Unit 2: Relations and Functions Timeframe: 10-13 days Number of lessons in this unit: 9 Learning Outcomes Common Core Learning Standards addressed in this Unit: F-IF.1, F-IF.2, F-IF.5, F-BF.1c(+), F-BF.3, F-BF.4a, F-BF.4b(+) NYS 2005 Algebra 2 Core Curriculum standards addressed in this Unit: A2.A.37, A2.A.38, A2.A.39, A2.A.40, A2.A.41, A2.A.42, A2.A.43, A2.A.44, A2.A.45, A2.A.46, A2.A.51, A2.A.52 Standards for Mathematical Practices addressed in this Unit: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Enduring Understandings for this Unit: A function is a relation in which each input value in its domain is related to exactly one output value in its range. While the relationship between a function’s inputs and outputs can be represented graphically, not all graphs are produced by functions. A function and equation differ in that a function describes the way that input and output (e.g. x and y) are related, whereas an equation states that two expressions are equal (and often involves solving for the value of a variable). Essential Questions for this Unit: - How are relations and functions related? - When are functions “one-to-one,” “onto,” both, or neither? - What are the different ways to represent relations and functions? - Under what circumstances do functions have inverses? - How can the domain and range of a function be determined? Content of this Unit: - Relations - Functions - Domain and range - Function notation - Composition of functions - One-to-one and onto - Inverses of functions - Transformations of functions Skills of this Unit: - Represent and interpret functions relations using tables, graphs, coordinates, and maps. - Define relations and functions and distinguish between the two from their graphs. - Assess when a relation is a function. - Understand domain, range, and the relationship between the two as they pertain to functions. - Determine domain and range of a function using its equation or graph. - Represent functions in function notation and use function notation to evaluate functions. - Determine the composition of two functions. - Explain when a function is one-to-one and/or onto. - Predict and describe the effect of a transformation on a function’s graph. - Determine and interpret the inverse of a function. - Understand the relationship between a function and its inverse. Key Vocabulary & Language of this Unit: Relation, function, domain, range, composition, one-to-one, onto, inverse, transformation, undefined (review) Assessments Resources used in this Unit: - JMAP.org Resources for each Standard - TI Smartview - Regents Reference table - Prentice Hall Algebra 2/Trigonometry - Holt Algebra 2 Resource Page - Graphical representations of geometric connections - SmartBoard software to demonstrate functions Formative Assessments: - Functions math sprint with trade-and-grade - Mini dry erase boards - Daily exit slips - Pair, group, and class discussions - Homework assignments - Writing prompts/journaling - Quizzes - Peer- and self-assessments - Results and observations - Warm up collection and review - Summaries - Questioning Summative Assessments, including Performance Tasks: - Student presentations - Unit Performance Task - Unit Exam Instructional Pathway Learning Activities & Teaching Strategies Used in This Unit AD = agree/disagree: statement given related to functions for students to agree/disagree with and defend answers CAP = create a problem: students create a problem from a given scenario C = explicit connection to another math course or other discipline CS = card sort: sort cards into groups with a common theme related to functions DA = discovery activity DT = discussion topic: for any grouping structure E = extension topic/problem EA = error analysis: teacher models a common mistake and students determine where the mistake was made, or teacher presents alternative approaches, and students determine which, if any, are wrong GO = graphic organizer: use of Frayer model for definition OEQ = open-ended question: question that has many possible correct answers Grouping Structures (I) = individual (P) = with a partner (G) = in a student group (C) = whole class MR = multiple representations MS = math sprint: quick timed assessment for building fluency and reviewing PA = peer assessment with a partner RWC = real world connection SP = student presentation T = use of technology: calculators, SmartBoard function generator TPS = think-pair-share WB = whiteboard: students do/correct their work on mini whiteboards and share with a partner, group, or class WP = writing prompt Standards Aim Lesson Content - A2.A.37 A2.A.38 1. What are relations and functions? 2. When is a relation a function, and when is it not? - - Reference to a function as a “machine” and “black box” (review) Examples of relations Examples of functions Mapping representation Vocabulary for graphical word wall: relation, functions Mapping representations Graphical representations Coordinate representations Vertical Line Test (review) Assess whether any given representation of a relation also represents a function or not Activities & Strategies - RWC: Vending machine analogy; when you press M3, you always get a Snickers bar! If you get something else when you press M3, the vending machine is not predictable or is broken (i.e. not functioning!). - T(C): SmartBoard Function Machine, let students pick x values and the function machine outputs y values, and students work to find the “rule.” - DA(G): Provide graphs, sets of points, tables, and mappings to students, with each identified as a function or non-function, and have students come up with “rules” for how to determine if a given representation is a function or not. - GO(I): Frayer model for the word “function” (include definition, illustration, examples, and non-examples) F-IF.1 F-IF.5 A2.A.51 3. How do we determine the domain and range of a function from its graph? - F-IF.1 F-IF.5 A2.A.39 4. How do we determine the domain and range of a function from its equation? - - F-IF.2 A2.A.40 A2.A.41 5. How can function notation be used to evaluate functions? - Definitions of domain and range Examples of domains/ranges that are intervals and all real numbers Given a graph of a function, determine the domain and the range Real world scenarios and constraints on domains/ranges Vocabulary for graphical word wall: domain, range Values that make an expression undefined (0 denominator) or not real (negative radicand) Use structure and form to determine range (such as absolute value and quadratics) Include examples with open/closed endpoints What is function notation, why does it exist, what does it show us that “y =” doesn’t Convert functions in y = form (or other form) into function notation with correct variables Evaluate functions using function notation for given values in the domain Include negative numbers that get squared (review) or that generate nonreal/undefined values (what does this - - - - - DT(P): Are all relations functions? Are all functions relations? Justify your answers. MS(I): As opener/review from previous day: determine function or non-function, given several graphs, tables, sets of coordinates, and element maps. CAP(P): students develop graphs modeled from real world scenarios that they come up with, then trade with other pairs to determine domain and range. AD(G): All functions have domains and ranges. MR: Represent domains and ranges in set builder notation and interval notation. WB(C): Students determine domains and ranges on their boards and display to teacher and the class. E: Find domain and range from equations of non-functions (e.g. basic circles) TPS: How are parentheses used differently in the following? f(x), 4(x – 3), (6, -5) OEQ(P): Come up with two different functions for which f(–3) = 15; get creative! WP(I): One student represented a function with y = 15x and another students represented the same function with f(x) = 15x. Are both the same? Is one representation more useful than another? Explain your thinking. F-BF.1c A2.A.42 6. How are compositions of functions determined, and why are they useful? - - A2.A.43 7. How and when are functions classified as one-to-one or onto? - F-BF.4a F-BF.4b A2.A.44 A2.A.45 8. What is a function’s inverse, and how is it found? - - then mean for that input?) Vocabulary for graphical word wall: function notation The composition symbol, ᵒ, and the order in which functions are composed Correct usage of the composition symbol as it relates to function notation, e.g. f ᵒ g = f(g(x)) Perform compositions of two functions; include an example where the two functions are inverses (set the stage for lesson 10) Vocabulary for graphical word wall: composition Definitions of one-to-one and onto Graphical and mapping representations of one-to-one and onto functions Vocabulary for graphical word wall: one-to-one, onto Define what an inverse is; use mapping representation Find the inverse of a function Verify that two functions are or are not inverses by using compositions Show that the domain and range of a function and its inverse are reversed; use this idea to draw the graph of a function’s inverse given the graph (or input/output pairs) of the function Vocabulary for graphical word wall: - - - - - EA(C): 1. Compose two functions in the wrong order, 2. Compose two functions in the correct order, but replace only one x in the function rather than both x’s, e.g. f(x) = x2 + 4x, g(x) = x – 7, f ᵒ g (x) = (x – 7)2 + 4x C(geometry): Teacher writes R90 ᵒ rx-axis on board and asks how the use of the ᵒ symbol here is related to compositions of functions. CS(G): Students categorize cards with mixed graphs and mapping representations into the following categories: non-functions, one-to-one functions, onto functions, one-toone and onto functions, functions that are neither one-to-one nor onto PA(P): Students work individually to calculate the inverse of a function given an equation and draw the inverse of a function given the function’s graph; they then work in pairs to trade and grade each other’s work SP(P): Students present to the class about their findings related to finding the inverse; follow-up questions to the pairs from the teacher will include questions related to whether the inverse is a function, one-to-one, onto, etc. inverse, invertible - - F-BF.3 A2.A.46 9. How do we transform functions and relations? - Use the function f(x) = x2 and write expressions for: f(x) + 5, f(x + 5), 5f(x), and f(-x) Based on this, have students predict the effects of these “shifts” on the graphs of the original function, f(x). - - C(geometry): What transformation is created when x and y values are reversed? (reflection over y = x!) What does this say about the graphical relationship between a function and its inverse? E: Given the graph of a function’s inverse, determine the equation of the original function. T: Use calculators to explore different shifts, including f(x ± a), f(x) ± a, f(-x), and af(x), with different values for a DA(G): By exploring and analyzing many different examples, students come up with verbal and graphical descriptions for how different transformations to a function effect the graph of f(x) C(geometry): What transformations are occurring? (Translations, dilations, and reflections!) 10. Review Class 11. Unit Exam Differentiation strategies used in this unit & modifications embedded within this unit to provide access for all learners - Use of projected calculator emulator (TI Smartview). Use of graphic organizers to enhance learning of key vocabulary. Provide multiple representations of functions and relations throughout unit. Extension problems provide additional challenge to students. Focus on supporting students with proper use and interpretation of symbols related to functions. - Use of open-ended questions provides students at varying levels with entry points. Think-alouds used with certain students and groups, as needed. Students are provided with independent think time prior to answering questions in any grouping setting. Explicit connections of this unit’s content to other courses help to build relevance. Choice in student presentation format and delivery. Development of Academic & Personal Behaviors and 21st Century Skills - - Many pairing and grouping exercises help students to build collaboration skills. Students maintain portfolios and contribute work from this unit to it; students are provided with opportunities to revise their work, after receiving feedback from peers and teacher (including the unit performance task). Through the use of strategic grouping, driven by formative assessment data, students interact with pairs, groups, and the whole class on a routinely changing basis; tasks and classroom activities are developed to promote independence (e.g. the use of “Ask Three Before Me” and related strategies), effective collaboration, and leadership (group leaders are rotated). Student presentations provide students with the opportunity to present and defend their work in front of their peers, and take questions. Instructional Shifts Instructional Shift: Focus Where in this unit is there evidence of focusing deeply on the concepts that are prioritized in the standards? Instructional Shift: Coherence How does this unit build upon knowledge of prior years, and how does it support future coursework? Instructional Shift: Rigor Where is there evidence of rigor in this unit? The sequence of lessons in this unit provide students with the opportunity to develop an in depth understanding of functions, representations of functions, and the use of functions. These lessons build upon the skills developed in 8th grade and algebra with regard to introduction to functions and connect to the transformations unit in geometry. This unit helps to prepare students for courses after algebra 2 in which Several rigorous activities are planned for this unit, including providing students with opportunities to create their own problems and questions, agree/disagree and justify their ideas with partners and the class, and engage with function notation is widely utilized. open-ended questions and extension questions. Multiple discovery activities provide students with the opportunity to investigate certain mathematical phenomena, analyze what they see, and develop mathematical rules or techniques with their peers.