Second Baptist Church Humble Beginnings: Beyond Slavery

Second Baptist Church
Humble Beginnings: Beyond Slavery,
Beyond a Century
Written by Dr. Earleen De La Pierrere
The first century since the founding of Second Baptist Church of Mumford, New
York, was celebrated in 1991. The nascence of the church was in Belcoda, New York, and
was marked by its humble beginning with a small group of Christian farm workers who
had put slavery behind them, and was spiritually led by the eloquent and inspired
founder, Rev. Clayton A. Coles.
Rev. Coles, (1838-1926) was a product of the slave system. Ere emancipation,
Clayton A. Coles, survived without some basic facts that today we tend to take for
granted. One example is that the identity of his father, mother and extended family was
not available to him. His birth was not listed in the public record. Burning questions
about his own heritage led him to search for answers. "His faint memories stood him in
good stead and somehow he knew that he perhaps saw the light of day in the city of
Chattanooga, Tennessee in ... 1838" ante-dating the Civil War by 23 years.
1891:- He was an eloquent speaker without formal education. The tenant
farmers or migrant workers (many from Culpepper, VA) came to the rural area of
Monroe County with a fervent desire to worship GOD. Rev. Coles recognized this strong
devotion to GOD. All the necessary elements came together under the leadership of
Rev. Coles. They thanked and worshipped GOD in a Baptist parsonage. This body of
Christians was thus established as the Belcoda Baptist Church of Mumford.
Church was the only institution African Americans possessed. Nationally, the
count of Negroes lynched in the year 1871 rose to 112. Often the church leader also
became the spokesman for the race especially in political areas.
Clayton A. Coles was born (1838) into slavery and denied knowledge of his
Young Clayton A. Coles became the body-servant of Confederate Gen. "Stonewall"
Jackson, a good and religious master. The trade of young Coles was broom-making.
On Aug. 26, 1885 Clayton A. Coles was ordained a minister at Ebenezer Baptist
Church, Lignum, Va.
Rev. Coles took for his wife, Miss Ellen Wilson in Philadelphia, Pa.
August of 1898 the church was officially incorporated as the Belcoda Baptist
In 1944 the name was changed to the Mumford Second Baptist Church.
The first parsonage still stands along the Belcoda Road
The headstone at the grave of Rev. Coles in the Belcoda Cemetery still stands
Second Baptist Church of Mumford is the second oldest African-American
Baptist church established in Western New York and the second African-American
church established in the Greater Rochester Area. The first church established in the
Greater Rochester Area is A. M. E. Zion Church.
A selection of the founding families are: the Charles B. Coles Family, Messrs.
Minor Poles, John Martin, and Horace Blackburn. Second Baptist has become ancestral
home to several living descendents of past generations. They continue as members of
Second Baptist Church. Likewise, descendents of Rev. and Mrs. Clayton A. Coles are
traditional members of Second Baptist Church of Mumford today.
This congregation has regularly enjoyed from its very inception a fortunate
blending of disparate degrees of talents: be it skills, abilities, and/or other intellectual
assets. Perhaps the most valuable asset that is very apparent in the congregation is the
spiritual fellowship demonstrated by the apparent love, peace and joy of its
members. Frequent occasions to eat together, loving care and attention paid to each
and every child, the Children's Sermon, religious and other occasions to celebrate all
combine to make get-togethers in the basement anticipated events. Visiting the sick,
remembering birthdays and anniversaries are among the many caring signs.
1898, the church was moved from Belcoda to Mumford on centrally located land
donated by two members, James and Henry Johnson. Men of the church made the
foundation and hauled the building on a horse-drawn, spring wagon to the site in
Mumford. Incorporation followed.
This church has enjoyed the privileged advantage of access to ministerial students at
Colgate Divinity School of Rochester. Excellent students have shared their inspiration,
knowledge and training by visiting or in a practicum with this congregation. Frequently
the Pastor has come from the pool of graduating seniors at Colgate as is the case for Rev.
Dr. Charles Thurman.
Rev. Clayton A. Coles became the 1st Minister and administered the
name change from Belcoda Baptist Church to Second Baptist Church.
Rev. Coles retired due to the illness of his wife.
The sanctuary -- from its inception to 1908 -- was one room: a large pot-bellied stove,
kerosene, lamp, chairs, no musical instrument, no basement. Often the minister was
paid with food.
1905-08 Rev. Slaughter became the 2nd Minister. He came during the
summer. When he had "had enough of our cold winters, he returned to the South,
married and settled there."
1908-10 Rev. Kearney, the 3rd Minister, was licensed by the First Baptist
Church in Rochester. He served his first two years with no salary. He usually traveled
to church by train. During his second year, he received "carfare" and "a bit of money"
from the congregation once in a while.
1908 Prior to this time the church building contained only one room, a large
potbellied stove, kerosene lamps, chairs instead of pews, no musical instrument and no
basement. Renovation included: pews purchased, building raised, basement partially
excavated, a hot-air furnace installed, the church enlarged where the pulpit and choir
stand are. The first organ was bought. Miss Ethel Marshall, later Sims, was organist.
1910-12 Mr. Charles Hunt, the first Negro to integrate Rochester Theological
Seminary, became the 4th Minister of Second Baptist. He established uniformity: a
consistent order of service, Sunday School and B.Y.P.U.
Rev. Rose came for a short interval, then went to Le Roy and organized a Le Roy Second
1913-16 Rev. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, became the 5th Minister while a
student at Rochester Theological Seminary. He organized the first Trustee Board,
Missionary Society and enjoyed the endearment of the congregation -- especially the
young adults. As a speaker, his style is described as "provocative" and
entertaining. On the day of his departure, so many members crowded the Caledonia
train station that the "train was delayed for over an hour." He later became President of
Howard University.
During this time, the church produced a very well known quintet of men. The members
were: Joe Allen, Sidney Robinson, Steve Davis, Henry Washington, and Ernest Burrell.
1916-19 Rev. Charles Haynes became the 6th Minister who set a record when
he baptized twenty-seven (27) candidates on one Sunday in the creek across from the
church on George Street. He was a first-year student at Colgate-Rochester.
Fall of 1919 Rev. Simpson, Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, filled in 'til the end of the
1920-27 Rev. William T. Parker, a Colgate-Rochester grad, and his wife, Daisy,
became the 7th Minister. He ministered to both Mumford and Le Roy Baptist
churches. He introduced offering envelopes. He went to pastor the First Baptist Church
in Princeton, NJ.
1927-39 Rev. Robert R. Turpin, A.B., B.D., 8th Minister, served both Le Roy
and Mumford churches. He withdrew from Le Roy and served Mumford only. His
tenure was during the Depression era. At times he "waited for months without getting
his full amount of salary, and then at the time of rally in August he would receive his
money." A traditional practice for the church was the fourth Sunday in August, which
was celebrated as BIG DAY. "Everyone who could come home, came home, and the
people brought baskets of food and ate together. There were two services, morning and
afternoon, and we truly enjoyed a wonderful fellowship. It was [probably] during this
[depression] era that the dinner was discontinued." (from the 70th anniversary program
booklet, pp 10-11) In May of 1939 the Turpins went to Michigan where Rev. Turpin
recently retired and his sons are both dentists in Saginaw and Pontiac.
1939-43 World War II, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Blalock, 9th minister, first to live
in the newly owned parsonage, which was paid for in record time. He was a student at
Colgate and he served until the beginning of W.W.II. With Mr. George Wilson, Trustee,
in charge of a funding committee, each Church member paid one dollar a month
combined with money out of the treasury and the Rally for any short-fall. This method
paid for the parsonage in record time. The next project was the purchase of a new
organ. Mrs. Pauline Jackson Carter headed that committee. They used the same
method of payment. The Blalocks went to Philadelphia.
1943-1944 Rev. Charles T. Epps, a seminarian, was the 10th and a wartime
minister. Nov. 17th, 1944 the name was officially changed from Belcoda Baptist Church
to second Baptist Church for business purposes. Having a recreation room was first
suggested. Rev. Epps left to become dean of a college.
"From November 1944 to April 1945 [the church was] served with supply ministers."
1945-49 Rev. Ivor Moore, was called and he accepted, the 11th minister. He and
his family moved to the area from Jamestown. "For the first time Second Baptist was
represented at the National Baptist Convention and B. T. U. Congress. Also for the first
time two youth delegates were sent to Waterloo for a Youth conference, and to Buffalo
for a Youth conference. Rev. Moore started a car-pool for the Sunday School. The
membership grew greatly and the old church was enlarged to its present size on George
Street." Members of the church worked on enlarging the structure. Rev. Moore went
from here to Gary, Indiana and subsequently to the Walker Memorial Church in New
York City.
Especially notable are the contributions of Mr. George Nelson and Mr. James Warner
(both deceased) for unselfishly giving of themselves in their efforts toward renovating
the building. The are recognized and remembered here.
In the interim Rev. Ashton Turner worked with the congregation at Second Baptist. He
preached between regular pastors. Rev. Moore often invited him to preach and for a
while it was once a month regularly. "A more humble ... nor a more faithful man
could ... be found; he gave his best."
1949-52 Rev. Odell Porter, 12th, wife Madeline, and sons came from Buffalo. He
served well. His wife was active in the music department. He left to work with migrants
in Rochester until he was called to a church in Lynchburg, VA, where he was still a
pastor in 1961.
1952-56 Rev. Paul McDaniel, 13th, graduate of Colgate; married Miss Edna
Phillips, a member of Second Baptist. He formed the first Executive Board, Christian
Education Board, Church Mortgage was paid off. Constitution was created by a
committee and adopted. A copy was given to each member of the church.
1956-60 Rev. Thomas E. Wright, 14th, had the church redecorated and
renovated, new organ and new pews were purchased, a new rood was put on, and he
reorganized the Missionary Society.
1960-64 Rev. Wendell Phillips, 15th minister, native of Pittsburgh, BS from
Virginia Union Univ., Graduate degree in Physiology from Howard, and University of
Rochester in psychology and counseling. He organized the Joint Board, Membership
Training classes and Maundy-Thursday service. He was Pastor for the 70th Anniversary
and speaker for the 95th Anniversary. "I have had some of the richest experiences of my
life... your cooperation and love have been terrific," he stated.
1965-1968 Rev. H. Beecher Hicks, 16th minister, a senior at Colgate Divinity
School. He organized the Building Council which was instrumental in remodeling the
church basement. He was Pastor when the church celebrated its 75th or the Diamond
Jubilee Anniversary.
1968-71 Rev. William Larkin, 17th minister, a student at Colgate when he came
to Mumford. He is remembered as the minister being instrumental in remodeling the
church including the basement. Sanctuary, classrooms, and lavatories were some of the
improvements. In conjunction with members of Community Church in Lakeville, the
Princess Bond was implemented to pay for the remodeling.
1971-1973 Rev. Allen Weaver, 18th minister, served as Interim pastor for
December, 1971 to June 1971. He was instrumental in reorganizing the Board of
Christian Education.
1974 to the present, Rev. Dr. Charles A. Thurman, 19th minister leads his flock.
He is a graduate of Tougaloo Southern Christian college. Selected by a major league
baseball team, he chose instead to follow the calling he received since childhood, i.e. to
preach the Word of God. He graduated from Colgate Divinity College and then came to
Mumford with his wife, Mattie. Since then, they have two daughters: Tanya and
Kimberly. Rev. Thurman has been instrumental in initiating the following events: 2nd
parsonage purchased; library built; Diaconate Board organized and Clayton A. Coles
Scholarship Commission appointed; kitchen remodeled; held 90th, 95th, 100th and
110th anniversary celebration; lead the purchased of 78.6 acres of land and pioneered a
New Church building project in Caledonia New York; Instituted the formation of New
Covenant Promise Foundation and Enterprise.
Second Baptist Church has been blessed with outstanding musicians and fine
quality singing from the congregation and choir, longevity of the Chancel Choir, Men's
Choir, and Youth and Young Adult Choir.
Mrs. Goines was for several years the church organist. In time her daughter, Mrs.
Wilma Steverson, was taught at home initially by her mother and Wilma became the
organist the church.
Our current Choir Director , Mr. George Banks, first played for the church at age
four while sitting on a stack of telephone books. His musical career has a national
reputation. Known in many musical circles, he has friends in spiritual, jazz, and popular
music genres. The Assistant Musician is Mr. Dion Johnson, a young man of many
talents and developing his abilities.
Former musicians are: Mrs. Mamie Poles; Miss Lucy Carpenter; Mrs. Grace
Hopkins Goines, mother of Mrs. Wilma Goines Steverson, who in turn became
organist/choir director from 1947-68; Mrs. Ethel Banks, pianist, George Banks and
Charles Banks, musicians, Mrs. Karen Cottom Simms; Mrs. Florence Green; Mrs.
Darlene White; Mr. Eli Wilson; Mr. Philip Salisbury; Mrs. Elizabeth Bundradge; Mrs.
Barbara Smith, et al.
Second Baptist is the home-church of many descendents of the founding
families. Like a magnet, new members continue to join and enrich the spirit-filled body
of the church. The congregation is a dynamic mix of talents, skills and abilities and
included many business, professional and artistic careers among its members, that are
striving to be filled with knowledge, wisdom and faith in GOD, to the Glory of The