2014-2015 Charges - Atlantic Cape Community College

Academic Policies, Procedures, and Standards Committee
Charges 2014 – 2015
Standing Charges
Elect a chair and secretary, or rotate the secretarial duties if desired. Email these selections to the
Vice President of Academic Affairs (hernande@atlantic.edu), Dean of Liberal Studies
(mcarthur@atlantic.edu), Dean of STEM Programs (ashelton@atlantic.edu), Dean of Career
Education (dvassall@atlantic.edu), Dean of the Academy of Culinary Arts
(mcclay@atlantic.edu), the Administrative Assistant of Academic Affairs
(hfischer@atlantic.edu), and Chair of the FAEC (bzolivic@atlantic.edu).
Review these charges to be sure that (1) the recommended charges of the previous year were
addressed, (2) minutes of all meetings conducted in the previous year were submitted online (3)
all normal standing charges are included, (4) the charges listed are correct, still valid and properly
placed, (5) charges that were completed aren’t repeated and (6) the charges are clear. Email
corrections and changes to the Secretary of the FAEC cragg@atlantic.edu)
Minutes of the committee meetings should be submitted to Vice President of Academic Affairs
(hernande@atlantic.edu), Dean of Liberal Studies (mcarthur@atlantic.edu), Dean of STEM
Programs (ashelton@atlantic.edu), Dean of Career Education (dvassall@atlantic.edu), Dean of
the Academy of Culinary Arts (mcclay@atlantic.edu), the Administrative Assistant of Academic
Affairs (hfischer@atlantic.edu). An additional copy of all committee meeting minutes shall be
submitted to the Chair of the FAEC electronically under the appropriate committee category. A
progress report is due by at the end of December. A year-end report is due by the end of May.
Reports should also be uploaded to the web.
Minutes of all meetings and a description of your activities should be posted on Atlantic Cape’s
website, along with a list of members. (login: atlantic password: cape)
Submit recommendations for next year’s charges to the Vice President of Academic Affairs,
Dean of Instruction and the Chair of the FAEC.
Before the end of the spring semester, discuss the summer appeals meeting to assure that it will
be adequately staffed. All committee members are expected to attend. If there is a need, consider
soliciting help from past members of the committee or contact the Chair of the FAEC.
Evaluate grade appeals and credit amnesty cases.
Continuously evaluate and recommend academic standards, policies and procedures to ensure that
they promote student success.
Additional Charges
Present a motion for proposed criteria for student academic classifications to Faculty Assembly.
Revise and finalize a college-wide definition of plagiarism to be presented at the faculty
assembly, and to be included in the college policy on plagiarism.
Propose a motion to Faculty Assembly: The 16th week of the semester will be used as the
discretion of the instructor/department to promote student success: final exams, conferencing,
advising, or make up missed class time.
Assist the office of Academic Affairs in the planning of advisement day implementation.