News (perhaps a couple of quick stories) I'm an assistant professor in the Faculty of Science (Computer Science) at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). I joined UOIT in July 2006 from the University of Toronto, where I served as a senior research associate at the Semiconductor and Photovoltaic Lab after my PhD. I had previously completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Bologna (Italy). For more than 20 years I have been working in the field of semiconductor physics both at the experimental and theoretical levels. I have focused on materials and devices research and development programs in the areas of thin film amorphous silicon and carbon and emerging nano-crystalline materials. The main research objectives of my work include the modeling and study of electrical and optical properties of intrinsic and doped amorphous, micro-crystalline and nano-crystalline materials, the development and characterization of photovoltaic devices, the preparation and characterization of diamond-like carbon, carbon nanotubes and the investigation of the potential opto-electronic and biomedical applications of tritiated amorphous silicon and tritiated amorphous carbon. I have also recently initiated a project in Forensic Physics aimed at the development of a comprehensive program for Blood Spatter analysis. This program is supported by the Ontario Police College. I am currently looking to supervise students under the M.Sc. program in Materials Science (INSERT LINK HERE), of which I am currently the program director. We expect to initiate a PhD program in the same subject within the next couple of years. Interested students are encouraged to consult the degree requirements for the program and contact me for more information. Your current research projects (a short description and title for each one) This is a short detailed synopsis of research projects I am currently working on. These projects have several aspects (indicated as sub-topics) and could be made available to 4th year students and Master students. 1. Growth and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) 1. Use of CVD and PECVD systems for the growth of CNTs. The project looks at optimizing growth parameters and looking at controlling the growth factors that determine the CNT opto-electronic characteristics (in collaboration with Dr. Brad Easton) 2. Theoretical Modeling of carbon nanotubes (in collaboration with Dr. Anatoli Chkrebtii) 2. Characterization of hydrogenated and tritiated amorphous silicon. 1. Theoretical modeling using ab-initio Molecular Dynamics (in collaboration with Dr. Anatoli Chkrebtii) 2. Device applications 3. Medical Application 3. Characterization of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells 1. Development of bacterial pigments for the extraction of dyes for DSSC cells (in collaboration with Dr. Janice Strap) 2. Use of CNTs and TiO2 mixtures for DSSC 4. Blood Spatter Analysis (Forensic Physics in collaboration with Dr. Shari Forbes, Dr. Dhavide Aruliah and Dr. Faisal Qureshi) 1. Physical and Mathematical Modeling 2. Computer Visualization 3. Scenario reconstruction Your MSc projects, same as above Referring to the above list, 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1 are currently potential Master projects Your Ph.D projects (as above) No PhD projects are available at the moment Your teaching, along with lists of courses currently and previously taught Recent and Current Courses Taught Physics for the Biosciences I (PHY1030 – Fall 2005-07) Scientific Computing Tools (CSCI1000U – Fall 2003, Summer & Fall 2005) Scientific Computing Tools for the Health Sciences (CSCI1800U – Fall 2007 - present) Electronics (PHY3030 – Fall 2005) Physics I (PHY1010 – 2006-08) Physics II (PHY1020 2006-07) Physics for the Health Sciences (PHY1810 2007) Photovoltaics and Solar Energy (PHY4040 2006 – present) Forensic Physics (2009) Graduate courses: A list of your publications PATENTS AND PUBLICATIONS Invited Articles: 1. F. Gaspari, A. Chkrebtii, I.M. Kupchak, T. Teatro, and L. Henderson, “Computational experiment in non-crystalline materials from first principles: a case study of vibrations in hydrogenated amorphous silicon”. ICCMSE 2009 2. T. Kosteski, P. Stradins, N.P. Kherani, F. Gaspari, W.T. Shmayda, L. Sidhu, S. Zukotynski, “Tritiated Amorphous Silicon Betavoltaic Devices”, IEE Proc. Circuits, Devices and Syst., special issue on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductor Devices, 150 no. 4 (Aug 2003) 274-281. 3. S. Zukotynski, F. Gaspari, D. Manage, V. Pletnev and E. Sagnes, "Hydrogenated amorphous carbon deposition by saddle-field glow discharge", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 595, pp 239-248 (2000). Refereed Journals: 4. F. Gaspari, I. M. Kupchak, A. I. Shkrebtii, and J. M. Perz, “Modeling noncrystalline materials: Use of vibrational spectra as a protocol for validation”, Phys. Rev. B 79, 224203 (2009) 5. I. M. Kupchak, F. Gaspari, A. I. Shkrebtii, and J. M. Perz, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 1235251 (2008). 6. N.P. Kherani, B. Liu, K. Virk, T. Kosteski, F. Gaspari, W.T. Shmayda, S. Zukotynski, and K.P. Chen, “Hydrogen Effusion from Tritiated Amorphous Silicon”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 024906 (2008). 7. A.V. Sachenko, I.O. Sokolovskyi, A. Kazakevitch, A.I. Shkrebtii, F. Gaspari “Modeling of photoconversion efficiency for hydrogenated amorphous Si p-i-n structures” Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 10 p. 60-66 (2007) 8. I. M. Kupchak, F. Gaspari, A.I. Shkrebtii, J. Perz, available online at Condensed Matter Archive. [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] (2007). 9. S. Costea, S. Pisana, N.P. Kherani, F. Gaspari., T.Kosteski,.T. Shmayda, S. Zukotynski, “Use of tritium in the study of defects in amorphous silicon” Fusion science and technology 48, 712-715 (2005). 10. S. Zukotynski, F. Gaspari, N. Kherani, T. Kosteski, K. Law, W.T. Shmayda, and C.M. Tan, “Metastability in Tritiated Amorphous Silicon”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 299-302, 476481 (2002). 11. D.P. Manage, J.M. Perz, F. Gaspari, E. Sagnes, and S. Zukotynski, "Atmospheric Aging and Thermal Annealing Effects in a-C:H Thin Films", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 270, 247-254 (2000). 12. F. Gaspari, T. Kosteski, S. Zukotynski, N. P. Kherani, and W. Shmayda, "Time Evolution of the Density of States of Tritiated Amorphous Silicon", Phil. Mag. B, 80, 561 (2000). 13. R.E. Johanson, S.O. Kasap, F. Gaspari, D. Yeghikyan, and S. Zukotynski, "1/f Noise in p-type Amorphous Silicon", J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A 18 (2), 661-664, (2000). 14. T. Y. Leung, W. F. Man, P. K. Lim, W. C. Chan, F. Gaspari, and S. Zukotynski, "Determination of the sp3/sp2 Ratio of a-C:H by XPS and XAES", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 254, 156-160 (1999). 15. T. Y. Leung, W. F. Man, S. K. So, P. K. Lim, W. C. Chan, F. Gaspari, and S. Zukotynski, "Photo-thermal Deflection Spectroscopy and Transmission Measurements of a-C:H Films", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 254, 151-155 (1999). 16. A. Dorofeev, F. Gaspari, D. Manage, E. Sagnes, T. Kosteski, and S. Zukotynski, "Optical Characterization of Light-emitting Porous Silicon Covered by Transparent aC:H Coating", in Application of Photonic Technology 3: Closing the Gap between Theory, Development and Application, George A. Lampropoulos, and Roger A. Lessard, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3491, 665-670, (1998). 17. T. Kosteski, N.P. Kherani, F. Gaspari, S. Zukotynski, and W. Shmayda, "Tritiated Amorphous Silicon Films and Devices", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16(2), 893-896 (1998). 18. W.C.W. Chan, F. Gaspari, T. Allen, P.K. Lim, E. Moreno, E. Sagnes, D. Manage, J. Szurmak, and S. Zukotynski, "Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Doped Hydrogenated Diamond-like Amorphous Carbon Films deposited using the DC Saddle-Field Glow-Discharge Technique", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 16(2), 889-892 (1998). 19. M. Pelton, S.K. O'Leary, F. Gaspari, and S. Zukotynski, "The Optical Absorption Edge of Diamond-Like Carbon: A Quantum Well Model", J. Appl. Phys. 83, 1029-35 (1998). 20. F. Dadabhai, F. Gaspari, S. Zukotynski and C. Bland, "Reduction of silicon dioxide by aluminum in MOS structures", J. Appl. Phys. 80, 6505-6509 (1996). 21. F. Gaspari, P.K. Lim, R.V. Kruzelecky and S. Zukotynski, "Luminescence in hydrogenated amorphous carbon grown by dc saddle-field glow-discharge decomposition of methane", J. Appl. Phys. 79, 2684-2688 (1996). 22. P.K. Lim, F. Gaspari and S. Zukotynski, "Structural properties of a-C:H deposited by saddle-field glow-discharge decomposition of methane", J. Appl. Phys. 78, 5307-5312 (1995). 23. C. Wang, J.M. Perz F. Gaspari, M. Plumb, and S. Zukotynski, "Photoluminescence Study of Radiative Recombination in Porous Silicon", Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2676-2678 (1993). 24. F. Gaspari, S.F. O'Leary, S. Zukotynski and J.M. Perz, "Dependence of the Optoelectronic Characteristics of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films on the Hydrogen Content". J. Non-Cryst. Solids 155, 149-154 (1993). 25. F. Gaspari, S. Zukotynski and J.M. Perz, "Density of States in Inhomogeneous Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 143, 241-245 (1992). 26. R.V Kruzelecky, S. Zukotynski, C.I. Ukah, F. Gaspari, and J.M. Perz, "The Preparation of Amorphous Si:H Thin Films for Optoelectronic Applications by Glow Discharge Dissociation of SiH4 using a DC Saddle-Field Plasma Chamber", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A7, 2632-38 (1989). 27. R.V Kruzelecky, D. Racansky, S. Zukotynski, F. Gaspari, C.I. Ukah, and J.M. Perz, "The Preparation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon by Plasma-Enhanced Reactive Evaporation", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 108, 115-127 (1989). Refereed Proceedings: 1. Franco Gaspari, Anatoli Shkrebtii, Tom Tiwald, Andrea Fuchser, Shafiq Mohammed, Tome Kosteski, Keith Leong and Nazir Kherani, “Infrared Ellipsometry Investigation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon”, MRS Proceedings, San Francisco, 2009 2. A.I. Shkrebtii, Yu.V.Kryuchenko, A.V.Sachenko, I.O.Sokolovskyi, and F.Gaspari,” Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) based solar cells: optimization formalism and numerical algorithm” MRS Proceedings, San Francisco, 2009 3. F. Gaspari, I.M. Kupchak, A.I. Shkrebtii, J.T. McLeskey, S. A. Muhammad, “Dependence of a-Si:H tail states on Hydrogen content: modeling and experiment.”, 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, San Diego CA, May 11–16, 2008. 4. Shkrebtii A.I.; Kryuchenko, Y.V.; Kupchak, I.M.; Gaspari, F.; Sachenko, A.V.; Kazakevitch, A., “Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) based solar cell: material characterization and optimization”, 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, San Diego CA, May 11–16, 2008. 5. Shkrebtii, A.I.; Kupchak, I.M.; Gaspari, F., “Lattice and hydrogen dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous Silicon: First-principles molecular dynamics versus experiment”, International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - ICPS 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27-Aug. 1, 2008. 6. F. Gaspari, I.M. Kupchak, Yu. V. Kryuchenko, A.I. Shkrebtii, A. Kazakevitch, A.V. Sachenko. “Modeling of Hydrogen Dynamics in a-Si:H for Photovoltaic Applications”, 2nd Organic and Nano Electronic Workshop, Montreal (May 17-18, 2007) 7. A.V. Sachenko, A.I. Shkrebtii, F. Gaspari, N. Kherani, and A. Kazakevitch. “Modeling of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films prepared by the Saddle Field Glow Discharge Method for photo-voltaic applications”, EPIOPTICS-9 Proceedings of the 38th Course of the International School of Solid State Physics, Erice, Italy 20 – 26 July 2006” World Scientific, Singapore, 2007. 8. F. Gaspari, A. Shkrebtii, J. Perz, T. Teatro, N. Kherani. "Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) from ab-initio Molecular Dynamics" Bulletin of the American Physical Society (March 21–25, 2005). 9. T. Allen, F. Gaspari, N.P. Kherani, T. Kosteski, K. Leong, I. Milostnaya, D. Yeghikyan, S. Zukotynski, “Influence of Hydrogen Dilution on Properties of Silicon Films Prepared by the Saddle-Field Glow Discharge Method: Observation of Nanocrystallinity ” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 762 (2003). 10. I. Milostnaya, F. Gaspari, T. Allen N.P. Kherani, T. Kosteski, D. Yeghikyan, S. Zukotynski, “Electrical and Optical Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Films Deposited by the Saddle-Field Glow Discharge Method” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 762 (2003). 11. T. Allen, F. Gaspari, N.P. Kherani, T. Kosteski, K. Leong, I. Milostnaya, D. Yeghikyan, S. Zukotynski, “Amorphous-Microcrystalline Silicon Films Obtained Using Hydrogen Dilution in a DC Saddle-Field Glow Discharge” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 744, M.5.22 (2002). 12. S. Costea, F. Gaspari, T. Kosteski, S. Zukotynski, N. P. Kherani, and Walter T. Shmayda, "Modeling of Beta Conductivity in Tritiated Amorphous Silicon ", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc, 609, A27.4 (2000). 13. Tome Kosteski, Franco Gaspari, David Hum, Stefan Costea, Stefan Zukotynski, Nazir P. Kherani, and Walter T. Shmayda, "Recombination in Tritiated Amorphous Silicon", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 609, A30.1 (2000). 14. S. Zukotynski, F. Gaspari, D. Manage, V. Pletnev and E. Sagnes, "Hydrogenated amorphous carbon deposition by saddle-field glow discharge", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 595, pp 239-248 (2000). 15. W.C.W. Chan, T. Allen, F. Gaspari, J. Szurmak, E. Sagnes, and S. Zukotynski, "Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Films Prepared by DC Saddle Field Glow Discharge Method: Doping with Boron and Phosphorus", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 498, 165-170 (1998) 16. L.S. Sidhu, T. Kosteski, N. Kherani, F. Gaspari, S. Zukotynski, and W. Shmayda, "An Infrared and Luminescence Study of Tritiated Amorphous Silicon", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 467, 129-134 (1997). 17. L.S. Sidhu, F. Gaspari, and S. Zukotynski, "Ion Bombardment and Disorder in Amorphous Silicon" Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 467, 597-602 (1997). 18. L. S. Sidhu, T. Kosteski, S. K. O'Leary, F. Gaspari, S. Zukotynski, N. Kherani and W. Shmayda, "Tritium in Amorphous Silicon", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 420, 509-514 (1996). 19. F. Gaspari, L. S. Sidhu, S. K. O'Leary, and S. Zukotynski, "Saddle-Field Glow-Discharge Deposition of Amorphous Semiconductors", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 420, 375-380 (1996). 20. F. Gaspari, W.C.W. Chan, P.K. Lim and S. Zukotynski, "Diamond-like hydrogenated amorphous carbon prepared by saddle-field glow-discharge decomposition of methane", ADC'95, NIST Special Publication 885, US Government Printing Office (1995), pp. 743-746. 21. L.S. Sidhu, F. Gaspari, S. O'Leary and S. Zukotynski, "The growth mechanisms of glow-discharge deposited deuterated-hydrogenated amorphous silicon", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 377, 87-92 (1995). 22. C. Wang, F. Gaspari and S. Zukotynski, "Photoluminescence Study of Radiative Recombination in Porous Silicon", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 298, 349-354 (1993). Major Reports: 1. F. Gaspari, R.V. Kruzelecky, J.M. Perz, D. Racansky, C.I. Ukah and S. Zukotynski, “Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells” Report prepared for NRC, July 1986. 2. S. Zukotynski, F. Gaspari, F. Dadabhai, “Failure Mechanism of Looping Elements”, Report prepared for ABB Advanced Battery Systems, 1994. 3. F. Gaspari, T. Kosteski, P.K. Lim, L. Sidhu and S. Zukotynski, “Electronic and OptoElectronic Devices Based on Tritium Occluded Amorphous Silicon-Carbon Alloys” (A collaborative research project program between the University of Toronto, Ontario Hydro International and Ontario Hydro Technologies). Submitted to Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada, 1996. Patents S. Zukotynski, R.V. Kruzelecky, F. Gaspari and C.I. Ukah, “Method and Apparatus for the Deposition of Materials by Glow Discharge”. US patent 5,039,376 awarded in 1991. The patent covers the five electrode DC saddle-field apparatus and process. Canadian patent awarded in 2002. Your CV See other attached file