Saint Blaise Parish Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation Handbook 2012-2013 1 Contact Information Father Albert Faretra- Pastor Mrs. Rita Pizzi- Faith Formation Director Mrs. Emily Dery – Confirmation Teacher and Faith Formation Assistant Mrs. Paula Nieva- Business Manager Office Phone Number: 508-966-1258 Web Address: E-mail: Mailing Address: 1158 South Main Street Bellingham, MA 02019 2 The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the process of full initiation into the Catholic Church which began at Baptism and continued through Holy Eucharist. Through the outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, the person who is Confirmed in the faith seeks to be more fully in union with Christ. Preparation for the sacrament reflects both a desire and a commitment to grow in one’s relationship with the Holy Trinity and the community of the Catholic Church. The goal of the Confirmation Preparation Program is to nurture, enhance, and deepen the spirituality of our youth through the religious education process. During this time candidates are guided toward the maturity level of a fully initiated Catholic adult. Using an experiential learning process of community service, retreats and fellowship the primary objective will be to understand and bring to life the mission Christ calls each one of us to live out as an Apostle of His Love. Families must be registered parishioners of Saint Blaise Church in order to register for Confirmation preparation sessions. The Faith Formation Director and Assistant Director are responsible for the process. Sacramental preparation takes place in the parish setting and is in addition to the Journey in Faith Program. This is a two year program. According to archdiocesan and parish guidelines, youth are eligible to prepare for Confirmation if: They have completed the 9th grade; They are registered and attending our Journey in Faith Program each month; They attend and participate in weekly Mass; They have been baptized, received First Eucharist, and have prepared for and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation; They desire to grow in faith and seek Confirmation of their own freewill; and They understand that Confirmation demands an ongoing response to be nurtured in lifelong spiritual formation. 3 Saint Blaise Confirmation Process Outline THIS IS A TWO YEAR PROCESS The general timeline for preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation is as follows; Year 1 (often referred to as 10th Grade) Candidates and parents must attend an orientation/registration session. There are two sessions available for you to attend, September 13th and 14th 2012 in the church hall. The Journey in Faith (JIF) orientation and registration will take place at 7pm (you must attend this meeting and be a participant of the JIF program in order to register for Confirmation preparation). The Confirmation orientation and registration session will begin following the JIF registration around 8pm. Candidates attend (8) Journey in Faith Session. Candidates attend (7) Confirmation Group Sessions- on Scheduled Sunday mornings -8:30am-11:15am the Group session will last until 9:45am when the class will then move to the church to attend the 10am Mass where they will be joined by the 2nd year Confirmation class. Candidates participate in (4) Service opportunities. 2 service projects must be completed from October2012-January 2013 and 2 service projects must be completed from Feburary2013-May2013. Candidates will attend (2) Parish Reconciliation Services Advent and Lent. Candidates will attend all scheduled Holy Day Liturgies and Holy Week Services in addition to weekly Mass. A schedule of dates and services will be provided at the first group session. 4 Year 2 (often referred to as 11th Grade) Candidates have completed Year 1 of Confirmation Preparation Program Candidates attend (8) Journey in Faith sessions. Candidates attend (7) Confirmation Group sessions-on Scheduled Sunday mornings from 10am-1:30pm. The Group Session will begin with the 10am Mass where the entire Confirmation program, years 1 and 2, will sit together. After Mass the Session will run until 1:30pm. Candidates participate in (4) Service Opportunities. 2 service projects must be completed from October2012-January 2013 and 2 service projects must be completed from Feburary2013-May2013. Candidates will attend (2) Parish Reconciliation Services Advent and Lent. Candidates will attend all Holy Day Liturgies and Holy week Services in addition to weekly Mass. A schedule of dates and services will be provided at the first group session. Candidates will attend a full day retreat. Date to be determined. Candidates will write a paper on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit-more information on the assignment will be explained in one of the Group sessions. Candidates will meet with their sponsors at least twice during this year outside of the group sessions and rehearsal. Candidates and sponsors should make a point to cultivate a faith-sharing relationship in their time spent outside of the sessions. Candidates and Sponsors will attend a rehearsal –May 11, 2013 at 6pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on May 18, 2013 during the 4pm Mass. 5 Choosing a Confirmation Sponsor Below are the guidelines provided by the Archdiocese of Boston and the Parish of Saint Blaise to be used for choosing one’s Confirmation Sponsor. The Confirmation Sponsor should be someone who is or who can be a ‘Soul-friend.’ Someone with whom you have a relationship with that is rooted in and inspired by Christian values, or someone with whom you would like to have such a relationship. This person is someone who can and will help you along your faith journey. The sponsor must be a confirmed Catholic and at least 16 years of age. The sponsor ought to be a living witness to the Catholic faith through regular participation in the Sacramental life of the Church, meaning- attending weekly mass; properly supporting the work of the church; and by exhibiting a sense of charity and social justice in their own life. The sponsor should have an ongoing, caring relationship with the candidate, not only during the Confirmation preparation process, but also after the reception of the sacrament. The sponsor ought to communicate to the candidate the importance of daily prayer, regular reception of the sacraments, and Christian service. The baptismal Godparent is a good choice for a Confirmation sponsor but the candidate is not limited to this option. A parent may not be his or her child’s sponsor. 6 Dismissal from Public School Zarach v. Clauson- 343U.S.306 (1956) The United States Supreme Court ruled in this case that it is in accordance with the U.S. Constitution for a public school student to attend religious instruction at a parochial school or church event even if this should disrupt the public school schedule. ‘Public school schedule’ has been interpreted to include sporting events, band competitions, school plays, rehearsals for such events and any other school sponsored event. Any type of ‘punishment’ for missing or leaving an event early is NOT permitted and is a Violation of the Law. Therefore school personnel cannot: Threaten the student in any way (example: removal from the team, or from a position, etc.) Mock or make fun of a child’s religious convictions Point out the reason why the student is not present or leaving early to any other student or staff Place penalty such as “extra laps,” “benching,” or any other type of action upon the student because of his/her absence or early dismissal. If your Family has a problem with a teacher, coach or school office, please do not hesitate to call our office. 7 10th Grade Confirmation Schedule September 2012-January 2013 September 13th, 14th at 7PM- Orientation and Registration (must attend one) October 4, 5 -Journey in Faith October 7 -Group sessions 8:30PM -11AM (including the family Mass) November 1, 2 Journey in Faith November 4, Group session 8:30am-11am (including Family Mass) November 7, 8, 9 –Fall Fair Set up 7PM-9PM November 10th Fall Fair and clean up 10AM-8PM November 19th Service Project- Thanksgiving basket Drop-off 5:45pm-8:00pm November 20th Service Project- Thanksgiving Basket Pick-up 9:30am-2:00pm December 2nd Group Session 8:30AM-11AM (including the family Mass) December 6, 7 Journey in Faith December 10th Service Project – Adopt-A-Child Drop-off 6:00PM-8:00PM December 13th Service Project- Adopt-A-Child Pick-up 9:30AM-2:00PM January 3, 4 Journey in Faith January 6th Group sessions 8:30AM-11AM (including the family Mass) New Schedules will be given out and posted on the website on or before January 6 th All Candidates need to complete 2 Service projects each half of the year. If you have any questions or concerns please call Emily at the Rectory (508) 966-1258 or email at 8 11th Grade Confirmation Schedule September 2012-January 2013 September 13th, 14th at 7PM- Orientation and Registration (must attend one) October 4, 5 -Journey in Faith October 7 -Group sessions 10:00AM-1:30PM (including the family Mass) November 1, 2 Journey in Faith November 4- Group sessions 10:00AM-1:30PM (including the family Mass) November 7, 8, 9 –Fall Fair Set up 7PM-9PM November 10th -Fall Fair and clean up 10AM-8PM November 19th Service Project- Thanksgiving basket Drop-off 5:45PM-8:00PM November 20th Service Project- Thanksgiving Basket Pick-up 9:30AM-2:00PM December 2nd- Group sessions 10:00AM-1:30PM (including the family Mass) December 6, 7 Journey in Faith December 10th Service Project – Adopt-A-Child Drop-off 6:00PM-8:00PM December 13th Service Project- Adopt-A-Child Pick-up 9:30AM-2:00PM January 3, 4 Journey in Faith January 6th- Group sessions 10:00AM-1:30PM (including the family Mass) New Schedules will be given out and posted on the website on or before January 6 th All Candidates need to complete 2 Service projects each half of the year. If you have any questions or concerns please call Emily at the Rectory (508) 966-1258 or email at 9 10 11 12