Cellular Respiration Quiz Checklist

SBI 4U1: Grade 12 University Biology: Cellular Respiration
Quiz Checklist
□ Oxidative vs substrate level phosphorylation
□ 4 stages of cellular respiration & their locations in the cell
□ Steps in glycolysis (phosphorylations, products, energy
□ Steps and products of the Kreb’s cycle (diagram)
□ Steps and products in the Electron Transport Chain
□ Balanced chemical equations for fermentation & aerobic
cellular respiration
SBI 4U1: Grade 12 University Biology: Cellular Respiration
Quiz Checklist
□ Oxidative vs substrate level phosphorylation
□ 4 stages of cellular respiration & their locations in the cell
□ Steps in glycolysis (phosphorylations, products, energy
□ Steps and products of the Kreb’s cycle (diagram)
□ Steps and products in the Electron Transport Chain
□ Balanced chemical equations for fermentation & aerobic
cellular respiration