Summer Research Fellowship Application Last Name First Name Current Address: Suite No. Middle Initial Preferred Name Street City Province Postal Code If Current Address is temporary, indicate leaving date: Permanent Address: Suite No. Street City Province Postal Code Home Telephone No. E-mail Address (1) Language of Correspondence: Cell/Alternate No. E-mail Address (2) English I am a citizen of Canada French I am a citizen of Name of Country International Students: If you are not a Canadian citizen, provide Type of Visa Expiration Date Supervisor Name Affiliated Institution Position/Title Telephone No. E-mail Address: Academic Information Which university are you currently attending? How many years of university level study will you have competed by the end of this academic year? Research Fellowship Application Form Page 1 of 5 Major(s) GPA/average Minor(s), if applicable Expected Degree Please send one official transcript requested directly from each university or college registrar’s office you have attended. Transcripts must be enclosed in a sealed enveloped, signed by the University Registrar. Signed and sealed transcripts may be included with your application package or sent separately to OGI by the Registrar’s Office. Please list the courses you have taken that are most relevant to your proposed research. If you completed a laboratory component with one of these courses, please indicate so under “Course Description.” Title of Course Course Description Research Fellowship Application Form Semester Hours Grade Earned (letter or grade points) Page 2 of 5 Work and/or Research Experience Position Description Duration Please list your skills or experiences that would be helpful in a research project in the field you wish to study (i.e., specific lab skills, programming, etc.): Please list your extracurricular activities, awards and honours, hobbies, interests, etc. (You may include awards and honours you received while you were in high school): Please provide other pertinent information you would like the Committee to consider: Research Fellowship Application Form Page 3 of 5 How does your proposed project relate to your professional goals? (Please answer the question in the space provided.) References Applicants must submit two academic references. Reference letters may be sent separately from the application package. Please provide your referees’ complete contact information below: 1. Name Street City Province Postal Code Province Postal Code Telephone No. 2. Name Street City Telephone No. All the information I have provided on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date Research Fellowship Application Form Page 4 of 5 Fellowship Research Proposal Applicant: Last Name First Name Middle Initial Preferred Name Project Title: Supervisor’s Name: The proposal should include the following sections: Introduction: The introduction should provide the background and motivation for the proposed project Project Description: This section should specifically describe what you would do, how you plan to do it, and outline the resources you will need Goals: This section should describe what you expect to accomplish by the end of the summer and how you will measure your success The proposal must be typed on a separate page and must NOT be longer than three pages (plus references). Proposals that exceed this maximum length will not be considered. Please ensure that your proposal is typed in 12-point font, double spaced, and formatted with one-inch (1”) margins. Your supervisor should review your proposal, offer suggestions on technical content and writing style and approve the final draft. The student MUST write the proposal. Research Fellowship Application Form Page 5 of 5