Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Officer Duties Section 1: President The President(s) shall: 1. In the absence of the Chairperson, presides over meetings of the MJFP. 2. Work with the Chairperson to prepare each meeting's agenda. 3. Be a member, ex officio of all committees, except a committee to elect the Steering Team. 4. Represent the MJFP at Morris Jeff Community School Board Meetings. 5. Represent the MJFP at city-wide meetings or other meetings outside of the organization. 6. Assist in the total coordination of all committees and the MJFP as a whole. 7. Spend no more than $100 on any one item or combination of related items, not included in the budget, without the consent of the general membership. 8. Sign checks, notes, etc. in the absence of the Treasurer. 9. Appoint Special Committees as needed. 10. Announce MJFP meetings to the School population at least one week in advance of that meeting. Section 2: Vice President The Vice President shall: 1. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, resignation, or inability to serve. 2. Assist the Principal with the preparation and distribution of the School handbook. 3. Plan and implement not-for-profit social activities for parents where concerns can be heard, including Coffee & Conversations. 4. Serve as Parent Liaison, working to bring issues of concern to the MJCS Principal. Section 3: Secretary The Secretary shall: 1. Maintain all records of the MJFP, including transactions, contracts, correspondence, and related documents. 2. Record the minutes of the meetings of the Steering Team and MJFP and forward copies to each Steering Team member within one week of the recorded meeting. 3. Circulate the minutes from the preceding MJFP meeting at each monthly MJFP meeting 4. Work with Committee Chairs to maintain organized records from the planning of any event hosted by the MJFP. These records should be kept in a secure location at the School, should be made available, upon request, to any Committee Chair planning a similar event, and turned over to the next Secretary to hold this position. Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Officer Duties 5. Attend to the official correspondence of the MJFP, including, but not limited to, gestures of appreciation and sympathy on behalf of the MJFP. 6. Hold a copy of the MJFP Bylaws, Parliamentary Procedures, and current Membership list and make each available upon request to any MJFP Member at any MJFP or Steering Team meeting. 7. Provide a printed copy of these Bylaws to each newly elected Steering Team member prior to the first regular MJFP meeting. Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Officer Duties Section 4: Treasurer The Treasurer shall: 1. Act as custodian of funds and perform all banking activities of the MJFP. 2. Maintain up-to-date, accurate financial records of the MJFP. 3. Receive all funds of the MJFP; including, but not limited to, donations, dues, and fundraising sales and contributions. 4. Provide a written and oral financial report of the receipts and expenditures at each MJFP and Steering Team meeting and at other times upon request of the Steering Team. 5. Audit all invoices and receipts submitted for payment or reimbursement to ensure each request is in compliance with MJFP policies. Pay all bills and disburse funds as authorized by the Steering Team. 6. Perform the complete and timely filing of all federal and state tax returns as well as other financial reports, pertaining to the MJFP's 501(c)3 status, as applicable; and maintain accurate records of such. 7. Complete all financial updates by the close of the Fiscal Year and provide a full year-end report. 8. Annually ensure that a financial audit of MJFP records is undertaken by a Finance Audit Committee consisting of up to three MJFP members that do not currently serve on the Steering Team. The Chair of this committee shall prepare a fiscal year-end audit report to the Steering Team. The Treasurer shall submit all requested/required financial data relating to MJFP operations to the Finance Audit Committee Chair within two weeks prior to the close of the fiscal year, for the purposes of the Treasurer's accounts being audited by the Finance Audit Committee. 9. Serve as liaison to MJCS Board of Directors Finance Committee and Director of Finance Operations Section 5: Chair The Chair shall: 1. Preside over all meetings of the MJFP. 2. Prepare each meeting's agenda. 3. Plan and serve refreshments at the monthly MJFP membership meetings and other MJFP functions. 4. Secure childcare workers for MJFP meetings and purchase snacks for children. 5. Serve as Nomination Coordinator: Publicize MJFP positions and recruit volunteers to fill open Steering Team positions for the upcoming school year. Work with the Steering Team and Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Officer Duties Committee Chairs to prepare a list of nominees to be included on the annual election ballot at the May MJFP meeting. This list shall be completed and publicized to all MJFP members two weeks prior to the May meeting. 6. Assist the President as needed. Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Committee Chair Duties Section 1: Fundraising Chair The Fundraising Chair shall: 1. Research options, plans, and anticipated profits and expenses for any fundraising projects and present suggestions to the Steering Team. Current approved events are: Popcorn Sales, Bake Sales, Feria de Primavera, Fish Fry School Spirit Fridays School Supplies 2. Prepare and execute fundraising projects as approved by the Steering Team. 3. Solicit volunteers to Chair and execute each Fundraiser. 4. Report all Fundraising activities, expenses, and profits at each monthly MJFP meeting. 5. Maintain planning records of each fundraiser and pass these along to the Secretary for permanent record keeping. 6. Oversee and execute the Savings Programs (i.e. Box Tops, Labels for Education, Community Coffee bucks, printer cartridges, GoodSearch, Target Take Charge, etc.). Section 2: Feria de Primavera Chair The Feria de Primavera Chair shall: 1. Oversee, organize and execute the annual Feria de Primavera (Spring Fair). Serve as liaison between the Fair Committee, Steering Team and Principal. 2. Coordinate and oversee subcommittees with assigned leaders such as: Food/drinks, class booths/activities, t-shirts, grounds logistics, and promotions. 3. Obtain final approval from Principal regarding various aspects of fair logistics, planning and expenditures. 4. Ensure all necessary occupational and event licenses and/or permits are obtained including but not limited to event, occupational, alcohol, and any Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Committee Chair Duties necessary fire inspections or permits. Provide copies of all permits to school CFO and keep originals on hand during the Fair. 5. Oversee all expenditures and seek prior approval for payments from the Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, and/or Chief Financial Officer as necessary. 6. Attend monthly Steering Team meetings to provide updates on Feria planning status and seek input as needed. 7. Coordinate regular Feria planning meetings and work closely with Communications Chair to promote the Feria. Coordinate a final post-Feria reflection meeting with subcommittee members to discuss areas of success and areas of future growth or changes needed for the following year. Discuss results with Steering Team and Principal to determine areas of future growth and successes. 8. Maintain an organized planning record to pass on to future Chairs containing copies of meeting agendas, permits, contact information, resources, and ideas to make yearly transitions smooth. Section 3: Enrichment Chair The Enrichment Chair shall: 1. Coordinate social and educational enrichment programs for students and families (i.e. Welcome Back Event, R.I.F. Fall Festival and Field Day). 2. Serve as a Liaison with Teachers. 3. Support Librarian with Annual Book Fair. 4. Coordinate the Teacher Appreciation luncheons held on each night of Progress Report Conferences and one day during Teacher Appreciation Week. 5. Work with the Principal and teachers to coordinate events that enhance current curriculum. 6. Notify the Publicity Committee in advance of event dates for photo coverage. 7. Write a summary of each event for publication in the newsletter or School website for the purposes of informing School parents that the event was sponsored by the MJFP. Section 3: Communications Chair The Communications Chair shall: Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Committee Chair Duties 1. Oversee Publicity and Web Communications, ensuring that the events and activities of the MJFP are well-publicized to the MJCS community. Publicity includes Flyers, Email blasts, Newsletter contributions, MJFP Bulletin Board Photography in advance and following events. Web Communications includes maintaining the MJFP portion of the MJCS website, and publicizing events on the MJCS Parents facebook page. 2. Work closely with the Room Parent Liaison to communicate to Room Parents regarding their responsibilities which include requesting parental consent forms for student photos and the MJFP Directory, supporting teacher with class parties, recruiting parents to assist at various MJFP events, Feria class donations and responsibilities, and Teacher Appreciation Week. 3. Work closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to support the publicity of volunteer opportunities. Section 4: Playground Chair The Playground Chair shall: 1. Serve as a liaison to the Playworks Coach. 2. Ensure the playground/playspace and associated equipment are maintained in safe working condition. 3. Ensure adequate number and quality of supplies so that students can enjoy fun and safe play. 4. Work closely with the Fundraising Chair to coordinate fundraising for maintenance and improvements of the School's playground equipment and grounds. 5. Purchase equipment, supplies, and services necessary to maintain and improve the playground equipment and grounds as approved (by vote) by the MJFP membership. 6. Begin planning for the playground/playspace at the permanent school site. Morris Jeff Family Partnership – Committee Chair Duties Section 5: Volunteer Coordinator The Volunteer Coordinator shall: 1. Coordinate volunteers for all MJFP activities, working closely with the Officers and Chairs. 2. Assist Room Parent Liaison to solicit volunteers for a minimum of one Room Parent per classroom and work with Secretary to maintain records (i.e. name, phone, email) to contact these individuals. 3. Communicate with Secretary and Librarian for regular Office and Library volunteer needs, and Principal for School-wide events (ie. Fall Open House). 4. With the help of Steering Team, oversee and execute a Volunteer Appreciation event in the spring, including a small gift for all volunteers. 5. Track volunteers’ 10-hour milestones (HelpCounter) and add “stars” to each class helmet on the MJFP bulletin board in the Lobby. 6. Facilitate recognition for the class with the most volunteer hours logged over the school year.