APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OF WELLINGTON ARTS Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP OF WELLINGTON ARTS I, ____________________________________of ______________________________________ (Full Name of Applicant) (Address ) _________________________________________________ _______________________ (Address ) (Phone) ___________________________________________________ (Email) ________________________________________ (Professional Arts Occupation) Hereby apply to become a member of the above named incorporated association. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the constitution of the association for the time being in force. ____________________________________________________ (Signature of Applicant) ______________________ (Date ) I, _______________________________________ (Full Name) a member if the association, nominate the applicant for membership of the association. ____________________________________________________ ______________________ (Signature of Proposer) (Date ) I, _______________________________________ (Full Name) a member if the association, second the nomination of the applicant for membership of the association. ____________________________________________________ (Signature of Seconder) ______________________ (Date ) ............................................................................................................................................................ (Please detach with payment) PAYMENT OF PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP FEES $50.00/pa Name: ______________________________________ Payment: $____________________ Cheque / Cash / Direct Deposit Direct Payment BSB: 082-922 Account: 73 384 0541 PO Box 42, Wellington NSW 2820 Phone: 02 6845 3005 Email: Fax: 02 6845 4009