DR. JILL M. WILSON EDUCATION DMA, Music Education, Boston University Dissertation: Practices of and Attitudes Toward High School Treble Choral Ensembles MME, Music Education, University of Northern Iowa Thesis: Effects of Accompaniment Situation on Melodic Sight Singing BM, Music Education, St. Olaf College PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Music Education, Luther College Assistant Professor of Music Education, Morningside College Courses included: Bel Canto Women’s Choir, Music Methods I (Elementary), Music Methods II (General/Choral Methods portion), Ear Training I-IV, Classroom Management for Music Educators, American Music Education, History and Philosophy of Music Education, Music Methods for Elementary Teachers, Choral Arranging, Garage Band, Passport (first-year liberal arts/writing course), Introduction to Conducting, Applied Horn, Show Choir Methods, May Term travel course to Paris, Amsterdam and London, and supervision of music student teachers. Chancel Choir Director, First Presbyterian Church and children’s music, accompanist and interim director positions with additional congregations Course Facilitator, Boston University for Quantitative Methods for Music Education and Music Education Curriculum Project (masters’ thesis course) Director, Leo Kucinski Academy of Music while serving as Adjunct Faculty, Morningside College, Western Iowa Technical College, and Briar Cliff University Middle School Choir Director/General Music Teacher, Head HS Choral Director, Elementary Music Specialist PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Wilson, J. (2015). Perceptions of Educational Value in Multi-Generational Ensembles. Presentation at Desert Skies Symposium, Tuscon, AZ. Wilson, J. (2015). College and Community Choir Member Views of an Intergenerational Ensemble. Presentation at Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium X /Music Lifelong Learning Conference, Tampa, FL. Royston, N., Wilson, J., Sletto, T., and Swanson, M. (2014). Paying It Forward: Preparing Tomorrow’s Music Educators. Presentation at Iowa Music Educators Association Fall Conference, Ames, IA. Sletto, T. and Wilson, J. (2014). Music Educators: The Next Generation. Presentation at Iowa Music Educators Association Fall Conference, Ames, IA. Wilson, J. (2014). Review of Raising Musical Kids: A Guide for Parents, 2nd ed., Robert A. Cutietta, Music Educators Journal, forthcoming. Snell, A., Wilson, J. and Cruse, C. (2014). Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Hosting Student Teachers as Professional Development. Presentation at NAfME Biennial Conference, St. Louis, MO. Wilson, J. and Sletto, T. Factors That Affect Participation in High School Choral Ensembles. Poster session at NAfME Biennial Conference, St. Louis, MO. Wilson, J. (2013). Music Educator Disillusionment and Demise: A Case Study. Poster session at the Society for Music Teacher Education Symposium, Greensboro, NC. Wilson, J. (2013). Advancing the Status of the Treble Ensemble: Choral Educators’ Views on the Status of Treble Choral Ensembles. G.E.M.S. (Gender, Education, Music, and Society) 1, No. 9. PEER REVIEWED Wilson, J. (2013). Modeling Flexibility and Adaptability in the Choral Rehearsal. Presented at ICDA Summer Symposium, Mason City, IA. Wilson, J. (2013). Creativity and Critical Thinking in the Choral Rehearsal. Presented at ICDA Summer Symposium, Mason City, IA. Wilson, J. (2013). Informal Learning in the Music Classroom. Presented at North Dakota Music Educators Association conference, Bismarck, ND. Wilson, J. (2013). A Survey of Iowa High School Music Programs. Presented in poster session at the Michigan Music Educators Association conference, Grand Rapids, MI. Wilson, J. (2013). Voices from the division: An interview with Bob Youngquist. Melisma 32(2). Wilson, J. (2012). School Music: Preparation for “Real Life?” Iowa Music Educators Fall Conference, Ames, IA. Wilson, J. (2012). Preferences of and Attitudes Toward Treble Choral Ensembles. Research In Music Education 10(1). PEER REVIEWED Wilson, J. (2012) Informal Learning in the Music Classroom. Presented at the Music In Schools and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) seminar, Komotini, Greece. Wilson, J. (2011). Reviews of Threading the Concept: Powerful Learning for the Music Classroom, Debra Gordon Hedden, and Constructing a Personal Orientation to Music Teaching, Mark Robin Campbell, Linda K. Thompson and Janet R. Barrett, IMEA Fall Magazine. Wilson, J. (2011). Including Pre-Service Teachers in Action Research on Informal Learning in the Small Liberal Arts College. Presented in the Best Practices poster session at the Society for Music Teacher Education Symposium, Greensboro, NC. Wilson, J. (2011). Taking Care of Your Female Singers in Light of the Male Singer Shortage. Poster presented at MENC Research Symposium in Washington, D.C. Wilson, J. (2011). Practices of and Attitudes Toward Treble Choral Ensembles. Poster session at the Research in Music Education International Conference at the University of Exeter, UK. Wilson, J. (2010). Practices of and Attitudes Toward Treble Choral Ensembles. Poster session at the IMEA Conference in Ames, IA. Wilson, J. (2010). Review of Musical Experience in Our Lives: Things We Learn and Meanings We Make, Jody L. Kerchner and Carlos Abril, Music Educators Journal 96(4). Wilson, J (2009). The Status of Treble Choral Ensembles. Presented at the IMEA Fall Conference, Ames, IA. Wilson, J. (2008). Taking Care of Your Female Singers. Presented at ICDA Summer Symposium, Mason City, IA. Published “Bravo” articles recommending new women’s choir literature in The Sounding Board, an ICDA publication (annually 2006-2011).