Math Education Assessment of Mathematics Education 2013 Summary Analysis The benchmarks were all met with the exception of Course Grades related to taking SEED 440 (formerly SEED 471) and the Math Education Exit Exam. The only graduate in 2013 with a Math Education major did not take SEED 440, SEED 440 is now a required course in the program for students in the 2012 catalog and beyond. The only graduate from the program skipped six of the seven mathematical proof questions on the exit exam and demonstrated a general lack of engagement/effort on the exam. We will monitor the engagement/effort on the exit exam by graduates in the spring and fall of 2014 to determine if this is an isolated incident or if changes are required in the administration of the exam so students take the exit exam seriously. 2012 Summary Analysis The benchmarks were all met with the exception of Course Grades related to taking SEED 440 (formerly SEED 471), the classroom management course. Despite recommendations that students take the classroom management course which is an optional course in the program we have not had a graduate take the course in the past five years. Given the importance of classroom management, the course is now required in the program for students in the 2012 Catalog. Starting in the spring of 2013 math education graduates will be required to take a DSU math education exit exam (secondary to the Praxis Content exam) so there will be less reliance on course grades in writing the next SPA report for NCATE accreditation. The math education assessment plan will contain the following new measurement: (1.a.6) Exit Exam – graduates will demonstrate at least partial command in all seven categories and sufficient or deep command in at least four of the seven categories. Benchmark at 90%. The DSU math education exit exam has forty questions in seven categories: Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Discrete Math, Probability and Statistics, and Measurement. The student will be evaluated as having either minimal command, partial command, sufficient command or deep command of the knowledge and skills associated with the content in each category as demonstrated on the exit exam. Math Education Assessment of Mathematics Education 2011 Summary Analysis The benchmarks were all met with the exception of Course Grades related to taking SEED 440 (formerly SEED 471), the classroom management course. Despite recommendations that students take the classroom management course which is an optional course in the program we have not had a graduate take the course in the past five years. At this point in time we need to determine if this course needs to be required of math education majors. We also need to evaluate the program in regards to potential reduction in credit hours from 128 to 120. Math Education 2010 Summary Analysis Assessment of Mathematics Education There were no graduates in the previous year (Fall 2009 or Spring 2010), however recent data from employers and graduate surveys added to the table for the 2008-2009 graduates are all positive. All benchmarks related to the new data are at100% and don’t warrant further review at this time. We are still monitoring the results of advising on students taking the elective Classroom Management class (didn’t meet our benchmark previously). Math Education 2009 Summary Analysis Assessment of Mathematics Education Upon review of the annual data of the mathematics education program assessment there was one category in which the benchmark set was not met. The math education students have not been taking the recommend classroom management course (SEED 471 Classroom Management). It is an advising goal that at least 50% of the graduates take this optional course. The math faculty feel this is an important course for future teachers and we will strongly encourage that the course be taken by our students. If the trend continues we may need to consider making the course a requirement instead of a recommendation. Math Education 2008 Summary Analysis Upon review of the annual data of the mathematics education program assessment (two years data, fall 06-spring08) there was one category in which the benchmark set was not met. Neither of the two graduates had taken the SEED 471 Classroom Management course and it is an advising goal that at least 50% of the graduates take this optional course. This is an advising issue and the math education advisors will discuss and recommend the course to students during their student teaching semester. Although scores earned by graduates on the Teaching Assessment Form were lower than expected, the average of proficient in the benchmark was met. Given the following data on the Praxis scores the marks on the Teaching Assessment Form were not of concern. The following table provides the subscores for the two program completers (fall 2006 and spring 2008) for the Math Content Exam (no test takers in the spring of 2007 or fall 2008) along with the possible raw score for each section. Algebra and Number Theory Measurement, Geometry, Trigonometry Functions, Calculus Data Analysis and Statistics, Probability Matrix Algebra, Discrete Mathematics Scaled Score Candidate 1 6 8 6 6 5 154 Candidate 2 5 7 8 5 3 149 Possible Raw Score 8 12 14 8 8 -- Minimum Passing Score Requirement 124 The following table provides Praxis II PLT scores for two program completers; one in fall 2006 and the other in spring 2008. South Dakota Qualifying Score is 153. I. II. III. IV. Students as Instruction & Assessment Teacher Professionalism Students as Learners V. VI. VII. Instruction & Communication Techniques Case Teacher Professionalism Scaled Score Learners Case History Assessment History Case History Case History Candidate 1 7 8 8 8 6 6 2 172 Candidate 2 7 5 5 12 8 6 2 170 Possible Raw Score 8 8 8 16 16 8 8 200 Minimum Passing Score Requirement 153