Meeting Minutes


AOCYPAA Meeting Minutes


Date: 7/7/2013

Location: St. George’s Church

Time: 2:00 p.m.- p.m.

Next Scheduled Meeting: July 21, 2013 2 p.m.

-Curtis opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer

-Preamble was read.

-Minutes from 6/16/2013 accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Garrett

-Kyle: Did you get the e-mail about financials of Roller Rama?

-Garrett read the financial summary

-7 th Tradition: $53.53

-Skating Income: $940

-Rent: $45 for meeting

-Rink: $655

-Square Income: $184.00

*Total Profit: $477.00

Bylaws Chair: Brad Waldo

-Amendments to bylaws will be printed out next business meeting

-We’ll vote on these next meeting.

-For our group’s unity, it’s important that things be explained to people and not skipped on to the next topic.

-Kyle Concern: Bylaws protect us from having a simple majority for some things, but there are simple things we vote on that we may not be able to get to a 2/3 vote—believes that simple majority can serve us in some situations.

-Brad emphasized the point that when it’s 50/50, then half the group would go in a direction that they don’t want to go in. We need to go in one unified direction.

-Kyle: Situations like co-hosting events—a majority may not be necessary if those who voted to cohost attend and participate in the event.

-Brad: You never want it to be a simple majority because then half the meeting is left upset.

-Saturn: We need a 2/3 vote because it protects us as a group. The bylaws protects the group from the individual.

-Saturn Tradition 7 Report: Every AA group is to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

*This is something to implement in your individual life.

-Ally Concept 6 Report—On behalf of AA as a while, our General Service Conference has the principal responsibility for the maintenance of our world service, and it traditionally has the final decision respecting large matters of general policy and finance. But the conference also recognizes that the chief initiative and the active responsibility in most of the matters should be exercised

primarily by the Trustee member of the Conference when they act among themselves as the General

Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous.


-Sub-Committee Reports

-Old Business: Co-Outreach Voting

-New Business: Brad and Kyle

Sub-Committee Reports:

Entertainment Chair: Kyle C.

-Co-Hosting event with SOCALYPAA August 3

-Event planning to do an end-of-summer pool party at the end of August.

-We’ll spend ~$750.

-Saturn raised the issue of venue for Halloween event.

Entertainment Co-Chair: Parker

-No Report

Hotel Chair: Liz S.

-No Report

Literature Chair: Quinn

-No Report

Outreach Chair: Robert R.

-Kyle: Are we still designating meetings for outreach?

-Parker: Going to Garden Grove YPAA meeting and outreaching, and working on announcement with


Security: Jake C.

-No Report

Unity Chair: Madison L.


H&I Representative: Nick D.

-2 Panels at Newport and Touchstones

-Trying to organize female panel

Webmaster: Alex B.

-Need to get meeting minutes from last meeting e-mailed and up on the Website.

-Saints and Sinners event will be put on webpage

-Saturn suggested putting a link up to the CA AA Convention

Archives: Paola M.

-No Report

Service Liaison: Brian S.

-Went to ASC in 29 Palms—Gerald would like to give a report on General Service Conference

-Wants representative to go to different district meetings throughout the county.

Central Office Representative: Ally D.

-If you have an opinion relative to the group, Ally wants to hear your opinion.

Room Facilitator: Jackson G.

-No Report

Meeting Directory: Nick C.

-New meeting at Newport Club Thursdays 10 a.m. that needs support

Bid Package Report: Charlotte

-Theme: Alcoholic Avengers Responsibility Statement

-Ally: is that an affiliation with an outside issue?

Convention Liaison: Saturn

-We’ve been asked to help with the Southern California AA Convention—offering a whole YPAA part for conference.

-They ask we support them.

-Have panels—this will be in Rancho Mirage.

-Have people from YPAA committees from all over Southern California.

-Kyle: Has COACHELLYPAA been contacted about this? They got involved late in the running, and then Saturn was asked because they did not meet time deadlines. COACHELLYPAA is ok with us doing this. Saturn called Outreach Chair—they have their own panel and own Marathon Meeting. Saturn asked by convention chair to do this.

Old Business

-Co-Outreach Position Vote: Ally, Nick C., Ali M., Beau

-New Co-Outreach Chair: Beau

New Business: Brad and Kyle

-Kyle: What’s the group opinion of going as AOCYPAA and doing a token bid for ICYPAA? We could also go as a BIDDYPAA kind of thing to do a token bid, or we could not bid at all.

-Doug: SOCALYPAA ran into the issue of finding a hotel with capacity that was willing to entertain us—will that be an issue?— Kyle: There are hotels in Anaheim that could support us.

-Will this cause bad blood with San Diego?— Kyle: Who Cares?

-We voted against AOCYPAA putting in a token bid for ACYPAA.

Brad: What was the Tradition 11 opinion from GSO—they said that Facebook falls under the umbrella of

Tradition 11—Ally will talk to someone again about this.

-Motion: To continue doing Facebook as we have been doing.

-Motion Passes


-ICYPAA next weekend

-SOCALYPAA “Saints & Sinners” Dance—we’re co-hosting—in Long Beach
