Higher SQA Question topics 09 -14


2009 Section B

21. Straight Line – Altitude, pt. of intersection

22. Vectors – Collinearity, Find value of letter

23. Graphs of functions – y=f(2x), y=1-f(2x)

24. Addition Formula

2009 Paper 2

1. Differentiation – Nature Table

2. Composite Functions

3. Polynomials combined with Log Equations

4. Circle – Tangent, find equation of circle, radius relationship

5. Trig Equations combined with further Integration

6. Exponential Growth & Decay

7. Properties of Scalar Product

2010 Section B

21. Straight Line – Median, Ratio

22. Polynomials – Fully factorise combined with tangent to curve

23. Addition Formula

2010 Paper 2

1. Vectors – Find coordinates and angle between vectors

2. Wave Function and Max/Min values

3. Circle – Tangent, find Equation of circle, radius relationship

4. Trig Equation

5. Differentiation – Optimisation

6. Differentiation/Integration – Equation of tangent to curve, find shaded area

7. Log Equations

2011 Section B

21. Straight Line – Equation of diagonal, pt. of intersection, perpendicular bisector

22. Differentiation- Nature table, sketch graphs

23. Trig Equations

2011 Paper 2

1. Vectors - Find coordinates and angle between vectors

2. Composite Functions combined with polynomials

3. Recurrence Relations – Sim.Equation type and find limit

4. Integration – Area between line and curve

5. Logarithms – Experimental Data

6. Wave Function combined with further integration

7. Circle – circle within a circle, find value of letter

2012 Section B

21. Polynomials combined with Integration – fully factorise and determine shaded area

22. Wave Function and pts. of intersection

23. Straight Line – Perpendicular Bisector, pt. of intersection, distance formula

2012 Paper 2

1. Composite Functions combined with Quadratic Theory

2. Circle – Find pts of intersection, find equation of circle

3. Differentiation – Nature table, determine Max and Min values

4. Graphs of functions – derived graph plus shift graph

5. Vectors – Angle between vectors

6. Recurrence Relations combined with Trig – Limits

7. Logarithmic Graphs

2013 Section B

21. Complete the Square

22. Circle – Tangent, find equation of circle, radius relationship

23. Wave Function and Max Values

24. Vectors – Collinearity, ratio, pt. of intersection

2013 Paper 2

1. Recurrence Relations – Sim.Equation type

2. Straight Line – Equation of line, Midpoint, figure out coordinates

3. Polynomials combined with Differentiation – Fully factorise and nature table

4. Integration – area between line and curve

5. Log Equation

6. Integration – further calculus

7. Differentiation – Optimisation

8. Trig Equation

9. Exponential Growth & Decay

2014 Section B

21. Differentiation – Nature table and sketch graph

22. Polynomials – Find missing letters, fully factorise

23. Circle - Find pts of intersection, find equation of circle

24. Experimental Data

2014 Paper 2

1. Straight Line – Perpendicular bisector, pt. of intersection, angle

2. Differentiation – Equation of tangent to a curve

3. Composite Functions combined with Quadratic Theory

4. Vectors – Angle between vectors

5. Integration – further calculus

6. Trig Equation

7. Integration – Area between line and curve

8. Circle – find range of values of letter

9. Differentiation – rates of change, further calculus.
