AEI-307 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LAB 1. Draw the drain characteristics of FET & MOSFET. 2. Draw the characteristics of UJT 3. Draw the characteristics of SCR 4. Measurement of Av, Ai, Zi, Zo of a CE transistor amplifier. 5. Draw the frequency response of RC coupled amplifier 6. Draw the frequency response of transformer-coupled amplifier. 7. Draw response characteristics of Push-pull power amplifier. 8. Construct and test the function of Negative feedback voltage amplifier. 9. Construct and find the frequency of RC-phase shift oscillator 10. Construct and find the frequency of Wein-bridge oscillator 11. Construct and find the frequency of Colpitts oscillator 12. Construct and find the frequency of Hartley oscillator 13. Construct and find the frequency of Tuned oscillator 14. Construct and find the frequency of Crystal oscillator 15. Simulation of simple circuits using EELCTRONIC WORK BENCH software. AEI-308 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB 1. Logic gates – I - AND, OR, NOT (Using IC’s). 2. Logic gates – II - NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR (using IC’s). 3. Half-adder - subtractor using IC logic gates. 4. Full-adder subtractor using IC logic gates. 5. Verification of truth tables for RS, D, T, and JK and Master - Slave JK flip-flops. 6. Verify function of counter (ICs like 7490, 7492, 7493, 74 C 93, 74160). 7. Verify function of shift register (ICs like 74104, 74185, 74 C 164, 7495, 74194 etc.) 8. Construct and test a 3-digit decade counter using ICs. 9. Construct a circuit and transfer of data between 3-four bit registers using common bus line (use ICs 74173, 74126). 10. Construct a comparator circuit for 7485 and verify the truth table. 11. Construct and verify the working SA type A/D converter. 12. Construct and verify the working of R-2R D/A converter. 13. Verify the working of Multiplexer 14. Verify the working of Demultiplexers. 15. Implement any given Boolean function using mux. AEI-309 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION LAB 1. To measure Linear Displacement using a) Resistive Transducer b) LVDT c) Capacitive Transducer 2. To measure Angular Displacement using a) Resistive Transducer b) Capacitive Transducer 3. To measure Angular Velocity using Tacho generator 4. To measure Temperature using RTD 5. To measure Temperature using Thermistor 6. To measure Temperature using Thermocouple 7. To measure relative humidity 8. To measure weight using Strain Gauge Load cell 9. To measure Pressure using Strain Gauge Load cell 10. To calibrate the pressure using dead weight tester 11. To measure the Flow rate using a) b) c) d) 12. Flow rate using Orifice plate Venturi tube Pitot tube Rotameter To measure the level using a) Float type level indicator b) Resistor type level indicator 13. To measure the torque of an induction motor. AEI-407 ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS LAB 1. Calibration of Ammeter, Voltmeter. 2. Extension of range of Ammeter, Voltmeter. 3. Conversion of Ammeter to Voltmeter. 4. Construction of series and shunt ohmmeter. 5. Study and use of FET input voltmeter. 6. Study and use of Megger 7. Study and use of digital multimeter. 8. Measurement of R, L, C parameters using Digital LCR meter. 9. Study and use of signal generators 10. Study and use of Digital IC tester. 11. Study and use of different types of probes used for CRO. 12. Measurement of voltage, frequency and phase using CRO. 13. Measurement of frequency using lissagosus figures in CRO. AEI-408 Analytical Instrumentation Lab. 1. To measure PH of the given sample using Digital PH Meter 2. To measure conductivity of the given sample using Digital Conductivity Meter 3. To measure Viscosity using viscometer 4. To measure the Density of given sample 5. Using Spectro Photo Meter, analyze the composition of the given 6. Using Flame Photo Meter, determine the presence of metal in a given sample. sample. 7. Study of Dissolved Oxygen meter. Determine the dissolved Oxygen in given sample. 8. Study of Refracto meter. Find out the refractive index of the given sample. 9. Find the concentration of a given sample using Polarimeter AEI-409 PROCESS CONTROL LAB 1. Temperature control using P, PI and PID. 2. Flow control using P,PI and PID 3. Level control using P, PI and PID. 4. Pressure control using P.PI and PID. 5. EPID Temperature control using P, PI and PID. 6. Study and Demonstration of I / P and P/I converters. 7. Study and demonstration of Pressure control (a) Open loop (b) Closed loop. 8. Study the control valve characteristics for a given valve. AEI-410 MICROCONTROLLERS LAB Perform assembly language programming on 8051 Microcontroller for the following 1. 8 – bit addition and subtraction 2. Multi byte addition 3. Block transfer of data. 4. Sum of given n numbers 5. Sum of first n natural numbers 6. 8 bit x 8 bit multiplication using MUL instruction 7. Biggest data in given array 8. Hex to BCD conversion 9. BCD to HEX Conversion 10. BCD to ASCII conversion 11. Hex to ASCII conversion 12. BCD to Hex conversion 13. Time delay program using counters Micro-Controller Interfacing 1. Testing of 8255, 2. Testing the Interfacing of 8257 DMA Controller 3. Testing the interfacing of stepper motor 4. To control the Traffic light. 5. Interfacing of seven segment display. AEI-607 PLC AND SCADA LAB 01. Study the PLC. 02. Test the basic gates using PLC 03. Test the universal gates using PLC. 04. Test the EX-OR gate and EX-NOR gates using PLC. 05. Programs on ON-Delay Timer and OFF-Delay Timers 06. Programs on Retentive and Non-Retentive Timers. 07. Programs on Up counter and Down counters 08. Writing sample programs using JUMP. 09. Writing sample programs using SUB ROUTINE. 10. Water level controller. 11. Traffic light controller. 12. Conveyor controller. 13. Lift controller. 14. Using SCADA software create graphic symbols and associate tags with memory tags 15. Interface SCADA with PLC and associate tags with memory and I/O and operate the PLC inputs through the switch symbol from the computer screen and view the status of the outputs using lamp and motor graphics symbols in the screen 16. Study and Demonstration of CNC 17. Study and Demonstration of ROBOT 18. Study the Architecture of DCS. AEI-608 Bio- Medical Instrumentation Lab. . Study and Demonstration of X-ray. 2. Concept of ECG system and placement of electrodes 3. Concept of EEG system and placement of electrode 4. Concept of EMG system and placement of electrode . 5. Use of sphygrmanometer for measurement of blood pressure 6. Use Blood Flow Meter and get the data. 7. Study of DC Defibrillator AEI-609 COMMUNICATION AND LINEAR I.C LAB 1. Study of AM and Detection Process and Determine Modulation index From AM wave 2. Study of FM and Detection Process and note down the practical wave form 3. Study 0f PCM process and demodulation process and note down the practical wave form 4. Construction and Testing of inverting and non inverting amplifier using op-amp. 5. Construction and Testing of summing amplifier op-amp. 6. Construction and Testing of Instrumentation amplifier op-amp. 7. Construction and Testing of Digital to Analog converter op-amp. 8. Construction and Testing of Voltage to Current converter op-amp. 9. Construction and Testing of Current to Voltage converter op-amp. 10. Construction and Testing of Monostable multi vibrator using 555 timer. 11. Construction and Testing of Astable multi vibrator using 555 timer. 12. Construction and Testing of comparator circuit. 13. Construction and Testing of schmitt trigger circuit. AEI-107 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LAB S. N O 1. Expt. To be conducted Equipment with description Supplier Soldering and preparation of PCB PCB drilling unit with multirange bits and with associated accessories a) 31/2 digit multimeter with LCD display b) AF signal generator (0-1MHz) c)RF signal generator upto 100MHz range. d)Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (analogue) single trace 0-20MHz. e)Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (digital) dual trace 0-50MHz f)Regulated power supply unit 0-30Volts , 2Amps, Variable , dual channel source a)Digital LCR meter b)Public Address System, 500Watts c)Experimental boards MULTI 10,000/TECH.SYSTEMS. 2. Study and use of electronic equipment 3. Testing of Electronic Components 1)PN diode 2)Zener diode 3)Common Base transistor characteristics 4)Common Emitter transistor characteristics 5)Transistor as an amplifier 6)AC ammeters analogue 0-200μA 0-10 mA 0-25mA 0-50mA 7)DC ammeters Approx.cost Rs. Future tech. 2000/- -do- 5000/- PACIFIC Electronics -do- 10000/- -do- 25000/- -do- 5000/- -doAHUJA SYSTEMS MULTI TECH.SYSTEMS -do-do-do- 10000/25000/- -do- 2000/- -do- 2000/- -do- 800/- -do-do-do-do- 500/500/500/500/- 10000/- 2000/2000/2000/- analogue 0-1mA 0-10mA 0-25mA 0-50mA 8)DC Voltmeters analogue 0-1V 0-10V 0-25V 9)INVERTOR, 5KVA -do-do-do- 500/500/500/500/- -do-do-do- 500/500/100000/- AEI-307 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS -1 LAB S.N O 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Expt. To be conducted Half Wave rectifier with and without filter Full Wave rectifier with and without filter Zener voltage regulator Transistor Series voltage regulator IC regulator R-C coupled amplifier 7. Transformer coupled amplifier 8. JFET / FET Drain characteristics and mutual characteristics Equipment with description Experiments board Supplier Approx.cost Rs. 2000/- Experiments board 2000/- Experiment board 2000/- Experimental board 2000/- Experiment board Experiment board Ac millivoltmeter (0 to 1000 mV variable in 5 decades) analogue make Function generator (01MHz), with sine, square and triangular waveforms and 10Vrms max. Experiment board 2000/- Experiment board 2000/- 5000/- 10000/- 2000/- 9. MOSFET drain characteristics Experiment board 2000/- 10. UJT V-I characteristics Experiment board 2000/- 11. Measurement of Av, Ai, Zi, Zo of a CE transistor amplifier Experiment board 2000/- 12. P-Spice software for analog and digital circuit simulation with 30 user license Licensed software 200000/- AEI-308 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Expt. To be conducted Verify the truth tables of AND. OR ,NOT, NAND,NOR, EXOR using IC version Develop NOT , OR, AND operation using universal gates Construct Half adder and verify its truth table Construct Full adder and verify its truth table For all the above 4 experiments Construct and verify the truth tables of NAND and NOR latches Verify the truth talbes of RS,D,T, and JK and Equipment with description Experimental board Supplier Approx.cost Rs. 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Universal Digital trainer kit Experimental board 10000/- Experimental board 3000/- 3000/- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. JKMaster Slave Verify the function of counter (ICs like 7490,7493, 74160) Verify function of shift register (ICs like 7495,74194) Verify the truth table of digital comparator using IC 7485 Construct and verify the working of R-2R D to A convertor Verify the working of the Multiplexer 74153 Verify the working of the DeMultiplexer To study the write and read operation of RAM 7489 Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 3000/- Experimental board 2000/- Experimental board 2000/- Experimental board 2000/- AEI-409 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION LAB s. no Name of the equipment Specifications Approximate cost (Rs.) LINEAR DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENT BY USING RESISTIVE TRANSDUCER Linear displacement in the range 0 to 20 mm with digital indicator, built-in power supply and cable. Typical accuracy of +/- 1.5% of the range is claimed. 15,000 LINEAR VARIABLE DIFFERENTIALTRANSFORMER( LVDT) Displacement 19.99 mm(+10 mm), Operating frequency: 4 KHz with output of 1 volt ac, rms, Built -in power supplyes, 3 1/2 digital indicator with polarity indication, 18,000 ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENT BY USING CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCER Capacitance: 50 pf to 500 pf, Angular displacement: 0 to 180 degrees, Builtin power supply. 1 2 3 10,000 Name of manufacturer Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore 4 ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENT BY USING RESISTIVE TRANSDUCER 5 TEMPERATURE MEASURTEMENT USING THERMO COUPLE 6 TEMPERATURE MEASURTEMENT USING THERMISTOR 7 TEMPERATURE MEASURTEMENT USING RTD 8 STRAIN GUAGE MODULE (WITH CANTILEVER BEAM) 9 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT USING STRAIN GUAGE Angular rotation: 0 to 250 degrees, Output: 0-250 mv D.C., Built-in power supply I) Iron - Constantan, II) Copper Constantan, Thermocouples suitabel for the range of 0 to 100 degree centigrade. In order to perform temperature measurementexperiments a water container along with 100 watt / 1 KW heater, cable & a standard laboratory thermometer also to be supplied. Panel Provision: DPM 2V, An NTC thermistor with a nominal value of resistance, at 25 degree centigrade, of 1 kohm. To plot the resistance versus temperature characteristics in the range 0 to 100 degree centigrade. The thermistor is to be enclosed properly to protect from water. Maximum allowable temperature is 150 degrees centigrade. Panel Provisions : 250mV DPM, A standard PT 100 element enclosed in stainless steel cover with teflon to be supplied.The transducer exhibits a resistance of 100 ohms at 0 centigrade and139 ohms at 100 centigrade. Maximum temp. is 200 centigrade and accuracy +/-1% Study of Strain guage with test cantilever and weights (4Kg.) 4 nos. of strain guages with a nominal value of 120 ohms/350ohms are mounted on a cantilever beam which can be loaded with the helpof weights in a pan.Accuracy : +/- 1%, Buit-in power supply, 3 1/2 digit LED display. Tranducer: Strain guage type with 350 ohms per element, Exitation: 9 Volts D.C., Output: 0 to 5 kg/sq. cm, 3 1/2 digit LED display, 15 PSI dial guage, Foot pump & built-in power supply. 10,000 Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai. 8,000 Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai. 8,000 Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai. 9,000 Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore 12,000 Hem Electronics, Miraj, Maharastra, Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore 15,000 Kuruganti Computers pvt. ltd., Chennai., Unique systems, Bangalore 10 LOAD CELL TRAINER MODULE 11 DIGITAL PH METER 12 DIGITAL CONDUCTIVITY METER 13 NI MyDAQ system 14 NI Lab view software bundle A load cell of 5 kg capacity (Strain Gauge type), A pan provision for placing the standard weights, Signal conditioner for load cell (output 0-5V), Built in Instrumentation power supply, Offset, Gain Variable provision, 3½ digit digital indicator to display the applied load, Range:0-14, output voltage: 0-+1999 mv, Resolution: 0.01 PH, 1mV in mV mode, Temperature compentation: 0100 degree centi grade, 3 1/2 digit LED LCD seven segment display, Built-in power supply, Combined electrode, Stand & clamp. Conductivity range: 0.01 micro seimens -20 milli seimens with 0.1 cell constant, Temperature compentation, (Auto/Manual), 3 digit LED display, 0.01 micro seimens resolution, Accuracy + 1% of full scale, + 1 digit, 1 cell constant cell, 0.1 cell constant cell, Temperature probe ( PT 100 sensor), clamp & stand. ADC of 200 KS/sec., DMM, Oscilloscope, DIO lines Arbitrary wavw form generator, power supply of 15 volts & 5 volts, Bode analyzer with required Labview software & Multisim student edition. NI Lab view professional development system with tool kits for signal processing, communication systems and circuit design with 30 user license. 15,000 VI micro systems, Chennai. 10,000 Systronics (India) Ltd., Ahmedabad 15,000 Systronics (India) Ltd., Ahmedabad 15,000 NI systems (India) private limited. 50,000 NI systems (India) private limited. AEI-410 MICROCONTROLLER LAB S Exp to be conducted NO 1 Programming in Assembly Language on trainer Kits 2 Equipment with description 8051trainer kits with required cables and accessories Interfacing boards for 8051 a)USART b)PPI-8255 c)RS-232 Suppliers Approx.Unit Cost in Rs. 10000 2000 2000 2000 AEI-607 PLC AND SCADA LAB EXPERIMENT SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLIER COST 250,000 Allen-Bradley, Seimens PLC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 1. The PLC system shall be modular, compact having a CPU and 8Digital inputs , 8 Digital outputs, 2 Analog inputs and 2 Analog outputs 2. The PLC shall be capable of expanding of expanding by adding input/output modules to the extent of minimum of 428 digital inputs, 428 digital outputs, 124 analog inputs and 124 analog outputs. 3. PLC shall be supplied with 1 no high speed counter module. 4. The PLC shall have status and diagnostic LEDs built on CPU. 5. The expansion I/O modules shall be pluggable and the wiring shall not be disturbed for replacing modules. 6. PLC shall be capable of working as independent system as well as distributed system by adding similar CPUs and I/Os in the PLC network. 7. PLC shall be capable of communicating in the Ethernet/Profinet Protocol 8. PLC shall be capable of communicating to any other PLC /HMI/AC drive on Ethernet if added later. 9. PLC shall not use special communication adaptor for uploading/ downloading programs from Desktop / Laptop 10. PLC shall support minimum of 256 software counters and 256 software timers. PLC SYSTEM 11. PLC shall have a work memory of 128 KB minimum extendable load memory of 1 MB. 12. Data retention on the load memory shall be at least for 10 years. 13. PLC shall have a configurable retentive memory for timers and counters. 14. PLC shall have a bit operation time of minimum 0.1 us, word processing time of 0.2 us, Fixed point arithmetic 2 us and Floating point arithmetic 0.3 us. 15. The PLC shall support data blocks. 16. PLC shall be capable of working with 24 volts DC supply for power, 24 volts DC supply for inputs and 24volts DC digital outputs. 17. Monitoring, diagnostic and Force functions shall be available for testing. 18. PLC shall be capable of updating HMI variables in less than 600 mille seconds. 19. Operating hours counter shall be available with CPU. 20. PLC shall have minimum of 2 ports for communication with HMI and connecting to Desktop/Laptop 21. The Programming software shall be supplied along with PLC system. 22. The Programming software shall support ladder programming and FBD. 23. A Programming terminal /desktop shall be supplied for programming. 24. The PLC system shall be mounted on a compact panel and wired with suitable connectors ready for connecting to Simulator panel. Simulation Panel Specifications: 1. The Simulation panel shall consist of 8 nos. of toggle switches/push buttons wired to sockets as digital inputs and wired to connectors. 2. 8 nos. of LED lamps shall be provided for indicating status of outputs and wired to connector. 3. Sockets are provided for analog inputs, outputs and high speed counter inputs. 4. Digital voltmeter and ammeter are provided for analog measurements. 5. Analog potentiometers are to be provided for varying voltage for inputting analog supply. 6. 24v DC power supply module shall be provided for using as digital input voltage. 7. 10v DC power supply module shall be provided for using analog input voltage. 8. The Power supplies shall be protected with suitable MCB. 9. The 230v ac input power shall be given through an industrial 3 pin socket to the simulator panel. 10. All the input and output components shall be engraved or printed with suitable I/O addresses. AEI-609 COMMUNICATION AND LIC LAB S.No 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Expt. To be conducted Generation and detection of AM signal Generation and detection of FM signal Study of AM superheterodyne receiver Series resonance Parallel resonance Verification of Thevenin’s theorem Equipment with description Experiment board Supplier Approx.cost Rs. 2500/- Experiment board 2500/- 1.Dynamic Demonstrator module with transistor version 2.Standard Signal generator Experimental board Experiment board 10000/- Experiment board 2000/- 50000/2000/2000/- 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Verification of Superposition theorem Verification of Maximum Power transfer theorem Differentiator and Intergrator Characteristics of Photo diode, Photo transistor Negative feedback Voltage Amplifier Push pull power amplifier with Class-B operation Positive and Negative Clippers OPAMP as Inverter, Summer, differentiator and Integrator RC Phase shift Oscillator Wein bridge Oscillator Hartley/Colpitts Oscilator Monostable Multivibrator using Transistors Characteristics of LDR/LED Astable Multivibrator using 555 timer IC VCO using Experiment board 2000/- Experiment board 2000/- 1.Experiment board 2000/- 2.Function generator Experimental board with built in power supply 10000/3000 Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with built in power supply Experimental board with built in power supply Experimental board with built in power supply Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with built in power supply Experimental board with built in power supply 3000 Experimental board with 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 22 LM566 SCR Characteristics built in power supply Experimental board with built in power supply 3000