Audit Tool

Delivery elements - Programs
Embedding career competencies
Whole school support and coordination
School and community support
Career development and transitions activity is
provided to students informally.
Some adjustment to staffing or timetabling is
made to accommodate aspects of career
development and transition programs on a
needs basis.
Ways of modifying school organisational
structure and staffing to achieve career
development and transition outcomes are
Career development and transitions policy and
processes are supported by staff professional
Career development and transitions are coordinated
and effective communication occurs across all year
levels. Identifiable roles and career support
responsibilities are outlined for all staff.
Career development and transitions
Career development and transitions activity is
ad-hoc, uncoordinated and poorly resourced.
A member of staff is responsible for the
administration of career development and
transitions activity including VET, workplace
learning and other vocational programs and
A member of staff is responsible for the
administration and delivery of career
development and transitions activity.
A member of staff works collaboratively with
other staff to meet career development and
transition outcomes.
There is a dedicated career development practitioner
who plays an active role in whole school decision
making and is supported by administration, staff and
the wider community.
Staff professional learning
Career development professional learning is
provided in an informal way with little or no
adherence to the Professional Standards for
Career Practitioners.
Some formal career development professional
learning is offered to selected staff, and there is
an awareness of the Professional Standards for
Career Practitioners.
Career development professional learning that
adheres to the Professional Standards for
Career Practitioners is provided to interested
There is a planned program of career
development professional learning to support
the school plan including some further study in
career development.
Based on identified needs and underpinned by the
Professional Standards for Career Practitioners, career
development professional learning is planned and
provided for all school staff.
Career development and transitions activity is
discussed informally between interested staff
Career development and transitions activity is
formally discussed between relevant members
of staff.
Career development and transitions activity is a
priority in the school for selected students or in
selected learning areas.
Career development and transitions activity is a
priority in the current school plan and
appropriate staffing and resources have been
allocated to its delivery.
Career development and transitions activity is seen by
all stakeholders as critical to the success of the school.
It is a component of long term planning with ongoing
funding attached to its implementation.
Conduct a needs assessment
Staff and students are unaware of the Blueprint
and the career competencies.
A variety of data about student needs is
gathered and used to inform appropriate
student pathways.
Career development or specific learning area
staff have identified student needs against the
All staff use the Blueprint competencies to
determine the need for career development and
transitions activity, and this forms the basis of
program planning.
Career development and transitions activity is planned
and developed according to information gathered
through Blueprint needs assessment surveys
conducted with staff, students and parents.
Identify the connection: integrated
Student programs address the curriculum and
senior schooling courses without connection to
career development and transitions.
Discrete elements of career development and
transitions are identified within learning areas
and addressed in a general way.
Specific connections between some learning
areas and career development and transitions
are made and/or embedded.
All students participate in integrated career
development and transition programs and
services across learning areas using
specifically targeted resources.
A whole school approach to career development and
transitions where all students demonstrate career
development outcomes against the Blueprint
competencies is evident.
Conduct an audit
Career development and transitions activity is
provided without any link to the Blueprint
Particular competencies are addressed and
highlighted within career development and
transitions activity.
Career development or specific learning area
staff audit their activity against the Blueprint.
All personnel are involved in auditing current
activity against the Blueprint to determine the
extent of activity, strengths, weaknesses and
areas that need improvement.
Whole school planning is based on information
gathered from auditing programs and services against
the Blueprint competencies.
All students are provided with comprehensive
career education incorporating self and career
awareness, career exploration and the
development of self management skills, and
centred on the Blueprint.
As part of an integrated curriculum all students are
provided with comprehensive career education centred
on the Blueprint.
Career education
Career education is provided informally to
Students are provided with some career
education at significant points of transition.
Selected students are provided with
opportunities to explore Blueprint
competencies, develop career awareness and
explore future options.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
and/or workplace learning and/or
vocational learning
Class visits to worksites are available. Selected
students visit career expos and industry forums.
VET and/or workplace learning programs are
offered and some students participate. Students
have the opportunity to try out taster programs.
Targeted students participate in vocational
learning and/or structured programs such as
VET and/or workplace learning.
All students have access to VET and/or
structured workplace experiences across a
wide range of industry areas linked to their
career development goals.
All students participate and have access to a range of
VET and/or workplace learning programs linked to
career development goals, relevant industries and/or
locally identified skills shortage areas.
Individual pathway planning
Students have a general sense of preferred
pathways and essential courses in senior
schooling years.
Students within targeted groups each have an
Individual Pathway Plan (IPP).
All students are informed about transition
pathways and students at risk are offered IPPs.
All students are provided with opportunities to
develop an IPP.
All students monitor and regularly review their IPPs to
demonstrate decision making regarding life, learning
and work and identify strategies to achieve these
Exit planning
Students have standard exit forms such as
school reports.
Targeted student groups are provided with
some form of exit process.
Students at risk are offered exit plans to support
their transitions.
All students are provided with opportunities to
develop an exit plan.
All students use an exit plan as part of a
comprehensive and effective transitions process within
school and to post-school destinations.
Transition portfolio
Students collect and organise work samples.
Students have an understanding of a transition
portfolio as well as its requirements and
All students have the skills to compile résumés
and identify skills and abilities. This information
is stored in their transition portfolio.
All students collect, organise and appropriately
present evidence of their developing skills,
interests and achievements relative to their life,
learning and work goals.
All students use well constructed transition portfolios in
real or simulated environments to support them to
make effective transitions.
This work is copyright. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations gives permission for the use (i.e. Print copy, digitally reproduce and/or communicate) and reproduction in whole or part for study and training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the
source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Requests concerning reproduction and copyright should be sent to
Delivery elements - Services
Access and equity
Students with high support needs are identified.
Support is offered to students with high support
Students with high support needs are provided
with support packages to assist them to
overcome barriers.
Students with high support needs are provided
with intensive one on one approaches including
mentoring and/or case management.
Students with high support needs are an integral part
of an inclusive environment within the school, and
programs are tailored to meet their needs.
Career information, guidance and
Students are aware of the career information,
guidance and counselling services available to
Students and parents are informed of the
process of engaging with career counselling
and are encouraged to use the service.
Students at risk of disengaging have
comprehensive career counselling along with
up to date information about jobs, courses and
At key transition points all students are provided
with comprehensive career counselling along
with up to date information about jobs, courses
and industries.
All students are able to identify their needs and have
the skills to access and use appropriate career
counselling and career information.
Community, industry and interagency
Informal and person dependent networks are
School, community and/or cluster management
groups have representation from appropriate
There are formal links with all stakeholders.
There are joint planned initiatives with all
Industry and community based services help initiate,
and are actively involved in, the delivery of career
development and transition programs and services
within the school.
Mentoring occurs in informal ways and
Students are aware of suitable mentors in their
networks and consult them when needed.
Students at risk of disengaging are matched
with mentors who assist them with guidance,
support and direction.
All students are encouraged to identify suitable
mentors who are able to assist them with
guidance, support and direction.
Students actively engage with their mentor/s. Meetings
are regularly convened so direction, options and plans
can be discussed and ongoing feedback provided.
Monitoring and tracking
Data is collected about student results and
information is obtained through destination
A variety of student needs data is gathered.
This data is used to inform appropriate student
Career development and transition programs
and services are monitored and reviewed
based on gathered data.
Career development and transition programs
and services are reviewed and improved on the
basis of data collected from relevant sources.
New programs are designed to target identified
Planning is based on reliable data collection to foster
successful student transitions through, and from,
Placement or referral
Students are supported to find workplace
learning and/or work experience placements.
Students are offered support to gain a
placement in further education, training or
Students at risk of disengaging are provided
extensive support to secure a place in further
education, training or employment suitable to
their individual needs.
All students receive efficient and effective
support to secure a place in further education,
training or employment suitable to their
individual needs.
All students achieve effective transitions to post-school
destinations and have access to post-school support.
Transition support
Information is collected about students who are
at risk of disengaging.
Students at risk of disengaging are informed of
future options.
All students at risk of disengaging are provided
with support strategies to ensure they are
equipped to make effective transitions.
All students at risk of disengaging and other
selected students are provided with support
strategies to ensure they are equipped to make
effective transitions.
All students are provided with individualised strategies
to support effective transitions based on the
identification and development of early intervention
support strategies.
Follow through on decisions made
There is informal planning and implementation
of career development and transitions activity.
One specific staff member or learning area is
responsible for planning and implementing
career development and transitions activity for
selected students.
Working parties are encouraged to devise plans
though there is no responsibility aligned to their
Working parties involved during the planning
phase are empowered to put forward plans and
are instrumental in their implementation.
Working parties incorporating teaching and
administration staff, parents and the community are
empowered to make a positive impact on school
planning through their input and follow through in
implementing a whole school approach to career
development and transitions.
Monitor, review and evaluate
Monitoring of achievements occurs in an
informal way.
Outcomes are identified and some formal
monitoring occurs.
Monitoring and reviewing occurs in accordance
with an established career development and
transitions plan.
Monitoring and reviewing informs the school
career development and transitions plan.
Outcomes are evaluated to inform future
program and service delivery.
Monitoring, reporting, reviewing and evaluating are an
integral part of the school performance improvement
and review process.
Promote programs and services
Career development and transition programs
and services are promoted in informal ways.
Staff, students and parents are aware of the
career development and transition programs
and services available to students. Parents are
invited to information evenings.
Career development and transitions activity is
promoted to selected students in a variety of
ways including talks, print material and website
Career development and transitions activity is
promoted to all students in a variety of ways
including guest speakers, forums, print and web
based materials and an adequately equipped
career resource centre.
Career development and transition programs and
services are effectively promoted and showcased to all
stakeholders in a variety of ways on an ongoing basis
including parent evenings, newsletters and a well
equipped and staffed resource centre.
This work is copyright. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations gives permission for the use (i.e. Print copy, digitally reproduce and/or communicate) and reproduction in whole or part for study and training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the
source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Requests concerning reproduction and copyright should be sent to