR-FAC-03. Section One requires a narrative summary of the three fields, teaching
effectiveness, scholarly activity, and university and/or community service. Section Two
is a list of supporting documents for Section One. The purpose of the portfolio is for
each faculty member to examine and express their professional commitment thus far, and
to point ahead to their professional aspirations in the coming years at Zayed University.
Section One
Teaching Effectiveness (two pages maximum)
a. Evidence of Effectiveness during Reporting Period
The narrative may include list of Courses taught, numbers of students
enrolled in each Course. If faculty are scheduled to teach in the part-ofthe-term B, please estimate the numbers of students.
b. Teaching Goals and Aspirations, for which the narrative could include the
i. Course Development
ii. Professional Development activities pertaining to
iii. Successes and Challenges within various Courses
Scholarly Activity (two pages maximum)
a. Scholarly Activity (indicate to which category the work pertains)
i. Scholarly publications
ii. Scholarly presentations
iii. Other publications and presentations
Professional Goals for next Contract Cycle
i. Scholarly publications
ii. Scholarly presentations
iii. Other publications and presentations
University and/or Community Service (one page maximum)
a. Evidence of Service during the review period. (indicate if there was any
reallocated time allotted for the Service)
i. University, College, or Department Committees
ii. Coordination of Courses
iii. Other
b. University and Community Service aims. (indicate in which sectors of
governance you would like to participate)
Reflective Essay (two pages maximum)
This narrative is to integrate all the above categories into a single essay. This
synthesis encourages faculty to reflect on their achievements, successes, aspirations, and
challenges as they look back at their teaching, scholarship and professional endeavors,
and service. Additionally, this reflection also helps faculty and the College examine the
ways in which individual faculty’s efforts are in alignment with the University’s mission
and vision.
Section Two
List of supporting documents for Sections 1-3 in Section One.