Growing Plants For Food

Growing Plants For Food
This unit is suitable for learners who have an interest growing things and in this unit they will plant seeds and pot up small herb plants and
grow them for food. The unit introduces the learner to the horticulture and agriculture industries and the learners can use the skills and
knowledge from this unit in their everyday lives. It enables learners to grow their own food and be more aware of the vegetables and herbs
that are in the shops and where they have come from and how they have been grown. It introduces the concept of time in that they have to
wait for the seeds to grow allowing the learners to understand that planning and preparation and care is needed to grow their food.
This unit includes:
Understanding of H&S issues in the gardening and horticultural occupations
Pick out the PPE required in gardening and horticulture
Be aware of the environmental issues and the basic reasons for saving energy, re using household and gardening materials and
recycling both in the garden and in the house
Be able to pick out and use basic tools used in gardening
Be aware of some of the careers that involve working with and caring for plants
Name the parts and functions of a plant
Understand the life cycle of plants from seeds to a grown plant
Plant some large seeds such as peas and beans and watch them grow
Plant some smaller seeds with help and watch them grow into salad vegetables
Pot out some small plants in a herb container
Watch plants grow and care for them
A review of their performance and skills and knowledge
Unit Title
Growing plants for food
Assessment Criteria
Health and Safety environment and
related careers
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Learners with significant help will:
Learners with some help will:
Learners with little or no help will:
Identify one item of PPE
and one hazard
Identify where the first aid
box is and who to inform in
case of an accident or fire
 Identify one way to save
 Identify one item that can be
used to make compost
Identify one job from a list that
relates to horticulture
Identify two items of PPE
and two hazards
Identify where the first aid
box and the fire
extinguisher are and who
to inform in case of an
accident or fire
 Identify two ways to save
 Identify two items that can
be used to make compost
Identify two jobs from a list that
relates to horticulture
Identify three items of PPE
and three hazards
Identify where the first aid box
and fire extinguisher are and
who to inform in case of an
accident or fire
 Identify three ways to save
 Identify three items that can
be used to make compost
Identify three jobs from a list that
relates to horticulture and explain
what the job entails
Materials and related skills knowledge
Identify one pots/container
to plant out a small herb
Identify one tool
Identify a seed and a flower
Identify one of the following:
the roots, stem, leaves,
Help to make a poster or
leaflet on how to care for
Identify two suitable
pots/containers to plant
out some small herbs
Identify two tools
Identify two seeds and
Identify two of the
following: the roots, stem,
leaves, flower
Help to make a poster or
leaflet on how to care for
plants inside
Identify a pot/container to
plant out a small herb plant
and a suitable container for
larger plants
Identify three tools
Identify three seeds and
Identify three of the following:
the roots, stem, leaves, flower
and what their jobs are
Help to make a poster or
leaflet on how to care for
plants inside and in the garden
Choose two items of PPE
Choose two correct tools
and help clean them after
Choose three items of PPE
Choose three correct tools and
clean them after use
Handle egg with no help and
fill with compost and seeds
tidying up afterwards
Handle three large seeds and
seedlings carefully
Place the compost into the
container and water
Plant three seed sand a small
plants at correct depths and
cover with compost
Choose one item of PPE
Choose one correct tool and
help clean them after use
Handle egg with help and fill
with compost mixed with
Handle egg with minimal
help and fill with compost
and seeds and water
Handle a large seed and one
seedling carefully
Handle two large seeds
and one seedling carefully
Help to place the compost
into the container
Plant one seed and a small
Place the compost into the
Plant two seeds and small
Identify 2 suitable
containers and fill with
compost and water
without help
Plant the seeds or small
plants with help and cover
with compost
Select and put on the correct PPE for every
Task 1
Plant an “egg head” with cress,
Task 2
Plant a containers with small seeds
Task 3
Plant out large seeds such as peas and
beans in a large container or in a vegetable
Task 4
Pot out a container with herbs such as
parsley, thyme and basil
Identify a suitable container
and fill with compost and
water with help
Plant the seedlings or small
plants with help and cover
with compost
Identify 3 suitable containers
and fill with compost and
water without help
Plant the seedlings and small
plants with no help and cover
with compost
Take care of the seeds and small plants
Identify one suitable care
Care for the seedlings with
minimal support
Care for the seeds and
seedlings with no help
Indicate how they have performed in
one task using prompts and visual
Task Evaluation
Indicate how they have performed in
this unit using prompts and visual
Final Evaluation
Indicate how they have performed
two practical tasks and suggest
how they might improve using
prompts and visual stimuli
Indicate how they have performed
in this unit using prompts and
visual stimuli and suggest how they
might improve.
Indicate how they have performed in
three practical tasks and show
evidence of a basic evaluation using
prompts and visual stimuli
Indicate how they have performed in
this unit with prompts and visual
stimuli and produce a basic selfreflective statement about the learning
process in this unit.