WULF APPLICATION FORM Please refer to the WULF Prospectus for guidance when completing the application SECTION 1 – DESCRIPTION, COST AND NEED 1. Name of Applicant Union Lead partner responsible for submitting the application and financially managing the project. 2. Name of Union Contact Please state who will have responsibility for managing the project. Please note that the named contact will have responsibility for returning the quarterly grant claims, project progress reports and annual expenditure forms. Name: Tel No: Fax No: Email: 3. Contact Address Address: Post Code: Page 1 of 26 4. Project Title 5. Project Budget Total Project Budget 6. Your Background Please provide a brief description of your union/organisation Page 2 of 26 7. Project Summary What will the project deliver? Please include a brief description of: Why is the project required? What will the developments, improvements and outputs be? How will they be delivered and monitored? When will they be achieved? What will the overall impact of the project be and how will this be measured? Page 3 of 26 8. Location What is the geographical focus of your project? Please state the region(s), where applicable, or if it is pan-Wales. Please also state what employment sector(s) it is based in. Page 4 of 26 9. Main aims and objectives of Project Please outline the aims and objectives of your proposed project. Set out the link between the aims and objectives sought, the specific activities planned and the achievement of targets. Proposals should focus on addressing Essential Skills and learning that support economic growth and improved productivity. Explain how each of these will be delivered, managed and monitored to ensure all activity will be completed within the approved timescales. Use clear SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time- bound) criteria wherever possible. Page 5 of 26 10. Previous WULF Funding Please state the project title(s) and start and end date(s) of any previous WULF projects that your organisation has received funding for. If your new proposed project has similar aims and objectives to any previous WULF projects you have delivered, please state if the previous project is now running without support from WULF. Please also state why you are seeking funding for a similar project. You should provide information about how the aims and objectives of the proposed project cannot be met by the existing project. Page 6 of 26 11. Why are you seeking WULF support Please explain why WULF funding is needed, including how the project will contribute towards the ‘specific objectives’ of the Fund. Please describe the evidence you have used as the basis for this project. Have you explored any other avenues of support and, if so, what are they? Why do they not apply to this project? Page 7 of 26 12. Delivery and Expenditure To provide us with the necessary information to ensure the effective management of expenditure against delivery of activity and achievement of key targets, you are required to provide an accurate project profile using the profile template provided. This profile must be equal to the value of your allocation. Please note that underspends cannot be carried forward from one financial year to the next. You must use the budget headings that are outlined in the profile template, which has been attached at the end of the application form, for ease of use. (Delivery Profile Template) Where you plan to purchase equipment, please provide details of the cost of the equipment and why this is necessary. How will the equipment fit in with your targets? Page 8 of 26 13. Measurable targets Set realistic targets and ensure that they align with your key aims and objectives. Clearly define who the beneficiaries will be and how many will benefit. Please profile your measurable targets by completing the delivery profile template at the end of the application form. Target Number Target Link to aim/objective Who is the beneficiary How many people will benefit Measurable Target 1 Page 9 of 26 14. Additional Targets & Outcomes Please provide information about any additional outcomes that you feel might be delivered through the project that have not already been captured in the specific aims, objectives and measurable targets detailed in your application Page 10 of 26 15. Widening Participation, Access and Equality of Opportunity The Wales Union Leaning Fund gives priority to projects that widen access to lifelong learning for people in Wales, irrespective of their background or current personal circumstances. Please provide details of how your projects will address equality of opportunity by widening access to learning, e.g. by targeting nontraditional learners, vulnerable or atypical workers and those who may currently be prevented from accessing learning due to barriers that may arise from structural, personal, occupational or work-based factors. Page 11 of 26 16. Contribution towards the Programme for Government agenda in respect of addressing Essential Skills in the workplace Will your proposals significantly improve essential skills in the workplace? Does the project demonstrate effective support to any of the 9 priority sectors identified by Welsh Government? Does the project provide opportunities for employees to develop their skills and progress to further learning? Page 12 of 26 17. Promoting Partnership Please explain how your project will demonstrate and sustain effective partnerships in an effort to maximise the education and training opportunities available. This might include working with employers, other Trade Unions, learning providers, Regional Skills Partnerships or community-based organisations, Please note that any partners who are named in your bid must provide a letter of support outlining their commitment to the project. These letters must be attached to your bid at the time of submission to the Welsh Government. Please use the pages at the end of this application to list the names, location and contact details of project partners and employers. . Page 13 of 26 18. Participant Investment Please outline how your project will implement a suitable level of financial investment from Union/employer/employee when agreeing to fund learning activities. Page 14 of 26 19. Sustainability What will happen when WULF funding for the project comes to an end and how will progress made be continued? You should indicate how Trade Union policies, systems, working practices and future resource planning (including staffing) will evolve to help sustain learning activities and services beyond the duration of WULF funding. Page 15 of 26 20. Project Timetable Please set out a detailed project timetable below including the key milestones and when they will be achieved. This must include the project start and completion dates and other key progress points, such as the appointment of project staff, launch, learning needs analyses, course dates, purchase of equipment, dissemination events. The project timetable must be sufficiently detailed to enable Welsh Government to keep track of your project’s progress. Page 16 of 26 21. Project Management and Delivery Please show clearly how the project will be managed and how outcomes are going to be achieved. This should include reference to the role of steering groups, project managers and project workers. What are the key barriers and risks to the project and how will you remove or mitigate against them? Please include a risk register with your proposal. A template has been provided at the bottom of this application form. (Risk Register Template) Applicants must demonstrate how their project will be linked to and supported by their wider union infrastructure and/or linked to other partners and schemes. Page 17 of 26 22. Monitoring and Evaluation What systems will you put in place to effectively manage and report on what the impact of the project has been? The Welsh Government will expect the impact of the project to be clearly visible; for example, if you are holding awareness raising events, you will be expected to record how many people attended and gather feedback about what the benefit was for them, including any progression on to further project-funded activity. The Welsh Government has allocated funding for an independent external evaluation in Year 2 of the projects. Please outline the systems you will have in place for collecting and sharing learner and employer data to support this evaluation. Please include details of how you will meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and how you will collect participants’ consent to share information with the Welsh Government. Page 18 of 26 23. Project Partners Letters of Support Please note that partners who are named in your bid must provide a letter of support detailing their commitment and contribution to the project. These letters must be attached to the bid at the time of submission to the Welsh Government. Failure to attach letters of support to the bid will mean that the relevant partner will be removed from the bid. (a) Employers Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: E-Mail: E-Mail: Page 19 of 26 Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached (b) Unions Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: E-Mail: E-Mail: Role: Role: Page 20 of 26 Letter attached Letter attached Page 21 of 26 (c) Learning Providers Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: E-Mail: E-Mail: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Page 22 of 26 (d) Voluntary, Community and other Partners Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Name: Name: Address: Address: Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: E-Mail: E-Mail: Role: Role: Letter attached Letter attached Page 23 of 26 23. Applicant’s Check List Please tick to confirm: Yes No Have all sections on the form been completed? Have all original letters of support from the project partners been attached? These letters must give details of the partner’s commitment to the project. 24. Authorisation I confirm that this application has the support of the union leadership. Name (block capitals) Position Signature Date THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED IN HARD COPY TO JENNY MADGE AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW, BY 8th JANUARY 2016 Welsh Government Tŷ’r Llyn Clos Llyn Cwm Swansea SA6 8AH Please also e-mail an electronic copy of the application to: Jenny.Madge@wales.gsi.gov.uk Page 24 of 26 Delivery Profile Template Budget Heading Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Year 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Year 2 Project Total Learning Delivery Costs actual course delivery Learning Development Costs new course activity only Learning Events - including awareness raising events Learning Centres - include all associated costs inc ICT Promotion Project Manager Salary Project Support Staff Salary T & S - including expenses and mobile phones excluding overheads Equipment Total Expenditure Please profile the projects measurable targets by quarter easurable Target 1 (replace with actual target) Measurable Target 2 etc Total Target Page 25 of 26 Risk Register Template Please provide as much detail as possible; the Register will need to be updated as the project progresses. Please insert additional lines if required. Project management and governance arrangements Risk Description Likelihood Impact (1 – 10) (1 – 10) Total Risk Controls to be established Owner Review Date Summary of totals Low Risk = 1 – 30 Medium Risk = 31 – 70 High Risk = 71 - 100 Page 26 of 26