AP World History Summer Work 15-16 Welcome to AP World History and ninth grade! I look forward to embarking on this challenging yet fascinating journey through the history of the world with you. My goal is for every student enrolled in the class to pass the AP Exam in May, and to earn college credit. This requires dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work on both our parts. I will do my job to the best of my ability, and I expect you to do yours. While I respect your need for free time this summer, I feel it is important for you to be prepared with some prior knowledge on the first day of school. This course moves very quickly and we cover topics from Prehistory to contemporary issues in today’s societies. In order to stay on track, it will be necessary for you to complete work outside of school during the year and this summer. This summer assignment will be due on the first day of school. Advice: Don’t procrastinate, do it as soon as you can to get it off your plate! *********Before you leave school you need to check out a textbook from me in Room #14*********** Note: The assignments are self-explanatory but if you have questions, email me at Amanda.bumgarner@lakemaryprep.com Part One: Outlines (Formative, 50 points- 25 pts. each, see rubric below) Chapter 1: Outline (see layout below, I have laid Chapter One out for you.) Chapter 2: Outline Part Two: Documents (Formative, 16 points-2 points per question) Chapter 1: Read documents on Pgs. 46-58 “Considering the Evidence,” and answer questions #1-4 on Page 59 “Using the Evidence.” Chapter 2: Read documents on Pgs. 92-107 “Considering the Evidence,” and answer questions #1-4 on Page 107 “Using the Evidence.” -You should answer the questions in grammatically correct, full sentences. The three videos below from the Khan Academy website night also be helpful. 1) http://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/tree-of-life/v/human-prehistory-101-part-1--out-of-eastern--africa 2) http://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/tree-of-life/v/human-prehistory-101-part-2-weathering-the-storm 3) http://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/tree-of-life/v/human-prehistory-101-part-3-agriculture-rocks-our-world AP World History Chapter Outline Layout Chapter 1: First Peoples; First Farmers Introduction 1. Main Idea (all main ideas are full sentences) Section Title: Out of Africa to the Ends of the Earth (These are the pink titles) - Your three main ideas below should support the topic of the section 1. Main Idea a. detail – (details should support the main idea) b. detail 2. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 3. Main idea a. detail b. detail The Ways We Were 1. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 2. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 3. Main idea a. detail b. detail Breakthroughs to Agriculture 1. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 2. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 3. Main idea a. detail b. detail The Globalization of Agriculture 1. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 2. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 3. Main idea a. detail b. detail Social Variation in the Age of Agriculture 1. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 2. Main Idea a. detail b. detail 3. Main idea a. detail b. detail Reflections: The Uses of the Paleolithic 1. Main Idea Chapter Outline Rubric Category Main Idea Organization (Must be full sentences) Supplemental Information (Details) Organization and readability Formatting Elements of Writing 5 Outline contains main ideas (in full sentences) from each of the main topics (headings) in the chapter (one for Intro/Reflection, three for other sections) Outline contains at least two specific details that support/provide evidence for each of the main ideas highlighted in all sections. Outline is hierarchically organized, with clear section titles, main ideas and details within an easy to follow format. Text should be Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced, one inch margins (APA) see Elements of Writing below 4 Outline contains main ideas (in full sentences) from most of the main topics (headings) in the chapter (one for Intro/Reflection, at least two for other sections) 3 Outline follows most rules of organization, but is challenging in structure. Outline does not include main ideas (in full sentences) from most of the main topics (headings) in the chapter Outline contains less than two details that support and provide evidence for the main ideas highlighted in most sections. Outline is not structured or main ideas/details are difficult to recognize and interpret. x x x x Outline contains two details that support and provide evidence for the main ideas highlighted in most sections. 2 No main ideas are in full sentences. Outline does not include the main topics (headings) No specific details Outline is not readable or not completed. Not formatted correctly a distracting number of errors Elements of Writing: (You will also see these in your English class) These elements of writing should already have been learned and mastered. Errors will result in a deduction of a point on all writing in this class: /it’s and where/were These two skills are our focus skills for the first quarter and will also result in a points deduction: Part Three: (Formative, 12 points) Vocabulary for Period One: 1. Migration 2. Paleolithic Era 3. Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution 4. Domestication 5. Civilization 6. Empire 7. Pastoral 8. Polytheism 9. Monotheism 10. Theocracy 11. Patriarchy 12. City-State Unit REPs Relate: Relate the term to something from your own experience, or relate to other things we have learned Example: Write a detailed example, explain specifically how it is used, or apply the term to a specific situation Picture: Draw a picture of the term in action, a visual cue, or a visual representation of the term Example Migration Definition: movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. R: My family migrated from North Carolina to Florida when I was in elementary school for a warmer climate. E: Early peoples (hunter/gatherers) migrated from one place to another when they were following their prey. P: Definition: R: E: P: E: P: E: P: E: P: Definition: R: Definition: R: Definition: R: Definition: R: E: P: E: P: E: P: E: P: Definition: R: Definition: R: Definition: R: Definition: R: E: P: E: P: E: P: Definition: R: Definition: R: IMPORTANT: All parts of the assignment (outlines, documents and vocabulary REPs) are due on the FIRST day of class. The assignment counts as three formative grades and we will be taking a quiz on the material on the first Friday of the school year.