
SAT Most used WORDS and Synonyms
SAT words for “STUPID”
SAT words for “Argue AGAINST”
Main Part of Speech:
Main Part of Speech:
1. challenge (verb, noun)
2. contradict (verb)
3. counter (verb)
4. debunk (verb)
5. defy (verb)
6. denounce (verb)
7. discredit (verb)
8. dismiss (verb)
9. dispel (verb)
10. dispute (verb, noun)
11. invalidate (verb)
12. oppose (verb)
13. rebuff (verb, noun)
14. rebut (verb)
15. refute (verb)
1. buffoonish (adjective)
2. doltish (adjective)
3. dupe (verb, noun )
4. fatuous (adjective)
5. imbecilic (adjective)
6. inane (adjective)
7. insipid (adjective)
8. obtuse (adjective)
9. vacuous (adjective)
10. vapid (adjective)
SAT words for “ARGUE FOR”
SAT words for “BRAVE”
Main Part of Speech:
1. advocate (verb, noun)
2. assert (verb)
3. bolster (verb)
4. confirm (verb)
5. corroborate (verb)
6. defend (verb)
7. endorse (verb)
8. justify (verb)
9. propose (verb)
10. substantiate (verb)
11. vindicate (verb)
Main Part of Speech
1. audacious (adjective)
2. bold (adjective)
3. dauntless (adjective)
4. gallant (adjective)
5. indomitable (adjective)
6. intrepid (adjective)
7. resolute (adjective)
8. stalwart (adjective)
9. stout (adjective)
10. undaunted (adjective)
11. valiant (adjective)
SAT words for “CONFUSED”
SAT words for “Criticize” or “Scold”
Main Part of Speech:
1. baffled (adjective)
2. befuddled (adjective)
3. bewildered (adjective)
4. confounded (adjective)
5. dumbfounded (adjective)
6. perplexed (adjective)
7. puzzled (adjective)
8. quizzical (adjective)
Main Part of Speech: Vocabulary:
1. admonish (verb)
2. berate (verb)
3. castigate (verb)
4. censure (verb, noun)
5. chastise (verb)
6. decry (verb)
7. denigrate (verb)
8. disparage (verb)
9. excoriate (verb)
10. rebuke (verb, noun)
11. reprimand (verb, noun)
12. reprove (verb)
13. reproach (verb, noun)
SAT words for “Different” or “Odd”
Main Part of Speech:
1. aberrant (adjective)
2. abnormal (adjective)
3. amalgam (noun)
4. anomalous (adjective)
5. deviant (adjective, noun)
6. discrepant (adjective)
7. disparate (adjective)
8. eccentric (adjective)
9. eclectic (adjective)
10. heterogeneous (adjective)
11. iconoclastic (adjective)
12. idiosyncratic (adjective)
13. motley (adjective)
14. quixotic (adjective)
SAT words for “Dislike” or “Hatred”
Main Part of Speech:
1. abhorrence (noun)
2. abomination (noun)
3. animosity (noun)
4. antagonism (noun)
5. antipathy (noun)
6. aversion (noun)
7. deplore (verb)
8. detest (verb)
9. discord (noun)
10. disinclination (noun)
11. enmity (noun)
12. execration (noun)
13. loathing (noun)
14. rancor (noun)
15. revile (verb)
SAT words for “Emphasize”
SAT words for “Explain”
Main Part of Speech:
1. accentuate (verb)
2. highlight (verb, noun)
3. punctuate (verb)
4. reinforce (verb)
5. reiterate (verb)
6. stress (verb, noun)
7. underscore (verb, noun)
Main Part of Speech:
1. account for (verb)
2. clarify (verb)
3. delineate (verb)
4. demystify (verb)
5. depict (verb)
6. elucidate (verb)
7. explicate (verb)
8. illustrate (verb)
9. point out (verb)
10. portray (verb)
11. profile (verb, noun)
SAT words for “False and Lying”
SAT words for “To Flatter”
Main Part of Speech:
1. apocryphal (adjective)
2. deceitful (adjective)
3. disingenuous (adjective)
4. erroneous (adjective)
5. fabricating (adjective)
6. fallacious (adjective)
7. fraudulent (adjective)
8. invalid (adjective)
9. mendacious (adjective)
10. prevaricating (adjective)
11. specious (adjective)
12. spurious (adjective)
Main Part of Speech:
1. adulate (verb)
2. bootlick (verb)
3. cajole (verb)
4. coax (verb)
5. fawn (verb)
6. grovel (verb)
7. ingratiate (verb)
8. obsequious (adjective)
9. sycophant (noun)
10. toady (noun)
11. wheedle (verb)
SAT words for “Generous”
Main Part of Speech:
1. altruistic (adjective)
2. beneficent (adjective)
3. benevolent (adjective)
4. hospitable (adjective)
5. largess (noun)
6. liberal (adjective)
7. magnanimous (adjective)
8. munificent (adjective)
9. open-handed (adjective)
10. philanthropic (adjective)
SAT words for “Greedy”
Main Part of Speech:
1. acquisitive (adjective)
2. avaricious (adjective)
3. close-fisted (adjective)
4. covetous (adjective)
5. gluttonous (adjective)
6. insatiable (adjective)
7. mercenary (adjective, noun)
8. miserly (adjective)
9. rapacious (adjective)
10. ravenous (adjective)
11. stingy (adjective)
12. voracious (adjective)
SAT words for “Indifferent”
SAT words for “Insult”
Main Part of Speech:
1. apathetic (adjective)
2. detached (adjective)
3. disinterested (adjective)
4. dispassionate (adjective)
5. jaded (adjective)
6. lackadaisical (adjective)
7. languid (adjective)
8. listless (adjective)
9. lukewarm (adjective)
10. nonchalant (adjective)
Main Part of Speech:
1. affront (verb, noun)
2. calumny (noun)
3. contumely (noun)
4. defame (verb)
5. denigrate (verb)
6. deride (verb)
7. disparage (verb)
8. malign (verb)
9. scorn (verb, noun)
10. slander (verb, noun)
11. slight (verb, noun)
12. spite (verb, noun)
13. taunt (verb, noun)
SAT words for “Irrelevant”
SAT words for “Love/like”
Main Part of Speech
1. digressive (adjective)
2. discursive (adjective)
3. excursive (adjective)
4. extraneous (adjective)
5. immaterial (adjective)
6. incidental (adjective)
7. peripheral (adjective)
8. rambling (adjective)
9. tangential (adjective)
Main Part of Speech:
1. accord (noun)
2. admiration (noun)
3. adoration (noun)
4. affection (noun)
5. appreciation (noun)
6. beloved (noun , adjective)
7. enamored (adjective)
8. esteem (noun, verb)
9. fondness (noun)
10. prize (noun, verb)
11. value (noun, verb)
SAT words for “Mocking”
SAT words for “Passionate”
. derisive (adjective)
2. ironic (adjective)
3. jeering (adjective)
4. parodic (verb, noun)
5. ridicule (verb)
6. satirical (adjective)
7. scoffing (adjective)
8. scornful (adjective)
Main Part of Speech:
1. amorous (adjective)
2. ardent (adjective)
3. avid (adjective)
4. élan (noun)
5. fervent (adjective)
6. fervid (adjective)
7. fervor (noun)
8. longing (adjective, noun)
9. yearning (adjective, noun)
10. zealous (adjective) zeal (noun)
11. zestful (adjective) zest (noun)
SAT words for “Poor”
SAT words for “To Praise”
Main Part of Speech:
1. beggarly (adjective $)
2. destitute (adjective $)
3. impecunious (adjective $)
4. impoverished (adjective $)
5. indigent (adjective $)
6. insolvent (adjective $)
7. meager (adjective)
8. pauper (adjective $, noun)
9. penurious (adjective $)
Main Part of Speech:
1. acclaim (verb, noun)
2. accolade (noun)
3. applaud (verb)
4. approbation (noun)
5. commend (verb)
6. eulogize (verb)
7. exalt (verb)
8. extol (verb)
9. exult (verb)
10. hail (verb)
11. kudos (noun)
12. laud (verb)
13. panegyrize (verb)
14. plaudit (noun)
15. tout (verb)
SAT words for “Questioning”
SAT words for “Relevant”
Main Part of Speech:
Main Part of Speech:
1. critical (adjective)
2. cynical (adjective)
3. doubtful (adjective)
4. dubious (adjective)
5. incredulous (adjective)
6. skeptical (adjective)
7. suspicious (adjective)
1. applicable (adjective)
2. apropos (adjective)
3. apt (adjective)
4. cogent (adjective)
5. germane (adjective)
6. material (adjective)
7. pertinent (adjective)
8. salient (adjective)
9. trenchant (adjective)
SAT words for “Rich”
SAT words for “Same”
Main Part of Speech:
Main Part of Speech:
1. consistent (adjective)
2. constant (noun, adjective)
3. homogeneous (adjective)
4. identical (adjective)
5. indistinguishable (adjective)
6. invariable (adjective)
7. uniform (adjective)
1. affluent (adjective)
2. extravagant (adjective)
3. lavish (adjective)
4. luxurious (adjective)
5. opulent (adjective)
6. ornate (adjective)
7. prodigal (adjective)
8. profuse (adjective)
9. prosperous (adjective)
10. remunerative (adjective)
11. wealthy (adjective)
SAT words for “Smart”
SAT words for “True and Honest”
Main Part of Speech:
Main Part of Speech:
1. acumen (noun)
2. acute (adjective)
3. astute (adjective)
4. cerebral (adjective)
5. erudite (adjective)
6. genius (noun, adjective)
7. ingenious (adjective)
8. keen (adjective)
9. sagacious (adjective)
10. sage (noun , adjective)
11. shrewd (adjective)
12. wise (adjective)
1. accurate (adjective)
2. authentic (adjective)
3. candid (adjective)
4. fidelity (noun)
5. forthright (adjective)
6. frank (adjective)
7. genuine (adjective)
8. incontrovertible (adjective)
9. indubitable (adjective)
10. legitimate (adjective)
11. valid (adjective)
12. veracious (adjective)
SAT words for “Widespread/ Obvious”
Main Part of Speech:
1. blatant (adjective)
2. commonplace (adjective)
3. conformist (adjective, noun)
4. conventional (adjective)
5. explicit (adjective)
6. flagrant (adjective)
7. overt (adjective)
8. pervasive (adjective)