PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development |1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 SNMP development Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Hydrogeologic Setting ....................................................................................................................................4 3.0 Groundwater Budget ...................................................................................................................................... 7 4.0 Salt and Nutrient Groundwater Conditions ................................................................................................. 10 4.1 Constituents of Concern and Relevant Sources .......................................................................................... 10 3.1.1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ................................................................................................................. 10 3.1.2 Chloride ................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.1.3 Nitrate – NO3 ........................................................................................................................................ 12 4.2 Existing Conditions.................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.4 Groundwater ......................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.5 Surface Water ....................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.6 Delivered Water Quality .......................................................................................................................26 5.0 Loading Risk Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 31 5.1 Data and Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 31 4.1.1 Soil Water Holding Capacity ................................................................................................................. 32 4.1.2 Agricultural Land Use ...........................................................................................................................34 4.1.3 Irrigation Intensity ................................................................................................................................34 4.1.4 Crop Fertilizer Use ................................................................................................................................ 37 4.1.5 Sewer Lines and Septic Systems ......................................................................................................... 40 4.1.6 Groundwater Recharge Locations .......................................................................................................43 5.2 Salt Loading Risk Analysis .........................................................................................................................43 4.1.7 Seawater Intrusion ...............................................................................................................................43 4.1.8 Irrigation Salt Loading ......................................................................................................................... 46 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 2| 4.1.9 5.3 Surface Water Infiltration Salt Loading .............................................................................................. 49 Nutrient Loading Risk ............................................................................................................................... 51 4.1.10 Agricultural Fertilizer ............................................................................................................................ 51 4.1.11 Sewer Exfiltration ................................................................................................................................. 53 4.1.12 Septic Exfiltration or Failures ............................................................................................................... 53 4.1.13 Surface Water Recharge Nitrate Loading............................................................................................ 57 4.1.14 Subordinate Nitrate Sources ............................................................................................................... 60 4.1.15 Nitrate Loading Comparisons .............................................................................................................. 61 5.4 6.0 Key Loading Analysis Findings ................................................................................................................. 64 References .................................................................................................................................................... 66 6.1 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................................. 66 6.2 Datasets Used ...........................................................................................................................................67 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development |3 1.0 INTRODUCTION The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted a Recycled Water Policy in 2009 that requires every groundwater basin or sub-basin in California to develop Salt and Nutrient Management Plans (SNMPs) to manage salts, nutrients, and other significant chemical compounds. SNMPs are intended to help streamline permitting of new recycled water projects while ensuring attainment of water quality objectives and protection of beneficial uses. As part of the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan, SNMPs will be completed for the entire Pajaro River Watershed, which encompasses three counties and the jurisdictions of three water districts: Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), San Benito County Water District (SBCWD), and Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PVWMA). SCVWD is developing the SNMP for the Llagas sub-basin, SBCWD is developing the SNMP for the Bolsa, Hollister, San Juan Bautista Area, and Tres Pinos sub-basins, and PVWMA is developing the SNMP for the Pajaro Valley Groundwater Basin. Stakeholder involvement and input is a critical component of each SNMP. In order to facilitate stakeholder input, a series of draft documents will be provided for review and feedback at critical milestones, allowing for an efficient and incremental development approach to the final PVWMA SNMP. This initial draft contains 5 preliminary sections of the SNMP; including the hydrogeologic setting, an overview of current groundwater and surface water quality with respect to salts and nutrients, recommended approach and draft products supporting groundwater loading analysis. These sections will be revised based on stakeholder comments and will be resubmitted with the next series of draft SNMP sections and supporting deliverables. Key tasks and current schedule for completion of PVWMA SNMP are provided in Table 1.1. Table 1.1: PVWMA SNMP schedule for development. Additional stakeholder meetings may be held as necessary. Primary Tasks Task 1. Stakeholder Outreach Schedule Stakeholder Meetings at critical milestones Task 2. Conceptual Model Draft included Task 3. Salt and Nutrient Loading Analysis Draft included Task 4. Assimilative Capacity Estimate Draft Fall 2013 Task 5. Develop or update objectives Task 6. Develop or update priority program/projects Task 7. SNMP Monitoring Plan Draft Fall 2013 Draft Spring 2014 Task 8. Conduct anti degradation analysis Draft Spring 2014 Task 9. Complete SNMP 1.1 Draft Fall 2013 Summer 2014 SNMP DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The development of the PVWMA SNMP has a number of objectives: 1. Maintain consistency with, and leverage complementary water management plans completed either by PVWMA or within the Pajaro River Watershed to the extent practical, including, but not limited to, the 2012 PVWMA Basin Management Plan Update and SNMPs under development by SBCWD and SCVWD on the upper portions of the Pajaro River Watershed. 2. Consider and incorporate stakeholder input into the SNMP. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 4| 3. Contents and recommendations that is consistent with regulatory requirements to protect groundwater beneficial uses: Agricultural Water Supply (AGR), Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) and Industrial Service Supply (IND). 4. Acceptance by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQB). 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING The PVWMA SNMP focuses on the approximately 120 square miles within PVWMA’s service area (Figure 2.1), located at the coastal boundary of Pajaro River Watershed. The San Andreas Fault runs through the eastern portion of the PVWMA service area and is a hydrogeologic boundary within the aquifer system. As a result, groundwater conditions in the relatively small area east of the San Andreas Fault are not included in the SNMP analysis of the Pajaro Valley Groundwater Basin (PVGB). Flows of the Pajaro River are gauged by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) at Chittenden Gap, the eastern boundary of the Lower Pajaro River Watershed. PVWMA collects water quality samples at three sites along the Pajaro River and at over 25 sites along its tributaries. PVWMA recently completed an update to their Basin Management Plan in late 2012 that included a detailed summary of the State of the PVGB (Chapter 2, PVWMA 2012). Rather than drafting similar content, relevant sections of Chapter 2 (PVWMA 2012) are inserted below to provide an overview of the current hydrogeologic setting, precipitation patterns, current and historic land use, local water supplies, and water usage. PVWMA continues to compile and manage a breadth of diverse physical and chemical datasets that will be utilized extensively to complete this SNMP. Supplemental to the information extracted from the Basin Management Plan (PVWMA 2012), a historical precipitation frequency analysis was conducted to define water year types based on water year precipitation totals within the PVWMA boundary (Figure 2.2). This simple and defensible classification of water year type provides climatic context to expected year to year variability of many key processes potentially influencing annual constituent loading to the groundwater basin such as groundwater recharge, groundwater extractions, irrigation volumes, groundwater quality, seawater intrusion migration, etc. The following 17 pages are a direct insert of the existing draft section of the PVWMA Basin Management Plan Update (PVWMA 2012). Once the PVWMA Basin Management Plan is finalized in 2013, the content of the relevant sections will be integrated directly into the SNMP. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development |5 2.1 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 6| MARCH 2013 2.2 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development |7 3.0 GROUNDWATER BUDGET PVWMA contracted with the USGS in 2005 to develop the Pajaro Valley Hydrologic Model (PVHM), a robust hydrologic model of the Pajaro Valley Groundwater Basin (PVGB). The PVHM incorporates past and current land use and groundwater pumping data (available as a result of PVWMA’s programs established in the mid1990s) to use as a tool to estimate the water budget of the PVGB and to compare the impacts of various proposed water management scenarios during the preparation of the 2012 BMP Update. The PVHM was designed to reproduce natural and human components of the hydrologic system and related climatic factors, so that the components of the Basin Management Plan are adequately represented with relatively reasonable accuracy. In developing the PVHM, the conceptual model and the hydrogeologic framework of the Pajaro Valley were both refined from what had been used in previous modeling efforts. The conceptual model identified inflows and outflows that include the movement and use of water from natural and human components. The groundwater flow system is characterized by a layered geologic sedimentary system that results in vertical hydraulic gradients resulting from the combined effects of the application of irrigation water at the land surface plus groundwater pumpage. Agricultural pumpage is a major component to simulated outflow that is often poorly recorded; therefore, a coupled farm-process model is used to estimate historical pumpage for water-balance subregions as well as the delivery of surface water to and from the Harkins Slough Aquifer-Storage-and-Recovery System (HS-ASR) and related Coastal Distribution System (CDS) since 2002. The new integrated hydrologic model includes new water-balance subregions, delineation of natural, municipal, and agricultural land use, streamflow networks, and groundwater flow systems. Redefining the hydrogeologic framework (including the internal architecture of the deposits) and incorporation of these units into the simulation of the regional groundwater flow system indicate the importance of the basal confining units in the alluvial deposits and between the upper and lower Aromas sands with respect to regional groundwater flow, locations of recharge, and the effects of development. Table 3.1 shows a preliminary water budget (inflows and outflows) within the active model grid (Figure 3.1) comparing average annual groundwater flux estimates for a recent five year (2005-2009) period, and representative recent wet (2006) and dry (2008) water years. The PVHM output suggests the primary inputs to the PVGB are direct infiltration and recharge occurring in surface water streams, with a relatively lower contribution via stream recharge during dry years. Groundwater extraction is the greatest outflow from the PVGB, with minimal volume differences between wet and dry years. The groundwater budget suggests the difference between inflows and outflows during a simulated dry year may exceed 22,000 AFY. The preliminary water budget simulated over the five year period 2005 – 2009 resulted in an average deficit of 15,000 AFY. PVHM results suggest net recharge is possible during wet years. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 8| MARCH 2013 3.1 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development |9 Based on the PVHM hydrologic modeling results, PVWMA established a target of reducing groundwater production in the Pajaro Valley groundwater basin by approximately 12,000 acre-feet per year (AFY). An update to the PVWMA Basin Management Plan (2012 BMP Update) was developed by an Ad Hoc Basin Management Plan committee, established by the Board of Directors in 2010. The BMP Update identifies three main projects and programs that meet the goal of 12,000 AFY: 1. Establish conservation programs in an effort to use existing supplies more efficiently, with a target of saving 5,000 AFY. 2. Optimize the use of existing water supply facilities, such as the water recycling facility and the Harkins Slough Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Facility. The target is to gain an additional 3,000 AFY from these two facilities. 3. Construct new water supply facilities capable of producing 4,100 AFY. Table 3.1: PVHM preliminary groundwater budget summary. Average flows reported in in acrefeet per year and rounded to the nearest hundred. A water year is defined as October 1st through September 30th. Source PVHM PVHM PVHM Time Period (Water Years) 2005-2009 2006 (Wet) 2008 (Dry) 4,000 3,600 4,100 Inflows: Landward Underflow3 (LU) Net Direct Infiltration1 (DI) 24,100 26,400 22,400 Streamflow Infiltration1(SI) 18,300 25,700 16,400 Total Recharge (DI+SI): 42,400 52,100 38,800 Total Onshore Inflows: 46,300 55,600 42,900 1,900 -7,200 3,500 2,800 4,100 4,900 300 200 0 1,500 1,400 1,500 9,600 9,500 9,600 Outflows: Storage Depletion1,2 Storage Depletion2,3 (SWI) Outflow to Bay1,3 (OB) Rural Residential Water Supply Pumpage1 Pumpage5 Agricultural Pumpage 45,800 45,100 45,800 Total Pumpage4 56,900 56,000 57,000 Total Discharge: 61,800 53,100 65,400 Inflows – Outflows7 = -15,500 2,500 -22,500 1 Estimated from (farm Net Zone & WtrYr) from spreadsheet WBS_PVHM_03102011.xlsx Estimated for Onshore Portion of the Active Model Grid 3 Estimated from (gwswi Net Zone & WtrYr) from spreadsheet WBS_PVHM_03102011.xlsx 4 Estimated from (FDS AFY by Farm and Water Year) from spreadsheet WBS_PVHM_03102011.xlsx 5 Estimated from (FDS AFY by Farm and Water Year) from spreadsheet WBS_PVHM_03102011.xlsx 6 Excludes water-balance subregions for Soquel Creek (21) and Central (23) Water Districts 7 Negative numbers indicate storage depletion and positive number indicates storage accretion 2 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 10 | 4.0 SALT AND NUTRIENT GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS An evaluation of current groundwater salt and nutrient conditions within the PVWMA service area was completed using the best available data. The existing conditions of the PVGB were compared to basin water quality standards established by the CCRWQCB in order to assess and document current conditions. Groundwater quality varies significantly both spatially and vertically throughout the PVGB, requiring reasonable data integration techniques to document a practical representation of existing conditions. Prior to presenting these data, salt and nutrient constituents focused upon by this SNMP are identified and the rationale for their selection as representative constituents is provided. 4.1 CONSTITUENTS OF CONCERN AND RELEVANT SOURCES For the purpose of establishing a baseline and tracking progress in this SNMP, the use of a finite number of key indicator constituents was chosen and evaluated through the stakeholders. A broader constituent evaluation was conducted initially in order to identify which salt and nutrient compounds would be most effective in meeting the SNMP development objectives. A range of salt and nutrient compounds were considered for inclusion based on their respective fate and transport in the environment, availability of local groundwater datasets, and biogeochemical behavior relative to other salt or nutrient compounds. After consideration and a discussion with the stakeholders in attendance at SNMP Stakeholder Meeting #1 the final priority constituents selected for the PVWMA SNMP are TDS, chloride and nitrate-NO3. 3.1.1 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) TDS is the combined content of organic and inorganic substances that remain in the water column following filtration through a 2 µm sieve. The use of TDS as a water quality parameter representing the relative concentration of salts in a water sample is a very common, cost effective and acceptable way to classify salinity. TDS is composed of the following primary constituents, making it a simple and universal proxy for the bulk salt content of water: calcium, phosphates, nitrates, chloride, sodium, and potassium. PVMWA staff conducts extensive groundwater and surface water monitoring efforts on various time scales that range from monthly to semi-annually. TDS sampling of surface and groundwater within the Pajaro Valley is extensive, providing a breadth of both spatial and temporal TDS concentration data. Within PVGB the primary source of salts in groundwater is from seawater intrusion resulting from long-term groundwater overdraft. Additional sources of salts include direct infiltration from the land surface to groundwater and stream flow infiltration. Irrigation practices may result in soil salt accumulation and potential vertical infiltration to groundwater. Stream flow infiltration of poor quality is of particular concern in upstream reaches of the Pajaro River near Murphy’s Crossing. Chronic groundwater overdraft of the PVGB continues as more water is extracted for agricultural irrigation and household water supply than is recharged in most water years (Table 3.1). In order to better separate the spatial distribution, impacts and strategies relevant to these two sources of TDS (irrigation accumulation and seawater intrusion), chloride has been included as a constituent of concern (see Section 4.1.2). Figure 4.1 presents the salt cycling and associated effect on aquifer salt impacts from crop irrigation practices. The salt content (measured as TDS concentration) of irrigation waters has a significant impact on the relative salt leaching to the adjacent aquifer due to plant sensitivity to elevated TDS content, requiring greater water volume applications to achieve the desired plant growth. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 11 4.1 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 12 | For sensitive crops, such as strawberries, ideal TDS concentrations in irrigation water are < 450 mg/L. A PVWMA objective for delivered irrigation water is below 500 mg/L TDS (PVWMA 2012). The Central Coast Water Quality Basin Plan (RWQCB 2011) has a median groundwater quality objective for PVGB TDS concentrations set at 1200 mg/L. 3.1.2 CHLORIDE Chloride is a negatively charged anion and as sodium chloride (NaCl), it is the most common salt contained in seawater. A significant source of salts in the basin groundwater is due to seawater intrusion as a result of longterm groundwater overdraft. Given that TDS is a bulk measure of all salts and a significant amount of existing local surface water and groundwater data, chloride has been included as a priority constituent of concern to provide additional data to inform comparisons of potential land use sources verses seawater intrusion sources of salts. Seawater has a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of about 35,000 mg/L, of which dissolved chloride comprises approximately 19,000 mg/L. Ambient concentrations of chloride in groundwater are typically < 20 mg/L, so there is a large contrast in chloride concentrations between freshwater and seawater. PVWMA uses a chloride concentration threshold of 100 mg/L in groundwater to define the inland extent of seawater intrusion (PVWMA 2012). The Central Coast Water Quality Basin Plan (RWQCB 2011) has a median groundwater quality objective for chloride of 150 mg/L. 3.1.3 NITRATE – NO3 Nitrogen and phosphorous are the two most universal nutrients in the environment and are both essential for primary production via photosynthesis. Environmental fate and transport of these two nutrients are very different. Phosphate in water can exist in four different forms that are controlled by the pH of water. Three of these phosphate salts that are common in natural waters adhere to clay particles, making phosphate ions relatively less mobile in subsurface environments than key forms of dissolved nitrogen. In contrast, nitrogen can exist in five different oxidation states and nitrogen cycling is very complex. Nitrate is the most common dissolved form in oxygenated environments and typically is the primary nitrogen (N) constituent used to identify surface or groundwater nitrogen concentrations. Dissolved inorganic nitrate is a conservative constituent in the environment, meaning it readily moves through the subsurface and its migration is not limited by interactions with soils to the same extent as phosphate. Selecting nitrate as the nutrient constituent proxy for the PVWMA SNMP was based on the following key considerations: 1. The conservative nitrate compound is a potential worst case scenario of the nutrient conditions in local groundwater; 2. Local surface and groundwater datasets for nitrate–NO3 are extensive; 3. Excessive nitrate in water can result in human health concerns making nitrate concentration standards in local waters more stringent than phosphate; 4. There are not assumed to be any additional significant and controllable sources of phosphate in the Pajaro Valley that are not also nitrate sources; 5. The choice was vetted and accepted by the stakeholder committee. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 13 A number of analytical methods are available to quantify the amount of nitrate in water and, in order to ensure consistency, dissolved nitrate measured as NO3 is the representative nutrient compound for the PVWMA SNMP. Figure 4.2 is a simplified schematic of the nitrogen cycle relevant to the PVWMA SNMP and groundwater nitrate-NO3 concentrations, with controllable anthropogenic sources noted in red boxes and the critical nitrogen biogeochemical processes provided between each reservoir. The form, levels, and distribution of nitrogen within the PVGB varies significantly both spatially and temporally and representation of this complexity is not intended with Figure 4.2, nor is it necessary to achieve the primary objectives of the SNMP. There are a number of state and federal water quality standards for nitrogen species potentially relevant to this SNMP. Table 4.1 presents the variety of standards and sources. Table 4.1: Summary of relevant federal and state N standards. Regulation / document EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (2009) Nitrogen Standard constituent Nitrate – N Drinking water Nitrate – Groundwater median water quality objective NO3a Total nitrogen as N Value < 10 mg/L < 45 mg/L < 5 mg/L Beneficial Use Standards Water Quality Control Plan for the Nitrate-N < 30 mg/L Nitrate-NO3a < 132 mg/L Nitrate – NO3 < 90 mg/L MUN Nitrate – NO3 a Converted documented standard to Nitrate-NO3 using molar mass. < 45 mg/L Central Coast Basin (June 2011) AGR (irrigation) AGR (livestock) 4.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1.4 GROUNDWATER Groundwater quality datasets from PVWMA and the City of Watsonville were compiled to generate spatial representations of existing groundwater conditions for the three constituents of concern (TDS, chloride and nitrate-NO3). PVWMA possesses an extensive water quality dataset that is the culmination of decades of sampling monitoring and production wells within the area. The temporal sampling of specific wells ranges from a single sampling event to long-term sampling programs. The City of Watsonville maintains and annually samples 14 groundwater production wells within the City limits and surrounding area. The opportunities and constraints of different data integration options were extensively evaluated prior to the selection of the recommended approach. The intent was to create representative maps that reasonably reflect existing groundwater conditions for the constituents of concern given the inherent seasonal and inter-annual variability of groundwater quality while maximizing the breadth of the available data. The respective data from over 300 sites sampled over the last 10 years were integrated (2002-2011) to ensure a range of water year types were included. The period 2002 - 2011 consisted of four dry, two average and four wet water years (Figure 2.2). 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 14 | MARCH 2013 4.2 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 15 Many of the wells sampled are privately owned and require methods of display that protect the anonymity of these locations and the confidentiality of the data. This led to the use of the inverse distance weighted (IDW) toolset in geographic information systems (GIS) software to generate an interpolated surface based on the nearest (in proximity) five well locations. For each constituent, the decadal average and maximum concentration from each sampling location were integrated to summarize the existing groundwater conditions. It is assumed the average and maximum provide a representative range of existing conditions over the last decade. While the maximum constituent concentration maps do represent the “worst case” scenario, they provide an excellent opportunity for the SNMP objective development for the PVGB due to the expected sensitivity of maximum, worst case groundwater concentrations to the implementation of effective strategies to reduce sources of salt and nutrient sources to PVGB groundwater. Documentation of the average decadal conditions is consistent with water quality standards as set by the RWQCB, which are typically based on average or median values from large datasets. A similar analysis on historical datasets prior to 2002 was not conducted for two primary reasons: 1. the focus of the SNMP is to identify current conditions, existing sources and develop strategies to protect and potentially improve future groundwater quality, reducing the value of evaluating past conditions and 2. the recently completed PVWMA Basin Management Plan (2012) provides an adequate summary of historic groundwater quality in Chapter 2 (State of the Basin) and can be referenced as necessary. The existing groundwater quality conditions are presented in Figures 4.3-4.8 and discussed below. There are a number of known limitations associated with the selected approach to integrate available data to summarize the existing PVGB conditions. Some wells were only sampled once, but these single concentrations were included with the assumption that this temporal limitation was worth the increased spatial resolution. The values assigned to these sites may be influenced by the conditions at the time of sampling. However, the IDW interpolation creates concentration contours using the five nearest monitoring wells, thus limiting the influence of these infrequently sampled locations on the final results. The hydrogeology of PVGB is complex and the population of wells sampled is screened across a range of depths representing different areas within the aquifer system. The existing condition maps produced for this SNMP have integrated and smoothed these vertical and spatial differences on to a single map that represents average groundwater quality conditions. The temporal variability of groundwater quality is significant and can be influenced by climate, variations in groundwater inputs or outputs, and/or changes in the source loading. The summary of PVGB existing conditions is intended to represent the reasonable range of groundwater conditions that will adequately inform the development of focused and relevant SNMP strategy implementation objectives and identification of effective management strategies and priority locations to achieve the stated objectives. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 16 | MARCH 2013 4.3 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 17 4.4 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 18 | MARCH 2013 4.5 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 19 4.6 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 20 | MARCH 2013 4.7 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 21 4.8 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 22 | TDS The TDS groundwater concentration distribution maps were created using 310 monitoring and production well locations and includes 1697 discrete water quality samples collected by PVWMA and City of Watsonville from 2002 – 2011. The individual sample TDS concentrations ranged from a minimum of 45 mg/L to a maximum value over 27,000 mg/L. Using the IDW method as described above, the average value from each monitoring site was used to create Figure 4.3 and the maximum value was used to create Figure 4.4. Results were grouped into four discrete concentration categories and acreage summaries provided in Table 4.2. TDS concentrations < 450 mg/L are considered ideal for irrigation waters to minimize potential toxicity issues with crops as well as reduce the rate of soil salt accumulation and potential vertical leaching to the groundwater. TDS concentrations > 450 and < 1000 mg/L are considered not optimal for long term irrigation use without mitigation, but still adequate for crop generation. TDS concentrations > 1000 and < 1,800 mg/L are considered excessive for irrigation use and inadequate for crop generation. TDS concentrations > 1,800 mg/L are considered excessive in groundwater. Table 4.2: Acreage and percent of total summaries for data displayed in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. Decadal MEAN TDS Decadal MAX TDS Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 (acres / % of total) (acres / % of total) 0-450 mg/L 35,300 / 52% 29,300 / 43% >450 mg/L – 1000 mg/L 27,900 / 41% 30,500 / 45% >1000 mg/L – 1800 mg/L 3,550 / 5% 6,950 / 10% >1800 mg/L 637 / 1% 900 / 1% TDS Concentration Range Locations in the PVGB where TDS concentrations are highest include the western boundary, consistent with the mapped seawater intrusion front. Eastern areas are elevated including Murphy Crossing and the East Area where stream flow infiltration of high TDS water originating in the upper reaches of the Pajaro River Watershed occurs. Chloride The maps representing the groundwater chloride concentration distribution were created using 309 monitoring and production well locations and includes 1717 discrete water quality samples collected by PVWMA and City of Watsonville from 2002 – 2011. The individual sample chloride concentrations ranged from a minimum of 3 mg/L to a maximum of 13,705 mg/L. Using the IDW method as described above, the average value from each monitoring site was used to create Figure 4.5 and the maximum decadal values were used to create Figure 4.6, summarized in Table 4.6. Results were grouped into four discrete concentration categories: Chloride concentrations > 100 mg/L are used by PVWMA to identify the inland extent of seawater intrusion within the groundwater aquifer. Chloride concentrations < 250 mg/L are used as a common surface water standard. Chloride concentrations < 500 mg/L used as a threshold between high and very high chloride. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 23 Chloride concentrations > 500 mg/L used as indicator of locations with persistent seawater intrusion Table 4.3: Acreage and percent of total summaries for data displayed in Figures 4.5 and 4.6. Decadal MEAN Cl Decadal MAX Cl Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 (acres / % of total) (acres/% of total) 0-100 mg/L 55,500 / 82% 52,900 / 78% >100 mg/L – 250 mg/L 8,870 / 13% 10,400 / 15% >250 mg/L – 500 mg/L 2,600 / 4% 3,170 / 5% >500 mg/L 644 / 1% 1,200 / 2% Chloride Concentration Range The seawater intrusion interface is a complex three-dimensional surface and the actual location of this dynamic boundary varies with elevation, seasonally and annually. PVWMA has generated a best approximation of the current (2011) inland extent of seawater intrusion as displayed on Figures 4.5 and 4.6. Inland of the seawater intrusion boundary groundwater possesses an average chloride concentration below 100 mg/L, with the exception of the decreased groundwater quality west of Chittenden Gap. According to the USGS hydrodynamic model, this may be in part attributable to the poor surface and groundwater quality contribution from upstream locations. Nitrate-NO3 The nitrate-NO3 groundwater concentration distribution maps were created using 310 monitoring and production well locations and includes 1718 discrete water quality samples collected by PVWMA and City of Watsonville from 2002 – 2011. Individual sample nitrate-NO3 concentrations ranged from a minimum of 0.5 mg/L to a maximum of 1830 mg/L. The average value obtained from each sampling location was spatially integrated using IDW method to create Figure 4.7 and the decadal maximums were used to create Figure 4.8. Acreage summaries from both figures are summarized in Table 4.4 below. Results were grouped into four discrete concentration categories: Nitrate-NO3 concentration <10 mg/L was chosen as a minimum threshold to identify locations of relatively minimum nitrate concentrations. Nitrate-NO3 concentration <45 mg/L are used by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a drinking water standard. Nitrate-NO3 concentration <100 mg/L used as a threshold between high and very high nitrate. Nitrate-NO3 concentration >100 mg/L. Table 4.4: Acreage and percent of total summaries for data displayed in Figures 4.7 and 4.8. Decadal MEAN NO3 Decadal MAX NO3 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 (acres / % of total) (acres/% of total) 0-10 mg/L 25,500 / 38% 24,600 / 36% Nitrate-NO3 Concentration Range >10 mg/L – 45 mg/L 28,400 / 42% 23,100 / 34% >45 mg/L – 100 mg/L 10,500 / 16% 12,600 / 19% >100 mg/L 3,260 / 5% 7,410 / 11% 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 24 | Elevated groundwater concentrations of nitrate-NO3 are found in the sand dunes of the San Andreas Terrace as well as in the eastern area between highways 129 and 152 (Figure 4.7). Locations of elevated nitrate-NO3 concentrations expand when maximum concentration values are displayed (Figure 4.8). Another area with elevated concentrations nitrate-NO3 is just south of Corralitos, as seen on Figure 4.8 displaying the maximum nitrate-NO3 concentrations of the PVGB. Groundwater Existing Conditions Summary A summary of groundwater existing conditions is provided in Table 4.5 below for each constituent of concern by documenting the area of the PVGB exceeding selected thresholds representing the transition to degraded water quality. Table 4.5 PVGB groundwater existing conditions summary. Constituent 3.1.5 Fraction of area Fraction of area Selected Threshold exceeding threshold of exceeding threshold of (mg/L) MEAN values MAX values (acres / % of total) (acres / % of total) TDS 1,000 mg/L 4,187 / 6% 7,850 / 11% chloride 100 mg/L 12,114 / 18% 14,770 / 22% nitrate-NO3 45 mg/L 13,760 / 21% 20,010 / 30% SURFACE WATER Surface water plays a large role in recharging the aquifers in PVGB with the PVHM results suggesting that approximately 40% of the annual recharge occurs via steam infiltration (Table 3.1). For this reason, a surface water quality existing conditions analysis was conducted. The concentrations of salts and nutrients in surface water systems are highly variable, depending on the time of year and the climate and recharge from surface water systems to groundwater aquifers may improve or degrade water quality in the aquifer depending on the concentration of salts and nutrients in both systems. PVWMA monitors surface water quality at 30 sites throughout the basin on a monthly to quarterly frequency since 1994 (Figure 4.9). As a result, the PVWMA possesses a diverse surface water monitoring dataset that includes sites along the Pajaro River, Corralitos Creek, Carneros Creek, College Lake, Green Valley Creek, Pinto Lake Outflow, Corncob Canyon, as well as the Harkins and Watsonville Slough systems. In addition, various other surface water sampling efforts have been conducted over the years to address a variety of questions including water quality concerns or to inform model development, and/or management decisions. The PVWMA water quality dataset for the period 2002-2011 was queried to provide constituent concentration statistics on a quarterly basis. Surface water concentrations vary significantly by season with high winter flows typically possessing much lower concentrations than dry season base flows. In an effort to document this seasonal variation by constituent, the average decadal concentrations by quarter were evaluated for each constituent to identify the values with the greatest seasonal range. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 25 4.9 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 26 | Sample results below the analytical detection limit for nitrate-NO3 of 1 mg/L was common and therefore these samples were assigned a value of 0.5 mg/L as to not exclude valuable data (Helsel 2005). Samples below TDS and chloride analytical detection limits were infrequent and therefore no data adjustments were made. In all instances, an average of 15 data points were used to generate both the Q1 (January 1 – March 31) and Q3 (July 1 – September 30) averages by site for each of the three constituents of concern. Figures 4.10 and 4.11 summarize the existing TDS and chloride surface water conditions given the spatial distribution of the PWMA surface water sampling program. Sites in the coastal proximity and downstream of Chittenden Gap on the Pajaro River (PR1, PR2 and PR3) possess relatively higher salt content, particularly during base flow conditions. Approximately 80% of the sites have average surface water TDS concentrations over 450 mg/L in Q3. Surface water systems devoid of significant agricultural influence are expected to have TDS concentrations below 200 mg/L, though natural TDS levels will vary depending upon local geology (RWQCB 2010). Figure 4.12 presents the first and third quarterly average nitrate-NO3 concentrations, with 17% of sites exceeding 45 mg/L in the winter and 23% exceeding 45 mg/L in the summer. The best water quality is found at sites located in the upper watershed, including Upper Corralitos Creek where the density of potential nutrient sources is relatively low. 3.1.6 DELIVERED WATER QUALITY The PVWMA has constructed several water supply facilities and over 20 miles of underground distribution pipeline in an effort to reduce coastal groundwater pumping to stop seawater intrusion and eliminate groundwater overdraft. Water delivered via the Coastal Distribution System (CDS) is used for agricultural irrigation supply in lieu of pumped groundwater and therefore serves as “in-lieu recharge.” The area served by the CDS is known as the Delivered Water Zone (DWZ) – Figure 4.13. PVWMA staff closely monitors the quality of delivered water, which consists of disinfected, tertiary treated, recycled water, City of Watsonville potable water, water recovered from the Harkins Slough Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recover Facility, and additional supply from PVWMA blend wells. Since recycled water deliveries commenced in 2009, the volume of delivered water has increased from 2,400 AFY to over 3,500 AFY. Over 360 water quality samples have been collected from active turnouts on the distribution system since April of 2009. Though water quality varies, the average concentration of the constituents of concern of the DWZ water is TDS 605 mg/L, chloride 102 mg/L, and nitrogen-NO3 23 mg/L. Total water use in the DWZ can exceed 10,000 AFY. In addition to delivered water, pumped groundwater is a primary source of irrigation supply to growers in the PVWMA. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 27 4.10 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 28 | MARCH 2013 4.11 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 29 4.12 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 30 | MARCH 2013 4.13 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 31 5.0 LOADING RISK ANALYSIS A key element of the SNMP, as defined by the State Water Resources Control Board, is to conduct a salt and nutrient loading analysis that identifies primary sources of salts and nutrients and estimate the loading to the local groundwater basin. Little guidance is provided on the recommended methods, data needs, analysis approach, temporal or spatial resolution, and other key elements of the loading analysis. A SNMP loading analysis could include complex salt and nutrient fate and transport models to generate quantitative constituent mass loading estimates for some specified time interval. However, this level of increased in complexity and associated increased costs is not necessary to obtain an adequate understanding of the salt and nutrient loading and identify priority sources and locations where pollutant source control actions are needed. It is assumed that the desired outcome of the loading analysis is to provide guidance to the local stakeholders to identify priority locations and land use practices that can be modified to most effectively reduce existing and future annual loads of salts and nutrients to groundwater. As a result, a loading risk analysis approach was undertaken for this SNMP. The risk analysis approach incorporates the critical factors expected to be most influential in relative constituent loading (which are typically the parameters that complex model outputs are most sensitive to) and integrate these factors using categorical scales of relative impact that are supported by literature and basic scientific principles. The risk analysis relies heavily on existing water quality, land use mapping, and other readily available local datasets. The risk analysis generates relative priority sources and locations of salt and nutrient loading, which is ultimately how the absolute quantitative outputs from more complex approaches would be used. Sources with the highest mass per unit time loading rates and the greatest potential to impact groundwater would be priority locations where management strategies would be recommended. The approach and products from a risk analysis is more transparent and easier for a broad range of stakeholders to understand. It utilizes available datasets with clearly stated assumptions, preserves our technical understanding of system dynamics, and achieves the desired outcomes of the loading analysis task as required by the CCRWQCB. This approach and resulting recommendations can also be updated as changes to land use, crop rotations, and agricultural practices occur in the future. In addition, these products will directly inform SNMP objective development and guide identification of management strategies that will address relative priority locations and sources of the constituents of concern. 5.1 DATA AND METHODS For each of the key potential sources of salts and nutrients to the local groundwater as identified in Section 4.2, a spatial risk analysis was conducted using available local datasets and well documented assumptions, supported by references where applicable. The risk analysis is based on a categorical designation of critical spatial factors or conditions (i.e. soil type, land use management, measured water quality, etc.) on a relative scale using indicative thresholds that are supported by existing standards, practices or best professional judgment. Below we detail data sources, methods, and rationale for the categorization and display of the spatial datasets used. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 32 | 4.1.1 SOIL WATER HOLDING CAPACITY The relative permeability, or water holding capacity of soil in the unsaturated zone, controls the rate at which water can infiltrate a soil horizon and is a critical factor in determining the likelihood of dissolved constituents derived from land use practices reaching shallow groundwater. A linear regression model was created by Nolan et al. (2002) to predict (with 75% confidence) the likelihood of recently recharged shallow groundwater aquifers within the U.S. that possess elevated nitrate levels, which was found to be highly sensitive to land use (both urban and agriculture) and distribution of well-drained soil types. The soil water holding capacity of soils within the Pajaro Valley is incorporated as a critical component of the risk analysis for controllable sources that are introduced to the environment in a location that requires vertical infiltration and transport to reach groundwater. The likelihood of nutrients leaching vertically from the unsaturated zone into shallow groundwater is greater in locations of low soil water holding capacities, with the known limitation that depth to shallow groundwater, subsurface hydrogeology and stratigraphy and localized heterogeneities will greatly influence the actual hydrologic connection between dissolved constituents introduced to surface soils and the subsurface aquifer. The water holding capacity of the soil is dependent on a number of factors including clay content, compaction, drainage, and slope. The NRCS soil maps (SSURGO 2009) classify agricultural soils and provide data on the water holding capacity, drainage class, and slope. The soil classification data were reviewed and categorized into 4 categories. The NRCS database provides 3 sets of water holding capacities: 0-25 cm, 0-50 cm and 0100 cm. Higher variability exists within the shallower depth capacities. In addition, the depth of deep tillage and rooting depth of certain crops grown in the Pajaro Valley is approximately 90 cm. These factors mean that the water in 0-100 cm can be accessed for crop uptake and that tillage to overcome compaction is affecting this depth. Water holding capacity categories were based on discrete soil types and on the soil’s ability to hold the potential irrigation volumes applied to crops in the Pajaro Valley. The categories are: Low: Water holding capacity defined as 0 – 8.9 inches of water per meter of soil profile, equating to a retention range of 0 to 0.75 acre feet (AF) of water applied per acre per year. These soils are characterized as relatively unconsolidated with high sand and low organic content, located near the coast and the steepest slopes above the river bottom. These soil types are expected to have the highest risk of vertical leaching within the basin. Moderate: Water holding capacity defined as 9 – 14.9 inches of water per meter of soil profile, equating to a retention range of 0.75 – 1.25 AF /acre/yr. These soils include the silty/sand loams on various slopes. High: Water holding capacity of 15 – 17.9 inches of water per meter of soil profile, or 1.25 – 1.5 AF/acre/yr. These soils include finer silty/sand loams. Very high: Water holding capacity of 18 – 28 inches of water per meter of vertical soil profile per year; or 1.5 – 2.3 AF/acre/yr. These soils are predominantly clays as indicated by the extensive deposit along the historic Pajaro River floodplain. These soil types are expected to have the lowest risk of vertical salt and nutrient leaching. The relative water soil holding capacity distribution within the PVWMA area is presented in Figure 5.1. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 33 5.1 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 34 | 4.1.2 AGRICULTURAL LAND USE Agricultural land use is known to be a significant source of salts and nutrients to local groundwater basins from irrigation and fertilizer application practices, respectively. The Pajaro Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the country and future sustainability of these lands will likely require modification of irrigation and fertilizer practices. Existing agricultural land use distribution within the basin is presented based on annual crop mapping conducted by PVWMA in 2012. Given the regular rotation of crops, the 2012 PVWMA crop mapping could potentially misrepresent the land use designation as fallow for some parcels. Therefore, 2011 was used as supplemental layer to verify if a parcel was fallow two sequential years prior to fallow designation. If a parcel was fallow in 2011 but mapped by the PVWMA as an active crop in 2011, the parcel was assigned the crop type present in 2011. Figure 5.2 and Table 5.1 present the crop type category designations and resulting total acreage under each land use that collectively comprise the nearly 26,800 acres of cultivated land within the basin or 38% of the land west of the San Andreas Fault (also referred to herein as the Pajaro Valley Groundwater Basin; PVGB). Note that the total crop type mapping area conducted by the PVWMA within the PVGB is 69,957 acres, which is less than the total area of land within the PVGB boundary (72,127 acres). Table 5.1: Acreage summary of Figure 5.2. Land Use Category 4.1.3 Acres % of total PVGB Vegetable Row Crops, Artichokes 9,138 13% Strawberries 7,994 11% Horticultural Nurseries 1,343 2% Caneberries 5,003 7% Deciduous (Apple Orchards) 2,179 3% Other, Unknown Agriculture, Vine/Grapes 1,142 2% Total Agricultural Land Use (2012/2011) 26,799 38% Fallow or other non-agricultural land uses 43,158 62% Total PVGB area 69,957 100% IRRIGATION INTENSITY Literature values and local irrigation water use datasets were integrated with agricultural land use described above to create a map of the relative distribution of irrigation intensity within the Pajaro Valley (Figure 5.3). Relative annual irrigation volumes are assumed to influence the risk of salt and nutrient vertical migration from agricultural lands to the local groundwater table. Agricultural land comprises approximately 38% of the land area within the PVWMA area, with 43% Native Vegetation/Riparian and 17% Urban/Turf, and associated practices are identified as potential critical sources of salts and nutrients (Section 1.2 of PVWMA BMP 2012). Annual water use for a particular crop type is dependent on a number of factors including winter rainfall, climate, and soil type with the assumption that general crop types and/or irrigation practices can be categorized into relative categories of anticipated average use rates. A number of data sources were considered to obtain a range of rates which should encompass the variability caused by the different factors listed above. These sources were: Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 35 5.2 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 36 | MARCH 2013 5.3 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 37 1. PVWMA water usage data collected in 2011, 2. MCWRA water usage data collected in 2010 (MCWRA 2010), 3. Data collected by Central Coast U.C. Irrigation Farm Advisor (Cahn et al. 2011 and 2012) and 4. Published documents (Prichard et al. 1989, Righetti et al. 1998, Mahler and Barney 2000, Pettygrove 2003, Hart et al. 2006a and 2006b, Smith et al. 2008, LeStrange et al. 2010, Turini et al. 2010). The categorical thresholds were created to encompass the range of potential irrigation volumes applied to typical crops cultivated in the Pajaro Valley under the cool climatic conditions of the Central Coast. The same crops grown in other parts of California will have different potential irrigation volumes due to climate and soil types. The irrigation intensity categories are: High: Crop type and irrigation practice that uses an estimated 2.4 – 3.0 AF of water per land acre per year. High usage crops in the Pajaro Valley are multiple cropped annual acres of cool season vegetable row crops, artichokes, and certain types of nurseries. The majority of these crops are grown with sprinkler or some type of overhead irrigation. Moderate: Crop type and irrigation practice that uses an estimated 1.8 – 2.3 AF of water per land acre per year. Moderate usage crops are strawberries and cane berries irrigated using drip irrigation. Low: Crop type and irrigation practice that uses an estimated 0.5 – 1.7 AF of water per land acre per year. Low usage crops include grapes and tree fruit orchards. None: Fallow and non-agricultural land that receive rainfall only, but contribute water via percolation to groundwater and runoff to surface waters. PVWMA agricultural land use surveys from 2012 (and supplemented with 2011 surveys) were used to identify the spatial distribution of crop types. These crop type designations were assigned irrigation intensity per the categories above resulting in a mapped distribution of agricultural irrigation intensity within the basin (Figure 5.3) and acreage summarized in Table 5.2 below. Table 5.2: Acreage summary of agricultural land use distribution by annual irrigation intensity rate per acre of land as presented in Figure 5.3. Annual irrigation intensity Figure 5.3 % of agricultural category (acres) land High 10,481 39% Moderate 12,997 48% Low 3,321 12% 26,799 100% Total agricultural land use Total non-agricultural land use 4.1.4 43,158 CROP FERTILIZER USE Similar to irrigation intensity, literature values and local annual fertilizer application data were integrated with agricultural land use distribution described in Section 5.1.2 to create a map of the relative distribution of the pounds of nitrogen applied per acre within the PVWMA area (Figure 5.4). The annual mass of nitrogen applied to a crop is dependent on a number of factors including cultivar, residual soil N, winter rainfall, climate, and soil 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 38 | MARCH 2013 5.4 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 39 type. Multiple sources of data were used to develop reasonable range of annual N loading rates which capture the expected seasonal and site variability expected in the Pajaro Valley. Primary sources used to identify the Nloading categories were: 1. PVWMA nitrate survey data from growers collected 2009 – 2011 (Platts 2011), 2. A compilation of references detailing N use for different crops in California, Oregon and Idaho (Righetti et al. 1998, Mahler and Barney 2000, Pettygrove 2003, Hart et al. 2006a and 2006b, Smith et al. 2008, LeStrange et al. 2010, Turini et al. 2010), and 3. USDA NASS (2011a and 2011b) data for crops grown in California, Washington and Oregon. Including Washington and Oregon was necessary in order to get an adequate amount of data relevant to the diversity of cane berry crops grown in Pajaro valley. The rate of N application includes all types, nitrate N, ammoniac N, and organic N. The categories are based on the actual annual rates of N applied to high production cost crops grown in the Pajaro Valley. High: Crop type that typically is managed by applying 150 – 250+ lbs. of N per land acre per year. High usage crops are annual vegetable crops, certain types of nurseries, and strawberries. Moderate: Crop type that typically is managed by applying 76 – 149 lbs. of N per land acre per year. Moderate usage crops are cane berry crops (raspberry, ollalieberry, and blackberry) and tree fruit crops (orchards). Low: Crop type that typically is managed by applying 35 – 75 lbs. of N per land acre per year. Low usage crops are grapes, various horticultural plant production facilities, and certain types of nurseries. None: Fallow and non-agricultural land use that do not receive fertilizer applications and make minimal contributions of nutrients via percolation to groundwater and runoff to surface waters. The above classification of crops is based on average reported amounts for the various crop types. However, depending on the business strategy of the individual agricultural producer and certain factors of crop production, there may individual operations that have significantly different practices. As the SNMP develops, more data will be necessary to identify acreage and operations that may be categorized differently than the crop type designations above. Crop type designations presented in Figure 5.2 were categorized based on the definitions above resulting in agricultural fertilizer use distribution within the PVWMA area (Figure 5.4). It must be noted that it was desired to include an additional Very High category to the fertilizer use analysis, defined as users that apply > 250 lbs. of N per land acre per year. Applying the results of annual grower surveys conducted by Belinda Platts on behalf of PVWMA from 2009 to 2012 indicated that an estimated 29% of agricultural land in the PVWMA area is subject to annual fertilizer applications of >250 lbs N/acre/year. Given that there is approximately 26,800 acres currently under agricultural land use within the basin, approximately 7,772 acres should be categorized as Very High (Table 5.3). A limitation for including the very high category in Figure 5.4 is due to the lack of spatially explicit knowledge of which strawberry and vegetable crops within the Pajaro Valley are currently implementing these very high fertilizer application practices. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 40 | Table 5.3: Comparison of the agricultural land use distribution by annual fertilizer application rate per acre of land as presented in Figure 5.4 and expected distribution with the inclusion of very high usage category (>250 lbs N/acre/year) given results of PVWMA 2009-2012 grower surveys by Belinda Platts. Annual fertilizer application Figure 5.4 % of ag category (acres) land Very High (> 250 lbs N/acre/yr) High 4.1.5 Expected distribution (acres) n/a % of ag land 7,772 29% (150-250+ lbs N/acre/yr) 18,475 69% 10,703 40% Moderate (76-149 lbs N/acre/yr) 7,182 27% 7,182 27% Low 1,142 4% 1,142 4% (35-75 lbs N/acre/yr) Total agricultural land use 26,799 Total non-agricultural land use 43,158 SEWER LINES AND SEPTIC SYSTEMS Human waste can be a significant source of nitrate to the subsurface. Aging infrastructure and insufficient maintenance of sewer systems can result in leakage from sewer pipes, leading to infiltration of raw sewage into the surrounding soil and ultimately into underlying groundwater. Septic systems are designed to treat domestic wastewater and for the prevention of human exposure to pathogens, but even functioning septic units will discharge nitrogen to the subsurface. Spatial data documenting existing locations of sewer lateral and transfer lines within the PVWMA area were obtained from the City of Watsonville GIS department and Pajaro County Sanitation District (PCSD). There were no GIS data associated with PCSD sewer lines, so existing AutoCAD layout sheets were interpreted in order to digitize sewer line locations in GIS by 2NDNATURE. Figure 5.5 presents the location of existing sewer lines within the basin overlain with the water holding capacity of the local soils. All sewerage in the basin is routed to the Watsonville Wastewater Treatment Plant located on West Beach Street servicing 21 square miles, approximately 55,000 people, treating an average of 6.6 million gallons per day. Locations of septic systems were obtained from the County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Services Department (EHS) and Monterey County EHS Department. The level of ongoing data management and quality differs between the two counties, with Santa Cruz having an active data management program including locations, failures, age, and pump dates. In contrast, Monterey County retains spatial information using a private consulting company and did not have access to the data at time of request. Maps provided by Monterey County EHS using database outputs illustrated which parcels in the county contained septic system permits. These maps were used by 2NDNATURE to digitize these locations in GIS to represent septic locations. The Monterey County EHS database may only have records for 50-60% of the systems that are actually installed, so the resulting septic maps would show trends more so than an actual complete inventory. Figure 5.6 presents the distribution of the 4,472 existing septic systems within the Pajaro Valley (3,289 in Santa Cruz Co and 1,183 in Monterey County), overlain with the soils water holding capacity. Septic datasets provided by the two counties were adjusted to remove any septic systems within the City of Watsonville sewer boundary as well as points located within open water bodies. Additional QA/QC of these data should be performed by the respective counties. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 41 5.5 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 42 | MARCH 2013 5.6 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development 4.1.6 | 43 GROUNDWATER RECHARGE LOCATIONS The USGS Pajaro Valley Hydrologic Model (PVHM) identifies two primary inputs to the PVGB as direct recharge (or distributed recharge direct from the land surface) and stream recharge via the stream bed of the local surface water stream network (see Table 3.1). The spatial distribution of these recharge zones varies throughout the PVWMA area and a large amount of past research has been conducted to identify locations where groundwater recharge to the local aquifers occur. In an effort to compile existing documentation on recharge zones in the PVGB area, Figure 5.7 summarizes recharge zone mapping by Hecht et al. (2007) and the County of Santa Cruz. Also included in Figure 5.7 is the low soil water holding capacity soil layer mapped and presented in Figure 5.1. All three of these spatial data sources indicate the high relative recharge occurring the area along San Andreas Road in the northwestern portion of the PVGB, land surrounding the town of Corralitos and the Las Lomas area to the south. The spatial distribution of primary recharge zones generally align with the location of the low water holding capacity soils, providing additional evidence in support of critical role soil properties play in constituent leaching to groundwater. Figure 5.8 is a stream-bed vertical conductivity classification based on PVHM parameters and field measurements conducted by the USGS. The darker blue reaches are where groundwater recharge occurs at a greater frequency and rate, notably the upper reaches of the Pajaro River and reaches located on Corralitos Creek, that are assumed to be frequently net losing streams. 5.2 SALT LOADING RISK ANALYSIS The priority potential sources of salt to the local groundwater basin are: Seawater intrusion Irrigation practices, particularly with waters containing elevated salts (>1000 mg/L TDS) Stream recharge of water with elevated salts (>1000 mg/L TDS) 4.1.7 SEAWATER INTRUSION The existing condition maps for TDS and chloride (Section and indicate that seawater intrusion is the greatest source of salts to the aquifer system, with approximately 20% of the groundwater within the basin observed to have chloride concentrations in excess of 100 mg/L. While groundwater extractions for irrigation and municipal water supply purposes continue in areas inland of the current seawater intrusion boundary (Figure 4.5), PVWMA began water deliveries in 2002 through the newly constructed Coastal Distribution System (CDS). Water delivered to coastal ranches through the CDS replaces groundwater that would otherwise be pumped and is expected to reduce the magnitude of annual groundwater overdraft as well as the rate of seawater intrusion (PVWMA 2012). While the hydrogeology of the groundwater basin is complex, seawater intrusion will generally continue to migrate inland if groundwater levels remain at or below sea level. Seawater intrusion is sensitive to groundwater extraction rates relative to recharge and rate of inland seawater migration has historically varied between wet and dry periods. A USGS report indicated that sustained future drought occurrence and projected climatic changes that may increase their frequency pose a high risk of continued seawater intrusion into regional groundwater basins if appropriate management actions are not implemented (Flint et al. 2012). 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 44 | MARCH 2013 5.7 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 45 5.8 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 46 | In order to remain consistent with the spatial representation of loading risk by source and constituent presented below, the spatial loading risk from continued seawater intrusion is estimated using existing locations of elevated chloride levels as high risk, areas within 0.5 miles of the current estimated boundary of seawater intrusion as moderate, and areas beyond 0.5 miles as relatively low risk (Figure 5.9). 4.1.8 IRRIGATION SALT LOADING The likelihood of irrigation water leaching nutrients below the crop roots, and thus the relative risk of salt loading to the groundwater basin from agricultural irrigation is dependent on a number of factors. These factors include: crop plant uptake rates, irrigation volume applied, soil moisture status, and soil water holding capacity. The sources of agricultural irrigation supply within the PVWMA area is either groundwater produced from privately owned production wells on site, or delivered water produced by PVWMA water supply facilities such as the Recycled Water Treatment Facility and the Harkins Slough Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery (HS-MAR) Facilities. From 2009-2011 the PVWMA delivered an average of 2600 AF/yr to coastal ranches. Figure 4.13 presents the shows the Delivered Water Zone, within which growers are able to irrigate with water provided through the Coastal Distribution System. Irrigation TDS content is either the existing average annual TDS concentration of the local groundwater as applied by user on local well water (Figure 4.3) or assumed to be of moderate quality 1 (450 mg/L – 1,000 mg/L) for all agricultural users located within the delivered water zone (Figure 4.13). Based on the interaction of these factors an irrigation salt loading matrix was created (Table 5.4) and used to generate Figure 5.10. Table 5.5 summarizes the acreage of results displayed in Figure 5.10. Table 5.4: Risk matrix to determine relative irrigation salt loading risk within PVGB. Water Holding Capacity (AF) Water USE (AF/acre/year) All categories High (2.4 - 3.0+) Mod (1.8 - 2.3) Low (0.5 - 1.7) All categories 1 Irrigation Water TDS (mg/L) High (>1000) Mod (450-1000) Mod (450-1000) Mod (450-1000) Low (<450) Very High High Mod Low (>1.5) (1.25 - 1.5) (0.75 - 1.25) (< 0.75) MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK Based on the average TDS concentration of hundreds of delivered water samples collected by PVWMA staff. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 47 5.9 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 48 | MARCH 2013 5.10 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 49 Table 5.5: Acreage summary of categorical salt loading risk of agricultural lands (Figure 5.10). (Note that the total land use mapped in Figure 5.10 is limited by the extent of the available PVWMA groundwater monitoring network.) Irrigation salt loading risk Acres % of total Ag-Land HIGH 6,647 25% MODERATE 9,669 36% LOW 10,285 39% Total agricultural land use 26,601 100% Non-agricultural land use 4.1.9 39,400 SURFACE WATER INFILTRATION SALT LOADING The locations of greatest risk of surface water recharge as a source of salts to the PVGB are identified by intersecting the PVWMA surface water salt concentrations for Q3 with the USGS stream permeability distribution. The third quarter represents the dry season and typically poorest surface water quality conditions. The summer months is also the time of year when shallow groundwater elevations are at seasonal lows and recharge via stream channels is expected to be the greatest, though in some instances streams run dry during this time. Table 5.6 is the risk matrix used to identify the relative expected impact to local groundwater salt content for each of the PVWMA sampling locations. Low risk sites are either locations where stream recharge is relatively low or water quality data indicate infiltration of waters with very low salt content, which is desired for recharge. Figure 5.11 indicates that areas where high salt surface waters are introduced to losing stream reaches are the Pajaro River between Chittenden Gap and Murphy Crossing. Intrinsic tracers such as boron and chloride that have high groundwater concentrations in the area support this assumption (Ref). The persistent poor Pajaro River water quality at the eastern PVWMA boundary through time and the high vertical conductivity of this upper reach has been attributed as the cause of the elevated TDS in groundwater in the East Area (Munster, Hecht, Lockwood – GRA 2010 and Figure 4.4). Reaches of moderate salt loading risk are located in the north eastern areas on Corralitos Creek and other tributaries. Table 5.6: Risk matrix to determine stream infiltration salt loading risk within PVGB to produce Figure 5.11. Q3 TDS MEAN concentration (Figure 4.10) Stream bed vertical Very Low Low Mod High conductivity < 450 mg/L 1000 > 450 mg/L 1800 > 1000 mg/L > 1800 mg/L LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK Very High (>3.0 m/day) High (1.0-3.0 m/day) Mod (0.25-1.0 m/day) Low (0.01-0.25 m/day) Very Low (<0.01 m/day) 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 50 | MARCH 2013 5.11 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development 5.3 | 51 NUTRIENT LOADING RISK Figure 4.2 summarizes potential sources of nitrogen-NO3 to the PVGB. Additional evaluations of the potential spatial distribution and potential magnitude resulted in the identification of priority potential sources of nutrients to the PVGB listed below. The other sources noted in Figure 4.2 are expected to be relatively insignificant annual contributors of nitrogen-NO3 to PVGB and the supporting rationale is provided at the end of this section. Fertilizer applications associated with agricultural practices Sewer exfiltration Septic exfiltration or failures Localized recharge of surface waters 4.1.10 AGRICULTURAL FERTILIZER Relative risk of nitrate loading to the groundwater basin from fertilizer applications on agricultural lands is assumed to be dependent upon three critical factors: 1. Soil water holding capacity (Figure 5.1), 2. Annual amount of nitrogen applied as fertilizer (Section 5.1.4/Figure 5.4), and 3. Annual irrigation volumes (Section 5.1.3/Figure 5.3) as a function of crop type. N removal rates from agricultural lands by crop harvest are not considered in this analysis since it is only determining relative risk of nitrate loading. Lands not agriculturally cultivated based on the available PVWMA land use datasets (2011 and 2012) are assumed to be relatively insignificant agricultural fertilizer sources. These critical factors are integrated based on Table 5.7 and presented in an agricultural fertilizer risk map (Figure 5.12). An acreage summary of the relative nitrate loading risk is presented in Table 5.8. Table 5.7: Risk matrix to determine relative agricultural fertilizer nitrate loading risk within PVWMA area. Water (AF/acre/year) High (2.4 - 3.0+) Mod (1.8 - 2.3) Mod (1.8 - 2.3) Low (0.5 - 1.7) Low (0.5 - 1.7) Fertilizer (lbs. N/acre/year) High (150 – 250+) High (150 – 250+) Mod (76 - 149) Mod (76 - 149) Low (35 - 75) 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design Very High (1.5 - 2.3) Water Holding Capacity (AF) High Mod (1.25 - 1.5) (0.75 - 1.25) Low (< 0.75) MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 52 | MARCH 2013 5.12 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 53 Table 5.8: Acreage summary of Figure 5.12. Agricultural nitrate loading risk Acres % of total Ag-Land HIGH 14,312 53% MODERATE 10,224 38% LOW 2,263 8% Total agricultural land use 26,799 Non-agricultural land use 100% 43,158 4.1.11 SEWER EXFILTRATION The relative risk of nitrate loading to the local groundwater from sewage exfiltration is assumed to be dependent on the probability and/or annual amount of leakage and the soil water holding capacity, with low saturation soils having a high risk of vertical migration of nutrients released from sewage. The probability of leakage or exfiltration could be estimated based on age of lines, time since last retrofits or repairs, recent integrity test results, or other spatially explicit information on relative condition of sewer lines. Therefore, sewage risk is determined using the matrix in Table 5.9 and presented in Figure 5.13. Of the total 145 miles of sewer lines within the PVWMA area, 19 miles are located in highly permeable soils and expected to be relatively higher priority locations to protect against leaks. Table 5.9: Sewer nitrate loading risk matrix. Water Holding Capacity (AF) Sewer Line Very High (1.5 - 2.3) High (1.25 - 1.5) Mod (0.75 - 1.25) Low (< 0.75) LOW RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK Information regarding sewer system age, integrity or other potential information was not available. Figure 5.14 shows reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) in the urban area from 2007-2013, indicating a number of recent sewage leakages have occurred. SSOs include any leakage, spill, overflow, or other discharge of sewage from sanitary sewer systems. Category 1 SSOs are those that spill at least 1000 gallons, or result in a discharge to surface water or a storm drain that does not return to the sanitary sewer system. Category 2 SSOs are all other overflows (State Water Resources Control Board 2011). 4.1.12 SEPTIC EXFILTRATION OR FAILURES The relative risk of nitrate loading to the local groundwater from septic exfiltration is assumed to be dependent upon the soil water holding capacity, the density of septic systems within a given area and the probability of leakage of existing septic systems. The U.S. EPA (USEPA 1977) reports a threshold of 40 septic systems per square mile or more as “relatively high”. In comparison, the average septic density within the PVWMA area is 30 septic units per square mile, with the densities as high as 425 septic units per square mile within Freedom, Corralitos and Las Lomas. Given the available information, the relative risk of septic systems to leach nitrate to local groundwater is based on the soil water holding capacity (Table 5.10) and presented in Figure 5.15. High septic density, high risk locations are identified in Corralitos, Freedom and Las Lomas areas and Table 5.11 summarizes the distribution of septic units in each risk category. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 54 | MARCH 2013 5.13 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 55 5.14 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 56 | MARCH 2013 5.15 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 57 Table 5.10: Septic system nitrate loading risk matrix. Water Holding Capacity (AF) Septic System Very High (1.5 - 2.3) High (1.25 - 1.5) Mod (0.75 - 1.25) Low (< 0.75) LOW RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK Table 5.11: Summary of Figure 5.15. Number of SC / Mo septic systems County HIGH 1889 1023 / 866 42% MODERATE 2152 1955 / 197 48% LOW 431 Septic nitrate loading risk Total 311 / 120 4472 % 10% 100% According to the septic failure records maintained by Santa Cruz County EHS, septic systems in the PVWMA have a recent failure rate of 1% per decade, or less than 10 units per year. No comparable data was available for Monterey County septic systems. 4.1.13 SURFACE WATER RECHARGE NITRATE LOADING The locations of greatest risk of surface water recharge as a source of nitrogen-NO3 to the PVGB are identified by intersecting the PVWMA surface water NO3 concentrations for Q3 with the USGS stream permeability distribution. The third quarter represents the dry season and typically poorest surface water quality conditions. The summer months is also the time of year when shallow groundwater elevations are at seasonal lows and recharge via stream channels is expected to be the greatest, though in some instances streams run dry during this time. Table 5.12 is the risk matrix used to identify the relative expected impact to local groundwater nitrogen-NO3 content for each of the PVWMA sampling locations. Low risk sites are either locations where stream recharge is relatively low or water quality data indicate infiltration of waters with low NO3 content, which is desired for recharge. Figure 5.16 indicate the relative distribution of nitrate stream infiltration risk, noting the issue associated with inherited poor water quality from the upper Pajaro River watershed that is transported to a reach with very high stream bed vertical conductivity. Reaches of moderate concern are located on Corralitos Creek. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 58 | MARCH 2013 5.15 Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 59 5.16 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 60 | Table 5.12: Risk matrix to determine stream infiltration nitrate loading risk within PVGB. Q3 nitrate-NO3 MEAN concentration (Figure 4.7) Stream bed vertical conductivity Very High (>3.0 m/day) High (1.0-3.0 m/day) Mod (0.25-1.0 m/day) Low (0.01-0.25 m/day) Very Low (<0.01 m/day) Very Low Low Mod High < 10 mg/L 10 > 45 mg/L 100> 45 mg/L > 100 mg/L LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK HIGH RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK MOD RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK LOW RISK 4.1.14 SUBORDINATE NITRATE SOURCES The conceptual model of simplified nitrogen cycle (Figure 4.2) contains a number of nitrogen sources for which a risk analysis was not conducted. Available local information, other groundwater pollutant loading studies and best professional judgment were used to determine that the sources below are expected to be insignificant contributions (< 10%) to the annual PVGB nutrient budgets. Below provides the rationale to support these determinations. Irrigation water: It is expected that the nitrate content of irrigation water within the PVGB can range significantly depending upon the source. The average nitrogen-NO3 concentrations of the Delivered Water Zone is 23 mg/L (Section 4.2.3) and growers using local groundwater can irrigate with water ranging from 10 to 100+ mg/L depending upon the location and season (Figures 4.7 and 4.8). Given that optimal crop cultivation can be achieved by managing a delicate balance of needed biologically available nitrogen by the plants, nitrate enriched irrigation waters is considered an opportunity for growers to implement practices to manage fertilizer additions rather than a risk to groundwater leaching. Riparian zone land use risk. Lands in close proximity to riparian zones can be hydrologically connected to surface water systems, posing a potential for greater risk of surface water constituent loading during storm runoff events. A simple riparian zone risk layer was created that identifies high risk lands located within 150 ft of the surface water stream and moderate risk within 500 ft (Figure 5.17). The riparian areas upstream of highly permeable stream reaches may be further prioritized as locations to reduce potential surface water sources. Urban stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff can possess nitrate levels above natural concentrations as a result of atmospheric deposition of nitrous oxide from automobile exhaust and industrial inputs. Accumulation of these constituents on impervious surface can result in stormwater concentrations of nitrate, but the USEPA reports average nitrate concentrations in highly urbanized stormwater to be < 1 mg/L nitrate as N. These relatively low nitrate concentrations, combined with relatively low impervious area within the PVMWA boundary (< 15%) and the rural character of this area, led to the conclusion that potential contribution of stormwater runoff to local groundwater is likely insignificant compared to other sources and therefore was not analyzed. Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 61 Atmospheric Deposition: Nitrous oxide from automobile or industrial exhaust is the primary source of nitrogen in atmospheric deposition. The relatively rural land use within the PVGB and the localized and small area of the City of Watsonville suggest atmospheric deposition is not a significant source of nitrate to the local groundwater. However, the implementation of local mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have some complementary benefits of reducing local atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and could reduce the nitrate concentrations in local stormwater runoff. Animal Waste: A review of the existing land use within the PVGB indicates no significant presence of dense animal feed lots or other types of dense livestock operations. A number of rural properties possess modest numbers of horses, cattle or other livestock, but based on the sparse distribution and density of livestock in the PVGB animal waste is not considered a significant or priority source of nitrate to groundwater. Livestock and pet best management practices that include keeping livestock and waste out of riparian zones and encouraging proper disposal of animal waste can reduce the localized nitrogen inputs of this source. 4.1.15 NITRATE LOADING COMPARISONS A series of risk maps have been created based on best available local data, research and expected relative risk of nitrate loading to groundwater from agricultural practices, sewer and septic systems and surface water recharge independently. Findings from a recent and extensive nitrate groundwater loading analysis conducted on Tulare Lake Basin and the Salinas Valley (Viers et al. 2012) are used to provide a simple estimate of average annual nitrate loading to the PVGB from agriculture, sewer and septic system inputs, and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Nitrate loading from stream recharge is estimated using relevant values from the USGS groundwater budget (Section 3.0) and the PVWMA surface water quality dataset (4.2.2). Agriculture (1,742 t N/yr): Using a similar approach to assign a typical N fertilizer application rate by crop type, Viers et al. (2012) integrated agricultural land use maps to estimate the annual fertilizer inputs within the area of interest. Using a mass balance approach of annual N losses from agricultural lands including harvest and runoff, Viers et al. (2012) estimates a project area average of 137 lbs N/acre/yr leaches from agricultural lands to groundwater. The Viers et al (2012) project area encompasses over 3 million acres of agricultural land within the Tulare and Salinas Groundwater Basins. A portion of the project area is located within Monterey County within the Salinas Valley, and the Monterey County groundwater nitrate loading intensity is estimated to be 123 lbs N/acre/yr. The midpoint between the Viers et al (2012) project average and Monterey County estimates is 130 lbs N/acre/yr. In order to verify an estimated 130 lbs N leaches to groundwater per acre of agricultural land per year is applicable to the PVGB we compare of the crop type distribution and the annual fertilizer application rates between the Tulare/Salinas Basin and the PVGB. Table 5.13 summarizes the crop type distribution between the Viers et al (2012) and the PVGB and suggests that PVGB has a much higher relative distribution of high fertilizer demand crop types than the Tulare/Salinas Basin, approximately 40% to 67% respectively. A comparison of the spatially weighted average fertilizer application rate per acre of agricultural land per year is also made. In the Tulare and Salinas Basins 225,000 t N/yr is assumed to be applied to 3.1 million acres or 145 lbs N/acre/yr. Using the midpoint application rate for each of the fertilizer application categories (Table 5.3), an estimated 2,432 t N/yr is applied as fertilizer on over 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 62 | 26,800 acres of agricultural land in the basin or an average fertilizer application rate per acre of agricultural land of 180 lbs N/yr (Table 5.14). Given that the high fertilizer demand crop type distribution and the annual average fertilizer application rate are both higher in PVGB than Tulare/Salinas Basin, the estimate of 130 lbs N leaching to groundwater/acre/year appears conservative. Viers et al. (2012) assumes a number of other N inputs to agricultural lands including manure applications, atmospheric deposition, and irrigation waters that are not addressed as potential N sources to Pajaro Valley agricultural lands. However, synthetic fertilizer is determined to be greater than 50% of these sources in the Tulare and Salinas Basins and some of these other source contributions to Pajaro Basin lands may be relevant. Given the crop distribution, land management and geographic proximity to the Pajaro Valley, 130 lbs N/acre/yr is used, yielding an estimated annual nitrate load leaching to groundwater from agricultural lands of 1,742 t N/yr. Given the significantly higher density of high fertilizer and water demand crop types in the Pajaro Valley it is likely that the N groundwater leaching rate is higher than the assumed value of 130 lbs N/acre/yr. Table 5.13: Comparison of crop group distribution typically receiving relatively high annual N fertilizer applications for area analyzed by Viers et al. (2012) and the PVWMA area, indicating a much higher proportion of high fertilizer demand crops within the PVWMA. High fertilizer demand crop types by Viers et al. (2012) grouping include field crops, haylage and vegetables. PVWMA high fertilizer crops include vegetables, strawberries and nurseries. Crop type area in Tulare/Salinas Basins Table 6 (b) p. 29 from Viers et al (2012) Crop Group ACR [acres] CAML [acres] Subtropical 219,173 251,299 Treefruit 175,393 217,705 Nuts 313,525 459,833 Cotton 640,705 604,479 Field Crops 356,024 Haylage Crop type area in PVGB Figure 5.2 PVWMA Crop Group land use data [acres] Vegetable row crops 9,138 Strawberries 7,994 496,467 Horticultural Nurseries 1,343 586,700 385,561 Caneberries 5,003 Alfalfa 360,450 368,375 Rice 5,184 12 Deciduous (Apple Orchards) 2,179 Vegetables 648,889 441,288 Other, Unknown Agriculture, Vine/Grapes 1,142 Grapes 399,572 518,548 Pastureland (2006 land use survey) 761 3,705,617 3,743,567 1,591,613 1,323,316 43% 35% TOTAL agricultural land TOTAL high fertilizer demand crops % high fertilizer crops of total TOTAL agricultural land TOTAL high fertilizer usage crops % high fertilizer crops of total 27,560 18,475 67% Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 63 Table 5.14: Calculation of spatially weighted average of N applied per year per acre of agricultural land in PVWMA. Fertilizer application rate category (Table 5.3) Fertilizer application rate used in estimate (N lbs/acre/yr) Acreage in PVWMA (acres) t N /yr per application rate category Very High 250 7,772 971 High 200 10,703 1070 Moderate 100 7,182 359 Low 55 1,142 31 26,799 2,432 Totals Average fertilizer application rate in PVWMA (t N/acre/yr) 0.09 Average fertilizer application rate in PVWMA (lbs N/acre/yr) 180 Average fertilizer application rate in Tulare/Salinas (t N/acre/yr) 0.07 Average fertilizer application rate in Tulare/Salinas (lbs N/acre/yr) 145 Sewer (67 t N/yr): Viers et al. (2012) relied upon national data that municipal sewer system leakage rates range from 1% to 25% of the total sewage generated. Total sewage generated can be estimated by the average N excretion rate per capita (13.3 g N/capita/day) and the population treated by local sewer system. The Watsonville Wastewater Treatment Plant treats an estimated 55,000 people, yielding a potential high end estimate of annual N leaching rate to groundwater of 67 t N/yr, assuming a 25% loss rate. Septic (66 t N/yr): Viers et al. (2012) use national data that assumes septic systems retain 15% of the total N delivered. There are nearly 4500 septic systems located in the PVGB and assuming an average household of 3.6 persons (US Census City of Watsonville 2010), an estimated 16,100 people are on septic in the area, yielding an estimated 66 t N/yr leakage rate to groundwater. WWTP (80 t N/yr): Viers et al. (2012) noted that localized N inputs from waste water treatment plants can be significant as a result of infiltration via percolation ponds. In order to provide a simple order of magnitude comparison to other sources, the WWTP in Watsonville treats an average of 6.6 million GPD and Viers et al. (2012) estimates an average N concentration of WWTP percolation water in the Tulare and Salinas Basins to be 16 mg/L. Even if 50% of the treated water at the WWTP were infiltrated the total annual N load to groundwater would be 80 t N/yr. However it must be noted that the Watsonville WWTP pipes secondary treated effluent in an outfall located 2 miles offshore in the Monterey Bay, making this likely an over estimate. In addition, the water recycling facility has reduced the volume of secondary effluent discharged to Monterey by approximately 2,500 AFY, and has the potential of reducing discharges by up to 4,000 AFY. Surface water recharge (746 t N/yr): Primary nitrate inputs to surface waters within the basin are either generated from agricultural land use practices or inherited from the upper Pajaro River Watershed. A simple surface water recharge nitrate loading estimate is based on the USGS average annual streamflow infiltration (SI;Table 3.1) and an average surface nitrate concentration of 30 mg/L based on the PVWMA surface water monitoring dataset (Section 4.2.2) yields an estimated 746 t N/yr via surface water recharge. This estimate ranges from 250 to 2500 t/yr if average stream nitrate concentration range from 10 to 100 mg/L, respectively. Given the significant spatial and temporal variations in surface water nitrate concentrations and stream bed vertical conductivity, the locations where stream recharge are of greatest concern are indicated in Figure . While recharge is identified as 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 64 | the 2nd highest source of nitrogen to the PVGB, the source of nitrogen to surface waters within the basin are predominately agriculture with farms located within the riparian buffer (Figure 5.17). In the instance of inherited nitrate loads from the upper Pajaro River Watershed, local N management strategies will have little relevance, and thus coordination and collaboration to reduce N sources with IRWM partners is a PVWMA priority. Based on the above estimates, approximately 2,700 t/yr of N leached to the PVGB on an average annual basis. The priority source is direct infiltration via agricultural land uses, followed by streamflow infiltration. The stream infiltration risk varies spatially and temporally (Figure 5.16), but the likely primary sources of elevated nitrate in steams are local agricultural practices and/or inherited poor water quality transported into the PVWMA area from the upper watershed. While the accuracy of these estimates could be debated, the relative significance of agricultural practices on N loading to groundwater identified in the PVGB is consistent with the Viers et al (2012) finding that 96% of all N leached to groundwater is derived from agricultural sources. Table 5.15. Summary of annual N leaching to groundwater estimates for PVGB priority sources. N Source Average annual N load to groundwater (t/yr) Agricultural land use Septic systems 67 Sewer systems 66 WWTP 80 Streamflow infiltration 746 Total PVGB 5.4 1,742 2,700 t/yr KEY LOADING ANALYSIS FINDINGS A series of risk maps have been created based on best available local data, research and expected relative risk to groundwater for each priority source of both salts and nutrients. These maps provide specific locations where the greatest potential risks of salt and nutrient loading to groundwater exist throughout the PVGB. These maps provide guidance to focus subsequent steps of the PVWMA SNMP, specifically objective development and identification of management strategies necessary to achieve stated objectives. Consistent with other regional, state and national findings, agricultural land practices in the Pajaro Valley are the dominant source of salts and nutrients to the local groundwater basin. The priority controllable sources of salt loading to local groundwater are seawater intrusion and irrigation of agricultural lands. o Seawater Intrusion: PVWMA estimates 11,100 acres of land possesses seawater contaminated groundwater as a result of years of aquifer overdraft to support irrigation, and to a lesser extent, municipal water supply (Figure 5.9). o Irrigation of agricultural lands: Irrigation salt accumulation risk increases on low permeability soils and when irrigation water TDS content exceeds 1000 mg/L. Currently, 9,000 acres of land are within high risk of salt leaching to groundwater a result of current irrigation practices (Figure 5.10). Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 65 Streamflow infiltration of elevated TDS waters delivered from the upper Pajaro River watershed are high risk along Pajaro River reaches just downstream of the PVWMA eastern boundary. An agricultural fertilizer risk analysis integrated local and regional data on crop water usage rates, crop fertilizer usage rates, and soil characteristics to create a relative agricultural N loading risk map for the PVGB. The result is a spatial distribution of the agricultural lands within the PVGB that are currently considered relatively high risk. These locations should be priorities for implementation of land specific strategies that will reduce the amount of N available to leach into the local groundwater basin. Septic systems are only effective at retaining 15% of the total N generated. Locations of high density septic systems will have higher overall N leaching to groundwater. High density septic systems located on permeable soils in Corralitos, Freedom and Las Lomas (Figure 5.15) where density exceed 400 septic units/ sq mile are the priority locations for septic system management strategies to maximize effectiveness and minimize leaks and failures. The priority controllable sources of nitrate loading to local groundwater are associated with agricultural land uses. A mass balance comparison of the average annual nitrate loads to the PVGB suggests agricultural land is the primary source of N (Table ). The second greatest source of nitrate to groundwater is estimated to be streamflow infiltration, but the primary sources of elevated nitrate to surfaces waters are expected to be agricultural practices along riparian corridors within the PVGB and inherited poor water quality water from the upper Pajaro River Watershed. The results of the PVGB mass balance source comparison is similar to the findings by Viers et al. (2012) that suggested 96% of the annual nitrate loaded to groundwater is derived from agricultural practices. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 MARCH 2013 66 | 6.0 REFERENCES 6.1 LITERATURE CITED Cahn, Michael et al. 2011. Strawberry water use on the Central Coast. UC Cooperative Extension Monterey County Crop Notes July – Aug. 2011. Salinas, CA Cahn, Michael. 2012. Unpublished data for water usage by crops grown on the Central Coast of California. Data from trials conducted 2006 – 2012. Flint, L.E., and Flint, A.L. 2012. Simulation of climate change in San Francisco Bay Basins, California: Case studies in the Russian River Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5132, 55 p. Hart, J. et al. 2006a. Nutrient Management Guide – Cane berries. EM 8903-E. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR Hart, J. et al. 2006b. Nutrient Management Guide –Strawberries, Western Oregon. FG14. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR Helsel, D.R., 2005. Nondetects and Data Analysis. Wiley. p. 268. Le Strange, Michelle et.al. 2010. Broccoli Production in California. UCANR publication 7211. UC Cooperative Extension. Oakland, CA. Mahler, R.L. and D.L. Barney. 2000. Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide – Blueberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries. CIS 815. University of Idaho Cooperative Extension. Moscow, ID. Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA). 2010. 2010 Ground Water Summary Report. Figure 5.3. 2010 reported acre-feet/acre by crop type and hydrologic subarea. Munster, Hecht, Lockwood – Groundwater Resources Association GRACast Presentation, 2010. Nolan, B.T., Hitt, K.J., and Ruddy, B.C. 2002. Probability of nitrate contamination of recently recharged groundwaters in the conterminous United States. Environmental Science & Technology, 36 (10), 2138-2145. Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PVWMA), 2012. 2012 Basin Management Plan Update. Board Review Draft. November 2012. Pettygrove, Stuart et.al. 2003. Nutrient Management in Cool Season Vegetables. UCANR publication 8098. UC Cooperative Extension. Oakland, CA. Platts, B. 2011. Summary of Nitrate Surveys for PVWMA, 2009 – 2011. Unpublished data. PVWMA, Watsonville, CA Prichard, Terry L. et al. 1989. Orchard water use and soil characteristics. California Agriculture, July – August 1989. Vol. 43: 23 – 25. Oakland, CA Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013 PVWMA Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP) Development | 67 Regional Water Quality Control Board 2010. http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/gama/docs/coc_salinity.pdf Regional Water Quality Control Board 2011. Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coast Basin. June 2011. Righetti, T. et al. 1998. Nutrient Management Guide – Apples. EM 8712. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR Smith, Richard et.al. 2008. Artichoke Production in California. UCANR publication 7221. UC Cooperative Extension. Oakland, CA. Turini, Tom et.al. 2010. Iceberg Lettuce Production in California. UCANR publication 7215. UC Cooperative Extension. Oakland, CA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). 1977. The report to Congress—Waste disposal practices and their effects on groundwater. EPA Publication No. 570977002. Washington, DC: Office of Water Supply, Office of Solid Waste Management Programs. US EPA 2009. EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: US Environmental Protection Agency 2009. EPA 816-F-090004, May 2009. USDA. National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). 2011a. Agricultural Chemical Use Fruit Crops 2011. www.nass.usda.gov/surveys/Guide_to_NASS_Surveys/Chemical_use USDA. National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). 2011b. Agricultural Chemical Use Vegetable Crops 2010. www.nass.usda.gov/surveys/Guide_to_NASS_Surveys/Chemical_use Viers, J.H., Liptzin, D., Rosenstock, T.S., Jensen, V.B., Hollander, A.D., McNally, A., King, A.M., Kourakos, G., Lopez, E.M., De LaMora, N., Fryjoff-Hung, A., Dzurella, K.N., Canada, H.E., Laybourne, S., McKenney, C., Darby, J., Quinn, J.F. & Harter, T. (2012) Nitrogen Sources and Loading to Groundwater. Technical Report 2 in: Addressing Nitrate in California’s Drinking Water with a Focus on Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley Groundwater. Report for the State Water Resources Control Board Report to the Legislature. Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, Davis. http://groundwaternitrate.ucdavis.edu/files/139110.pdf 6.2 DATASETS USED City of Watsonville Water Quality Database (2013) – Groundwater concentrations of TDS, Cl, and nitrate-NO3. PVWMA 2011 and summarized in table – Pajaro Valley Groundwater Basin Land Use and Estimated Irrigation Volumes. PVWMA Water Quality Database (2013) – Surface Water and Groundwater concentrations of TDS, Cl, and nitrate-NO3. Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2009. Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California: US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, digital data, accessed June, 2012 at URL http://soildatamart.nrcs.usda.gov. 2NDNATURE, LLC | ecosystem science + design www. 2ndnaturellc.com | 831.426.9119 68 | MARCH 2013 State Water Resources Control Board 2011. Sanitary Sewer Reduction Program – sanitary sewer overflow incident map. URL http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/sso/sso_map/sso_pub.shtml US Census Bureau 2010. American Factfinder Population Data for City of Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California: US Census Bureau, data tables, URL http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml Draft Sections 1-5 Stakeholder Review: March 2013